Practical Identity Management With MidPoint
by Radovan Semančík et al.
Book revision: 2.2
Publication date: 2022-04-21
Corresponding midPoint version: 4.4
© 2015-2022 Radovan Semančík and Evolveum, s.r.o. All rights reserved.
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.
The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Many years ago we started a project. Because we had to. Back then we didn’t think too much about business and markets and things like that. We were focused on the technology. The project simply went on. It had its ups and downs – but all the time there was pure engineering passion. The effort brought fruits, and now there is a product like no other: midPoint.
MidPoint is an identity management and governance platform. We built it from scratch. It is a comprehensive and feature-rich system. MidPoint can handle complete identity lifecycle management and some parts of identity governance and compliance. It can speed up the process that create accounts for new employee, student or customer. MidPoint can automatically disable accounts after the relation to the person has expired. MidPoint manages assignment of roles and privileges to employees, partners, agents, contractors, customers and students. MidPoint keeps an eye that the policies are continually maintained and enforced. It governs the processes of access certification (attestations). It provides auditing and reporting based on the identity data.
MidPoint is a comprehensive system. There are not many products that can do what midPoint does. Yet, midPoint has one critical advantage over the competing products: midPoint is completely open source platform. Open source is the fundamental philosophy of midPoint. We believe that open source is a critical aspect in the development of quality software. Open source principle is a guiding principle of midPoint community: partners, contributors supporters and all the engineers that work with midPoint. Open source character means that any engineer can completely understand how midPoint works. It also means that midPoint can be modified as needed, that issues can be fixed quickly, and especially to ensure the continuity of midPoint development. After all these years with midPoint, we simply cannot imagine using any identity technology which is not open source.
There are few engineers in our team who have been dealing with identity management deployments since early 2000s. The term "Identity and Access Management" (IAM) was not even invented back then. We have seen a lot of IAM solutions during our careers. The IDM system was the core of vast majority of these solutions. Whether it is given by our point of view, or whether that is the generic rule, we do not know for sure. All we know is that midPoint is a really useful tool. When it is used by the right hands, midPoint can do miracles. This is exactly what this book is all about: the right use of midPoint to build a practical Identity Management solutions. This book will tell you how to build and deploy a practical IDM solution. It will also tell you why to do it in the first place. The book will explain not just the features and configuration options. It will also describe the motivation and the underlying principles of identity management. Understanding the principles is as at least as important as knowing the mechanics of an IDM product. The book describes how the things work when they work. It also tries to describe the limitations, drawbacks and pitfalls. The limitations are often much more important than the features, especially when designing a new solution on a green field.
The first chapter is an introduction to the basic concepts of Identity and Access Management (IAM). It is very general, and it does not deal with midPoint at all. Therefore, if you are familiar with Identity and Access Management, feel free to skip the first chapter. However, according to our experience, this chapter has many some things to tell even to exprienced IAM engineers. If you are impatient, and you want to start directly with midPoint, then skip the chapter (you would do that anyway, wouldn’t you?). Just please try to find the time to return to the first chapter later. This chapter contains important information to put midPoint in broader context. You will need that information to build a complete IAM solution.
The second chapter describes the midPoint big picture. It shows how midPoint looks like from the outside. It describes how midPoint is usually used, and how it behaves. The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the reader with midPoint workings and basic principles. It describes how midPoint is used.
The third chapter describes basic concepts of midPoint configuration. It guides the reader through midPoint installation. It describes how midPoint is customized to suit the needs of a particular deployment. However, midPoint customization is a very complex matter, and chapter describes just the basic principles. It will take most of the book to fill in the details.
The fourth chapter describes the concepts of identity resource and mappings. This is the bread-and-butter of an identity management. This chapter will tell you how to create very basic midPoint deployment, how to connect target systems and how to map and transform the data.
The fifth chapter is all about synchronization. Primary purpose of synchronization is to get the data from the source systems such as HR system to midPoint. Yet, midPoint synchronization is much more powerful than that. This chapter also expands the explanation of underlying midPoint principles such as mappings and deltas.
The sixth chapter talks about midPoint schema. MidPoint has a built-in identity data model. Even though this data model is quite rich, it is usually not sufficient to cover all the real-world use cases. Therefore, the data model is designed to be extensible. This chapter describes the methods how a new data items can be defined in midPoint schema.
The seventh chapter is all about role-based access control (RBAC). MidPoint role-based model is a very powerful tool to set up complex structures describing job roles, responsibilities, privileges and so on. The role model, and especially the concept of assignment, are generic mechanisms that are used in almost every part of midPoint. Organizational structure management and many identity governance features are built on the foundations described in this chapter.
The eighth chapter is an introduction to object templates. Those templates form a basis of an internal data consistency in midPoint. They can be used to set up simple policies and automation rules. Object templates are a basic workhorse that is used in almost all midPoint deployments.
The ninth chapter describes organizational structures. MidPoint organizational structure mechanisms are generic and very powerful. They can be used to model traditional organizational hierarchies, tree, and even structures that are not exactly trees. The same mechanism can be used to set up projects, teams, workgroups, classes or almost any conceivable grouping concept. This chapter describes how organizational structures are synchronized with the outer world. The concept of generic synchronization can be applied to synchronize midPoint objects with almost any external data structure.
The tenth chapter is about troubleshooting. To err is human. Given all the flexibility of midPoint mechanisms, configuration mistakes just happen, and it may not be easy to figure out the root cause of problems. Therefore, this chapter provides an overview of midPoint diagnostic facilities and recommendations for their use.
The eleventh chapter provides overview of midPoint development process and overall approach. It is also explained how midPoint development is funded and how midPoint subscriptions work.
The twelfth chapter is a collection of pointers to additional information. This includes a pointer to sample files that accompany this book.
Finally, there is a glossary, explaining all the strange and confusing terms used in identity management and governance field.
The other chapters are not written yet. The description of policies, entitlements, authorizations, archetypes, deployment practices and all the other advanced topics is missing. This book is not finished yet. Just like midPoint itself, this book is written in an incremental and iterative way. Writing a good book is a huge task in itself, and it takes a lot of time. We cannot dedicate that much time to writing the book in one huge chunk. Obviously, a book like this is needed for midPoint community. Therefore, we have decided not to wait until the book is complete. We will be continuously publishing those chapters that are reasonably well finished. It is better to have something than to have nothing, isn’t it? Please be patient. The whole book will be finished eventually. As always – your support, contributions and sponsoring may considerably speed up things here.
We would like to thank all the midPoint developers, contributors and supporters. There was a lot of people involved in midPoint during all these years. All these people pushed midPoint forward. Most of all, we would like to thank the people that were there when the midPoint project was young and that are still there until this day. We would like to thank Katka Stanovská, Katka Bolemant (née Valaliková), Igor Farinič, Ivan Noris, Vilo Repáň, Pavol Mederly and Radovan Semančík. Those were the people that were there when midPoint was young, and they are still the people who are the force that drives midPoint into the future.
Anything that is stated in this book are the opinions of the authors. We have tried really hard to remain objective. However, as hard as we might try, some points of view are difficult to change. We work for Evolveum – a company that is also an independent software vendor. Therefore, our opinions may be slightly biased. We have honestly tried to avoid any biases and follow proper engineering practices. You are the judge and the jury in this matter. You, the reader, will decide whether we have succeeded or not. You have free access to all the necessary information to do that: this book is freely available as is all the midPoint documentation and the source code. We are not hiding anything. Unlike many other vendors, we do not want or need to hide any aspect of the software we are producing.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND). This essentially means that you can freely use this book for a personal use. You can retrieve and distribute it at no cost. However, you are not allowed to sell it, modify it or use any parts of this book in commercial projects. There is no direct profit that we make from this book. The primary reason for writing this book is to spread knowledge about midPoint. However, even open source projects such as midPoint need funding. If you use midPoint in a commercial project that is a source of profit we think it is only fair if you share part of that profit with midPoint authors. Therefore, we have chosen the CC BY-NC-ND license for this book. You can use this book freely to learn about midPoint. However, this license does not give you right to take parts of this book and include it in your project documentation. You can point to this book by URL, but you are not allowed to pass this book to the customer as a part of product documentation in a commercial project. You are not allowed to use this book as material during commercial training. You are not allowed use the book in any way that generates profit. If you need to use this book in such a way, please contact Evolveum, and you can obtain special license to do this. The license fees collected in this way will be used to improve midPoint and especially midPoint documentation. You know as well as we do that this is needed.
Following people have worked on the words and images that make up this book:
Radovan Semančík (author and maintainer)
Veronika Kolpaščiková (illustrations, corrections)
Richard Richter (corrections, suggestions)
Yet there is much more people whose work was needed to make this work happen: midPoint developers, contributors, analysts and deployment engineers, specialists and generalists, theoretical scientists and practical engineers, technical staff and business people, people of Evolveum and the people that work for our partners, our families, friends and all the engineers and scientists for generations and generations past. We indeed stand on the shoulders of giants.
1. Understanding Identity and Access Management
The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.
What is identity and access management? Answer to that question is both easy and very complex. The easy part is: identity and access management (IAM) is a set of information technologies that deal with identities in the cyberspace. The complex part of the answer takes the rest of this book.
This book deals mostly with Enterprise Identity and Access Management. That is identity and access management applied to larger organizations such as enterprises, financial institutions, government agencies, universities, health care, etc. The focus is on managing employees, contractors, customers, partners, students and other people that cooperate with the organization. However, many of the mechanisms and principles described in this book can be applied to non-enterprise environments.
The story of identity and access management starts with information security. The security requirements dictate the need for authentication and authorization of the users. Authentication is a mechanism by which the computer checks that the user is really the one they pretend to be. And authorization is a related mechanism by which the computer determines whether to allow or deny the user a specific action. Almost every computer system has some means of authentication and authorization.
Perhaps the most widespread form of authentication is a password-based "log in" procedure. The user presents an identifier and a password. The computer checks whether the password is valid. For this procedure to work the computer needs an access to the database of all valid users and passwords. Early stand-alone information systems had their own databases that were isolated from the rest of the cyberspace. The data were maintained manually. But the advent of computer networking changed everything. Users were able to access many systems and the systems themselves were connected to each other. Maintaining an isolated user database in each system no longer made much sense. And that’s where the real story of digital identity begins.
Directory Services and Other User Databases
The central concept of identity management is a data record that contains information about a person. This concept has many names: user profile, persona, user record, digital identity and many more. The most common name in the context of identity management is user account. Accounts usually hold information that describes the real-world person using a set of attributes such as given name and family name. But probably the most important part is the technical information that relates to the operation of an information system for which the account is created. This includes operational parameters such as location of users home directory, wide variety of permission information such as group and role membership, system resource limits and so on. User accounts are represented in a wide variety of forms ranging from relational database records through structured data files to semi-structured text files. But regardless of the specific method used to store and process the records the account is undoubtedly one of the most important concepts of IAM field. And so are the databases where the accounts are stored as accounts, being data records, they have to be stored somewhere.
The account databases are as varied as the account types. Most account databases in the past were implemented as an integral part of the monolithic information system using the same database technology as the system itself used. This is an obvious choice and it remains very popular even today. Therefore many accounts are stored in relational database tables and similar application data stores.
Application data stores are usually tightly bound to the application. Therefore accounts stored in such databases are difficult to share with other applications. However, sharing account data across the organization is more than desirable. It makes very little sense to maintain account data in each database separately – especially if most the accounts are the same in each application. Therefore there is a strong motivation to deploy account databases that can be shared by many applications.
Directory servers are built with the primary purpose to provide shared data storage to applications. While application databases usually use their own proprietary protocol, directory servers implement standardized protocols. While databases are built for application-specific data model, directory servers usually extend standardized data model which improves interoperability. While databases may be heavyweight and expensive to scale, directory servers are designed to be lightweight and provide massive scalability. That makes directory servers almost ideal candidates for a shared account database.
Shared identity store is making user management easier. An account needs to be created and managed in one place only. Authentication still happens in each application separately. Yet, as the applications use the same credentials from the shared store, the user may use the same password for all the connected applications. This is an improvement over setting the password for each application separately.
Identity management solutions based on shared directory servers are simple and quite cost-efficient. Therefore we have been giving the same advice for many years: if you can connect all your applications to an LDAP server, do not think too much about it and just do it. The problem is that this usually works only for very simple systems.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a standard protocol for accessing directory services. It is an old protocol when judging by Internet age standards. LDAP roots go as far back as 1980s to a family of telecommunication protocols known as X.500. Even though LDAP may be old, it is widely used. It is a very efficient binary protocol that was designed to support massively distributed shared databases. It has a small set of well-defined simple operations. The operations and the data meta-model implied by the protocol allow very efficient data replication and horizontal scalability of directory servers. This simplicity contributes to low latencies and high throughput for read operations. The horizontal scalability and relative autonomy of directory server instances is supposed to increase the availability of the directory system. These benefits often come at the expense of slow write operations. As identity data are often read but seldom modified, slower writes are usually a perfectly acceptable trade-off. Therefore, LDAP-based directory servers were, and in many places still remain, the most popular databases for identity data.
LDAP is one of the precious few established standards in the IAM field. However, it is far from being perfect. LDAP was created in 1990s, with roots going back to 1980s. There are some problems in original LDAP design, such as grouping mechanisms and some details of search and modify operations. Also, LDAP schema has a distinctive feel of 80s and 90s. LDAP would deserve a major review, to correct the problems and bring the protocol to 21st century. Sadly, there hasn’t been a major update to LDAP specifications for decades.
Even though LDAP has its problems, it still remains a useful tool. Most LDAP server vendors provide proprietary solutions to LDAP problems. Many organizations store identities in LDAP-enabled data stores. There are many applications that support LDAP, mostly for centralization of password-based authentication. LDAP still remains a major protocol in Identity and Access Management field. Therefore we will be getting back to the LDAP protocol many times in this book.
Directory Servers are Databases
Directory servers are just databases that store information. Nothing more. The protocols and APIs used to access directory servers are designed as database interfaces. It means that they are good for storing, searching and retrieving data. While the user account data often contain entitlement information (permissions, groups, roles, etc.), identity stores are not well suited to evaluate them. I.e. directory server can provide information what permissions an account has, but it is not designed to make a decision whether to allow or deny a specific operation. And that is not all. Directory servers do not contain data about user sessions. It means that directory servers do not know whether the user is currently logged in or not. Many directory servers are used for basic authentication and even authorization. Yet, the directory servers were not designed to do this. Directory servers provide only the very basic capabilities. There are plug-ins and extensions that provide partial capabilities to support authentication and authorization. But that does not change the fundamental design principles. Directory servers are databases, not authentication or authorization servers. They should be used as such.
However, many applications use directory servers to centralize password authentication. In fact, this is a good and cost-efficient way to centralize password-based authentication, especially if you are just starting with identity and access management. Nevertheless, you should be aware this a temporary solution. It has many limitations. The right way to do it is to use an authentication server instead of directory server. Access Management (AM) technologies can provide that.
Single Directory Server Myth
Shared directory server makes user management easier. However, this is not a complete solution and there are serious limitations to this approach. The heterogeneity of information systems makes it nearly impossible to put all required data into a single directory system.
The obvious problem is the lack of a single, coherent source of information. There are usually several sources of information for a single user. For example a human resources (HR) system is authoritative for the existence of a user in the enterprise. But the HR system is usually not authoritative for assignment of employee identifier such as username. There needs to be an algorithm that ensures uniqueness of the username, possibly including uniqueness across all the current and past employees, contractors and partners. Moreover, there may be additional sources of information. For example Management information system may be responsible for determination of user’s roles (e.g. in project-oriented organizational structure). Inventory management system may be responsible for assigning telephone number to the user. The groupware system may be an authoritative source of the user’s e-mail address and other electronic contact data. There are usually 2 to 20 systems that provide authoritative information for a single user. Therefore, there is no simple way how to feed and maintain the data in the directory system.
And then there are spacial and technological barriers. Many complex applications need local user database. They must store the copies of user records in their own databases to operate efficiently. For example, large billing systems cannot work efficiently with external data (e.g. because of a need to make relational database join). Therefore, even if directory server is deployed, these applications still need to maintain a local copy of identity data. Keeping the copy synchronized with the directory data may seem like a simple task. But it is not. Additionaly, there are legacy systems which usually cannot access the external data at all (e.g. they do not support LDAP protocol at all).
Some services need to keep even more state than just a simple database record. For example file servers usually create home directories for users. While the account creation can usually be done in on-demand fashion (e.g. create user directory at first user log-on), the modification and deletion of the account is much more difficult. Directory server will not do that.
Perhaps the most painful problem is the complexity of access control policies. Role names and access control attributes may not have the same meaning in all systems. Different systems usually have different authorization algorithms that are not mutually compatible. While this issue can be solved with per-application access control attributes, the maintenance of these attributes is seldom trivial. If every application has its own set of attributes to control access control policies then the centralized directory provides only a negligible advantage. The attributes may as well reside in the applications themselves. And that’s exactly how most deployments end up. Directory servers contain only the groups, groups that usually roughly approximate RBAC roles. Even LDAP standards themselves create a significant obstacle to interoperability in this case. There are at least three or four different and incompatible specifications for group definition in LDAP directories. The standard to manage LDAP groups is not ideal at all. It is especially problematic when managing big groups. Therefore, many directory servers provide their own non-standard improvements, which further complicates interoperability. Yet even these server-specific improvements usually cannot support complex access control policies. Therefore, access control policies and fine-grained authorizations are usually not centralized, they are maintained directly in the application databases.
The single directory approach is feasible only in very simple environments or in almost entirely homogeneous environments. In all other cases there is a need to supplement the solution by other identity management technologies.
This does not mean that the directory servers or other shared databases are useless. Quite the contrary. They are very useful if they are used correctly. They just cannot be used alone. More components are needed to build a complete solution.
Access Management
While directory systems are not designed to handle complex authentication, access management (AM) systems are built to handle just that. Access management systems handle all the flavors of authentication, and even some authorization aspects. The principle of all access management systems is basically the same:
Access management system gets between the user and the target application. This can be done by a variety of mechanisms, the most common method is that the applications themselves redirect the user to the AM system if they do not have existing session.
Access management system prompts user for the username and password, interacts with authentication token, creates a challenge and prompts for the response or in any other way initiates the authentication procedure.
User enters the credentials.
Access management system checks the validity of credentials and evaluates access policies.
If access is allowed then the AM system redirects user back to the application. The redirection usually contains an access token: a small piece of information that tells the application that the user is authenticated.
Application validates the token, creates a local session and allows the access.
After that procedure, the user works with the application normally. Only the first access goes through the AM server. This is important for AM system performance and sizing, and it impacts session management functionality.
The applications only need to provide the code that integrates with the AM system. Except for that small integration code, applications do not need to provide any authentication code at all. It is the AM system that prompts for the password, not the application. This is a fundamental difference when compared to LDAP-based authentication mechanisms. In the LDAP case, it is the application that prompts for the password. In the AM case, the Access Management server does everything. Many applications do not even care how the user was authenticated. All they need to know is that he was authenticated and that the authentication was strong enough. This feature brings a very desirable flexibility to the entire application infrastructure. The authentication mechanism can be changed at any time without disrupting the applications. We live in an era when passwords are migrated to a stronger authentication mechanisms. The flexibility that the AM-based approach brings may play a key part in that migration.
Web Single Sign-On
Single Sign-On (SSO) systems allow user to authenticate once, and access number of different system after that. There are many SSO systems for web applications, however it looks like these systems are all using the same basic principle of operation. This general access management flow is described below:
redirects the user to the access management server (SSO server). -
The access management server authenticates the user.
The access management server establishes session (SSO session) with the user browser. This is the crucial part of the SSO mechanism.
User is redirected back to the application
. ApplicationA
usually establishes a local session with the user. -
User interacts with application
. -
When user tries to access application
, the applicationB
redirects user to the access management server. -
The access management server checks for existence of SSO session. As the user authenticated with the access management server before, there is a valid SSO session.
Access management server does not need to authenticate the user again and immediately redirects user back to application
. -
establishes a local session with the user and proceeds normally.
The user usually does not even realize that he was redirected when accessing application B
There is no interaction between the redirects and the redirects and the processing on the access management server is usually very fast.
It looks like the user was logged into the application B
all the time.
Authorization in Access Management
The request of a user accessing an application is directly or indirectly passed through the access management server. Therefore, the access management server can analyze the request and evaluate whether the user request is authorized or not. That is a theory. Unfortunately, the situation is much more complicated in practice.
The AM server usually intercepts only the first request to access the application because it would be a performance impact to intercept all the requests. After the first request, the application established a local session and proceeds with the operation without any communication with the AM server. Therefore the AM server can only evaluate authorization during the first request. This means it can only evaluate a very rough-grained authorization decisions. In practice, it usually means that the AM server can make only all-or-nothing authorization decisions: whether a particular user can access all parts of a particular application or that he cannot access the application at all. The AM server usually cannot make any finer-grain decisions just by itself.
Some AM systems provide agents that can be deployed to applications and that enforce a finer-grain authorization decisions. Such agents often rely on HTTP communication, they are making decisions based on the URLs that the user is accessing. This approach might have worked well in the 1990s, but it has only very limited applicability in the age of single-page web applications and mobile applications. In such cases the authorization is usually applied to services rather than applications.
However, even applying the authorization to service front-ends does not solve the problem entirely. Sophisticated applications often need to make authorization decisions based on context which is simply not available in the request or user profile at all. E.g. an e-banking application may allow or deny a transaction based on the sum of previous transactions that were made earlier that day. While it may be possible to synchronize all the authorization information into the user profile, it is usually not desirable. It would be a major burden to keep such information updated and consistent, not to mention security concerns. Many authorization schemes rely on a specific business logic, which is very difficult to centralize in an authorization server.
Then there are implementation constraints. In theory, the authorization system should make only allow/deny decisions. However, this is not enough to implement an efficient application. The application cannot afford to list all the objects in the database, pass them to authorization server, and the realize that the authorization server denied access to almost all of them. Authorization has to be processes before the search operation and additional search filters have to be applied. Which means that authorization mechanisms need to be integrated deep into the application logic. This significantly limits the applicability of centralized authorization mechanisms.
AM systems often come with a promise to unify authorization across all the applications and to centralize management of organization-wide security policies. Unfortunately, such broad promises are seldom fulfilled. The AM system can theoretically evaluate and enforce some authorization statements. This may work well during demonstrations and even in very simple deployments. Yet in complex practical deployments, this capability is extremely limited. The vast majority of the authorization decisions is carried out by each individual application and is completely outside of the reach of an AM system.
SAML and OpenID Connect
Some access management systems use proprietary protocols to communicate with the applications and agents. This is obviously an interoperability issue – especially when the AM principles are used in the Internet environment. Indeed, it is the Internet that motivated standardization in this field.
The first widespread standardized protocol in this field was Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). The original intent of SAML was to allow cross-domain sign-on and identity data sharing across organizations on the Internet. SAML is both an access management protocol and a security token format. SAML is quite complex, heavily based on XML standards. Its specifications are long, divided into several profiles, there are many optional elements and features and overall SAML is a set of very rich and flexible mechanisms.
Primary purpose of SAML is transfer of identity information between organizations. There are big SAML-based federations with hundreds of participating organizations. Many e-government solutions are based on SAML, there are big partner networks running on SAML, and overall it looks like SAML is a success. Yet, SAML was a victim of its own flexibility and complexity. The latest fashion trends are not very favorable to SAML. XML and SOAP-based web service mechanisms are getting out of fashion, which impacts popularity of SAML. That has probably motivated the inception of other access management protocols.
The latest fashion favors RESTful services and simpler architectural approaches. All of that probably contributed to the development of OpenID Connect protocol (OIDC). OpenID Connect is based on much simpler mechanisms than SAML, but it is reusing the same basic principles. OpenID connect has a very eventful history. It all started with a bunch of homebrew protocols such as LID or SXIP, that are mostly forgotten today. That was followed by the development of OpenID protocol, which was still very simple. OpenID gained some attention especially with providers of Internet services. Despite its simplicity, OpenID was not very well engineered, and it quickly reached its technological limits. It was obvious that OpenID needs to be significantly improved. At that time, there was almost unrelated protocol called OAuth, which was designed for management of cross-domain authorizations. That protocol was developed into something that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike the original OAuth protocol. As the result had almost nothing to do with the original OAuth protocol, it is perfectly understandable that it was dubbed OAuth2. In fact, OAuth2 is not really a protocol at all. It is rather a vaguely-defined framework to build other protocols. OAuth2 framework was used to build a cross-domain authentication and user profile protocol. This new protocol is much more similar to SAML than to the original OpenID, therefore it was an obvious choice to call it OpenID Connect. Some traditions are just worth maintaining.
Now there are two protocols that are using the same principle and doing almost the same thing. The principle is illustrated in the following diagram.
The interaction goes like this:
User is accessing a resource. This can be web page or web application on the target site.
Target site does not have a valid session for the user. Therefore it redirects user browser to the source site. It will add authentication request into that redirect.
Browser follows the redirect to the source site. The source site gets the authentication request and parses it.
If the user is not already authenticated with the source site then the authentication happens now. The source site prompts for the username, password, certificate, one-time password or whatever credential that is required by the policy. With a bit of luck the authentication succeeds.
The source site redirects the browser back to the target site. The source site adds authentication response to the redirect. The most important part of the response is a token. The token directly or indirectly asserts user’s identity.
The target site will parse the authentication response and process the token. The token may by just a reference to the real token (SAML artifact) or it may be access key to another service that provides the identity (OIDC UserInfo). In that case the target site makes another request (6a). This request is usually a direct one and does not use browser redirects. One way or another, the target site now has claims about user identity.
Target site evaluates the identity, processes authorizations and so on. A local session with the user is usually established at this point to skip the authentication redirects on the next request. The target site finally provides the content.
Following table compares the terminology and technologies used in SAML and OIDC worlds.
SAML World | OpenID Connect World | |
Source site |
Identity Provider (IdP) |
Identity Provider (IDP) or OpenID Provider (OP) |
Target site |
Service Provider (SP) |
Relying Party (RP) |
Token |
SAML Assertion (or artifact) |
ID token, access token |
Intended for |
Web applications, web services (SOAP) |
Web applications, mobile applications, REST services |
Based on |
N/A |
OAuth2 |
Data representation |
Cryptography framework |
XMLenc, XMLdsig |
Token format |
Careful reader will notice the similarity with the web-based access management mechanisms. That’s right. This is the same wheel reinvented over and over again. However, to be completely honest we have limited our description to cover flows for web browser only. Both SAML and OIDC has broader applicability that just web browser flows. And the differences between the protocols are much more obvious in these extended use cases. But the web browser case nicely illustrates the principles and similarities of SAML, OpenID Connect and also the simple web-SSO systems.
Maybe the most important differences between SAML, OIDC and web-SSO systems is the intended use:
SAML was designed for the web applications and SOAP web services world. It will handle centralized (single-IDP) scenarios very will, but it can also work in decentralized federations. Go for SAML if you are using SOAP and WS-Security or if you plan to build big decentralized federation.
OpenID Connect was designed mostly for use with social networks and similar Internet services. Its philosophy is still somehow centralized. It will work well if there is one strong identity provider and many relying parties. Technologically it will fit into RESTful world much better than SAML. Current fashion trends are favorable to OIDC.
Web-SSO systems are designed to be used inside a single organization. This is ideal to implement SSO between several customer-facing applications so the customers will have no idea that they interact with many applications and not just one. The web-SSO systems are not designed to work across organizational boundaries.
Although SAML and OIDC are designed primarily for cross-domain use, it is no big surprise to see them inside a single organization. There is a clear benefit in using an open standardized protocol instead of a proprietary mechanism. However, it has to be expected that the SSO system based on SAML or OIDC will have slightly more complicated setup than a simple Web-SSO system.
Kerberos, Enterprise SSO and Friends
Many of us would like to think that everything is based on web technologies today and that non-web mechanisms are things of the past. Yet, there are still cases that are not web-based and where web-based SSO and AM mechanisms will not work. There is still a lot of legacy applications, especially in the enterprise environment. Applications based on rich clients or even character-based terminal interactions are still not that difficult to find. And then there are network operating systems such as Windows and numerous UNIX variants, there are network access technologies such as VPN or 802.1X and so on. There are still many cases where web-based access management and SSO simply won’t work.
These technologies usually pre-date the web. Honestly, the centralized authentication and single sign-on are not entirely new ideas. It is perhaps no big surprise that there are authentication and SSO solutions even for non-web applications.
The classic classroom example of non-web SSO system is Kerberos. The protocol originated at MIT in the 1980s. It is a single sign-on protocol for operating systems and rich clients based on symmetric cryptography. Even though it is a cryptographic protocol it is not too complicated to understand and it definitely withstood the test of time. It has been used to this day, especially for authentication and SSO of network operating systems. It is a part of Windows network domain and it is often the preferred solution for authentication of UNIX servers. The most serious limitation of Kerberos is given by its use of symmetric cryptography. The weakness of symmetric cryptography is key management. Kerberos key management can be quite difficult especially when Kerberos realm gets very big. Key management is also one of the reasons why it is not very realistic to use Kerberos in cross-domain scenarios. However inside a closed organization Kerberos is still a very useful solution.
The major drawback in using Kerberos is that every application and client needs to be "kerberized". In other words everybody that wants to take part in Kerberos authentication needs to have Kerberos support in one’s software. There are kerberized versions of many network utilities so this is usually not a problem for UNIX-based networks. But it is a problem for generic applications. There is some support for Kerberos in common web browsers which is often referred to as "SPNEGO". However this support is usually limited to interoperability with Windows domains. Therefore even though Kerberos is still useful for operating system SSO it is not a generic solution for all applications.
Many network devices use RADIUS protocol for what network engineers call "Authentication, Authorization and Accounting" (AAA). However RADIUS is a back-end protocol. It does not take care of client interactions. The goal of RADIUS is that the network device (e.g. WiFi access point, router or VPN gateway) can validate user credentials that it has received as part of other protocol. The client connecting to VPN or WiFi network does not know anything about RADIUS. Therefore RADIUS is similar to the LDAP protocol and it is not really an access management technology.
Obviously there is no simple and elegant solution that can provide SSO for all enterprise applications. Despite that one technology appeared in the 1990s and early 2000s and promised to deliver universal enterprise SSO solution. It was called "Enterprise Single Sign-On" (ESSO). The ESSO approach was to use agents installed on every client device. The agent detects when login dialog appears on the screen, fills in the username and password and submits the dialog. If the agent is fast enough the user does not even notice the dialog and this creates the impression of Single Sign-On. However, there are obvious drawbacks. The agents need to know all the passwords in a cleartext form. There are ESSO variations with passwords randomly generated or even single-user passwords which partially alleviates this problem. But the drawback is that the ESSO also needs to be integrated with password management of all the applications, which is not entirely easy. However the most serious drawback of ESSO are the agents. These only work on workstations that are strictly controlled by the enterprise. Yet the world is changing, enterprise perimeter has efficiently disappeared, and the enterprise cannot really control all the client devices. Therefore also ESSO is now mostly a thing of the past.
Access Management and the Data
Access Management servers and Identity Providers need to know the data about users to work properly. But it is complicated. The purpose of access management systems is to manage access of users to the applications. Which usually means processing authentication, authorization (partially), auditing the access and so on. For this to work, the AM system needs access to the database where the user data are stored. It needs access to usernames, passwords and other credentials, authorization policies, attributes and so on. The AM systems usually do not store these data themselves. They rely on external databases. In most cases these databases are directory services or noSQL databases. This is an obvious choice: these databases are lightweight, highly available and extremely scalable. The AM system usually need just simple attributes, therefore the limited capabilities of directories and NoSQL databases are not a limiting factor here. Marriage of access management and lightweight database is an obvious and very smart match.
However, there is one critical issue – especially if the AM system is also used as a single sign-on server. The data in the directory service and the data in the applications must be consistent. E.g. it is a huge problem if one user has different usernames in several applications. Which username should he use to log in? Which username should be sent to the applications? There are ways how to handle such situations, but this is usually very cumbersome and expensive. It is much easier to unify the data before the AM system is deployed.
Even though the "M" in AM stands for "management", typical AM system has only a very limited data management capabilities. The AM systems usually assume that the underlying database is already properly managed. E.g. a typical AM system has only a very minimalistic user interface to create, modify and delete user records. Some AM systems may have self-service functionality (such as password reset), but even that functionality is usually very limited. Even though the AM relies on the fact that the data in the AM directory service and the data in applications are consistent there is usually no way how to fully synchronize the data by using the AM system itself. There may be methods for on-demand or opportunistic data updates, e.g. creating user record in the database when the user logs in for the first time. But there are usually no solutions for deleting the records or for updating the records of inactive users.
Therefore the AM systems are usually not deployed alone. The underlying directory service or NoSQL database is almost always a hard requirement for even humblest AM functionality. But for the AM system to really work properly it needs something to manage and synchronize the data. Identity Management (IDM) system is usually used for that purpose. In fact, it is usually strongly recommended deploying directory and IDM system before the AM system. The AM system cannot work without the data. And if the AM works with data that are not maintained properly, it will not take a long time until it fails.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Access Management Systems
Access management systems have significant advantages. Most of the characteristics are given by the AM principle of centralized authentication. As the authentication is carried out by a central access management server, it can be easily controlled and audited. Such centralization can be used to consistently apply authentication policies - and to easily change them when needed. It also allows better utilization of an investment into authentication technologies. E.g. multi-factor or adaptive authentication can be quite expensive if it has to be implemented by every application. But when it is implemented in the AM server, it is re-used by all the applications without additional investment.
However, there are also drawbacks. As the access management is centralized, it is obviously a single point of failure. Nobody is going to log in when the AM server fails. This obviously means major impact on functionality of all applications. Therefore AM servers need to be highly available and scalable. Which is not always an easy task. The AM servers need a very careful sizing as they may easily become a performance bottlenecks. However, perhaps the most severe drawback is the total cost of access management solution. The cost of the AM server itself is usually not a major issue. But the server will not work just by itself. The server needs to be integrated with every application. Even though there are standard protocols, the integration is far from being straightforward. Support for AM standards and protocols in the applications is still not universal. Especially older enterprise applications need to be modified to switch their authentication subsystem to the AM server. This is often so costly that the adoption of AM technologies is often limited just to a handful of enterprise applications. Although recent applications usually have some support for AM protocols, setting it up is still not an easy task. There are subtle incompatibilities and treacherous details, especially if the integration goes beyond mere authentication into authorization and user profile management.
Even though many organizations are planning deployment of an AM system as their first step in the IAM project, this approach seldom succeeds. The project usually plans to integrate 50-80% applications into the AM solution. But the reality is that only a handful of applications can be easily integrated with the AM system. The rest of the applications is integrated using an IDM system that is hastily added to the project. Therefore it is better to plan ahead: analyze the AM integration effort, prototype the deployment, and make a realistic plan for the AM solution. Make sure the AM can really bring the promised benefits. Starting with IDM and adding AM part later is often much more reasonable strategy.
Homogeneous Access Management Myth
There are at least two popular access management protocols for the web. There are huge identity federations based on SAML. Cloud services and social networks usually use OpenID Connect or its variations. There are variations and related protocols to be used for mobile applications and services. Then there are other SSO protocols, primarily focused on intra-organizational use. There is no single protocol or mechanism that can solve all the problems in the AM world.
Additionaly, the redirection approach of AM systems assumes that the user has something that can display authentication prompts and carry out user interaction. Which is usually a web browser. Therefore, the original variant of access management mechanisms applies mostly to conventional web-based applications. Variations of this approach are also applicable to network services and single-page web applications. However, this approach is usually not directly applicable for applications that use rich clients, operating system authentication and similar "traditional" applications. Browser is not the primary environment that can be used to carry out the authentication in those cases. There are some solutions that usually rely on embedded browser, however that does not change the basic fact that the AM technologies are not entirely suitable for this environment. These applications usually rely on Kerberos as an SSO system or do not integrate with any SSO system at all.
Typical IT environment is composed of a wild mix of technologies and not all of them are entirely web-based. Therefore it is quite unlikely a single AM system can apply to everything that is deployed in your organization. Authentication is very tightly bound to the user interaction, therefore it depends on the method how the user interacts with the application. As the user is using different technologies to interact with the web application, mobile application and operating system then it is obvious that also authentication and SSO methods for these systems will be different.
Therefore it has to be expected that there will be several AM or SSO systems in the organization, each one serving its own technological island. And each island needs to be managed.
Practical Access Management
Unifying access management system, Single Sign-On, cross-domain identity federation, social login, universally-applicable 2-factor authentication – there are the things that people usually want when they think about Identity and Access Management (IAM). These are all perfectly valid requirements. However, everything has its cost. It is notoriously difficult to estimate the cost of access management solutions, because majority of the cost is not in the AM software. Huge part of the total cost is hidden inside existing applications, services and clients. All of this has to be considered when planning an access management project.
Even though the AM is what people usually want, it is usually wise not to start with AM as the first step. AM deployment has many dependencies: unified user database, managed and continually synchronized data, applications that are flexible enough to be integrated and so on. Unless your IT infrastructure is extremely homogeneous and simple, it is very unlikely that these dependencies are already satisfied. Therefore it is almost certain that an AM project attempted at the beginning of the IAM program will not reach its goals. It is much more likely for such AM projects to fail miserably. On the other hand, if the AM project is properly scoped and planned and has realistic goals, there is high chance of success.
Perhaps the best way to evaluate an AM project is to ask several questions:
Do I really need access management for all applications? Do I need 100% coverage? Can I afford all the costs? Maybe it is enough to integrate just a couple of applications that are source of the worst pain. Do I know which applications are these? Do I know what my users really use during they workday? Do I know what they need?
What are the real security benefits of AM deployment? Will I be disabling the native authentication to the applications? Even for system administrators? What will I do in case of administration emergencies (e.g. system recovery)? Would system administrators still be able to circumvent the AM system? If yes then what is the real security benefit? If not then what will be the recovery procedure in case the AM system fails?
Do I really need SSO for older and rarely used applications? What is the real problem here? Is the problem that users are entering the password several times per day? Or is the real problem that they have to enter a different username or password to different applications, and they keep forgetting the credentials? Maybe simple data cleanup and password management will solve the worst problems, and I can save a huge amount of money on AM project?
The access management technologies are the most visible part of the IAM program. But it is also the most expensive part, and the most difficult piece to set up and maintain. Therefore do not underestimate other IAM technologies. Do not try to solve every problem with AM golden hammer. Using the right tool for the job is a good approach in every situation. But in IAM program, it is absolutely critical for success.
Identity Management
Identity management (IDM) is maybe the most overlooked and underestimated technology in the whole identity and access management (IAM) field. Yet IDM is a crucial part of almost every IAM solution. It is IDM that can bring substantial benefits to almost any organization. So, what that mysterious IDM thing really is?
Identity management is exactly what the name says: it is all about managing identities. It is about the processes to create Active Directory accounts and mailboxes for a new employee. IDM sets up accounts for students at the beginning of each school year. IDM makes it possible to immediately disable all access to a suspicious user during a security incident. IDM takes care of adding new privileges and removing old privileges of users during reorganization. IDM makes sure all the accounts are properly disabled when the employee leaves the company. IDM automatically sets up privileges for students and staff appropriate for their classes. IDM records access privileges of temporary workers, partners, support engineers and all the third-party identities that are not maintained in your human resources (HR) system. IDM automates the processes of role request and approval. IDM records every change in user privileges in the audit trail. IDM governs the annual reviews of roles and access privileges. IDM makes sure the copies of user data that are kept in the applications are synchronized and properly managed. IDM makes sure data are managed according to data protection rules. And IDM does many other things that are absolutely essential for every organization to operate in an efficient and secure manner.
It looks like IDM is the best thing since the sliced bread. So where’s the catch? Oh yes, there is a catch. Or it is perhaps better to say that there was a catch. The IDM systems used to be expensive. Very expensive. The IDM systems used to be so expensive, it was very difficult to justify the cost even with such substantial and clear benefits. But that time is over now.
The term identity management is often used for the whole identity and access management (IAM) field.
This is somehow confusing because technologies such as single sign-on or access management do not really manage the identities.
Such technologies manage the access to the applications.
Even directory servers do not exactly manage the identities.
Directory servers store the identities and provide access to them.
There is in fact one whole branch of technologies that manage identities.
Those systems are responsible for creating identities and maintaining them.
Those are sometimes referred to as identity provisioning, identity lifecycle management or identity administration systems.
But given the current state of the technology such names are indeed an understatement.
Those systems can do much more than just provisioning or management of identity lifecycle.
We will refer to these systems simply as identity management (IDM) systems.
When we refer to the entire field that contains access management, directory services, identity management and governance we will use the term identity and access management (IAM).
History of Identity Management
Let’s start at the beginning. In the 1990s there was no technology that would be clearly identified as "identity management". Of course, all the problems above had existed almost since the beginning of modern computing. There had always been some solutions for those problems. Historically, most of that solutions were based on paperwork and scripting. That worked quite well - until the big system integration wave spread through the industry in the 1990s and 2000s. As data and processes in individual applications got integrated, the IDM problems became much more pronounced. Manual paper-based processes were just too slow for the age of information superhighways. The scripts were too difficult to maintain in the world where new application is deployed every couple of weeks. The identity integration effort naturally started with the state-of-the-art identity technology of the day: directory services. As we have already shown, the directories were not entirely ideal tools for the job. The directories did not work very well in environment where people though that LDAP is some kind of dangerous disease, where usernames and identifiers were assigned quite randomly and where every application insisted that the only authoritative data are those stored in its own database.
The integration problems motivated the inception of IDM technologies in early 2000s. Early IDM systems were just data synchronization engines that were somehow hard-coded to operate with users and accounts. Some simple Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) engines and administration interfaces were added a bit later. During mid-2000s there were several more-or-less complete IDM systems. This was the first generation of the IDM systems. These systems were able to synchronize identity data between applications and provide some basic management capabilities. Even such a simple functionality was a huge success at that time. The IDM systems could synchronize the data without any major modification of the applications, therefore they brought the integration cost to a reasonable level. The problem was that the cost of the IDM systems themselves was quite high. These systems were still somehow crude, therefore the configuration and customization required a very specialized class of engineers. IDM engineers were almost exclusively employed by IDM vendors, big system integrators and expensive consulting companies. This made the deployment of IDM solutions prohibitively expensive for many mid-size and smaller organizations. Even big organizations often deployed IDM solution with quite limited features to make the cost acceptable.
Early IDM systems evolved and improved in time. There were companion products for identity governance and compliance that augmented the functionality. Yet, it is often almost impossible to change the original architecture of a product. Therefore many first-generation IDM products struggle with limitations of the early product design to this day.
All the first-generation IDM systems were commercial closed-source software. Many of these products are still available on the market, and they are even considered to be leaders. However, the closed-source character of the IDM products is itself a huge problem. Every IDM solution has to be more-or-less customized. Which usually means more rather than less. It has to be the IDM system that adapts, and not the applications. Requiring each application to adapt to a standardized IDM interface means a lot of changes in a lot of different places, platforms and languages. The total cost of all necessary modifications adds up to a huge number. Such approach is being tried from time to time, but it almost always fails. It is not a practical approach. While there are many applications in the IT infrastructure, there is just one IDM system. If the IDM system adapts to applications and business processes, the changes are usually smaller, and they are all in one place, implemented in a single platform. The IDM system must be able to adapt. It has to adapt a great deal, and it has to adapt easily and rapidly. Closed-source software is notoriously bad at adapting to requirements that are difficult to predict. Which in practice means that the IDM projects based on first-generation products were hard to use, slow to adapt and expensive. The closed-source software is also prone to vendor lock-in. Once the IDM system is deployed and integrated, it is extremely difficult to replace it with a competing system. The closed-source vendor is the only entity that can modify the system, and the system cannot be efficiently replaced. Which means that the end customer is not in a position to negotiate. Which means high maintenance costs. It naturally follows that the first generation of IDM systems was a huge commercial success. For the vendors, that is.
Then the 2000s were suddenly over, with an economic crash at the end. We can only speculate what were the reasons, but the fact is that around the years 2009-2011 several very interesting new IDM products appeared on the market. One interesting thing is that all of them were more-or-less open source. The benefit that open source character brings may be easy to overlook for business-oriented people. However, the benefits of open source in the identity management are almost impossible to overstate. As every single IDM engineer knows, understanding of the IDM product, and the ability to adapt the product, are two critical aspects of any IDM project. Open source is the best way to support both understanding and flexibility. There is also third important advantage: it is almost impossible to create a vendor lock-in situation with an open source product. All the open source products are backed by companies that offer professional support services that are equivalent to the services offered by commercial IDM products. This brings quality assurance for the products and related services. However, the companies does not really "own" the products, there is no way for them to abuse intellectual property rights against the customers. Open source brings new and revolutionary approach, both to technology and business.
What is This Identity Management, Anyway?
Identity management is a simple term which encompasses a very rich and comprehensive functionality. It contains identity provisioning (and reprovisioning and deprovisioning), synchronization, organizational structure management, role-based access control, data consistency, approval processes, auditing and few dozens of other features. All of that is thoroughly blended and mixed with a pinch of scripting and other seasoning until there is a smooth IDM solution. Therefore, it is quite difficult to tell what identity management is just by using a dictionary-like definition. We would rather describe what identity management is by using a couple of typical usage scenarios.
Let’s have a fictional company called ExAmPLE, Inc. This company has few thousand employees, decent partner network, customers and suppliers and all the other things as real-world companies have. And ExAmPLE company has an IDM system running in its IT infrastructure.
ExAmPLE hires a new employee called Alice.
Alice signs an employee contract few days before she starts her employment.
The contract is entered into the HR system by the ExAmPLE HR staff.
The IDM system periodically scans the HR records, and it discovers the record of a new hire.
The IDM systems pulls in the record and analyzes it.
The IDM system will take user’s name and employee number from the HR record, it will generate a unique username and based on that information it creates a user record in the IDM system.
The IDM system also gets the organization code of 11001
from the HR record.
The IDM will look inside its organizational tree and discovers that the code 11001
belongs to sales department.
Therefore IDM will automatically assign the user to the sales department.
The IDM will also process the work position code of S007
in the HR record.
The IDM policies say that the code S007
means sales agent and that anybody with that code should automatically receive the "Sales Agent" role.
Therefore the IDM will assign that role.
As this is a core employee, the IDM will automatically create an Active Directory account for the user together with the company mailbox.
The account will be placed into the Sales Department organizational unit.
The "Sales Agent" role entitles the user to more privileges.
Therefore the Active Directory account is automatically assigned to sales groups and distribution lists.
The role also gives access to the CRM system, therefore CRM account is also automatically created and assigned to appropriate groups.
All of that happens in a couple of seconds after the new HR record is detected.
It all happens automatically.
Alice starts her career, and she is a really efficient employee. Therefore she gets more responsibilities. Alice is going to prepare specialized market analyses based on empirical data gathered in the field. ExAmPLE is a really flexible company, always inventing new ways how to make business operations more efficient. Therefore they invented this work position especially to take advantage of Alice’s skills. Which means there is no work position code for Alice’s new job. But she needs new privileges in the CRM system to do her work efficiently. She needs that right now. Fortunately the ExAmPLE has a flexible IDM system. Alice can log into the IDM system, select the privileges that she needs and request them. The request has to be approved by Alice’s manager and by the CRM system owner too. They get the notification about the request, and they can easily approve or reject it in the IDM system. Once the request is approved Alice’s CRM account will be automatically assigned to appropriate CRM groups. Alice may start working on her analysis minutes or hours after she has requested the privileges.
Alice lives happily ever after. One day she decides to get married. Alice, similarly to many other women, has the strange habit of changing her surname after the marriage. Alice has a really responsible work position now, she has accounts in a dozen information systems. This is no easy task to change her name in all of them, is it? In fact, it is very easy because ExAmPLE has its IDM system. Alice goes to the HR department, and the HR staff changes her surname in the HR system. The IDM system will pick up the change and propagate that to all the affected systems. Alice even automatically gets a new e-mail address with her new surname (keeping the old one as an alias). Alice receives a notification that now she can use her new e-mail address. The change is fast, clean and effortless.
Later that day Alice discovers that her password is about to expire. Changing the password in all the applications would be a huge task. But Alice knows what to do. She logs into the IDM system and changes her password there. The password change is automatically propagated to each affected system according to policy set up by the IT security office.
The following month something unexpected happens. There is a security incident. The security office discovered the incident and now they are investigating it. It looks like it was an insider job. The security officers are using the data from the IDM system to focus their investigation on users that had privileges to access affected information assets. They pinpoint Mallory as a prime suspect. The interesting thing is that Mallory should not have these privileges at all. Luckily the IDM system also keeps an audit trail about every privilege change. Therefore they discover that it was Mallory’s colleague Oscar that assigned these privileges to Mallory. Both men are to be interviewed. But as this incident affects sensitive assets there are some preventive measures to be executed before any word about the incident spreads. The security officers use the IDM system to immediately disable all the accounts that Mallory and Oscar have. It takes just a few seconds for IDM to disable these accounts in all the affected applications.
The investigation later reveals that Oscar is mostly innocent. Mallory misused Oscar’s trust and tricked him to assign the extra privileges. Mallory abused the privileges to get sensitive data and he tried to sell them. The decision is that Mallory has to immediately leave the company while Oscar may stay. However, as Oscar has shown poor judgment in this case his responsibilities are reduced. The IDM is now used to permanently disable all Mallory’s accounts, to re-enable Oscar’s accounts and also to revoke sensitive privileges that are considered too risky for Oscar to have.
Few months later Oscar is still ashamed because of his failure. He decides not to prolong his employee contract with ExAmPLE and to leave the company without causing more trouble. Oscar’s contract expires at the end of the month. This date is recorded in the HR system and the IDM system takes it from there. Therefore at midnight of the last Oscar’s day at work the IDM system automatically deletes all Oscar’s accounts. Oscar starts a new career as a barman in New York. He is very successful.
The security office has handled the security incident professionally and the IDM system provided crucial data to make the security response quick and efficient. They receive praise from the board of directors. But the team always tries to improve. They try to learn from the incident and reduce the possibility of such a thing happening again. The team is using data from the IDM system to analyze the privileges assigned to individual users. The usual job of the IDM system is to create and modify accounts in the applications. But the IDM system is using bidirectional communication with the applications. Therefore this analysis is far from being yet another pointless spreadsheet exercise. The analysis is based on real application data processes and unified by the IDM system: what are the real accounts, to which user they belong, what roles they have, which groups they belong and so on. The IDM system can detect accounts that do not have any clear owner. The security team discovers quite a rich collection of testing accounts that were obviously used during the last data center outage half a year ago. The IT operations staff obviously forgot about these accounts after the outage. The security staff disables the accounts using the IDM tools and sets up an automated process to watch out for such accounts in the future.
Based on the IDM data the security officers suspect that there are users that have too many privileges. This is most likely a consequence of the request-and-approval process and these privileges simply accumulated over time. But this is just a suspicion. It is always difficult for a security staff to assess whether particular user should have certain privilege or should not have it. This is especially difficult in flexible organizations such as ExAmPLE, where work responsibilities are often cumulated and organizational structures is somehow fuzzy. Yet there are people that know what each employee should do: the managers. However, there are many managers on many departments and it would be a huge task to talk to each one of them and consult the privileges. The IDM system comes to the rescue once again. The security officers set up automated access recertification campaign. They sort all users to their managers based on the organizational structure which is maintained in the IDM system. Each manager will receive an interactive list of their users and their privileges. The manager must confirm (re-certify) that the user still needs those privileges. This campaign is executed in a very efficient manner as the work is evenly distributed through the organization. Therefore the campaign is completed in a couple of days. At the end the security officers know which privileges are no longer needed and can be removed. This reduces the exposure of the assets which is a very efficient way to reduce residual security risk.
Experienced identity management professionals certainly realized that this description is slightly idealized. The real world is not a fairy tale and real life with an IDM system is much more complicated that this simple story suggests. Even though the real life is harder than a story in a book, the IDM system remains an indispensable tool for automation and information security management. |
How Does The Technology Work?
Obviously identity management systems have a lot of advantages for business, processes, efficiency and all that stuff. But how does it really works on a technological level? The basic principle is very simple: identity management system is just a sophisticated data synchronization engine.
Identity management system takes data from the source systems, such as HR databases. It is processing the data, mapping and transforming the values as necessary. It will figure out which records are new. The IDM engine will do some (usually quite complex) processing on the records. That usually includes processing policies such as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), organizational policies, password policies and so on. The result of this processing is creation or modification of user accounts in other systems such as Active Directory, CRM systems and so on. So basically it is all about getting the data, changing them and moving them around. This does not seem very revolutionary, does it? But it is all about the details. It is the way how the IDM system gathers the data, how it is processing the data and how it is propagating the changes that make all the difference.
Identity Management Connectors
Identity management system must connect to many different applications, databases and information systems. Typical IDM deployment has tens or even hundreds of such connections. Therefore the ease of connecting IDM system with its environment is one of its essential qualities.
Current IDM systems use connectors to communicate with all surrounding systems. These connectors are based on similar principles that database drivers. On one end there is unified connector interface that presents that data from all the systems using the same "protocol". On the end of the connector is the native protocol that the application supports. Therefore there are connectors for LDAP and various LDAP variants, SQL protocols and dialects, connectors that are file-based, connectors that invoke web services or REST services and so on. Every slightly advanced IDM system has tens of different connects.
Connector is usually relatively simple piece of code. Primary responsibility of a connector is to adapt communication protocols. Therefore LDAP connector translates the LDAP protocol messages into data represented using a common connector interface. The SQL connector does the same thing with SQL-based protocols. The connector also interprets the operations invoked on the common connector interface by the IDM system. Therefore the LDAP protocol will execute the "create" operation by sending LDAP "add" message to the LDAP server and parsing the reply. Connectors usually implement the basic set of create-read-update-delete (CRUD) operations. Therefore a typical connector is quite a simple piece of code. Despite its simplicity the whole connector idea is a clever one. The IDM system does not need to deal with the communication details. The core of the IDM system can be built to focus on the generic identity management logic which is typically quite complex just by itself. Therefore any simplification that the connectors provide is more than welcome.
Connectors are usually accessing external interfaces of source and target systems. It is natural that the connector authors will choose interfaces that are public, well-documented and based on open standards. Many newer systems have interfaces like that. But there are notorious cases that refuse to provide such an interface. Despite that there is almost always some way to build a connector. The connector may create record directly in the application database. Or it may execute a database routine. Or it may execute a command-line tool for account management. Or it may even do crazy things such as simulation of a user working with text terminal and filling out a form to create new account. There is almost always a way to do what connector needs to do. Just some ways are nicer than others.
The connector-based architecture is pretty much standard among all advanced IDM systems. Yet the connector interfaces significantly vary from one IDM system to another. Therefore the connectors are not interchangeable between different IDM systems. The connector interfaces are all proprietary. And the connectors are often used as weapons to somehow artificially increase the profit from IDM solution deployment. Except for one case. The ConnId connector framework is the only connector interface that is actively used and developed by several competing IDM systems. It is perhaps no big surprise that ConnId is an open source framework.
Even though connector-based approach is quite widespread, some older IDM systems are not using connectors. Some IDM products use agents instead of connectors. Agent does a similar job than the connector does. However, agent is not part of the IDM system instance. Agents are installed in each connected application and they communicate with the IDM system using a remote network protocol. This is a major burden. The agents need to be installed everywhere. And then they need to be maintained, upgraded, there may be subtle incompatibilities and so on. Also, running a third-party code inside every application can be a major security issue. Overall the agent-based systems are too cumbersome (and too costly) to operate. The whole agent idea perhaps originated somewhere in our digital past when applications and databases haven’t supported any native remote interfaces. In such a situation the agents are obviously better than connectors. Fortunately, this is a thing of the past. Today even old applications have some way to manage identities using a remote interface. This is typically some web or REST service that is easy to access from a connector. But even if the application provides only a command-line interface or interactive terminal session there are connectors that can handle that sufficiently well. Therefore today the agent-based systems are generally considered to be obsolete.
Identity Provisioning
Provisioning is perhaps the most frequently used feature in any IDM system. In the generic sense provisioning means maintenance of user accounts in applications, databases and other target systems. This includes creation of the account, various modifications during the account lifetime and permanent disable or delete at the end of the lifetime. The IDM system is using connectors to manipulate the accounts. And in fact good IDM systems can manage much more than just accounts. Management of groups and group membership was quite a rare feature in early years of IDM technology. Yet today an IDM system that cannot manage groups is almost useless. Almost all IDM systems work with roles. But only few IDM systems can also provision and synchronize the roles (e.g. automatically create LDAP group for each new role). Good IDM system can also manage, provision and synchronize organizational structures. However, this feature is still not entirely common.
Synchronization and Reconciliation
Identity provisioning may be the most important feature of an IDM system. But if an IDM system did just the provisioning and nothing else it would be a quick an utter failure. It is not enough to create an account when a new employee is hired or delete that account when an employee leaves. Reality works in mysterious ways and it can easily make a big mess in a very short time. Maybe there was a crash in one of the applications and the data were restored from a backup. So an account that was deleted few hours ago is unexpectedly resurrected. It stays there, alive, unchecked and dangerous. Maybe an administrator manually created an account for a new assistant because the HR people were all busy to process the papers. And the new assistant had such pretty eyes. When the record finally gets to the HR system and it is processed the IDM system discovers that there is already a conflicting account and it simply stops with an error. Maybe few (hundred) accounts get accidentally deleted by junior system administrator trying out an innovative system administration routine. There are simply too many ways how things can go wrong. And in reality they do go wrong surprisingly often. It is not enough for an IDM system to just set things up and then forget about it. One of the most important features of any self-respecting IDM system is to make sure that everything is right and also that it stays right all the time. Identity management is all about continuous maintenance of the identities. Without that continuity the whole IDM system is almost useless.
The trick to keep the data in order is to know when they get out of order. In other words, the IDM system must detect when the data in the application databases change. If an IDM system detects that there was a change then it is not that difficult to react to the change and fix it. The secret ingredient is the ability to detect changes. But there’s a slight issue with that, isn’t it? We cannot expect that the application will send a notification to the IDM system every time a change happens. We do not want to modify the applications, otherwise the IDM deployment will be prohibitively expensive. The application needs to be passive and the IDM system needs to be active. Fortunately, there are several ways how to do that.
Some applications already keep a track of the changes. Some databases record a timestamp of the last change for each row. Some directory servers keep a record of recent changes for the purpose of data replication. Such meta-data can be used by the IDM system. The IDM system may periodically scan the timestamps or replication logs for new changes. When the IDM detects a change it can retrieve the changed objects and react to the change based on its policies. The scanning for changes based on meta-data is usually very efficient therefore it can be executed every couple of minutes. Therefore the reaction to the change can be done almost in the real-time. This method has many names in various IDM systems. It is called "live synchronization", "active synchronization" or simply just "synchronization". Sadly, this method is not always available. In fact this ability is quite rare.
But all is not lost. Even if the application does not maintain good meta-data that allow near-real-time change detection there is still one very simple way that works for almost any system. The IDM system gets the list of all accounts in the application. Then it compares that list with the list of accounts that are supposed to be there. Therefore it compares the reality (what is there) with the policy (what should be there). The IDM system can react to any discrepancies and repair them. This method is called reconciliation. It is quite a brutal method, almost barbaric. But it does the job.
Listing all accounts and processing each of them may seem as a straightforward job. But it can be extremely slow if the number of accounts is high and the policies are complex. It can take anything from a few minutes to a few days. Therefore it cannot be executed frequently. Running that once per day is feasible only for small and simple systems. Running it once per week (on weekends) is a more common practice. But many systems cannot afford to run it more frequently than once per month.
There are also other methods. But synchronization and reconciliations are the most frequently used. The drawback of synchronization is that it is not entirely reliable. The IDM system may miss some changes, e.g. due to change log expiration, system times not being synchronized or variety of other reasons. On the other hand, reconciliation is mostly reliable. But it is a very demanding task. Therefore these two methods are often used together. Synchronization runs all the time and handles the vast majority of the changes. Reconciliation runs weekly or monthly and it acts as a safety net to catch the changes that might have escaped during synchronization.
Identity Management and Role-Based Access Control
Managing permissions for every user individually is a feasible options only if the number of users is very low. Individual management of permissions becomes very difficult with populations as small as few hundreds of users. When the number of users goes over a thousand such management usually becomes an unbearable burden. The individual management of permissions is not only a huge amount of work, it is also quite an error-prone routine. This has been known for decades. Therefore many systems unified common combinations of permissions into roles and the concept of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) was born. The roles often represent work positions or responsibilities that are much closer to the “business” than technical permissions. A role may reflect the concepts of bank teller, website administrator or sales manager. User has a role, the role contains permissions, permissions are used for authorization - that is the basic principle of RBAC. The low-level permissions are hidden from the users. Users are quite happy when they deal with the business-friendly role names.
The term RBAC is frequently used in the industry, however the actual meaning of RBAC is not always clear.
The confusion is perhaps caused by the fact that there is a formal RBAC specification known as NIST RBAC model.
When people say RBAC some of them mean that specific formal model, others mean anything that is similar to that formal model and yet others mean anything that deals with roles.
We use the term RBAC in quite a broad sense.
Major identity management systems usually implement a mechanism that is inspired by the formal NIST RBAC model, but the mechanism deviates form the formal model as necessary.
That is what we mean when we use the term RBAC.
Most RBAC systems allow for roles to be placed inside other roles thus creating role hierarchy. Top of the hierarchy is usually composed of business roles such as “marketing specialist”. Business roles contain a lower-level roles. These are often application roles such as “website analytics” or “CMS administrator”. These lower-level roles may contain concrete permissions. Or they may contain other roles that are even closer to the underlying technology. And so on, and so on, there are proverbial turtles all the way down. Role hierarchy is often a must when the number of permissions and users gets higher.
No IDM system can be really complete without RBAC mechanism in place. Therefore, the vast majority of IDM systems support roles in one way or another. However, the quality of RBAC support significantly varies. Some IDM systems only support the bare minimum that is required to claim RBAC support. Other systems have excellent and very advanced dynamic and parametric hybrid RBAC systems. Most IDM systems are somewhere in between.
Role-based mechanism is a very useful management tool. In fact the efficiency of role-based mechanism often leads to its overuse. This is a real danger especially in bigger and somehow complex environments. The people that design roles in such environment have a strong motivation to maintain order by dividing the roles to the smallest reusable pieces and then re-combining them in a form of application and business roles. This is further amplified by the security best practices such as the principle of least privilege. This is completely understandable and perfectly valid motivation. However, it requires extreme care to keep such RBAC structure maintainable. Even though this may seem counter-intuitive, it is quite common that the number of roles exceeds the number of users in the system. Unfortunately, this approach turns the complex problem of user management to even more complex problem of role management. This phenomenon is known as role explosion.
Role explosion is a real danger and it is definitely not something that can be avoided easily. The approach that prevailed in the first-generation IDM deployments was to simply live with the consequences of role explosion. Some IDM deployments even created tools that were able to automatically generate and (more-or-less successfully) manage hundreds of thousands of roles. However, this is not a sustainable approach. The second-generation IDM systems bring features that may help to avoid the role explosion in the first place. Such mechanisms are usually based on the idea to make the roles dynamic. The roles are no longer just a static set of privileges. Dynamic roles may contain small pieces of algorithmic logic used to construct the privileges. Input to these algorithms are parameters that are specified when the role is assigned. Therefore the same role can be reused for many related purposes without a need to duplicate the roles. This can significantly limit the number of roles required to model a complex system. This is the best weapon against role explosion that we currently have.
Even though the RBAC system has some drawbacks it is necessary for almost any practical IDM solutions. There were several attempts to replace the RBAC system with a completely different approach. Such attempts have some success in the access management and related field. But those alternatives cannot easily replace RBAC in the identity management. Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) is one such popular example. The ABAC idea is based on replacing the roles with pure algorithmic policies. Simply speaking, ABAC policy is a set of algorithms that take user attributes as input. The policy combines that input with the data about operation and context. Output of the policy is a decision whether an operation should be allowed or denied. This approach is simple and it may work reasonably well in the access management world where the AM server knows a lot of details about the operation that just takes place. But in the IDM field we need to set up the account before the user logs in for the first time. There are no data about the operation yet. And even contextual data are very limited. That, together with other issues, makes ABAC a very poor choice for an IDM system. Therefore whether you like it or not, RBAC is the primary mechanism of any practical IDM solution. And it is here to stay.
Identity Management and Authorizations
The basic principle of authorization in the information security is quite straightforward: take the subject (user), object (the things that user is trying to access) and the operation. Evaluate whether the policy allows that subject-object-operation triple. If policy does not allow it then deny the operation. This is quite simple. But in the identity management field we need to think quite differently. We need to work backwards. The IDM system needs to set up an account for a user before the user initiates any operation. And when user really starts an operation then the IDM system will not know anything about it. Therefore the concept of authorization in the IDM world is somehow turned completely upside down.
The IDM system does not take direct part in authorization. IDM system sets up accounts in applications and databases. But the IDM system itself is not active when user logs into an application and executes the operations. Does that mean IDM system cannot do anything about authorizations? Definitely not. The IDM system does not enforce authorization decisions. But the IDM can manage the data that determine how the authorization is evaluated. IDM system can place the account to the correct groups, which will cause certain operations to be allowed and other operations denied. IDM system can set up an access control lists (ACLs) for each account that it manages. IDM system is not evaluating or enforcing the authorizations directly. But it indirectly manages the data that are used to evaluate authorizations. And this is an extremely important feature.
Authentication and authorizations are two very prominent concepts of information security. And they are vitally important for any identity and access management solution. However, authentication is quite simple in principle. Yes, the user may have several credential types used in adaptive multi-factor authentication. But while that description sounds a bit scary it is still not that complex. There are just a couple of policy statements that govern authentication. Also, authentication is typically quite uniform: most users are authenticating using the same mechanism. Authentication is not that difficult to centralize (although it may be expensive). Authentication is therefore relatively easy to manage.
But it is quite a different story for authorization. Every application has slightly different authorization mechanism. And these mechanisms are not easy to unify. One of the major obstacles is that every application works with different objects, the objects may have complex relations with other objects and all of them may also have complex relations with the subjects. The operations are also far from being straightforward as they may be parametrized. And then there is context. There may be per-operation limits, daily limits, operations allowed only during certain times or when system is in certain state. And so on. This is very difficult to centralize. Also, almost every user has slightly different combination of authorizations. Which means that there is a great variability and a lot of policies to manage. And then there are two crucial aspects that add whole new dimension of complexity: performance and scalability. Authorization decisions are evaluated all the time. It is not rare to see an authorization evaluated several times for each request. Authorization processing needs to be fast. Really fast. Even a round-trip across a local network may be a performance killer. Due to complexity and performance reasons the authorization mechanisms are often tightly integrated into the fabric of each individual application. E.g. it is a common practice that authorization policies are translated to SQL and they are used as an additional clauses in application-level SQL queries. This technique is taking advantage of the database engine to quickly filter out the data that the user is not authorized to access. This method is very efficient and it is perhaps the only practical option when dealing with large-scale data sets. However this approach is tightly bound to the application data model and it is usually almost impossible to externalize.
Therefore it is not realistic to expect that the authorization could be centralized anytime soon. The authorization policies need to be distributed into the applications. But managing partial and distributed policies is not an easy task. Someone has to make sure that the application policies are consistent with the overall security policy of the organization. Fortunately, the IDM systems are designed especially to handle management and synchronization of data in broad range of systems. Therefore the IDM system is the obvious choice when it comes to management of authorization policies.
Organizational Structure, Roles, Services and Other Wildlife
Back in the 2000s the IDM was all about managing user accounts. It was enough to create, disable and delete an account to a have a successful IDM deployment. But the world is a different place now. Managing the accounts is simply not enough anymore. Yes, automated account management brings significant benefits and it is a necessary condition to get at least a minimal level of security in complex systems. But account management is often not enough to justify the cost of an IDM system. Therefore current IDM systems can do much more than just a simple account management.
There are many things that an advanced IDM system can manage:
Accounts. Obviously. Many IDM systems can fully manage account attributes, groups membership, privileges, account status (enabled/disabled), validity dates and all the other details.
Groups and roles. Apart from managing the membership of accounts in groups the IDM system can take care of the whole group life-cycle: create a group, manage it and delete it.
Organizational structure. The IDM system can take organizational structure from its authoritative source (usually HR) and synchronize it to all the applications that need it. Or the IDM itself may be used to manually maintain an organizational structure.
Servers, services, devices and "things". While this is not yet IDM mainstream, there are some experimental solutions that use IDM principles to manage concepts that are slightly outside the traditional IDM scope. E.g. there is an IDM-based solution that can automatically deploy predefined set of virtual machines for each new project. The new IDM systems are so flexible that they can theoretically manage everything that is at least marginally related to the concept of identity: virtual machines, networks, applications, configurations, devices … almost anything. This is still quite a unique functionality. But it is very likely that we will see more stories about this in the future.
While all these features are interesting, some of them clearly stand out. The management of groups and organizational structure are those that are absolutely critical for almost any new IDM deployment. Your organizational structure may be almost flat and project-oriented or you may have twelve levels of divisions and sections. But regardless of the size and shape of your organizational structure it needs to be managed and synchronized across applications in pretty much the same way as identities are synchronized. You may need to create groups in Active Directory for each of your organizational unit. You want them to be correctly nested. You may want to create distribution list for each of your ad-hoc team. And you want this operation to have as little overhead as possible otherwise the teams cannot really be managed in ad-hoc fashion. You may want to synchronize the information about projects into your issue tracking system. You may also want to automatically create a separate wiki space and a new source code repository for each new development project. The possibilities are almost endless. Both the traditional organizations and the new lean and agile companies will benefit from that.
Organizational structure management is closely related to group management. The groups are often bound to workgroups, projects or organizational units. E.g. and IDM system can automatically maintain several groups for each project (admin and member groups). Those groups can be used for authorization. Similarly, an IDM system can automatically maintain application-level roles, access control lists (ACLs) and other data structures that are usually used for authorization.
While this functionality provides benefits in almost any deployment, organizational structure management is absolutely crucial for organizations that are based on tree-like functional organizational structures. These organizations heavily rely on the information derived from organizational structure. E.g. direct manager of the document author can review and approve the document in the document management system. Only the employees in the same division can see the document draft. Only the employees of a marketing section can see marketing plans. And so on. Traditionally, such data are encoded into an incomprehensible set of authorization groups and lists. And that contributes to the fact that reorganizations are a total nightmare for IT administrators. However, an IDM system can significantly improve the situation. IDM can create the groups automatically. It can make sure that the right users are assigned into these groups. It can synchronize information about the managers into all affected applications. And so on. And a good IDM system can do all of that using just a handful of configuration objects.
This seems to be almost too good to be true. And it is fair to admit that the quality of organizational management features significantly varies among IDM systems. Group management and organizational structure management seem to be a very problematic feature. Only few IDM systems support these concepts at the level that allows practical out-of-box deployment. Most IDM systems have some support for that, but any practical solution requires heavy customization. It is not clear why IDM vendors do not pay attention to features that are required for almost any IDM deployment. Therefore when it comes to a comprehensive IDM solution there is one crucial advice that we could give: choose the IDM product wisely.
Everybody Needs Identity Management
Such a title may look like a huge exaggeration. But in fact it is very close to the truth. Every non-trivial system has a need for identity management, even though the system owners may not realize that. As you are reading this book, chances are that you are one of the few people that can see the need. In that case it is all mostly about costs/benefits calculation. Identity management has some inherent complexity. While even very small systems need IDM, the benefits are likely to be too small to justify the costs. The cost/benefit ratio is much better for mid-size organizations. Comprehensive, automated identity management is an absolute necessity for large-scale systems. There seems to be a rule of thumb that has quite a broad applicability:
Number of users | Recommendation |
Less than 200 |
You may need automated identity management, but the benefits are probably too small to justify the costs. Managing users accounts manually is probably still a feasible option. |
200 – 2 000 |
You need automated identity management, and the benefits may be just enough to justify the costs. However, you still need to look for a very cost-efficient solution. Automating the most basic and time-consuming tasks is probably just enough. |
2 000 – 20 000 |
You really need automated identity management. You cannot manage that crowd manually. If you implement identity management solution properly, the benefits will be much higher than the costs. |
More than 20 000 |
I can’t believe that you do not have any automated identity management yet. Go and get one. Right now. You can thank me later. |
Identity Governance
Identity governance is basically an identity management taken to a higher business level. The identity management proper is focused mainly on technical aspects of identity life-cycle such as automatic provisioning, synchronization, evaluation of the roles and computing attributes. On the other hand, identity governance abstracts from the technical details, focusing on policies, roles, business rules, processes and data analysis. E.g. a governance system may deal with segregation of duties policy. It may drive the process of access re-certification. It may focus on automatic analysis and reporting of the identity, auditing and policy data. It will drive remediation processes to address policy violations. It will manage application of new and changed policies, evaluate how is your system compliant with policies and regulations and so on. This field is sometimes referred to as governance, risk management and compliance (GRC).
Almost all IDM systems will need at least some governance features to be of any use in practical deployments. Moreover, many governance features are just refinement of concepts that originated in the IDM field many years ago. Therefore, the boundary between identity management and identity governance is quite fuzzy. The boundary is so fuzzy that new terms were invented for the unified field that includes the identity management proper together with identity governance. Identity governance and administration (IGA) is one of these terms. For us the governance is just a natural continuation of identity management evolution.
Back in 2010s, it was a common practice for identity governance features to be implemented by specialized products that are separated from their underlying IDM platforms. Many IDM and governance solutions are still divided into (at least) two products. This strategy obviously brings new revenue streams for the vendors. Yet, it makes almost no sense at all from customer point of view. It perhaps comes without saying that reasonable IDM solutions should offer both the IDM and governance features in one unified and well aligned product.
Identity Governance Features
Below is a list of features that belong to the governance/compliance category. As the boundary of governance is so fuzzy, there are also features that may be considered governance-related IDM features.
Delegated administration. Basic IDM deployments are usually based on the idea of an omnipotent system administrator that can do almost anything. Then there are end users that can do almost nothing. While this concept may work in small and simple deployments, it is not sufficient for larger systems. Large organizations usually need to delegate some administration privileges to other users. There may be HR personnel, people that are responsible for management of their organizational units, administrator responsible for a particular group of systems, application administrators, and so on.
Deputies. Delegated administration is very useful, yet it is quite static. Delgated administation is specified in policies that are not entirely easy to change. However, there is often a need for ad-hoc delegation, such as a temporary delegation of privileges during manager’s vacation. Such a manager could nominate a deputy that would receive some of manager’s privileges. This is all done on an ad-hoc basis, initiated by an explicit action of the manager.
RBAC-related policies, such as Segregation of Duties (SoD) policy. Simply speaking SoD policy ensures that conflicting duties cannot be accumulated with a single person. This is usually implemented by using a role exclusion mechanisms. However, it may go deeper. E.g. it may be required that each request is approved by at least two people.
Policies related to organizational structure. Organizational structure may look like a simple harmless tree, but in reality it is far from being simple or harmless. Or a tree. In theory the organizational structure should be managed by business or operations departments such as HR. Yet the reality is often quite different. Business departments lack the tools and processes to efficiently manage organizational structure. Therefore, it is often an IDM system that assumes the responsibility for organizational structure management. In such cases there is a need to police the organizational structure. For example there may be policies that mandate a single manager for each department. In that case the IDM system may need to handle situations that there is no manager or too many managers.
Dynamic approval schemes. Approval processes are usually considered to be part of basic identity management functionality, as they were present in early IDM systems back in 2000s. The user (or the manager) request role assignment. The operation is driven through an approval process before being executed. Approvals provide a very useful mechanism, especially in case that role assignment cannot be automated, usually due to a non-existent policies.
Approvals are usually implemented by some kind of general-purpose workflow engine by almost all IDM/governance systems. However, this is often a source of maintenance problems, especially in deployments that are focused on identity governance functionality. In such cases the approval processes are no longer simple quasi-linear workflows. Approval processes tend to be very dynamic, and their nature is almost entirely determined by the polices rather that process flows. Workflow engines have a very hard time coping with such a dynamic situation. IDM system that implement special-purpose policy-based approval engines provide much better solutions.
Approval mechanisms are very useful. However, they also have a dark side. Approval decisions are often made on a very subjective "looks good" basis. This obviously opens an opportunity for bad decisions and negligence. False denial of role assignment is likely to trigger an immediate (and occasionaly quite emotional) feedback from the requester. However, approval of role assignment that should not be assigned is likely to trigger no feedback at all. Yet, such a decision is likely to cause a security risk, a risk that is very difficult to detect. This can be partially solved by a multi-level approval processes, especially for sensitive roles. However, there is trend to "automate" approval decisions based on "artificial intelligence" mechanisms. This may look like a very useful tool and time-saver. However, the artificial intelligence is only as good as are the training data. If the machine is trained using bad decisions, it will also suggest bad decisions. This is further complicated by a very limited visibility and accountability of such decisions. Therefore such mechanisms have to be used with utmost care.
Entitlement management is mostly an identity management thing. It deals with entitlements of user’s accounts in target systems such as role or group membership. However, this process can go both ways. Governance systems may provide an "entitlement discovery" features that take entitlements as inputs. This can be used evaluate compliance and policy violations, but it may also be a valuable input for role engineering.
Role mining. IDM systems are seldom deployed on a green field. In the common case there are existing systems in place, there are application roles, entitlements and privileges. It is not an easy job to create IDM roles that map to this environment. This is usually a slow and tedious process. However, IDM system can retrieve all the existing information and use it to propose role structure. This is not a fully deterministic process, it requires a lot of user interaction, tuning, and it is often based on a machine learning capabilities. It is not a replacement for role engineering expertise. However, machine-assisted role mining can significantly speed up the process.
Re-certification campaigns. Assignment of roles is often an easy task. Request a role, role goes through an approval process, and the role is assigned. Then everybody forgets about it. There is a significant incentive to request assignment of a new role. Yet, there is almost no incentive to request unassignment of a role that is no longer needed. This leads to accumulation of privileges over time. Such privilege hoarding may reach dangerous levels for employees with long and rich job transfer history. Therefore, there are re-certification campaigns that are also known as "certification", "access certification" or "attestation" mechanisms. The goal of those campaign is to confirm ("certify" or "testify") that the user still needs the privileges that were assigned previously. Re-certification campaigns are designed to be conducted on a large number of users in a very efficient manner. Therefore, there are special processes, and a very specific user interface is provided to conduct such campaigns.
Similarly to approval processes, some identity governance systems offer "artificial intelligence" support for re-certification processes. Such assistance can be very attractive, as re-certification processes are often quite intimidating due to a large number of decisions that have to be made in each campaign. However, the risks of such "automation" is even more pronounced than it is in the approval case. Re-certification is often the last defence against dangerous privilege accumulation. Poorly-trained artificial intelligence may cause a systematic build-up of risk in the organization.
Role governance is usually quite a complex matter. Typical IDM deployment is likely to have a large number of roles. It is quite hard to define those roles in the first place. Then it is even harder to maintain the roles. Environment is changing all the time, therefore the roles have to change as well. It is usually beyond the powers of a single administrator to do so. Therefore, many role owners are usually nominated to take care of role maintenance. Roles are often grouped into applications, categories, catalogs or functional areas. The IDM system must make sure that the owners have the right privileges to do their job. The IDM system should also take care that each role has at least one owner at any given time, that role definitions are periodically reviewed and so on.
Role lifecycle management is a dynamic part of role governance. Role changes are likely to have a serious impact on overall security of the system. Therefore, it may not be desirable to simply delegate role management duties. It may be much more sensible to require that role changes has to be approved before being applied. New roles are also created all the time and old roles are decommissioned. The IDM system may need to make sure that a decommissioned role is not assigned to any new user. Yet, old roles may still be needed in the system during a phase-out period. IDM system has to keep track of them, to avoid keeping outdated roles in the systems forever.
Role modeling. A change of a single role often does not make much sense just by itself. The roles are usually designed in such a way that a set of roles works together and forms a role model. Therefore, approval of each individual role change may be too annoying, and it may even be harmful. E.g. there may be an inconsistent situation in case that one change is approved and another is rejected. Therefore, roles and policies are often grouped into models. The models are reviewed, versioned and applied in their entirety.
Simulation. IDM deployments tend to be complex. There are many relations, interactions and policies. It is no easy task to predict the effects of a change in a role, policy or organizational structure. Therefore, some IDM systems provide a simulation features that provide predictions and impact analyses of planed changes.
Compliance policies, reporting and management. Policies in the identity management world are usually designed to be strictly enforced. This works fine for fundamental policies that are part of simple IDM deployments. However, the big problem is how to apply new policies - especially policies that are mandated by regulations, recommendations and best practices. It is almost certain that significant part of your organization will not be compliant with such new policy. Applying the policy and immediately enforcing it is likely to cause a major business disruption. However, it is almost impossible to prepare for new policies and to mitigate their impact without knowing which users and roles are affected. Therefore, there is a two-step process. The policies are applied, but they are not enforced yet. The policies are used to evaluate the compliance impact. Compliance reports can be used to find the users that are in violation of the policy, in order to remedy the situation. Compliance reports may also be used to track the extent and progress of compliance.
Remediation. Good IDM deployments strive for automation. All the processes and actions that can be automated are automated. E.g. if a role is unassigned and user does no longer needs an account, such account is automatically deleted or disabled. However, there are actions that cannot be automated because they require decision of a living and thinking human being. Approvals are one example of such processes. However, there are more situations like that. Many of those require more initiative than a simple yes/no decision. One such example is organizational structure management. There is usually a rule that each department must have a manager. However, what should IDM system do in case that a department manager is fired? IDM system cannot stop that operation, as there are certainly good reasons to revoke all privileges of that manager. The manager and all the associated accounts have to go, as soon as possible. Now there is a department without a manager, and the IDM system itself cannot do anything about it. That is where remediation comes to the rescue. Remediation process is started after the operation that removed the manager. The remediation process will ask a responsible person to nominate a new manager for the department. There may be a broad variety of remediation processes. Simple process will ask for yes/no decisions, or it may ask to nominate a user. Then there are often options to set up generic processes that apply to completely unexpected situations.
Risk management automation. Information security is not a project, it is a process. It starts with risk analysis, planning, execution, and then it goes back to analysis and planning and execution, and so on and so on for ever and ever. Risk analysis is the part of the process that takes a huge amount of time and effort - especially when it comes to analysis of insider threat as there is usually a lot of insiders to analyze. However, an IDM system can help to reduce the risk analysis effort. Each role assigned to a user is a risk. If roles are marked with relative risk levels, IDM system can compute the accumulation of risk for each user. As each role gives access to a particular set of assets, the IDM system may provide data to evaluate asset exposure to users.
Identity analytics and intelligence (IdA) is mostly an umbrella terms. It usually refers to a composition of several identity governance features, integrated into a holistic, risk-based approach. Identity analytics and intelligence starts by a look at the data. The process starts with a very realistic assumption that the data are not in perfect order, that there are inconsistencies, imperfections, risks and all kinds of other problems. Various techniques are employed to detect the problems. Most techniques seems to be based on recognition of anomalies and patters in the data. Outlier detection mechanisms look for users with privileges that are significantly different from the privileges of their colleagues. On the other hand, role mining is used to detect similar privileges assigned to similar users, suggesting new roles. Many of the identity analytics and intelligence techniques are based on risk modeling. There are mechanisms to identify over-privileged users by analysing risk scores of individual users. Similar mechanisms can be used to identify high-privilege entitlements assigned to a low-privilege user or similar risk anomalies.
Workflow orchestration is provided by some IGA platforms. Workflow engines drive processes based on simple algorithms, usually containing many manual steps that need to be carried out by different people of teams. IGA platforms use workflow automation mostly to implement approval mechanisms. While use of workflow engine for approvals may look like an obvious choice, workflow engines are perhaps the worst tools possible. Approval processes are usually dynamic process, their form heavily depends on input (request) and policy settings. The list of approvers, approval stages and exit conditions depend on the set of requested roles and other factors (e.g. user risk level), which is not an easy thing to handle in high-level business process modeling language.
Even though workflow orchestration is almost useless for implementation of approval processes, it still has its place in IGA platform. Workflow automation may be useful for driving on-boarding (enrollment) and off-boarding processes. It may also be useful for some remediation cases, although remediation tends to be an unstructured or semi-structured activity that is better handled by case management than workflow automation.
Almost all IGA platforms that support workflow automation are bringing their own (often proprietary) workflow engine. This means that the administrators need to learn how to configure the workflows, users need to adapt to new user interface, notifications need to be integrated and so on. It would be much better to re-use existing workflow engine, an engine that is already used by the organization to drive all its other business processes. Except for approvals which heavily depend on role structure, other IGA processes tend to be very similar to ordinary business processes in the organization. Re-use of existing workflow automation and orchestration platform should be a natural choice. Except for one annoying detail. Most organizations do not have such a system. Therefore even that strange proprietary workflow engine embedded in the IGA platform may still be quite useful.
Not all IGA platforms will implement all the features. Scope and quality of implementation vary wildly from system to system. Moreover, individual IGA platforms are using their own terminology, which makes the situation very confusing. This is further obscured by marketing departments, that try to present even the smallest advantage as revolutionary achievement. Most IGA platform are closely guarded commercial closed source software, access to the software and documentation is jealously guarded. This makes comparison of individual IGA platform a very challenging undertaking. Perhaps the best approach is to know what you need: summarize your requirements and priorities. Write down your expectations, select a product, and conduct a proof-of-concept test tuned to your specific needs. That is perhaps the only reliable way to break through the marketing veil.
Risk-Based Approach To Identity Governance
Risk-based approach to identity management and governance is a very good idea. In fact, it is an excellent idea, one of the best ideas in decades. However, as with many great ideas, there are difficulties and drawbacks.
But wait a moment, what is this "risk-based" thing all about? To answer that question we have to make a quick road-trip through information security landscape.
The concept of risk comes from information security theory. Security practitioners have realized a long time ago that it is all but impossible to create a perfectly secure system. As you try to make a system more and more secure, every step is more expensive than the previous step. Every countermeasure is less efficient than the previous one, it is more intrusive, it is less flexible, harder to adapt to business needs. Eventually, the system gets to the state where it is practically useless for business, yet the system is still not completely secure.
Therefore the security practitioners came with a concept of risk. Risk is a measure of danger that a particular asset is subjected to. An asset such as a customer database can be in risk with respect to particular threat, for example a hacker trying to steal the database to sell it to your competition. The risk tells about the probability of an asset being compromised. For example, keeping the database in a form of spreadsheet on decades old Windows machine connected to an open Internet is obviously quite a risky thing to do. The risk can be addressed using countermeasures. Countermeasures are all the things that we do to make systems more secure, ranging from operating system updates, through access-control systems up to bomb-proof doors and heavily-armed guards.
As it is not practical to completely secure a system, there is always some amount of risk that we have to accept. This is called residual risk, a risk that we are aware of, yet it is not efficient to reduce or eliminate the risk. Even though residual risk cannot be completely eliminated, there may be risk mitigation plans. For example, we may accept that there is a risk of an operating system vulnerability, and no amount of automated software updates, vulnerability database integrations and watchfulness is ever going to eliminate the risk completely. However, we can mitigate the risk by preparing plans to be executed when we are affected by a zero-day vulnerability. The plan may include disabling network access to vulnerable services as soon as we learn about the vulnerability, investigation that looks for traces of an attacker exploiting the vulnerability, emergency communication and contingency plans and so on. Risk mitigation is focused on making the impact of such an attack less painful, reducing the damage.
In an ideal situation we are completely aware of the risk, so we can implement countermeasures and prepare risk mitigation plans. However, we need to know quite a lot about the risk for the countermeasures and mitigation plans to be efficient. Risk is not just a single number, it is a multi-dimensional and often very complex concept. The amount of risk is evaluated in a risk assessment process, which is often very tedious and demanding exercise. Risk assessment process evaluates assets, to determine the value of the data and services. The process looks at threats, such as skills and motivations of an attacker. The assessment looks at vulnerabilities that attackers can use to gain access to our systems. It is also concerned with existing countermeasures, processes, policies and other details.
This means that the risk assessment process deals with big and complex data that cannot be processed by a human mind alone. The data are usually fed into risk models to determine the risk. Risk models are a set of complex mathematical formulas that transform data on assets, threats, vulnerabilities and all the other inputs into a multi-dimensional representation of risk areas. In theory, the risk model can tell us that we have a high risk in network security, especially when dealing with customer data - and we should really do something about it!
The results of risk assessment are meant to drive the implementation of countermeasures and risk mitigation plans. There are too many countermeasures and mitigation strategies to choose from, we cannot possible implement them all. We want only the really efficient ones. We do not want to waste time and money on sophisticated encryption of data that are just copies of public information, do we? The risk assessment is supposed to tell us what is important and what is not. This is an important principle of efficient and systematic information security process: never guess, never go blind, let the risk lead you. Base your decisions on data. Implement countermeasures exactly where they are needed, where they are in a good position to address real risks.
However, information systems are not the easiest things to analyze. They never seem to stand still! The data are changing, new integration routes are added, systems are re-configured. Yet, the most annoying of all, user accounts and privileges change pretty much every day. By the time the risk assessment is done, the results are already out of date! How are we supposed to evaluate the risk, when everything around us is changing constantly?
The answer is, of course, automation. There are parts of risk assessment that cannot be automated. For example, there is no magic method to automatically assess business value of your data assets. However, some parts of risk assessment can be automated.
This is where we get back to identity management and governance. Almost all organizations are affected by insider threat, a threat posed by people that are already part of your organization. Employees, contractors, support engineers, cloud service providers - they already have access to your data. They do not need to hack anything, they do not need to overcome any countermeasures. They are already inside. All it takes to reveal your trade secrets are a simple copy and paste keystrokes. One file download is all it takes to sell your customer database. The proliferation of cloud services make such "exploits" entirely trivial. There is no technological countermeasure, no perimeter that could stop an insider to use a privilege that he or she already has.
This means that identity data heavily affect outcome of risk modeling. A system where almost all of your employees have unrestricted access to a customer database is very likely to pose much higher risk than all the network-related risks combined. A single person that has administrator-level access to almost every system in your organization is certainly a very attractive phishing target. There are high risks hidden in the identity data of almost any organization. Yet, such risk can be easily reduced by adjusting the access rights. But how to find such risks? Identity data are often complex, system-specific, distributed in many directories, cloud systems and application databases. Any identity practitioner can certainly see where this leads: identity management system, of course.
Identity management system is an ideal place for evaluation of risks related to identity and access data. Essential data are already in the database of identity management system: users, roles, role assignments, role composition, entitlements, everything is there. Entitlements can be assessed to assign a risk score to them. Then the data can be fed into a risk model, evaluating how are the entitlements combined in roles, how are teh roles assigned to users, identifying high-risk roles and users. The model is evaluated by the machine, quickly and efficiently. The efficiency opens up a whole range of possibilities, that form the essence of a risk-based approach to identity governance.
As we can evaluate a risk posed by any individual user, we can easily identify dangerous accumulation of privileges in the hands of a single user. Then we can focus on addressing this risk, analysing why have the privileges accumulated, whether they are all necessary, removing excess privileges to lower the risk. Perhaps we can consider changing business processes to divide the responsibilities among several users, lowering the risk even further. We can evaluate the risk model after each step, checking whether we have reached acceptable risk levels already.
The risk model can evaluate risk of each role. This allows detection of anomalies, such as assignment of a powerful high-risk role to an ordinary user that is supposed to be low-risk. Such role is likely to be assigned by mistake, or perhaps it was a role assigned during an emergency that was never removed. Unassignment of such role may be a quick way to reduce the risk. Smart system could suggest several types of such outliers, where privileges of an individual users stand out from the surrounding.
Once we have the concept of risk established in our system, we can use it in security policies. For example, it makes sense to require stronger password for high-risk users, or even better, automatically set up a multi-factor authentication for them. It may be desirable to re-certify privileges of high-risk users more frequently than those of low-risk users. Assignment of new role to a high-risk user may need to pass through additional approval stage. The policies can take the risk into consideration. This approach is often referred to as adaptive security.
There are even more advantages when the risk-based approach is applied also to other areas of identity and access management field. For example, it may be a good idea to require strong authentication from high-risk users, while allowing weaker authentication for low-risk users. This can be achieved in many ways, the easiest is perhaps for identity management system to propagate risk scores to access management user profiles.
Risk-based identity management and governance is indeed the right thing to do. However, the devil is in the details, and the reality is much harder than the glossy marketing brochures dare to admit. There are hidden dangers and dark corners on this route:
One risk assessment means nothing. Nothing at all. The results are out of date as soon as they are produced by the model. You have to do assessment continually, all the time, since now till eternity. You take the results of an assessment, plan countermeasures, apply them, only to do all the work over again. This is called "security process". It never ends.
Risk evaluation is almost always subjective. When evaluating risk of any individual entitlement, you will probably use subjective terms such as "low", "medium" and "high". The subjective terms are often hidden behind scores, numbers that may look like they are exact values. In reality, they are everything but exact.
Subjective risk assessment is pretty much a standard method. Objective risk measures are sometimes tries, such as conversion of risk to a monetary value. However, such "objective" measures are often very misleading, and they are generally frowned upon by information security practitioners. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with subjective risk assessment as long as you are aware of the limitations. Perhaps the most important rule is to keep the assessment consistent and proportional. Entitlements that are assigned "low" risk level should pose approximately the same risk, and it should be significantly lower than all the entitlements marked as "medium" risk.
You need risk model appropriate for your organization and situation. When it comes to risk models, one size does not fit all. There are simple risk models appropriate for quick assessments in organizations with low security requirements. Then there are overly complex risk models that are designed for high-security military setting. Even if you find a model that fits your needs, you still need to fine-tune it. You cannot just buy an instant ready-to-serve-in-5-minutes risk model. Such model will never work for you.
Model is not reality. Model is meant to be an approximation of reality. However, how well the model approximates reality must not be taken for granted. Risk model may not for you, and you may not even realize it. Bad model will get you into a false sense of security, claiming that you are all green while in fact you can be in grave danger. Do not trust your risk model blindly. Try to validate the results, try to confront model results with reality as much as you can.
Information security is quite a strange field. You can clearly prove that your system is insecure, for example by successfully attacking your system. Yet, you can never completely prove that your system is secure. This limitation is a major source of confusion, and it also opens up opportunities for charlatans, offering their security snake oil on the market. As you cannot buy information security process, you cannot buy a ready-made risk-based approach to identity governance. You have to build it yourself. Having advanced and smart identity governance platform at your side is unquestionably a great help. However, such a platform is only a tool. Even the smartest and most expensive tool will not do all the work. It will make your work more efficient, but you still need to be the one driving it. One size does not fit all. Your organization is different to other organizations. That is what makes you unique, what gives you competitive edge, what makes you survive on the market. You cannot expect to buy a model or a process that fits your needs perfectly. You have to adapt and develop your own models, policies and processes. Having a starting point that is similar to your needs is a huge advantage. Starting from industry-specific frameworks, templates and samples will save you a lot of time. Go for these, whenever they are available. However, you will have to understand how the frameworks work, you will need to know what you are doing, as you will certainly need to adapt them to your needs.
Similarly to information security, "off the shelf" is mostly just an illusion in identity management and governance. Whatever the bold marketing statements say, you cannot just buy it and run it. No, not even in the cloud. You can buy identity governance platform as a service, but you cannot buy identity governance. You will have to learn a lot of things, you will have to dive deep into policies and models, you will have to do a lot of work yourself. Set your expectations realistically.
Identity Management and Governance Terminology
Identity professionals, often motivated by marketing needs, like to invent new names and use them to describe the same thing. Therefore there are many overlapping, overloaded and similar terms in use.
Identity management (IDM) is usually used to describe the low-level parts (technology), while identity governance is used to describe the high-level parts (business). Yet the boundary is very fuzzy and many IDM systems provide governance capabilities, and many governance systems provide low-level functions. Identity governance and administration (IGA) is a term supposed to describe both parts together. Governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) is a terms that was mostly used in the past to represent the high-level identity governance functionality, later known simply as identity governance. Identity security is a marketing term that roughly covers IGA functionality.
Overall, the terminology is very fluid. Vendors use their own terms, often choosing overloaded or confusing terminology. Industry analysts and consultants also adding their own terms and meanings to existing terms. Marketing terms are invented faster than the documentation can adapt, making the situation quite confusing. We have tried to compile the terminology as precisely as we could, while still making the terms understandable. We have chosen to follow established industry terminology when possible, even though many terms are overloaded and ambiguous. However, we did not want to increase the confusion by re-inventing the terminology. We are pointing out the ambiguities in the text as needed. At the very least, we are trying to use a consistent terminology in this book. When in doubt, please refer to the glossary.
Complete Identity and Access Management Solution
A comprehensive Identity and Access Management solution cannot be built by using just a single component. There is no single product or solution that will provide all the necessary features. And as the requirements are so complex and often even contradictory it is very unlikely that there ever will be any single product that can do it all.
A clever combination of several components is needed to build complete solution. The right mix of ingredients for this IAM soup will always be slightly different as no two IAM solutions are the same. But there are three basic components that are required for any practical IAM deployment:
Directory service or a similar identity store is the first component. This is the database that stores user account information. The accounts are stored there in a “clean” form that can be used by other applications. This database is then widely shared by applications that are capable to connect to it. This part of the solution is usually implemented as a replicated LDAP server topology or Active Directory domain. This has an advantage of relatively low cost and high availability. But there is one major limitation: the data model needs to be simple. Very simple. And the identity store needs to be properly managed.
Access Management is a second major component of the solution. It takes care of authentication and (partially) authorization. Access management unifies authentication mechanisms. If an authentication mechanism is implemented in the access management server then all integrated applications can easily benefit. It also provides Single Sign-On (SSO), centralizes access logs and so on. It is a very useful component. But of course, there are limitations. AM system needs access to identity data. Therefore it needs reliable, very scalable and absolutely consistent identity database as a back-end. This is usually provided by the directory service. Performance and availability are the obvious obstacles here. But there is one more obstacle which is less obvious but every bit as important: data quality. The data in the directory service must be up to date and properly managed. But that is only part of the picture. As most applications store some pieces of identity data locally, these data also need to be synchronized with the directory database. No access management system can do this well enough. And there is no point for AM to do it at all. The AM system has a very different architectural responsibilities. Therefore yet another component is needed.
Identity Management is the last but in many ways the most important component. This is the real brain of the whole solution. The IDM system maintains the data. It is the component that keeps the entire system from falling apart. It makes sure the data are up to date and compliant with the policies. It synchronizes all the pieces of identity data that those pesky little applications always keep creating. It maintains groups, privileges, roles, organizational structures and all the other things necessary for the directory and the access management to work properly. It maintains order in the system. And it allows living and breathing system administrators and security officers to live happily, to breath easily and to keep control over the whole solution.
The following diagram shows how all these components fit together.
This is truly a composite solution. There are several components that have vastly different features and characteristics. But when bound together into one solution, the result is something that is much more than just a sum of its part. The components support each other. The solution cannot be complete unless all three components are in place.
However, building a complete solution may be quite expensive and it may take a long time. You have to start somewhere. But if you have resources for just one product then choose identity management. IDM is a good start. It is not that expensive as access management. And IDM brings good value even quite early in the IAM program. Especially the second generation IDM systems are very good at repaying the investment. Going for open source product will also keep the initial investment down. Staring with IDM is usually the best choice to start the IAM program.
IAM and Security
Strictly speaking, Identity and Access Management (IAM) does not entirely fit into the information security field. The IAM goes far beyond information security. IAM can bring user comfort, reduce operation costs, speed up processes and generally improve the efficiency of the organization. This is not what information security is concerned with. But even though IAM is not strictly part of information security there is still a huge overlap. IAM deals with authentication, authorization, auditing, role management and governance of objects that are directly related to the information security. Therefore IAM and information security have an intimate and very complicated relationship.
It is perhaps not too bold to say that the IAM is a pre-requisite to good information security. Especially the identity management (IDM) part is absolutely critical - even though this may not be that obvious at the first sight. But the evidence speaks clearly. Security studies quite consistency rate the insider threat as one of the most severe threats for an organization. However, there is not much that the technical countermeasures can do about the insider threat. The employee, contractor, partner, serviceman - they all are getting the access rights to your systems easily and legally. They will legally pass through even the strongest encryption and authentication because they have got the keys. Firewalls and VPNs will not stop them because those people are meant to pass through them to do their jobs.
Vulnerabilities are there, obviously. And with the population of thousands of users there is a good change that there is also an attacker. Maybe one particular engineer was fired yesterday. But he still has VPN access and administration rights to the servers. And as he might not be entirely happy about the way how he has been treated the chances are he might be quite inclined to make your life a bit harder. Maybe leaking some company records would do the trick. Now we have a motivated attacker who will not be stopped by any countermeasures and who can easily access the assets. Any security officer can predict the result without a need for a comprehensive risk analysis.
Information security has no clear answers to the insider threat. And this is no easy issue to solve as there is obviously a major security trade-off. The business wants users to access the assets easily to do their jobs. To keep the wheels of an organization turning. But security needs to protect the assets from the very same users. And there is no silver bullet to solve this issue. However there is a couple of things that can be done to improve the situation:
Record who has access to what. Each user has accounts in many applications through the enterprise. Keep track which account belongs to which user. It is very difficult to do that manually. But even the worst IDM system can do that.
Remove access quickly. If there is a security incident then the access rights need to be removed in order of seconds. If an employee is fired then the accounts have to be disabled in order of minutes. It is not a problem for a system administrator to do that manually. But will the administrator be available during a security incident late in the night? Would you synchronize layoffs with the work time of system administrators? Wouldn’t system administrators forget to stop all the processes and background jobs that the user might have left behind? IDM system can do that easily. Security staff can simply disable all the accounts by using IDM system. Single click is all that is needed.
Enforce policies. Keep track about the privileges that were assigned to users. This usually means managing assignment of roles (and other entitlements) to users. Make sure that the assignment of sensitive roles is approved before user gets the privileges. Compare the policies and the reality. System administrators that create accounts and assign entitlements are not robots. Mistakes can happen. Make sure the mistakes are discovered and remediated. This is the natural best practice. But it is almost impossible to do manually. Yet even an average IDM system can do that without any problems.
Remove unnecessary roles. Role assignments and entitlements tend to accumulate over time. Long-time employees often have access to almost any asset simply because they needed the data at some point in their career. And the access to the asset was never removed since. This is a huge security risk. It can be mitigated by inventing a paper-based process to review the entitlements. But that process is very slow, costly, error-prone and it has to be repeated in regular intervals. But advanced IDM systems already support automation of this re-certification process.
Maintain order. If you closely follow the principle of least privilege then you have probably realized that you have more roles that you have users. Roles are abstract concepts and they are constantly evolving. Even experienced security professionals can easily get lost in the role hierarchies and structures. The ordinary end users often have absolutely no idea what roles they need. Yet, it is not that hard to sort the roles to categories if you maintain them in a good IDM system. This creates a role catalog that is much easier to understand, use and maintain.
Keep track. Keep an audit record about any privilege change. This means keeping track of all new accounts, account modifications, deletions, user and account renames, role assignments and unassignments, approvals, role definition changes, policy changes and so on. This is a huge task to do manually. And it is almost impossible to avoid mistakes. But a machine can do that easily and reliably.
Scan for vulnerabilities. Mistakes happen. System administrators often create testing accounts for troubleshooting purposes. And there is an old tradition to set trivial passwords to such accounts. These accounts are not always cleaned up after the troubleshooting is done. And there may be worse mistakes. System administrators may assign privileges to a wrong user. Help desk may enable account that should be permanently disabled. Therefore, all the applications have to be permanently scanned for accounts that should not be there and for entitlements that should not be assigned. This is simply too much work to be done manually. It is not really feasible unless a machine can scan all the system automatically. This is called reconciliation, and it is one of the basic functionalities of any decent IDM system.
Theoretically all of these things can be done manually. But it is not feasible in practice. The reality is that information security seriously suffers - unless there is and IDM system that brings automation and visibility. Good information security without an IDM system is hardly possible.
Zero-Trust Approach
Zero-trust is an approach to design network and application systems. The basic idea is that a system should not implicitly trust any other system, not even systems located on a "secure" corporate network. Simply speaking, zero-trust approach is mostly about removing security perimeter.
For many decades, corporate networks were designed using hard exterior, soft interior approach. Corporate network was protected from the Internet by an army of specialized security systems and techniques, such as firewalls, de-militarized zones, network traffic analysers, intrusion detection systems, network anti-virus scanners and everything else a booming network security market could provide. While the castle gates were heavily protected, the interior of corporate network was very soft. Originally, there were no security measures inside corporate networks at all. Anyone that got inside could connect to any system. Of course, basic authentication and authorization mechanisms were usually there, but the network was not segmented, and the traffic was usually not even protected by basic encryption. This approach created a security perimeter around corporate network. If you want to keep the data secure, you have to make sure nobody gets into the network.
Of course, this approach does not really make much sense in the Internet era. There is no such thing as a network perimeter, not since the invention of WiFi, mobile data and USB keys anyway. It is ridiculously easy to breach the perimeter by connecting a WiFi device to the corporate network. However, even that was usually not needed, as the data can be copied to USB keys, or easily moved outside the perimeter by using virtual private network (VPN) access. Corporate security professionals tried to address such threats by strictly controlling user’s devices, such as disabling USB ports, disabling access to other networks while the device was part of VPN, and so on. However, none of these countermeasures were really effective, and they were usually very intrusive and inconvenient for the users. Advent of cloud services and mobile devices was the last drop, the traditional corporate information security approach was dead. Even the most traditional security practitioners had to admit what was already obvious: there is no perimeter.
The old approach was replaced by a new one: zero trust. An application should not trust any other application, not even an application on the same corporate network. Network perimeter was replaced by mutual authentication and network traffic protection. Each application must authenticate the other end of the connection, whether it is talking to the party it is supposed to talk to. Network traffic always needs to be encrypted and authenticated (signed), always assuming that it can be passing through an insecure network. Simply speaking, we treat corporate network in exactly the same way as we are treating public Internet. The soft interior turned into hard interior, and the perimeter was no longer needed.
The concept of zero trust is not new at all. It was here pretty much since the very beginnings of information security. Security practitioners are trained not to trust anything or anyone, set up policies, require authentication, deny access by default, encrypt all network traffic, minimize privileges, manage risks, and so on. Therefore, "zero trust" approach is essentially just a thorough application of proper information security principles. This approach is here for decades, it just had different names: defence in depth, perimeterless security, network hardening and so on.
Even though zero trust approach is not new, it dramatically gained on importance in the era of cloud services and remote access. Many functions provided by traditional corporate applications are provided by cloud services now. Such applications need data to work, therefore, the very use of "as a service" applications is by itself a breach of the perimeter. Cloud applications need to work together with on-premise applications. Traditional enterprise integration patterns based on soft interior do not work in this brave new world any more. All of that is driving the zero trust concepts.
Of course, "zero trust" is more a wish rather than a strict rule. A system that trusts nothing will not be able to work at all. There is always some amount of trust involved, even in zero trust approach. The system must trust that the root keys and certificates are authentic. There is an implicit trust that the developers have not introduced a back door into system code. Zero trust approach should perhaps be called "minimal trust approach". However, "zero trust" is much more attractive in glossy magazines and presentations. Whatever is the approach called, the basic principle remains the same: aggressively minimize implicit trust in the system.
Identity permeates everything, therefore the zero trust approach has an impact on identity and access management as well. Impact on access management technologies is perhaps quite obvious. Access management deals mostly with authentication. The applications need to authenticate to each other in this new zero trust world. Therefore the access management systems need to handle authentication of non-person identities, such as applications and devices. Many scenarios do not significantly deviate from the usual authentication, perhaps the only difference is that the authentication needs to be completely non-interactive. However, there are also more complex authentication scenarios, such as an application authentication on behalf of a user. Traditional authentication methods (such as password-based authentication) are obviously ill-prepared for such scenarios. Therefore the zero trust approach is often combined with introduction of new authentication mechanisms.
Impact of zero trust approach on identity management systems is much more subtle. Zero trust approach requires mutual authentication of communication parties. Which means that the identity management system needs to manage non-person identities such as applications and devices. This requirement is not new, therefore most well-maintained identity management products are more than capable in this aspect. The problematic part is usually the connection between the identities, the relationship. If two applications have to communicate, both of them need to know about the other one. API keys, pre-shared secrets, certificates and other cryptographic material needs to be set up before first communication can happen. The credentials need to be updated, keys must be changed periodically, certificates need to be renewed. Such application credentials are much more important than passwords ever were, as application credentials are quite literally the keys to the kingdom. An attacker that gets access to the application keys has access to all the data in cloud applications, which very likely means your payroll data, customer database, internal documents, almost everything that is important to you. Experienced information security professionals know, that it is not encryption that is the most difficult part of cryptography. The key management is. Similarly, it is not the authentication that is the most difficult problem in zero trust approach. Identity and credential management is much harder. Today, application identities and credentials are usually configured manually by system administrators. However, such approach does not scale. The whole idea of "as a service" applications is to make information systems more flexible, more dynamic, and especially less demanding when it comes to system administration. Manual management of application identities goes well against that idea.
What can an identity management system do for zero trust approach?
Firstly, it can do the same thing it normally does. It can manage user identities. In zero trust mode, users have to authenticate everywhere, they have to be authorized everywhere, in every application or service. While authentication can usually be handled by access management or single sign-on systems, authorization is much harder. Identity management system can do it, it can manage entitlements and privileges, it can deprovision unnecessary accounts and access rights. This part is relatively easy, it is what identity management systems do for decades.
Secondly, identity management system can manage access of one application to other application. This means management of application accounts, management of application credentials, privileges, deprovisioning the accounts when application is decommissioned. This may sound simple, but it is all but simple in reality. The most basic requirement is an application inventory, an authoritative list of applications in an organization. However, many organizations do not have that at all. Those organizations that have it, usually have in a form of informal spreadsheet that is not entirelly machine-readable. How is identity management system supposed to even start management of application identities, when there is no authoritative source? Therefore the effort should start with building such a source, which may be a manually-maintained information in the identity management system. Then, application accounts and entitlements (groups) need to be associated with the application. Applications much have owners, which can be maintained in IDM system. As application accounts and entitlements are associated with an application, they can be automatically deprovissioned when application is decommissioned. However, perhaps the most challenging part is credential management. The credentials should be changed periodically. However, this change has to be synchronized on both sides of the communication channel (both client and server part), otherwise there will be an outage. This is difficult to automate, even with the state-of-the-art IDM system.
Overall, current identity management and governance platforms are not ready for full management of applications, application accounts and entitlements. Only a partial functionality is usually available. Even though the concepts of zero trust approach are quite old, they were never applied systematically at scale. Therefore there was not a sufficient demand to implement required features in identity management systems. The future will tell whether current wave of zero trust hype brings such demand. However, pretty much all IDM systems much evolve and develop new features. Therefore it is crucial to choose and IDM platform that can evolve.
Building Identity and Access Management Solution
There is no single identity and access management solution that would suit everybody. Every deployment has specific needs and characteristics. Deployment in a big bank will probably focus on governance, role management and security. Deployment in small enterprise will focus on cost efficiency. Cloud provider will focus on scalability, user experience and simplicity. Simply speaking, one size does not fit all. Almost all IAM solutions use the same principal components. However, product choice, solution topology and configuration will significantly vary. Do not expect that you download a product, install it and that it will solve all your problems. It won’t. Customization is the key.
We consider identity management to be heart and brain of any IAM solution. This is one of the reasons why we have started midPoint project. The rest of this book will focus almost exclusively on identity management and the use of midPoint as the IDM component. This is the place where theory ends and practice begins.
2. MidPoint Overview
Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.
MidPoint is an open source identity management (IDM) and identity governance platform. It is a very rich and sophisticated system that provides many advanced features. MidPoint is maintained by Evolveum – a company dedicated to open source development. All midPoint core developers work for Evolveum. However, there are also partners and other engineers that are contributing to midPoint development.
One of the main differences between midPoint and other IDM systems is that midPoint is designed and implemented with one primary goal in mind: practicality. It goes very deep into the very foundations of midPoint. To be more concrete, practicality means:
Things that are simple or frequently used should be easy to configure. Propagation of changed password, user enable/disable, account synchronization – these should be as easy as possible. As simple as flicking a switch or setting few configuration properties.
Things that are more complex or used less frequently may be a bit harder. Such as editing XML or JSON file or writing few lines of Groovy or Python script.
Things that are very complex or very unusual should be still possible. However, these might not be easy. It may require longer scripts or implementing some Java classes. It may require forking and modifying the source code. But it must be possible to do almost anything.
This means that simple solutions which do not deviate from the usual requirements will be easy to implement. Most IAM programs start simple, solving common problems. Quick start allows to gain the benefits very early in the project. The effort grows as the requirements are getting more complex and more unusual. But the effort is still much lower than implementing everything from scratch. And there is always an option to stop the project at any point where the costs are getting too high to justify the benefits.
MidPoint is an open source system. Therefore, there is no license cost that would offset the initial costs. Even small projects are feasible with midPoint.
Simply speaking, midPoint is following the Pareto principle: 20% effort brings 80% benefits. There are many mechanisms that support this approach. Some are based in midPoint design, some originate from midPoint development practices and some are even supported by the Evolveum business model. But more about that later.
How MidPoint Works
MidPoint does what any identity management system is supposed to do: it manages identities. The very basic functionality of midPoint is the synchronization of identity data that are stored in various applications, databases, directory servers, text files and so on. We call all these systems identity resources or resources for short. MidPoint is using connectors to reach the resources. MidPoint can propagate a change that happened in one resource to other resources. E.g. an employee record appears in the HR system, it is picked up by midPoint, processed, transformed and then new Active Directory and CRM accounts are created. This is the process that we call synchronization.
MidPoint has a rich graphical user interface (GUI) that can be used to manage the identities. Changes made by system administrators are automatically propagated to all affected resources. E.g. security officer disables a user by clicking on disable button in midPoint user interface. Then MidPoint makes sure that all accounts that belong to the user are immediately disabled.
This is the essence of midPoint operation. This may sound simple, but this description is extremely simplified. The reality is much more complicated. Most of the important things happen inside midPoint before the changes are applied to target resources. For each change that midPoint detects it needs to evaluate:
Roles: MidPoint computes where the user should have access. This is usually given by the roles that the user has. The role structure is often quite rich. There may be hierarchical roles, parametric roles, conditional roles and a lot of other advanced mechanisms.
Organizational structure: Users usually belong to some organizational units, projects, teams or groups. Some of them may give additional privileges to the user.
Status and life cycle: Accounts can be created, enabled, disabled, archived or deleted. There are many situations that need to be processed. E.g. we may want to create a disabled account one week before a new employee starts his work, enable the account on his first day, disable the account on his last day and delete it three months after he leaves.
Attributes and identifiers: Simple synchronization scenarios assume that attributes and values will be the same in all the synchronized systems. That is a nice theory, bit it almost never works like that in real world. Attribute names need to be translated, values need to be transformed, data types need to be converted. This is different for each system and even for each instance of each system. Small algorithms in form of scripting expressions are usually needed to properly transform the values.
Credential management: Password changes need to be propagated to the resources. Sometimes we want to synchronize password with all systems, sometimes we want just a subset of systems. Password policies need to be evaluated, password history needs to be checked, password may need to be encoded and hashed before storage.
Policy rules: Policies are evaluated, each rule applied to current situation. The rules may prohibit illegal situations, such as dangerous combination of roles. Policy rules may mark the object for later inspection by administrator. The rules may do almost anything to make sure the system is compliant.
Consistency: The account in the target application might have changed since midPoint has updated it. The current change may no longer be applicable to the current state of the account. The change that midPoint wants to make may conflict with the native change, the change may be partially applied already, the account may have attribute values that it should not have or the account may not exist at all. MidPoint has to detect such situations and react accordingly, e.g. by re-creating a deleted account before applying the changes.
Approvals: MidPoint determines if any of the changes need to be approved before they are applied. If that is the case then midPoint drives the request through an approval process. There may be multiple stages of approval, approver groups, optional approvers, the request can be escalated if approvers do not take action in time and so on. Approval process may be quite complicated, the actual steps are computed individually for each request, based on approval policies.
Notifications: MidPoint notifies the user that he can access a new account. It notifies the administrator if something goes wrong.
Audit: MidPoint records all the changes into an audit trail. This can be used by security officers or specialized analytic engines later to investigate past situations and changes. Audit trails provides accountability.
This is a lot of things to process, evaluate and execute. Some of these steps are quite complex. And indeed there are many complex algorithms implemented in midPoint. There are algorithms that evaluate complex role structures, organizational structures, temporal constraints, password policies and so on. The only thing that is needed is to configure them properly.
However, midPoint does even more than that. MidPoint does not only manage identities, it can also manage any object that is anyhow related to identity management. MidPoint can manage roles, role catalogs, organizational structures, groups, projects, teams, services, devices and almost any other object.
MidPoint is also an identity governance system. The job of identity management features is to make sure that the policies are consistently applied through the organization. The governance features assist with the maintenance and evolution of those policies. MidPoint implements access certification process. This is a recurring process that asks managers to confirm that the users still need the privileges that they have previously received. MidPoint contains mechanism to sort roles into hierarchies and categories. That is necessary to maintain order during role engineering and maintenance of role definitions. MidPoint has mechanisms for selective enforcement of role which comes very useful during migrations and when new system is connected to midPoint. MidPoint has support for policy lifecycle, general policy rules and so on. And more work in that direction is planned in future midPoint versions. We fully understand that it is not enough to simply apply the policies. Policies are living things and they need to evolve.
Case Study
This book is about practical identity management. Therefore, we will get very close to a practice by demonstrating midPoint features using a case study. This is a case study of a fictional company ExAmPLE, Inc. The name stands for "Exemplary Amplified Placeholder Enterprise". ExAmPLE is a mid-sized financial company. Its operation heavily relies on information technologies, therefore there is a diverse set of applications and information systems ranging from legacy applications to cloud services. As ExAmPLE has few thousand employees and there is a good potential for growth the management has decided to start an IAM program. The first step of the program is deployment of midPoint as the identity management system.
Eric is an IT engineer at ExAmPLE, Inc. He has taken the responsibility to install and configure midPoint. Eric spins up a new Linux virtual machine for midPoint. He downloads midPoint distribution package and follows the installation instructions. Couple of minutes later midPoint instance starts up. Eric logs in to the midPoint user interface.
MidPoint instance is almost empty after fresh installation. It contains only a couple of essential objects. But Eric is a smart engineer. He has already read through this book, and he knows exactly what he needs to do.
First thing to do is to populate midPoint with employee data. The primary source of ExAmPLE employee data is an HR system. The HR system is quite big piece of software, it is not easy to connect to that system directly. Fortunately, it is quite easy to get a text export of the employee data in comma-separated (CSV) format. Eric plans to use this file to get employee data to midPoint.
Connectors and Resources
MidPoint communicates with all the source and target systems by the means of connectors. Connectors are relatively small Java components that are plugged into midPoint. There is usually one connector for each type of the connected system. There are connectors for LDAP servers, Active Directory, databases, UNIX operating systems and so on. The responsibility of a connector is to translate protocols. E.g. LDAP connector will translate midPoint search commands to LDAP search requests. The UNIX connector will create an SSH session and translate midPoint create command to the invocation of Linux useradd binary. Database connector will translate the requests to SQL language. And so on. Each connector talks using its own communication protocol on one side. But on the other side the connectors translate the information to a common format that is understood by midPoint.
There is no distinction between source and target system when it comes to the connector. The same connectors are used for source and target systems. The difference is only in midPoint configuration.
The connectors are distributed as Java binaries (JAR files). To deploy them to midPoint you just need to place them in the correct directory and restart midPoint. MidPoint will automatically discover and examine the connectors during start-up. A handful of frequently used connectors is bundled into midPoint distribution. These connectors do not need to be deployed. They are automatically available.
Connector of a specific type works for all the systems that communicate by the protocol supported by connector. E.g. LDAP connector works for all the LDAP-compliant servers. Connector is a very generic piece of code. It does not know the hostname, port or passwords that are needed to establish a connection to a particular server. The configuration that specify connection parameters for individual server is stored in special configuration object called resource. The term resource in midPoint terminology generally means any system which is connected to a midPoint instance.
Therefore, Eric the Engineer needs to define a new resource in midPoint in order to get ExAmPLE employees into midPoint. This resource represents the CSV file exported from the HR system. MidPoint distribution contains CSV file connector already, therefore there is no need to deploy the connector binary package. All that Eric has to do is to create a new resource definition. There are (at least) two ways to do it. Firstly, there is a configuration wizard in midPoint user interface. Eric can use the wizard to configure a new resource from scratch. As you will see later in this book, the resource definition is quite complex, it has many configuration options. The abundance of options and choices makes the configuration wizard very rich, and the wizard may be quite confusing for new users. Therefore it is better for Eric to use the other approach: start from an example. There are examples of various resource definitions in the midPoint distribution package, and even more examples are available on-line. Eric quickly locates an XML file that contains a complete example of a CSV resource. He edits the file to change the filesystem path to his CSV file and adjusts the names of the columns to match the format of his file. The very minimal resource configuration specifies just the resource name, connector and connector configuration. The XML file that Eric creates looks approximately like this (simplified for clarity):
<resource oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf">
<name>HR System</name>
<connectorRef type="ConnectorType"> ...</connectorRef>
If you are a hands-on type of engineer you probably want to follow what Eric is doing in your own midPoint instance. All the files that Eric is using are provided in a form of ready-to-use samples. Please see Additional Information chapter at the end of this book for the details. |
Then Eric navigates to Configuration section of midPoint user interface and imports the XML file into midPoint. Import operation creates new resource definition in midPoint. Eric now navigates to Resources section of the midPoint user interface. The new CSV resource is there. When Eric clicks on the resource name a resource details screen appears.
Eric can click on the button at the bottom of the screen to test connection to the resource. As this is a local CSV file, there is no real connection. The test checks that the filesystem path is correct, that the file exists and that it can be opened. The connector reads the CSV file header to discover the structure of the data in the CSV file, and presents the information to midPoint. This is stored in midPoint as resource schema, which describes structure of accounts in this resource. The resource is now prepared for use.
There is not much that Eric can do with the resource yet. We need to explain a couple of essential midPoint concepts before moving forward with our case study.
User and Accounts
The concept of user is perhaps the most important concept in the entire IDM field. The term user represents physical person: an employee, support engineer, temporary worker, student, teacher, customer, etc. On the other hand the term account refers to the data structure that allows the user to access applications. This may be an account in the operating system, LDAP entry, row in the database table and so on. Typically, one user has many accounts – usually one account for each resource.
The data that represent users are stored directly in midPoint. While the data that represent accounts are stored "on the resource side". Which means accounts are stored in the connected applications, databases, directories and operating systems. Accounts are not stored in midPoint. Under normal circumstances MidPoint keeps just account identifiers and some meta-data about the accounts. All other attributes are retrieved when needed. MidPoint is using the connectors to fetch account data.
We will strictly distinguish the terms user and account in this book. Such a strong distinction is also made in the midPoint user interface and documentation. It is very useful to get used to this terminology.
Accounts are linked to users that own the accounts. MidPoint knows which account belongs to which user. MidPoint can list all the accounts for any user, it can synchronize the data, it can disable all the accounts of a particular user and so on. This user-account link is almost always automatically established and maintained by midPoint.
MidPoint comes with a built-in data model (schema) for users. It contains properties that are very often used to describe users such as full name, e-mail address and telephone number. There is a reasonable set of properties that should be a good starting point for most deployments. Of course, as most midPoint objects, the user schema can be extended with custom properties if needed.
However, there is no built-in data model for accounts. Such data model would not be possible. Every resource may have different account attributes. There may be different names, different types and the values may have different meaning. MidPoint is designed to handle those differences. Schema for resource accounts is dynamically discovered when midPoint connects to the resource for the first time. MidPoint interprets the schema and automatically adapts to it. E.g. when midPoint displays information about an account, the user interface fields are dynamically generated from the discovered schema. MidPoint does that all by itself. No extra configuration and no coding is necessary.
Account schema may significantly differ from resource to resource. Yet midPoint must be able to synchronize all the accounts from any kind of resource imaginable. In this case the user schema works as a unified data model. The schema of each account is mapped to the user schema.
Getting back to our ExAmPLE story, Eric has an HR resource configured. Now he can see the "accounts" that the users have in the HR system. Eric opens the resource detail page in the midPoint GUI, clicks on Accounts tab and then on the Resource button (we’ll explain that later). The list of accounts appears:
All that can be seen in this list are just employee numbers, because employee number is set as the primary identifier for the HR system. Clicking on the link will display more details. In fact these are not real accounts. These are lines in the CSV file exported from the HR database. But they describe some aspects of identity and therefore midPoint interprets them as accounts. For midPoint, "account" is a generic term used to describe any resource-side data structure that represents the user.
Initial Import
The user is a central concept for any IDM system and midPoint is no exception. MidPoint needs reliable information about users to work correctly. The HR system is usually a relatively good source of user information. Eric needs to get that information from the HR system into midPoint. He has already set up a resource that connects to the CSV file exported from the HR system. But the resource does not do anything by default. It has to be configured to pull the information from the file into midPoint. What Eric needs is a set of mappings. Mapping is a mechanism for synchronization of attribute values between user and linked accounts. In this case Eric needs inbound mappings to import the data. Inbound mappings synchronize the value in the direction from the resource into midPoint. Eric can open the resource definition in the configuration wizard in GUI and he can add the mappings there. Or he can simply look at the configuration samples again and add the mappings in the XML form. Inbound mapping looks like this:
This is a mapping that maps the account (HR) attribute firstname
to user (midPoint) property givenName
This tells midPoint to always update a value of user’s given name when the mapped HR attribute changes.
Eric adds similar mappings for all the attributes in the HR export file.
Eric also needs to add synchronization section to the resource definition.
The synchronization section instructs midPoint to create a new user for each new account.
This is exactly what Eric wants: create a user for each HR account.
Eric then re-imports the modified XML file into midPoint.
For the curious and impatient readers, complete definition of HR resource is stored in resource-csv-hr.xml file in book samples.
Please see Additional Information chapter for the details.
MidPoint is now ready to synchronize the attributes. But we still need a task to pull all the data from the HR system. Eric navigates to the page that shows the list of HR accounts. At the bottom of that page there is a big Import button that can be used to manage the import tasks. Eric clicks on that button and creates a new import task. The task is started, and it runs for a couple of seconds. After the task is done Eric can look at users in midPoint:
Eric can see details about the user by clicking on the username:
This page shows all the details about the user that midPoint knows about.
The details are sorted into several sections. We are going to explain all of that later in this book. For now, we only care about first two sections. The Basic section shows user properties as midPoint knows them. These properties are stored in midPoint repository. MidPoint has quite a rich data model that can be used out-of-the-box, but the GUI only shows those properties that are actually used. The "name", given name and family name were imported from the HR resource and that’s what the page shows.
Let’s have a look at the second tab now:
The Projections tab shows user’s accounts. Currently, there is only one account. It is the HR account that was used to import the data. Account details are displayed by clicking on account identifier:
The data that are displayed here are really fresh. Account details were retrieved from the resource at the very moment that the account was displayed. This is the difference between user data and account data: user data are kept in midPoint repository, while account data are retrieved from the resource as needed.
The user and the account are linked. MidPoint remembers that this user originated from this specific HR account. If the HR account is modified then the change is synchronized and applied to the user data. The mappings are not just for the import. They can work continually and keep the account and user data synchronized all the time.
Assignments and Projections
The concepts of an account is all about the reality: it shows the data that are there at this very moment. It shows what is there. But identity management is all about policies. Policies, by definition, specify what should be there. Policies specify what is right. But as every citizen knows all too well, the things that are and the things that should be do not always match perfectly. We are no idealists. Therefore we have designed midPoint from the day one to acknowledge that there may be a difference between reality and policy. Primary role of midPoint is to manage that difference. And completely align policy and reality in the long run.
This kind of thinking is easy to see in midPoint user interface. There is Projections tab in the user details page. It shows the accounts that the user has right now. It shows the real state in which the accounts are. It shows the reality. And then there is Assignments tab. This tab shows the policy. This tab shows what accounts, roles, organizations, or services are assigned to the user. This tab shows what user should have.
To demonstrate how the assignments work we need a new resource. Therefore, let Eric connect a new resource to midPoint. This time it will be new, clean and empty LDAP server. So Eric once again locates the proper example, modifies the configuration and imports it to midPoint. In a while there is a new LDAP resource. Eric wants to synchronize all the users to the LDAP server. To do that, Eric has to define mappings once again. But this time these will be outbound mappings as Eric wants to propagate data out of midPoint into the (LDAP) resource. We will cover the details of mapping configuration later, so now let’s just see the results. We have two resources now:
For the curious, LDAP resource configuration is located in resource-openldap.xml in samples directory.
But how do we create an account on that LDAP resource? The right way to do this is to let midPoint know that a user should have an account on that resource. In midPoint terminology we say, that we are assigning the resource to the user. All that Eric needs to do is to navigate to user details page, click on the
tab, use New button to add an assignment for the LDAP resource and click Save:After the click on Save button a lot of complex things happen. But simply speaking midPoint recomputes what the user should have and what the user has. MidPoint detects that the user should have an LDAP account now (because there is a new assignment for it). But no such account exists. Therefore, midPoint creates the account.
When Eric opens the user details again and navigates to the Projections tab he can see that there are two accounts now:
There is an HR account that was used to create the user in the first place. And there is also LDAP account that was created as a reaction to a new assignment.
Perceptive reader may have noticed that the two accounts have vastly different attributes. That’s right. Every account has a different schema. MidPoint automatically discovers the schema. Then midPoint dynamically interprets the schema to display the attributes in GUI, to validate the inputs, to check for errors in mappings and so on. MidPoint does everything by itself without any need to write a single line of code. MidPoint is completely based on the concept of schema and it takes full advantage of it. |
There is reality and there is policy. There are accounts and there are assignments. Ideally these two things should match perfectly. And midPoint will try really hard to make them match. But there may be exceptions. Careful reader surely noticed that there is HR account but there is no assignment for that account. And yet midPoint has not deleted the HR account. That is because the HR system is what we call a "pure source" system. MidPoint does not write to the HR, it only reads from it. Writes to the CSV export file would be overwritten by the next export anyway, so there is no point in writing there. Therefore the HR resource has an exception specified in its configuration: it allows the HR account to exist even if there is no assignment for it. We can keep the HR account linked to the user by using this method. We can see the data that were used to create the user. This improves overall visibility and it greatly helps with diagnostics of configuration issues.
It would be a daunting task if Eric had to assign every individual account for every individual resource to every user. Typical IDM deployment has thousands of users and dozens of resources. Such deployment would be very difficult to manage using only direct resource assignments.
But there is a better way, of course.
We can define some roles.
The concept of role-based access control (RBAC) is a well-established practice and the roles are really the bread-and-butter of identity management.
The basic idea of RBAC is to group privileges into roles.
Then the roles are assigned to the users instead of privileges.
E.g. let’s create a Webmaster
Then put all the privileges that webmaster should have into that role.
And let’s assign the role to every user that works as a webmaster.
This simplifies the privilege management.
If there are two webmasters there is no need to think about the individual privileges that a webmaster should have.
Just assign the role and the role has everything that is needed.
It is also easy to change webmasters: unassign role from one user, assign to another user.
It is also easy if you add a new web server.
Just add the privilege for accessing new server into the Webmaster
And all webmasters will have it.
That’s the theory. But how does it work for Eric? First of all, let’s add a handful of new resources – to get some material for the roles. So now we have four resources: HR, LDAP, CRM and Portal. That’s a good start. Let’s do some role engineering now.
Many organizations have one role that almost every user has.
It is often Employee
or Staff
This role gives access to all the systems that an employee should have access to: Windows domain login, e-mail, employee portal – things like that.
The ExAmPLE company is no exception.
In this case the basic role should create accounts in two systems:
LDAP server: many applications are connected to LDAP and use it for authentication. We want every ExAmPLE employee to have account there.
Portal: this is enterprise intranet portal with lots of small services essential for every employee.
It is simple to create such role in midPoint user interface.
Eric navigates to Employee
Then he goes to the tab.
This is where the role definition takes place.
Inducements are almost the same as assignments.
However, inducements do not give access to the role itself.
Inducements give access to the users that have this role.
So they are kind of indirect assignments.
Eric clicks on New inducement button and adds inducements for the two resources into the role:
Eric clicks on Save button and the new role is created.
Now it is ready to be assigned to the users.
Eric goes on and assigns Employee
role to user Bob:
MidPoint automatically creates all the accounts given by the role:
There is the HR account that was used to create the Bob user record in the first place.
And then there are the two accounts that were created because Bob has the Employee
This operation works in both directions: if Eric unassigns the Employee
role, the accounts given by the role will be deleted.
Eric can create any number of roles like this: roles for Sales agents with CRM access, roles for Sales managers with higher CRM privileges and so on.
MidPoint is designed to handle large number of roles.
Each role can have its own combination of resources.
MidPoint seamlessly merges the privileges given by all the roles a user has.
E.g. if two roles give CRM access to the user, only one CRM account will be created.
If one of these roles is unassigned then CRM account remains there.
The account is not deleted yet because it is given by the other role.
Only when the last CRM role is removed that’s the point where the account gets deleted.
MidPoint takes care of all that logic.
Of course, there is much more that the roles can do:
Roles can assign accounts to groups, give the privileges and manage account entitlements.
Roles can mandate specific account attribute values, e.g. clearance levels, compartments, etc.
Roles may contain custom logic (scripts).
Roles may be hierarchical: there may be roles within roles.
Roles may be assigned for a specified time.
Roles may be conditional and parametric.
… and much much more.
Roles are really the essence of identity management. We will be dealing with roles in almost all the parts of this book.
There Is Much More
Eric the Engineer has done a few basic steps to configure midPoint as an identity management system for his company.
But this is still a very basic configuration.
Careful readers have already noticed a lot of things that need to be done.
E.g. employee full name is not automatically generated.
Employee numbers are used as identifiers and we would like to have something that is more user-friendly.
We would like to automatically assign the Employee
role instead of doing that manually.
And so on.
There are still a lot of things to improve.
Fortunately, all of that is very easy to do with midPoint once you know where to look.
And we will be dealing with all these things in the rest of this book.
New functionality will be administered to the ExAmPLE solution in small doses in each chapter – together with a proper explanation of midPoint principles.
MidPoint is a very flexible and comprehensive system and there are still a lot of things to learn.
This chapter covered only a minuscule part of midPoint functionality.
What MidPoint Is Not
Now you probably have some idea what midPoint is. However, it is also very important to understand what midPoint is not. Identity and Access Management (IAM) field is a combination of many technologies and it may sometimes be quite confusing. That is perhaps the reason why the midPoint team occasionally gets questions about midPoint functionality that simply do not make much sense.
First of all, midPoint is not an authentication server. MidPoint is not designed to validate your username and password. Yes, midPoint maintains data about users (including passwords). But the data model that midPoint maintains is quite complex. It is not meant to be exposed to applications directly. That would not be efficient.
If you want midPoint to manage users but you also want your applications to have a centralized authentication services there is a solution: publish the data to the LDAP server. Connect LDAP server to midPoint as a resource and let midPoint populate and maintain the LDAP sever data. The application will not talk to midPoint directly. They will talk to the LDAP server. This is better for everybody: LDAP is a standard protocol well supported in many applications. LDAP servers are also extremely fast and scalable ad nauseam. Therefore use the combination of midPoint and an LDAP server of your choice. That’s what people usually do and it works perfectly.
As midPoint is not an authentication server it obviously is not a Single Sign-On (SSO) server either. If you want SSO you will need a dedicated SSO server. There are plenty of SSO servers to choose from in both the closed-source and open-source worlds. You will also need a scalable directory system (LDAP) to store the data for the SSO server. And you will probably still need midPoint to manage the data.
One of the things that seems to be shrouded in a lot of confusion is authorization. To get the record straight from the beginning: midPoint is not an authorization server. It is not a policy decision point (PDP) and it definitely is not a policy enforcement point (PEP). You cannot rip authorization out of your application and just “use midPoint for that”. That does not work.
You can think of midPoint as a policy management point (PMP). MidPoint has a lot of sophisticated authorization-related logic inside its core. But that logic is not designed to answer questions such as "Is subject S authorized to execute operation O on object X?". MidPoint logic is different. MidPoint is not concerned with making authorization decisions. It is concerned about managing the authorization policies. MidPoint sets up the authorization policies in target applications. And the applications evaluate these policies themselves. This is a much more efficient and more reliable method. Unlike authentication, the authorizations decisions are done all the time. Authorization is evaluated at least once per every request. If the application makes these decision internally then there is no need to a round-trip to the authorization server. Performance is significantly increased. And there is no single point of failure. MidPoint failure will not interrupt authorization flow because the application has all the data inside. One less component to cause a failure. And still, the policies are centrally managed by midPoint. When a policy changes midPoint updates all the affected applications. You get all the benefits without the usual drawbacks.
MidPoint does what it is supposed to do: it manages identities, entitlements, organizational structures and policies. But midPoint does not do things that are not necessary. It does not do the things that other technologies already do well. MidPoint does not reinvent the wheel. There is no need for this. MidPoint is not the wheel. MidPoint sits above all the wheels. MidPoint is the chauffeur.
3. Installation and Configuration Principles
The Guide is definitive. Reality is frequently inaccurate.
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams
This chapter provides instructions for installation and initial configuration of a midPoint system. The instructions describe installation on Linux system because that is by far the most common operating environment for midPoint deployments. However, midPoint is platform-independent, it can run on any environment where Java is running. Any experienced engineer will have no trouble adapting these instructions to fit a different operating system.
MidPoint installation described in this chapter is a very basic one. It is ideal for initial exploration of midPoint, development of midPoint configurations, demonstrations and similar purposes. It is a very convenient installation, and we use it every day for development work. However, to use midPoint in a production deployment the installation need to be slightly adjusted. The adjustments are mentioned in this chapter, but the full description of the production-ready installation is provided in later chapters. This chapter gives you midPoint installation that is ideal to get you started.
MidPoint will run on almost any machine. All you need is approximately 4GB RAM. That’s perhaps the only real limiting factor. If you look for more formal system requirements definition, then you will find that in midPoint docs (see Additional Information chapter at the end of the book).
From the software side you will need:
Java 17 or Java 11 runtime environment (JRE) or development environment (JDK). Any JRE or JDK should work. You can use the packages from your operating system distribution. Or you can download Java and install it as a standalone package. Both should work well. Just do not forget to set your
environment variables to point to the Java installation. -
MidPoint distribution package. Download the latest version of midPoint from the Evolveum website. You are looking for an archive that looks like
. This archive contains everything that you will need to run midPoint.
We recommend using the latest available versions of all software packages when dealing with midPoint. We are trying really hard to always keep midPoint up-to-date with the rest of the technologies.
MidPoint is Java web application distributed in a stand-alone package. The distribution package contains everything that midPoint needs to run – except for Java platform itself. Therefore, as long as the Java platform is installed all that is needed to run midPoint is to start it:
Extract the files from the distribution package to a location where you want to install midPoint.
(Unix) orstart.bat
(Windows) script in midPoint distribution package. It should be located in bin directory. -
Execute the start script
And that is pretty much it. MidPoint will start. It will initialize the embedded web container, database and all the other midPoint components. That can take a minute or two. After the application is initialized you can access it by connecting to midPoint HTTP port, which defaults to 8080. You can start working with midPoint now.
MidPoint User Interface
Use the following URL to access midPoint user interface:
Log in with the following credentials:
Username: administrator
Password: 5ecr3t
Now you are logged-in as the administrator
This user has superuser privileges therefore you can see everything, and you can do anything in the midPoint user interface.
MidPoint user interface is structured. It has the same layout and controls for all the user interface areas:
Primary tool for user interface interaction is the menu. MidPoint user interface is functionally divided into three parts, therefore there are also three parts of the menu:
Self-service user interface deals with the things that the user can do for oneself: displaying list of account, changing password, requesting a role and so on. This is relatively simple part of the user interface. It is often accessible to all the users.
Administration user interface deals with management of other users, roles, organizational structures and similar midPoint objects. This is a very comprehensive and considerably complex part of the user interface. Usually only privileged users have access to this part of the user interface. This part of user interface is often used to support delegated administration and role management therefore it is also meant for security officers, resource owners, role engineers and similar expert users.
Configuration user interface deals with configuration of midPoint system itself. It is used to customize midPoint behavior, set fundamental policies and rules that form the foundation of midPoint deployments. This part of user interface is usually used only by identity management engineers.
The menu can be hidden by clicking on the button at the top of the screen. The top bar also contains the title of the current user interface page and breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs show where you currently are in the user interface and how you got there. The breadcrumbs can be used to "find your way home" and back to the previous page. The use of browser Back button is not recommended. Please use the Back buttons that are present in midPoint user interface or use breadcrumbs.
User Interface Areas
MidPoint user interface is quite rich. Following list provides short description of the most important parts of the user interface.
Home page gives a brief status about users own accounts, requests, work items and so on. This is a page designed to be the first page that will be displayed to the end user after log in to midPoint.
Profile page allows users to see or edit their own profile.
Credentials page allows users to change their own credentials, such as password.
Role request page allows users to select the roles that they need and then request assignment of the roles.
Dashboard pages shows a couple of dashboards designed to provide a lot of useful information at the first sight. The built-in system dashboard shows statistics about midPoint installation.
User pages list users in midPoint, allows to create and edit users.
Organizational structure pages show the organizational structure trees. Many parallel organizational structures can be managed here, such as tree-like functional organizational structure, flat project-oriented structure, role catalogs and so on.
Role pages allow to list and manage roles. Roles can be created and defined in this part of the user interface.
Service pages allow to list and define services, such as devices, servers, applications and so on.
Resource pages list and manage resources. New resource can be defined here, associated with the connector, tested, etc.
Cases pages list the things that the users have to do. Work items are created if user has to approve something or if there is some manual step in the process.
Certification pages deal with access certification (re-certification, attestation). Certification campaigns can be created and managed here.
Nodes page lists processing nodes in midPoint cluster.
Server task pages show the tasks that are running on midPoint servers. These may be scheduled synchronization tasks, import tasks, running user requests – everything that runs on the servers and cannot be executed immediately in a synchronous way.
Report pages allow defining and running reports. These pages typically deal with scheduled printable reports.
Configuration area contains many pages that manage midPoint configuration: system default configuration, repository objects, logging, bulk actions and so on.
Archetype pages define specific object types that can be used to customize behavior of midPoint objects.
User Interface Concepts
MidPoint user interface is using the same concepts and controls in all its parts. For example all the lists of all the objects (users, roles, …) look like this:
Each row represents one object: user, roles, service, task, etc. There is also a color-coded object icon. The search bar at the top can be used to look for a specific object or to filter the object view. Right side is reserved for action buttons. Buttons in the table header trigger actions that apply to all selected objects. Buttons in each table row trigger actions that apply only to that individual object. The buttons in the bottom-left corner execute global actions, such as creating or importing new object, exporting objects and refreshing the view. Paging controls are in the bottom-right corner.
MidPoint has a unified color-code that makes the navigation easier. Users, roles and other object types have their specific color and icon. This indicates the object type and it is used whenever possible: menu, information boxes, lists, box title accents and so on. The primary colors and icons are shown in the dashboard:
All user-related controls are red, all controls that deal with organizational structure are yellow. Roles are green. And so on. This color code is applied consistently through the midPoint user interface.
Similar color code applies to object icons when displayed in user lists. However, the color that is used there does not indicate object type but rather an archetype. Archetypes are sub-types that are often used to distinguish similar objects. For example archetypes can be used to sort users to employees, contractors, customers and so on. Look and behavior of "archetyped" objects is configurable. Default midPoint configuration contains just a couple of archetypes. Those archetypes apply red color to system users and roles. Objects that do have any archetype behave in a different way. Their color indicate status of the object:
Black icons indicate normal state. It suggests that there is nothing special to see here.
Gray icons indicate non-active state. It suggests that the object is disabled, archived or there is another reason why the object is not active.
Blue icons indicate typical end-user access. It suggests that the object has an access, but the access is limited only to safe, non-privileges operations. E.g. users with the end-user role.
Yellow icons indicate management capabilities. E.g. users that are managers of organizational units.
All objects are equal in midPoint. MidPoint will handle users, roles, organizational units and services in the same way. The lists used to display these objects are the same, the pages that display object details are the same. All the objects have properties, they can be enabled/disabled in the same way, they are subject to authorizations in the same way and so on. It is a midPoint philosophy to design several powerful principles and then apply them over and over again. |
Object Details Page
When a user clicks on a name of any object in the object list then object details page appears. The detail pages for common midPoint objects such as user or role are very similar to each other. They have the same layout and controls. E.g. user details page looks like this:
The screen below the information area is divided into several panels. There is a summary panel at the top of the page. This is an information area which shows user photo (or icon) and provides some basic information such as user identifier and title. It also shows where the object belongs in the organizational structure. There is also a couple of "tags" that show interesting details about the object: whether the object is enabled, whether it has special privileges and so on.
Below the summary panel, there is a panel with operation controls. There are buttons to save the changes, go back to the previous page, controls to set operation options and so on.
The data are displayed in details panel. However, midPoint data structures are often quite complex. Displaying the data in their full complexity would make it very difficult to understand. Therefore, the data are divided into several tabs, each tab containing a portion of the data. Navigation tabs are displayed left to the main details panel. The tabs allow easy navigation through data structures.
The first tab is perhaps the most interesting one. It contains fields that show basic object properties: the attributes of the object. Properties are displayed, and they can be edited – depending on the authorizations of currently logged-in user. The other tabs shows more complex information about the object. E.g. activation tab shows whether the object is enabled or disabled, it shows the activation dates and other activation details. The password tab provide password management functionality. And so on.
The view control buttons present in the details panel can be used to adjust the way the information is presented. These buttons control sorting of the fields, can toggle metadata display and there may be additional control buttons for more complex fields. MidPoint shows only some fields by default, to make the presentation easier to read. For example, most empty fields are not shown by default. There is a small Show empty fields button under the fields than can be used to display empty fields.
The content of the details panel changes its form, adapting to the type of displayed information. Basic properties are shown as a series of editable fields. Content of some tabs is similar to the Basic tab, displaying a set of fields. Other tabs provide lists of more complex data structures such as projections, assignments and personas.
MidPoint user interface often needs to present objects that are internally quite complex. It does not make sense to present all the details at once. These objects need to be presented in quite a compact form that can be expanded to show the details. This applies to list of user’s accounts, assignments, role inducements, etc. The objects are initially displayed as in a form of a simple list, displaying only the basic data:
The list above shows user’s projections. Those are usually accounts that are linked to user object. Click on account name shows account details:
Account details display is shown in place of user details. This may be slightly confusing. But account details can be often complex, therefore all the available screen space is needed to display them. The Cancel and Done buttons at the bottom can be used to return back to list of projections. Click on Done button will not start the operation yet, it only changes the view. Therefore, do not confuse those buttons with Back and Save buttons located in the control panel.
Perceptive reader is certainly curious about the big red question mark in the corner of the account icon. This corner of the account icon is a place where a special marker would be displayed to indicated disabled accounts. There would be no such marker for enabled accounts. Such visual indicators are very helpful when managing identities of larger user bases. However, this is an LDAP account. There is no standard way to disable an account in LDAP world. Many LDAP servers implement their own proprietary mechanisms, and the OpenLDAP server that we are using has no such mechanism at all out-of-the-box. Hence the question mark, indicating that the activation status of the account is not known. |
Each tab provides the information in an editable way, provided that the user has adequate privileges to edit the information. When the data are edited, the changes can be confirmed by using the Save button in the operations panel. Saving the changes is a universal way how to start almost any operation: change of user properties, assignment of roles, change of password, user disable, etc. When you make edits in any of the tabs on the details page then nothing really happens yet. MidPoint just remembers what you are editing. The operation is executed only when you click the Save button. This is our method how to execute several changes in one operation. It may require some time to get used to it. Just do not forget to click the Save button.
Operation options are used to modify the behavior of the operation. These options may force execution of operations that fail to pass midPoint internal checks. There is an option to reconcile the data even if midPoint thinks that reconciliation is not needed. And so on. Checking or unchecking these options influences the way how midPoint executes the operation.
MidPoint Configuration Basics
The principle of midPoint configuration is quite different from what would a typical system administrator expect. There are almost no configuration files in midPoint. MidPoint is storing vast majority of its configuration in its configuration database. There are several reasons for this:
MidPoint configuration is complex. MidPoint configuration is not what a typical system administrator would think of like a "configuration". It contains numerous resource definitions that in turn contains mappings that in turn may contain scripts. There are roles, policies, templates, … and these objects are too complex to be expressed in simple configuration files.
MidPoint configuration is scalable. It is no exception that a midPoint deployment has thousands of role definitions or organizational units, tens of resource definitions and a significant number of templates and policies. All of that needs to be stored efficiently, so midPoint can handle deployments that manage millions of identities. The configuration also needs to be searchable. Managing thousands of roles in plain text files simply won’t work.
MidPoint configuration needs to be available. There are midPoint deployments with several nodes working together in a cluster. Configuration change done on one node has to be seem by other nodes. Simple configuration files would not work here.
Therefore midPoint has a completely different approach to configuration. The configuration is stored in a form of well-defined structured objects in the midPoint database. We call that database midPoint repository.
Configuration Objects
Everything is an object in midPoint. Every piece of configuration is represented as a structured object and stored in midPoint repository. Object may look like this:
<role oid="8ebab0bc-7e7e-11e6-a7bc-57de1cd45ecc">
<name>Basic User</name>
<description>Basic user role. Almost all users have it.</description>
<targetRef oid="f92e67c2-7e7e-11e6-a306-7bf6aa2e8c61" type="RoleType"/>
Every object has its identifier. We call that identifier OID which stands for "object identifier" (it has nothing to do with LDAP or ASN.1 OIDs). OID is usually randomly-generated universally unique identifier (UUID). OID value has to be unique in a whole system. This identifier is persistent – it is assigned to the object and it should never change. OID is used for internal purposes and it is almost never displayed to midPoint user.
Every object has a name. Name is human-readable and it can change any time. The value of name is usually displayed to users. This is the values that ordinary users understand as an identifier.
And then there are other object properties. Or rather items. Each type of midPoint object has a slightly different set of these items. That’s what we call schema. The items may be simple properties such as string, integer or boolean values. But there also may be complex structures and references between objects. MidPoint data model is quite rich. It is in fact so rich that its description will take better part of this book, because description of the data model is also description of midPoint features.
You can see midPoint configuration objects in midPoint user interface by navigating to Configuration > Repository Objects and selecting object type. The following picture shows objects of type "Role":
The objects are stored in the midPoint repository in a native form which is hidden from midPoint users. However, the objects also have a human-readable representation. They can be represented in XML, JSON and YAML forms. All the objects can be imported into midPoint in any of those forms. They can be exported from midPoint in any of those forms. They can be even edited directly in midPoint using embedded editor. Just click on any object in the Repository objects page:
The ability to export, import and edit objects in XML/JSON/YAML form is absolutely essential, because:
It is human-readable (or rather administrator-readable). The configuration can be created, edited and maintained in your favorite editor and then imported into midPoint. It can be reviewed. It can be copied and pasted. Especially that. No system administrator can live efficiently without an ability to copy and paste.
It is transferable. It can be exported from one system (e.g. development environment) and easily transferred to another system (e.g. testing environment). It can be easily backed-up and restored. It can be easily shared, e.g. in a form of configuration samples.
It is versionable. The exported configuration can be easily put under any ordinary version control system. This is essential for deployment projects and configuration management.
Therefore the midPoint configuration has the best of both worlds. It is stored in database, so it can be processed efficiently, it can be made available and so on. But it also has a text form, so it can be easily managed.
The XML, JSON and YAML forms are considered to be equivalent. Objects can be written in any of these forms.
<role oid="8ebab0bc-7e7e-11e6-a7bc-57de1cd45ecc">
<name>Basic User</name>
<description>Basic user role. Almost all users have it.</description>
<targetRef oid="f92e67c2-7e7e-11e6-a306-7bf6aa2e8c61" type="RoleType"/>
"role" : {
"oid" : "8ebab0bc-7e7e-11e6-a7bc-57de1cd45ecc",
"name" : "Basic User",
"description" : "Basic user role. Almost all users have it.",
"requestable" : true,
"inducement" : {
"targetRef" : {
"oid" : "f92e67c2-7e7e-11e6-a306-7bf6aa2e8c61",
"type" : "RoleType"
oid: "8ebab0bc-7e7e-11e6-a7bc-57de1cd45ecc"
name: "Basic User"
description: "Basic user role. Almost all users have it."
requestable: true
- targetRef:
oid: "f92e67c2-7e7e-11e6-a306-7bf6aa2e8c61"
type: "RoleType"
Most of the examples in this book are in XML notation. The XML form is almost always simplified for clarity: there are no namespace definitions, no namespace prefixes and so on. The complete files with all the details can be found in midPoint distribution package, midPoint source code or in other places. See Additional Information chapter for more details.
Maintaining MidPoint Configuration
When it comes to maintenance of midPoint configuration there are two practical methods how to do that.
First method is to maintain the configuration in midPoint: use midPoint wizards and user interface tools to create new objects and modify them. Export the objects in regular intervals, so they are backed up, placed under version control and so on. This is an easy method to start with. But sooner or later you will probably figure out that you need the ability to copy and paste parts of the configuration. That you need to share the configuration with other team members. And that no user interface is ever as efficient as an experienced engineer with a good text editor.
Then there is a second method: maintain the configuration files in text form outside midPoint. Import them to midPoint as needed. The objects can be imported in midPoint user interface by going to
page. There are also import buttons in almost all the object list tables that also lead to that page.It is much easier to maintain a proper version control and a good teamwork using the import method. It also seems to be more efficient once you get used to midPoint: pieces of configuration can be copied from samples, documentation or from other projects. This makes the work efficient. Although work with midPoint is "just" configuration and there is usually almost no programming, this method of work is quite close to the methods that software developers use. And we know that these methods work quite efficiently.
If you maintain the configuration files out of midPoint, you can import them individually using midPoint user interface. This may seem like quite an uncomfortable way. But it works surprisingly well even for a mid-size projects. However, there is also a much better way. There is MidPoint Studio, an integrated development environment (IDE) based on IntelliJ IDEA. MidPoint Studio allows you to maintain the configuration files in form of development project. You can edit the files with all the usual luxury of IDE such as syntax highlight and autocompletion. Studio allows easy download and upload of changed configuration files to midPoint instance. As the IntelliJ platform has good integration for version control systems and other development tools this seems like an ideal approach for large and complex projects.
Looking Around MidPoint Installation
Now we have a running midPoint installation, and you should have some understanding of how to configure it. But before we plunge into the details about configuration let’s have a look at midPoint installation. There are few things that need to be understood before going on. It will save a lot of time later on.
MidPoint needs its own database to work. We call that database midPoint repository. The database is used to store the configuration, users, resource definitions, account links, audit trails and a lot of other things. Proper relational database (PostgreSQL) is strongly recommended for production deployment. But for development and demonstration purposes midPoint contains an embedded database engine (H2 database). This embedded database is initialized by default when midPoint is installed. And it is that embedded database that is used to store the configuration objects right now in your fresh midPoint deployment. This database does not need any special configuration, the database schema is applied automatically, and it is started and stopped together with midPoint. Therefore, it is ideal for demonstration and development purposes.
Vast majority of midPoint configuration is stored in the database.
But there are few things that cannot be stored there.
Such as connection parameters to the database itself.
For that purpose midPoint has a small configuration file called config.xml
MidPoint also needs a place where to store other data that cannot be in the database, such as cryptographic keys, connector binaries and so on.
MidPoint needs a special directory on a filesystem for that purpose.
We call it midPoint home directory.
New directory with the name var is created in directory where midPoint distribution package was installed, i.e. at the same level as the bin directory where midPoint start start scripts are located.
Assuming that midPoint was installed in /opt/midpoint
directory then midPoint home will be located in /opt/midpoint/var
The location of midPoint home directory can be changed by using the midpoint.home Java system property.
This is done by specifying -Dmidpoint.home
in the JVM command-line.
Or in case that the default midPoint start scripts are used MIDPOINT_HOME
environment variable can be used to set the location of midPoint home directory.
When midPoint starts for the first time it starts with an empty database.
MidPoint populates the database with a minimal set of configuration objects.
This set contains objects such as the Superuser
role and user administrator
These objects get imported automatically because if they are not there you will not be able to log into the new midPoint instance.
These objects are imported only if they are not already present in the database.
If you modify them later then midPoint will not overwrite them.
Logging is perhaps the most important mechanism to diagnose any issues with midPoint. Logging should be the thing that comes to your mind anytime you cast a puzzled look at midPoint user interface. We try to make midPoint user interface convenient to use and we pay a lot of attention to good error reporting. But there are always some limits. The error that the user interface displays may be just a result of a long chain of causes and effects. Error messages in the user interface may not directly point to the primary cause. Or maybe there is no error at all, just midPoint does not do what it is supposed to do. That is the point where logging comes to the rescue.
MidPoint is using Java logging facilities to log its messages.
MidPoint log file name is midpoint.log
and it is stored in the log subdirectory in midPoint home directory (/opt/midpoint/var/log/midpoint.log
The default logging level is set up more-or-less to suit normal midPoint operation.
This means that the messages on level INFO
and above are logged while the finer levels are not logged.
If you want to diagnose midPoint issues you will need to switch the logging levels to DEBUG
, or in extreme cases even to TRACE
The logging levels can be adjusted in midPoint user interface.
Navigate to .
MidPoint is not a simple system. There are complex interactions, there is usually a lot of custom configuration, customizations, expressions and so on. Diagnostics of midPoint issues is in itself no easy task. Therefore, there is a dedicated Troubleshooting chapter in this book.
4. Resources and Mappings
The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
Reading and writing resource objects, attribute synchronization, mapping of attribute values, their transformation using scripts – these are the basic midPoint features. These features are absolutely essential for any self-respecting IDM deployment and all IDM engineers should be more than familiar with them. And this is exactly the purpose of this chapter: describe the necessary configuration to use midPoint as a provisioning engine.
It is not very realistic to expect that all the systems will agree on the same interface, communication protocol and schema for identity management. There were several attempts to unify the IAM landscape, but none of them was entirely successful. The LDAP protocol was created in the 1990s. But even for such a mature protocol the LDAP implementations are sill not 100% interoperable. The situation is even worse for identity provisioning protocols. There were several attempts to specify a standard provisioning protocol, but all of them failed to deliver complete interoperability. The worst pain point of identity integration is undoubtedly the schema. Every application has its own data model for representation of accounts, groups, privileges and other identity-related objects. Even if the application tries to expose that data model using some kind of standard schema there will always be small (but important) differences. MidPoint provides a practical solution to this problem. Application interfaces and their schemas need to be aligned or mapped to a common identity schema that you choose to use for your deployment. This chapter will tell you how to do it.
Identity Resource Definitions
Identity resource is one of the most important concepts in midPoint. Any system connected to midPoint is an identity resource. Identity resources (or just resources for short) are typically target systems where midPoint manages accounts. Moreover, source systems such as HR databases are also considered to be resources. There is no strict distinction between the source and target resource in midPoint. Both source and target resources are defined in exactly the same way. Resource can even act as both source and target at the same time.
MidPoint needs a way how to communicate with the resource. MidPoint has to know communication protocol, hostname, passwords, etc. For that purpose midPoint has resource definition objects. These are ordinary midPoint configuration objects stored in midPoint repository. Resource definition usually contains:
Name of the resource and its description
Reference to the connector which is used to communicate with the resource
Connector configuration properties that define resource host name, port, communication settings and so on. Those properties are used to initialize the connector.
Definition of object types that are interesting for midPoint. This is typically a definition that describes how a typical account looks like. But there may be much more: groups, roles, organizational units, …
Object type definitions typically contain mappings. Mappings define how attributes are synchronized from midPoint to resource or from resource to midPoint.
Synchronization settings that define what midPoint should do if it discovers unknown account, if the account is deleted on the resource and so on.
Resource definition looks like this in its XML form (simplified):
<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
<connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>
Resource definition is a very rich (and powerful) configuration object. It is maybe the richest configuration object in the entire midPoint system. Creating resource definition from scratch is usually no easy task. There is a lot of things to consider: connector configuration, identifier conventions, mandatory attributes, attribute value formats and so on. What we usually do is to locate a resource definition sample for a similar resource. Then we modify the sample to suit our needs. However, you need to understand how the resource definitions work to do this efficiently. Next few sections will explain the structure and function of resource definitions.
Believe it or not, there are people that do not like XML/JSON/YAML. There are also people that really want to start creating the resource from scratch. For all those people there is a resource wizard in the midPoint user interface. The wizard can be used to create and edit resource using a graphical user interface.
However, even if the resource wizard is your preferred way, it may still be easier to start with an existing sample. Find the sample that is the best match for your situation, import it in midPoint and then use the wizard to modify it.
There are many resource samples to start from. Most of them are located in midPoint distribution package. But there are other places to look for samples. Please see Additional Information chapter for suggestions.
Every resource needs a connector to work. Connectors are small pieces of Java code that are used to communicate with the resource. MidPoint looks for available connectors when it starts up. MidPoint will automatically create new configuration object for each connector that it discovers during the startup. The list of discovered connectors can be seen in midPoint user interface in
and select Connector in the type field located at the top of the screen. The connector objects look like this:<connector oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7">
<name>ConnId com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector v2.0</name>
The resource definition needs to point to the appropriate connector object. Therefore select the right connector from the connector list and remember its OID. Then use the connector OID in the resource configuration like this:
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
<connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>
This is a straightforward way how to link connector and resource. However, it is not the most convenient one. MidPoint creates connector objects automatically. Therefore the OIDs of the connector objects are not fixed. Every midPoint instance will have different OID for the discovered connectors. Therefore, if we want a resource that is always using the LDAP connector in all the midPoint instances we cannot do that by just using OIDs. But there is another way. You can use search filter instead of fixed OID:
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
<connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
The detailed explanation of the search filters will come later.
For now it is important to know just few basic principles.
When this resource definition is imported, midPoint notices that there is no OID in the connectorRef
It also notices that there is a search filter.
Therefore midPoint executes that search filter.
In this case it looks for an object of ConnectorType
type that has property connectorType
with value com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector
Therefore midPoint finds LDAP connector regardless of the OID that was generated when midPoint discovered that connector.
Then midPoint takes the OID of the object that it has found.
The OID is placed to the connectorRef
reference, so midPoint can find the connector directly and it does not need to execute the search every time the resource is used.
This is the method that is frequently used to bind resource definition to a specific connector type. It has the advantage that it works in all midPoint deployments. Therefore it is also used in the configuration samples.
Bundled and Deployed Connectors
Each class of resources needs its own connector. There is an LDAP connector that supports all the common LDAP servers. There are connectors that work with generic database tables. These connectors are quite generic. But most connectors are built for a specific application or software system: Linux servers, SAP R/3, Siebel, etc.
There is a handful of connectors that are so generic that they are used in almost all midPoint deployments. These connectors are bundled with midPoint. That means that they are part of the midPoint application package and they are always available. These three connector bundles are part of midPoint:
LDAP Connector bundle, which contains:
LDAP connector that works with most LDAPv3-compliant servers.
Active Directory connector that can work with Microsoft Active Directory over LDAP protocol.
DatabaseTable connector bundle with a connector that can connect to a generic relational database table.
CSV connector bundle with a connector that works with comma-separated (CSV) text files.
These connectors are always available in midPoint. Other connectors must be deployed into midPoint. Connector deployment is a very straightforward process:
Locate the connector binary (JAR file).
Copy the binary into the
directory which is located in midPoint home directory. -
Restart midPoint
MidPoint will scan the icf-connectors
directory when it starts up.
It will discover any new connectors and create a connector configuration objects for them.
Connector Configuration Properties
Connector needs a configuration to be able to work with the resource. This configuration usually consists of connection parameters such as hostname, port, administrative username, password, connection security settings and so on. The connector configuration properties are specified in the resource definition object. In a simplified from it looks like this:
<resource oid="690f9f44-8027-11e6-a248-3b5fe08dea36">
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
<connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>
There may be a very broad range of configuration properties - and every connector has its own set. While working just with the text representation of the resource definition you will need to find out the names of the configuration properties by looking at the samples, connector documentation or maybe even connector source code. It may look difficult but this is a perfectly viable approach. However, there are other ways. Firstly, there is the resource wizard. The wizard knows all the connector configuration properties and it will present the properties in a configuration form. The wizard takes the definition of the configuration properties from the connector schema. The connector schema is a definition of the properties that the connector supports: their names, types, multiplicity and so on. The connector schema is stored in the connector configuration object under the schema tag. Therefore even if you are working only with the XML/JSON/YAML files you can have a look at that schema to figure out what connector configuration properties are supported.
The connector schema also defines the connector namespace. Generally speaking namespaces in midPoint are used to isolate schema extensions that might conflict, and they are also used for data model versioning. The use of namespaces is optional in almost all parts of midPoint - but not yet in all the parts. Connector configuration is one of the few parts where namespaces should still be used. And it also makes some sense, as namespaces are used here as an additional safety mechanism. To keep a long story short, the configuration properties should be properly namespace-qualified:
<resource oid="690f9f44-8027-11e6-a248-3b5fe08dea36">
<name>LDAP Minimal</name>
<connectorRef oid="028159cc-f976-457f-be70-9e9fa079bcf7"/>
The use of namespaces will be completely optional in later midPoint versions. For now just copy the namespace URIs from the samples. You do not have to completely understand what is going on. Just one thing: the namespace of the configuration properties should be the same as the namespace defined in the connector object. This is a long URI that is composed of connector bundle name and connector name.
If the namespace does not match then the connector will refuse to work. This is a safety mechanism that prohibits accidental use of configuration from one connector in another connector where the configuration properties may have the same name but a completely different meaning.
Testing the Resource
Minimal resource definition has just the name, connector reference and connector configuration properties. After that the resource should show the first signs of life. Therefore select a suitable sample file now. Strip it down to the minimum, modify connector configuration properties and import the resource into midPoint. You should be able to see your resource in the list in Resources > List resources. The icon next to your resource is most likely black - not green and not red. Green icon means that the resource is working, red icon means that there is an error, black means "I do not know yet". Click on the resource label. The resource details page should appear. There is a Test Connection button at the bottom of the page. Click on that button. It may take a while now. MidPoint is initializing the connector with the configuration properties that you have specified. Then the connector will be used to check connection to the resource. If the parameters were correct and midPoint can reach the resource you will see the green lights:
If there are any errors during connector initialization, configuration or network connection you will see the errors here. In that case correct the configuration properties and try again. If everything works well then the resource icon turns green. Now we have a minimal working resource.
There are a few more things that you can do with such a minimal resource. For example, you can look at the resource content. Navigate to the resource details page and switch to Uncategorized tab. Select one of the object classes that the resource supports. Just click inside the Object class input box and the suggestions will appear. Now click on the Resource button on the right side. MidPoint connects to the resource, lists all the objects of the given object class and displays the list. Now you can click on any object to see the details.
That is a very useful feature for several reasons. Firstly, you can check that not just the resource connection works, but that the connector can actually retrieve the objects. Secondly, you will get some idea about the object classes that the resource supports. And thirdly, by looking at several objects you can get a basic overview of how the data are structured: what attributes are used and what are the typical values. You will appreciate that information later on when we will be setting up mappings.
Resource Schema Basics
The only resource object that early identity management systems dealt with was an account. That is not sufficient anymore. Good identity management system needs to manage may different types of resource objects: accounts, groups, organizational units, privileges, roles, access control lists and so on. In midPoint these are the object classes: types of resource objects that are made accessible to midPoint by the connector. A minimal resource supports at least the account object class, but a typical resource supports more object classes. Each object class may have a completely different set of attributes: different names, different types, some may be mandatory, some optional.
The collective definition of the object classes and their attributes is what we call resource schema. Obviously, resource schema is different for every resource. Even resources that are using the same connector may have different resource schema (e.g. two LDAP servers with different custom schema extensions). MidPoint is a smart system and it is capable of automatic resource schema discovery. MidPoint will reach out to the resource and retrieve the schema when the resource is used for the first time. Retrieved resource schema is stored under the schema tag in resource definition object. You can have a look and examine the schema there. But beware, the schema may be quite rich and big.
Resource schema is an absolutely crucial concept. MidPoint takes advantage of resource schema whenever it needs to work with resource objects such as accounts or groups. MidPoint uses resource schema to validate mappings. The schema is used for automatic type conversions. And most importantly of all: resource schema is used to display resource objects in user interface. MidPoint adapts to resource schema automatically. Not a single line of custom code is needed to do that.
Hub and Spoke
MidPoint topology is a star (a.k.a. "hub and spoke") with midPoint at the center. This is both physical and logical topology of midPoint deployments.
This means that the account A can be synchronized with midPoint user and then midPoint user can be synchronized with account B. But account A cannot be synchronized directly to account B. This is a deliberate decision that was made very early in midPoint design, and we have very good reasons for it.
Accounts and user that represent the same person are linked together. This link is a relation that midPoint creates and maintains. Therefore, midPoint knows who is the owner of a particular account. MidPoint also knows which accounts the user has. That is how midPoint knows which account needs to be synchronized with which user. It is critical for the links to be correct otherwise midPoint cannot reliably synchronize the data. For that reason, midPoint takes great care to maintain the links. And that is not always an easy task. There are strange corner cases such as renamed accounts or accounts that were deleted by mistake and re-created. But midPoint is built to handle such cases. The links are always maintained. And it is the link that allows midPoint to list all user’s accounts in the user interface.
The user in midPoint is known as focus in midPoint terminology. The accounts are known as projections. You can imagine a light projector that sends many light beams from its focal point to create a projection on the screen. This is the metaphor that we have chosen when building midPoint. And for the lack of better words this terminology remains in use even now. We will get back to the concept of focus and projections many times in this book. For now you just need to remember that projection means an account.
MidPoint knows which account belongs to which user by following links that it maintains. But how does midPoint know which attributes to synchronize? How to transform the values? And which side is the authoritative one? Mappings take care of that. Mapping is like a flexible data replication recipe. MidPoint allows to define mappings for each attribute in any direction. The mappings are used to control the synchronization on a very fine granularity.
Perhaps the best way to summarize synchronization principles is to illustrate them using a couple of examples. The first example is a modification of user properties in midPoint user interface. When the Save button is pressed then midPoint user interface sends the modification to midPoint core engine. The synchronization code in midPoint core follows the links to find all the accounts that belong to this specific user. Then the mappings are applied to synchronize the changed user properties to the accounts. Account changes are propagated to the resources and user changes are stored in midPoint repository.
The second example is slightly different. This case starts with a change of account data. This may be a change of an employee record in HR system. MidPoint detects that change and reads the changed account. MidPoint follows the link to find the user to which the account belongs. Then it follows other links from the user to find all the other accounts that may be affected. Similarly to the previous case the mappings are applied. The mappings from the HR account to the user are applied first. The result is a modification of user properties. Then a process identical to the previous case takes place. User modifications are automatically applied to all affected accounts.
Those two cases look to be quite different. First case is a manual change of data by system administrator. Second case is an automatic data feed from the HR system. But as you can see the principles that are used to implement those two cases are almost exactly the same. This is the consequence of midPoint philosophy: radical reuse of functionality and generic application of principles. You just need to define what you want to do (the policy). MidPoint takes care that it is done when it needs to be done.
Why the star topology?
The star or "hub and spoke" were (and still are) the big buzzwords of system integration.
And the basic idea makes a lot of sense.
If every node needs to be synchronized with every other node then the number of required connections grows quite steeply.
It is in fact proportional to the square of the number of nodes.
Mathematicians say that is has O(n2) complexity.
However, if you rearrange the connections so that they all point to the central "hub" then the number of connections is significantly reduced.
It is proportional to the number of nodes: O(n) complexity.
This is a huge difference, especially in deployments with many resources.
However, this approach works well only if the star topology is both physical and logical.
I.e. it makes very little sense to connect all resources to a central “hub” if that hub still internally needs O(n2) policies to synchronize the data.
That would only hide the complexity in a black box, but the complexity is still there.
However, midPoint is different.
MidPoint is a real "hub".
This is the reason why midPoint does not support synchronization of accounts directly with each other.
We want to have simple, clean and maintainable system, both externally and internally.
Schema Handling
Resource schema is a very important concept. It defines what object classes are supported by the resource and how they look like. But it is important to know not only how the objects look. It is also important to know what to do with them. And that is what the schema handling is all about.
Schema handling is a part of the resource definition object. It specifies which object classes from the resource schema are actually used by midPoint. And most importantly of all it specifies how they are used. This is the place where mappings are stored. This is the place where account-group associations are defined. This is the place where schema can be augmented and tweaked. Simply speaking, this is the place where most of the resource-related configuration takes place.
Schema handling section contains definition of several object types. Each object type refers to one "thing" that midPoint works with: default account, testing account, group, organizational unit and so on. Let’s start with something simple and let’s define just one object type now: default account. It looks like this:
<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
This may seem trivial, but even such a minimal definition is important for midPoint.
This definition tells midPoint that default account on this resource has inetOrgPerson
object class.
Resources such as LDAP servers may have dozens of object classes.
Most of them are not used at all.
There are often several alternative object classes that can be used to create accounts.
It is important to tell midPoint which object class is the right one.
And that’s what this definition does.
Once this definition is in place, the accounts appear on the Accounts tab of the resource details page (they were visible only on the Generics tab before).
This is a sign that the definition works correctly.
A clever reader surely noticed definition of kind in the above example.
Setting kind to account
indicates that this object type definition represents (surprisingly) an account.
MidPoint supports many types of objects.
But two types have a special place: accounts that represents the users and entitlements that give privileges to the accounts.
MidPoint can handle the objects in a smart way if it knows that it is either account or entitlement.
And the kind definition tells just that.
There is also optional intent setting that can be used to define subtypes.
But more on that later.
The schema handling section can also be used to augment (or even override) some parts of the resource schema. E.g. following example sets a display name for this object type. The display name will be used by the user interface when it displays the account.
<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
<displayName>Default account</displayName>
However, the most powerful feature that is used in the schema handling is the ability to deal with attributes. Following sections are all about that.
Attribute Handling
Resource objects such as accounts or groups are mostly just a bunch of attributes. Almost all of the IDM magic is about setting the correct attribute to the correct value. The schema handling section of the resource definition is the place where the basic attribute behavior is defined.
The object type definition contains sections that define behavior of each attribute that we care about:
<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
<!-- behavior of "dn" attribute defined here -->
<!-- behavior of "cn" attribute defined here -->
There is an attribute
element for every attribute that we need.
Lot of details can be defined here: display name of the attribute that will be used by the user interface, limitations and schema augmentation, override settings and so on.
But the most important things that go there are the mappings.
In the simplest form a mapping looks like this:
<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
This means that the value of the cn attribute will be taken from the fullName
property of the focal object (which is typically a user).
This a very simple mapping, there is no value transformation, no condition – nothing complicated at all.
This is how a lot of mappings look like.
But mappings can also be very powerful and complex.
That will be described in next section.
The attribute
sections are used to set up the attributes that a typical user account on the resource has.
Those will assign identifiers, set up full name, set description and telephone number attributes and things like that.
It is a very convenient approach to have this directly in the resource definition.
We can simply assign the accounts to the user without specifying any details.
MidPoint evaluates the mappings in attribute
sections to populate account attributes with the correct values.
Now it is perhaps a good time to have a look at some sample resource definitions to get a feel how a real-world resource definition looks like.
The samples are located in the midPoint distribution package or you can find them on-line.
See Additional Information chapter for more details.
The "ri" namespace.
You may have noticed that "ri" namespace prefix is used whenever we refer to the object classes or attributes.
In a strict sense this is the correct notation.
Object classes and attributes are defined in resource schema and the "ri" is the namespace of that schema.
While the use of namespaces should be optional in almost all parts of midPoint, we are still using the "ri" namespace in samples.
Mostly due to the nostalgic reasons.
By the way, "ri" stands for "resource instance".
Mapping is a very flexible mechanism that takes one or more input properties, transforms them and puts the result in another property. Mappings are used all over midPoint. But perhaps the most important use of mappings is in the schema handling part of the resource definition where they set up account attribute values. We have already seen a very simple mapping that simply copies the values from one place to another. Now it is the time to look at mapping in its entirety.
Mapping consists of the three basic parts:
Source part defines the data sources of the mapping. These are usually understood as mapping input variables. Source defines where mapping gets its data from.
Expression part defines how the data are transformed, generated or passed on to the "other side". This is the most flexible part of the mapping as it contains the logic. There is a broad variety of possibilities, including support for scripting expressions.
Target part defines what to do with the results of the mapping, where the computed values should go.
The three parts of the mapping as well as the basic principle is illustrated in the following diagram:
The diagram shows a mapping that takes employeeNumber
user property and transforms it to description
account attribute by using a simple Groovy script expression.
The source
part of the mapping defines that there is a single source which is based on employeeNumber
user property.
Source definitions are important for the mapping to correctly process relative changes (deltas), mapping dependencies, etc.
The source definition tells mapping that the value of employeeNumber
user property should be passed to an expression.
The expression
part contains a simple Groovy script that prepends the prefix emp#
to the employee number value specified by the source definition.
The expression
part of the mapping is very flexible and there is a lot of ways that can be used to transform a value, generate new value, use a fixed value, pass a value without any change and so on.
The target
part defines how the result of the expression should be used.
In this case the result is to be used as a description
account attribute.
The target
definition is necessary so the mapping can locate appropriate definition of the target property and therefore make sure that the expression produces a correct data type and that other schema constraints are maintained (e.g. single vs multiple values).
This mapping can be expressed in XML:
<code>'emp#' + employeeNumber</code>
Not all parts of the mapping are mandatory.
If the expression is not present then "as is" expression is assumed.
Such expression simply copies the source to target without any transformation.
Some parts of the mapping may be implicitly defined by the surrounding context.
E.g. target or source is implicit if the mapping is used to define attribute behavior in the schema handling section.
Therefore it is usually sufficient to define either source or target for mappings in schemaHandling
This is the notation that you have seen in the previous section.
Mapping source is explicitly specified as the familyName
property of the user.
Mapping target is implicitly set to be the attribute for which the mapping is defined.
As no expression is explicitly defined it defaults to a simple copy of the value without any transformation (asIs
Mapping notation can even be shortened a bit more in this case.
It is quite clear that the mapping source will be one of the properties of the focal object (user).
Therefore the $focus
prefix can be omitted:
Those examples are still very simple. Mappings can do much more – as you will learn later on. But there is one more thing that we need to explain here. Mappings are designed to work with more than just a single source. Following diagram illustrates a mapping that takes two arguments: given name and family name. The mapping produces full name by concatenating these value with a space in between. This is the kind of mapping that is frequently used to construct user’s full name from its components. While the mapping may seem simple there are some sophisticated mechanisms hidden inside.
The mapping is represented in the XML form as follows:
<code>givenName + ' ' + familyName</code>
There are two sources specified by the source definitions: user property givenName
and another user property familyName
The mapping is using script expression to combine the values into a single value which is used to populate user’s fullName
This example also illustrates that the mappings are smart.
The mapping may be evaluated only if one of the sources changes or if a full recompute is requested.
In case that neither givenName
not familyName
changes there is no need to re-evaluate that expression.
This is one of the reasons for requiring explicit source definition in the mappings.
Without such definitions it is not (realistically) possible to reliably determine when and how the expression should be re-evaluated.
$user and $account variables.$focus and $projection were introduced in midPoint 3.0 as a consequence of the generic synchronization feature.
The objects that the expression works with might not be just user or account.
A much broader range of objects may be used.
Therefore generic concepts of focus and projections were introduced and the variable names were changed to reflect that.
The old variables $user and $account can still be used, but their use is deprecated.
Despite that they are still used in some older examples.
It is never easy to completely eliminate the burden of history, is it?
Mappings are used all over midPoint, in many places and situations. Sometimes a mapping needs to be really authoritative. It has to enforce the value to the target. But sometimes we want to provide a default value and the mapping should never change the target value once it is set. Therefore mapping can be set to various levels of strength: from weak to strong. Following table describes how that works:
Strength | Description |
Mapping is applied only if the target has no value. Weak mappings are usually used to set default values. |
Mapping is applied only if there is a change in source properties.
Normal-strength mappings are used to implement the last change wins strategy.
If the value was modified in midPoint then the mapping is applied and target is modified.
If the target is modified directly then the mapping does not overwrite the target value – until the next change in midPoint.
This is the default behavior of mappings.
If no strength is specified then |
Mapping is always applied. Strong mappings enforce particular values. |
The strength can be specified in any mapping by using the strength
When it comes to mapping strength then the following rule of the thumb may be useful: If you want to enforce policy use strong mappings. If you just want to set a default value use weak mapping. If you are not sure what you are doing then normal mappings will probably work just fine.
Expression is the most flexible part of the mapping.
There are approximately dozen different type of expressions ranging from the simplest as is expression through the scripting expressions all the way to a special purpose expressions that search through midPoint repository.
Expression type is determined by the element that is used inside the expression
section of the mapping.
We refer to those elements as expression evaluators.
You can find detailed description of expression evaluators in midPoint docs.
We are going to deal only with few types that are most frequently used now:
Expression Evaluator | Element | Description |
As is |
Copies the value without any transformation. |
Literal |
Stores literal (constant) value in the target. |
Generate |
Generates a random value. |
Script |
Executes a script, stores script output in the target. |
The simplest expression evaluator is asIs
It simply takes the source and copies that to the target.
It obviously works only if there is just one source.
It is also the default expression evaluator.
If no expression is specified in the mapping then asIs
is assumed.
It is used like this:
Literal expression evaluator is used to place a constant value in the target. This expression does not need any source at all. It always produces the same value. It looks like this:
<value>ExAmPLE, Inc.</value>
The generate
expression evaluator is used to generate a random value.
As such it is used almost exclusively to generate passwords.
We will deal with that expression later when we will be dealing with credentials.
Script Expressions
The most interesting expression evaluator is undoubtedly the script
expression evaluator.
It allows to execute arbitrary scripting code to transform the value.
Basic principle is simple: values from source properties are stored in the script variables.
Script is executed and it produces an output.
The output is stored in the target.
We have already seen a mapping that has a scripting expression:
<code>givenName + ' ' + familyName</code>
There are two sources: givenName
and familyName
The values of these user properties are placed in variables used by the script.
The variables that have the same names: givenName
and familyName
Then the script may do whatever it does with the variables.
At the end the script has to return a value.
The script above is written in Groovy, therefore the return value is the value of the last evaluated expression.
In this case it is the only expression in the script which concatenates the two variables with a space in between.
Script return value is placed in the output, which in this case is fullName
user property.
Scripts are often used to transform the values before they are stored in account attributes.
One very common case is construction of LDAP distinguished name (DN).
The DN is a complex value in the form of uid=foobar,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
However it is easy to construct such value using a simple script:
'uid=' + name + ',ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'
(A clever reader surely has a suspicious look on his face now. Of course, this is not entirely correct way how to compose LDAP DN. But please bear with us. We will correct that later.)
Midpoint supports three scripting languages:
Groovy: This is the default scripting language.
JavaScript (ECMAscript)
Python (must be explicitly installed)
All three languages can be arbitrarily mixed even in a single midPoint deployment. Although quite understandably such a practice is not recommended. The language can be selected for each individual expression by using language URI:
"Python is %s, name is %s" % ("king", name)
When writing scripting expression, please keep in mind that some characters must be properly escaped in the text format that you are using (XML, JSON or YAML).
E.g. the ampersand character (&
) so frequently used for logical operations needs to be escaped as &
in XML.
Scripting expressions can do almost anything. And there is still more to them that meets the eye. This section provides only the very basic description to get you started. Will get back to the scripting expressions many times in this book.
The term activation is used in midPoint to denote a set of properties that describe whether an object is active. This includes properties that describe whether the user is enabled, disabled, archived, since when he should be enabled, to what date he should be active and so on. The simple enabled/disabled flag might have been sufficient in the 1990s. But that was a long time ago. We need much more than that. Therefore the activation is quite a rich data structure in midPoint. We are going to describe just the basic idea now, the details will follow later.
The most important activation concept is administrative status. Administrative status defines "administrative state" of the object (user). I.e. the explicit decision of an administrator whether the user is enabled or disabled. Except for administrative status there are also validity times, lockout status, various timestamps and metadata. But we will get to that later.
The important thing to realize is that both user and the accounts have activation properties - and they are almost the same. The user and account activation are using the same property names, meaning and data formats. This is important, because you would probably want account activation to follow user activation. E.g. if user is disabled then also all his accounts should be disabled. This is very easy to do in midPoint because the user and account activation are compatible. Therefore all it takes is a very simple mapping. There is a special place in the resource schema handling section for that:
<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
<!-- attribute handling comes here -->
It is as simple as that.
Just an empty mapping represented by empty outbount
User has administrativeStatus
property, account has administrativeStatus
property, therefore midPoint knows what is the source and target of the mapping.
The values of the administrativeStatus
property has the same type and meaning on both sides.
Therefore the default asIs
mapping is just fine.
All that midPoint needs to know is that the mapping exists at all.
That we want to map the value.
That is a reason for having empty outbound
element there.
MidPoint will fill in all the details.
When this mapping is in place and the user gets disabled, the account will be disabled as well. When the user gets enabled, the account will follow suit.
Credential management is important part of identity management. MidPoint is built to easily synchronize credentials to many accounts. Similarly to activation, credential data structures of user and accounts are aligned. Therefore all that is needed to synchronize password to an account is a simple empty mapping:
<resource oid="b4101662-7902-11e6-9f14-53e18426fe81">
<name>My LDAP Server</name>
<!-- attribute handling comes here -->
When the user password in midPoint is changed the changed password will be propagated to all the resources that have a mapping like this.
Complete Provisioning Example
This section describes a complete working example of connection to the LDAP directory. The configuration below is used to automatically create accounts in OpenLDAP server. Entire configuration is contained in a single resource definition file. Following paragraphs explain individual parts of the file. Simplified XML notation is used for clarity. Complete file in a form directly usable in midPoint can be found at the same place as all the other samples in this book (see Additional Information chapter for details).
Resource definition begins with object type, OID, name and description. These are self-explanatory:
<resource oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c">
LDAP resource using a ConnId LDAP connector. It contains configuration
for use with OpenLDAP servers.
This is a sample used in the "Practical Identity Management with MidPoint"
book, chapter 4.
Connector reference comes next. We want to point to the LDAP connector. Here we use dynamic reference that is using search filter to locate the connector:
<connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
The reference is resolved when this object is imported to midPoint.
The resolution process takes the search filter and it looks for connector object with the connectorType
specified in the filter.
Connector configuration goes next. This block specifies connector configuration properties such as hostname, port, passwords and so on.
The last part of this block defines that the ConnId framework result handlers should be disabled. ConnId result filtering is a legacy mechanism and most connectors do not need that any more. It may even be harmful in many cases. Unfortunately this mechanism is turned on by default. Therefore most resource configurations contain this part to explicitly turn all the handlers off.
These parts alone should already define a minimal resource. If you define just the name, connector reference and connector configuration you should be able to import the resource to midPoint. The connection test should pass and you should be able to browse resource content. However there is absolutely no IDM logic or automation yet. That is what we are going to add next.
Element that usually follows connector configuration is schema. However if you look at almost any file that contains resource definition you will find no such element. The schema element is automatically generated by midPoint when midPoint connects to the resource for the first time. Therefore there is no need to include it in the definition.
What we have to include in the definition is the way how midPoint handles the schema.
This is defined in schemaHandling
Our schemaHandling
section contains just one objectType
We are going to define how to handle ordinary user accounts on our OpenLDAP server.
<displayName>Normal Account</displayName>
This is the place where we define the kind of objects that we are going to handle.
In this case it is account
This object is default account.
Which means that it will be used in case that the account type is not explicitly specified.
There is also specification of a display name.
Display name is not used in automation logic.
It is used by the user interface when referring to this definition.
And finally, there is specification of the object class.
The inetOrgPerson
object class will be used to create new accounts.
The object class specification determines what attributes the account can have.
The objectType
definition also includes a specification of attribute handling.
There is one section for each attribute that we want to handle in automated or special way.
It starts with the most important attribute: LDAP distinguished name (DN):
<displayName>Distinguished Name</displayName>
basic.composeDnWithSuffix('uid', name, 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com')
The ref
element specifies name of the attribute that we are going to work with.
In fact this is a reference to automatically-generated schema part of resource definition.
Definition of display name follows.
Display name is used by the user interface as a label for the user interface elements (fields) that work with this attribute.
This definition sets a nice "Distinguished Name" label instead of cryptic "dn" which would be used by default.
Let’s skip the limitation definition now. We will come back to that later.
The outbound mapping definition follows. This is where the automation logic is specified. This is the place where the DN value is computed. The name property of the user object is the source for this mapping. The name property usually contains username (login name). This value is used by scripting expression in this mapping. The expression is supposed to create a DN in the form:
The expression here is a clever one.
It does not do the work all by itself.
It invokes a library function to compose the DN.
It may look like a good idea to use simple string concatenation to construct a DN.
However, that will fail in case that the DN components contain certain characters that need to be escaped in the final DN.
The composeDnWithSuffix
library function takes care of that and creates a proper DN.
The outbound mapping will be evaluated whenever we need to construct a DN. This obviously happens when a new object is created. But the same mapping is used when a user is renamed (i.e. his username changes). This is the reason that the mapping needs specification of source. Rename is often quite tricky and complicated operation. It may not be cheap and in some applications it may not be entirely reversible. We definitely do not want to trigger DN changes unless they are really needed. The specification of the mapping source tells us when the DN change is needed. In this case it tells us to change the DN in the name property of the user object changes.
Now it is the right time to go back to the limitations
The dn attribute is defines as mandatory attribute by the schema.
And that is perfectly correct: LDAP object cannot be created without a DN. MidPoint is using schema for everything.
Therefore when midPoint displays a form to edit this LDAP account it will check that DN has a value because it is a mandatory attribute.
However, normally we do not want users to enter the DN in the user interface forms.
We want to compute DN automatically.
And that is exactly the point of the outbound mapping.
Yet midPoint does not know when the expression computes a value and when it does not.
The expression is a generic piece of Groovy code.
As far as midPoint can see the expression can produce any value, including empty one.
Therefore even if there is an expression, midPoint sticks to the schema and it still requires that DN value is entered by the user.
However we have written the expression and we know that it will produce a value for any (reasonable) input.
Therefore we want to tell midPoint that the DN is no longer mandatory – that it is OK for user to enter no DN value in user interface forms.
And that is exactly what the limitations
section does.
This section overrides the automatically generated schema and it turns the dn attribute from mandatory to optional.
And that is all.
Now we have defined the behavior of the dn attribute.
We can use similar approach to define the behavior of other attributes as well.
E.g. the handling of the cn
attribute has similar definition:
<displayName>Common Name</displayName>
In this case there is outbound mapping, but it has no explicit expression.
Which means that the value is taken from the source without any change ("as is").
Therefore the attribute cn will have the same value as user property fullName
It is also possible to define an attribute without any mapping:
<displayName>Entry UUID</displayName>
This means that midPoint will not provide any automatic handling for the entryUUID
This definition is used just to set a user-friendly display name for the attribute.
Mappings and expressions have almost unlimited flexibility.
E.g. the following definition sets a static value for the description
<value>Created by midPoint</value>
This mapping has no source because the source does not make any sense for static value.
Static values are always the same.
You can also notice that this mapping is weak.
It will be used to set the description
attribute only if that attribute does not have any value already.
It will not overwrite existing values.
The inetOrgPerson
object class has much more attributes than those defined in the schemaHandling
Those attributes will be automatically displayed in the user interface.
MidPoint will use the generated resource schema to determine their names and types.
MidPoint will display these attributes, the user can change them and midPoint will execute those changes.
But apart from that midPoint will not do any special handling on those attributes.
It is all right not to enumerate all the attributes in schemaHandling
You only need to define those attributes which you want to handle in a special way.
There are two more definitions to describe before our example is complete.
First definition is the activation
It is very simple:
This is a definition that specifies handling of the activation administrative status. This status property specifies whether account is enabled or disabled. Activation properties are somehow special in midPoint. MidPoint understands the meaning and the values of activation properties. MidPoint also expects that user activation and account activation will usually be mapped together. Therefore it is enough to tell midPoint that you want such mapping. MidPoint already knows the source (user activation) and the target (account activation). If the user is disabled then the account will get disabled. If the user is enabled than the account will get enabled.
Clever reader is surely scratching his head now. There is no LDAP standard that specifies how to enable or disable accounts. In addition to this, OpenLDAP does not even have a concept of disabled account at all! Therefore how does midPoint know how to disable an LDAP account? To tell the truth, midPoint does not know it. We have taken a bit of a poetic license here as we wanted to demonstrate a simple activation mapping. But in this case it will not work just by itself. OpenLDAP resource simply does not have this capability. However there is a way. Activation capability can be simulated. We will deal with that later. For now let’s just marvel in the beauty of this very elegant activation mapping that does absolutely nothing. |
The last thing that we need for the resource to work well is to define a mapping for credentials. In this case it is a password mapping:
Similarly to activation, the credentials are handled in a special way in midPoint. MidPoint understands how credentials work, what their values are and how they are used. MidPoint also expects that user credentials such as passwords will usually be mapped to the account credentials. Therefore all that midPoint needs to know is that you want to do that mapping. It can automatically determine the source and target. The account will have the same password as the user. User’s password is used when a new account is created. And when user changes his password the change is also propagated to the account.
That is it. Now you have your first (almost) working resource. You can import the definition to midPoint and test it. Simply assign the resource to a user. The OpenLDAP account will be created - the DN and all the essential attributes will be automatically computed. When midPoint creates an account for a user it remembers who is the owner of that account. Therefore it can easily delete the account when needed. Unassign the resource and the account will get deleted. This is how automated provisioning and deprovisioning works. No real programming is needed. Just a declarative specification and a line or two of very simple scripting. Such configuration can be done in a couple of minutes. And it is essentially the same process for all the applications. Just the connector is different. The connector has different configuration properties, the attribute names are different - but the principles and the tools are the same. It is easy to connect many heterogeneous applications in this way. The connectors and the mappings are hiding the differences. In the end all the "resources" look the same to midPoint. The same principles are used to manage them. Therefore the management can be done efficiently even at a large scale.
Yet this configuration is still extremely simple. We are just scratching the surface of what midPoint can do. There is much more to see in the next chapters. But we need to explain more of the fundamental midPoint concepts before getting there.
Linking users and accounts is one of the basic principle of any decent identity management system. However, it is surprisingly difficult to implement such link. There are numerous methods how to reliably identify accounts and they vary from system to system. Some systems identify accounts only by username - which makes reliable detection of renames quite difficult. Other systems improve on that by introducing another identifier, an identifier that is persistent. Identifier value is assigned by the resource and it never changes. However, username is still used as secondary identifier and it has to be unique. Yet another system has compound identifiers that consist of two or more values. Some system have globally-unique identifiers while other systems have identifiers that are only unique in their own object class. Some systems have hierarchical structured identifiers, others have flat unstructured identifiers. Some identifiers are case-sensitive strings, others are case-insensitive, some identifiers follow complex normalization rules and yet another identifiers are binary and completely opaque. To make long story short: reliable identification is really complicated.
We do not want to pollute user object with all the delicate details of account identification. Therefore we have created a separate midPoint object that hides all the resource-related details and identification complexities. We call it simply shadow because it behaves as a shadow of the real account. When midPoint detects new account a shadow is automatically created to represent the account in midPoint repository. When midPoint detects that account has changed (e.g. it was renamed) then midPoint automatically updates the shadow. When the account is deleted midPoint also deletes the shadow. Technically, shadow is still an ordinary midPoint object. Therefore shadow has object identifier (OID). Other objects can simply point to the shadow using ordinary object reference. And that is exactly how user-account links are implemented:
The shadow objects contain all the data that are needed to reliably identify an account - or any other resource object such as group or organizational unit. Shadow also points to the corresponding resource definition to make the identification complete. Shadows are multi-purpose objects and they have many uses in midPoint. Shadows record meta-data about resource objects. They are used to hold cached values of the attributes (this functionality is still experimental in midPoint 4.0). Shadows can be used to hold the state of the resource objects for which midPoint does not have on-line communication channel and the operations are executed manually (a.k.a. "manual resources"). Therefore shadows are quite complex objects. Following picture provides more substantial example of a shadow.
Do not worry if that picture looks a bit scary. Shadows may be complex, but they are almost always invisible to midPoint users. Shadows are automatically and transparently maintained by midPoint core. Under normal circumstances, MidPoint takes all that is needed to maintain the shadow and no special configuration is needed for that. We describe the mechanics of the shadow objects here mostly for the sake of completeness. But there may be situations when this knowledge may be useful. These are usually situations when midPoint was mis-configured and the shadows were created incorrectly. In that case you may need to purge all shadows and start over. But beware: shadows are used to link users and accounts therefore if you purge the shadows you will lose the links. Yet, even that is usually not that painful. The synchronization methods described in the next chapter may be used to easily re-create the links.
5. Synchronization
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
Data are the lifeblood of any software system. Ensuring proper management of the data is one of the primary responsibilities of a software architect. But data management can be very tricky – as any experienced software architect knows only too well. One of the important principle of software architecture is often formulated as "do not repeat yourself". This applies to code as it applies to data: though shall not repeat the data. There is one original, authoritative value. And there should not be any copies of that value. Ever. There is just one universal source of truth. If there are no copies then the data are always consistent. No copies mean no contradictions. Just one truth, precise and crystal-clear. Keep data in one place, and one place only.
That is the theory.
However, practice has a different opinion to offer. In practice there are many incompatible technologies. Applications built on relational databases cannot directly use data from directory services. Even relational databases do not fit together easily. Each application is designed with a different data model in mind. There are data translation and bridging technologies that work as adapters to resolve compatibility issues. You make a query, the query is intercepted by an adaptor, the adaptor translates the query, executes it in a remote database, gets the results, translates them, and provides them to you. All of that in real time. Those are elegant solutions. Yet, there is a cost to pay. The adapters add latencies, and they almost always have a negative impact on performance. Even worse, transaction handling and data consistency is very problematic. Such adapters are additional components on a critical path and their failures are very painful. The resulting system is often operationally fragile: failure of even a minor component means a failure of the entire system. Not to speak about the enormous complexity and cost of the solution.
On the other hand, copying all the data into my application database is so convenient. The application can access the data easily, using just one homogeneous mechanism. Failure of other components are not affecting the critical path. It is all so much better for performance. Copying the data solves almost all the troublesome issues. Except for one small detail: the problem of keeping the data up to date. That is where the synchronization mechanisms come in.
However hard you may try, it is almost impossible to avoid maintaining copies of the data. Identity data are no exception. In fact identity data are often the most heavily affected. That makes a lot of sense. Applications are built for users to use them. Therefore, almost every application keeps some kind of data about users. In addition to that, such data are usually very sensitive from security and privacy point of view.
We cannot avoid copying the data. The best thing that we can do is to keep the copies managed and synchronized. Some applications have built-in support for LDAP or directory synchronization. However, those mechanisms are usually quite weak and fragile. For example, many applications provide capability for on-demand synchronization with directory service on login time. It usually works like this:
User enters username and password to application login dialog.
The application connects to the directory service to validate the password.
If the password is correct then the application retrieves user data from the directory.
The application stores copy of user data locally.
Business as usual. Local copy of the data is used ever since.
This approach works quite well at the beginning. Yet, after a while, the data begin to stink. Users are renamed, but the local copies are not updated. Users are deleted, but the local copies stay around forever. There are local accounts and privileges that are not reflected back to the directory service, and therefore remain undetected for years. Which means that we have a serious security and data protection problem here. Even worse, we do not even know that the problem is there.
Some applications have more advanced synchronization processes that can do better than this. However, an application that does synchronization well is still an extremely rare sight. There is a good reason for this. Synchronization is much harder than it seems. There may be data inconsistencies on both sides. There may be network communication errors and configuration errors. Data models are evolving in time. Policies are changing. It is no easy task to reliably synchronize the data in such environment. Therefore, there is a special breed of systems that specialize in synchronization of identity data: identity management systems.
Synchronization in MidPoint
Synchronization is one of the basic mechanisms of midPoint. Synchronization mechanisms are integral part of midPoint design from its very beginning. Many of the things that midPoint normally does are in fact just different flavors of synchronization. There are obvious cases such as reconciliation process, synchronizing account attributes with data in midPoint repository. However, there are also less obvious cases, such as ordinary provisioning operation when midPoint needs to create a new account for a user. Even that case is in fact a synchronization: midPoint user properties are synchronized with a new empty account on the resource. Majority of midPoint operations are directly or indirectly using the synchronization principles.
Reuse of the mechanisms is one of fundamental principles of midPoint design.
When we have designed midPoint, we have not invented a separate mechanism for every midPoint feature.
We have rather designed few very generic principles that are re-used at many places in midPoint.
Synchronization is one of these principles.
There is one code that implements the core of the synchronization logic.
That code is used whenever we need to "align" objects that relate to each other.
The same code is used for user-account reconciliation, ordinary provisioning, role-based provisioning, live synchronization, data consistency … almost everywhere.
MidPoint synchronization is almost a continuous functionality spectrum that can be tweaked and tuned to match specific needs. Yet, the synchronization mechanisms can be divided to several broad and slightly overlapping categories:
Live synchronization is almost real-time synchronization mechanism. MidPoint continually scans the resource for changes. If changes are detected, then those changes are immediately processed by midPoint. The actual latencies depend on the capabilities of the resource, but usual numbers range from few seconds to few minutes. Only recent changes are processed by live synchronization. Therefore, it is a very efficient mechanism which usually has fast responses even in large-scale deployments.
Reconciliation is a process that compares the data and corrects them. When an account is reconciled, midPoint computes the attribute values that the account should have. The computed values are compared to the real values that the account has. Any differences are corrected. Reconciliation is quite heavy-weight mechanism, comparing all the accounts one-by-one. It is also a very reliable mechanism. It can correct mistakes that were missed by live synchronization, it can correct data after major failures and corruptions, and so on. Reconciliation is usually executed in regular intervals. However, due to its heavyweight nature, it is usually executed during off-peak times (nights and weekends).
Import is usually a one-time process to get data from the resource to midPoint. Import is used to populate midPoint with initial data, or it may be used to connect a new resource to midPoint. Import is almost the same as reconciliation with only a few minor differences. However, its purpose is different and therefore there is usually also a slightly different configuration of import policies (mappings). Import is usually not scheduled, it is manually triggered when needed.
Opportunistic synchronization is a very special kind of animal which is quite unique to midPoint. Opportunistic synchronization is triggered automatically when midPoint discovers that something is not in order. For example if midPoint tries to modify an account, but it discovers that the account is not there. Synchronization mechanism is triggered at that point, just for that single account. This usually means that the account is re-created. The opportunistic synchronization is also triggered when midPoint tries to create a new account, but the account is already there. This approach makes midPoint a self-healing system. If midPoint runs into a problem, it can often correct the problem by itself.
Individual mechanisms differ in a way data inconsistency is discovered: livesync will actively look for new changes, reconciliation will compare the data one-by-one and opportunistic synchronization will discover inconsistency by pure chance. Yet, all the mechanism react to inconsistency in the same way. There is only one policy that specifies how to fix the system. Of course, there may be slight deviations in the behavior. For example, we usually want import to behave in slightly different way than reconciliation. MidPoint allows that. Yet, there is just one big synchronization mechanism overall. This has a very good reason. It does not really matter how the problem was discovered. What really matters is that the problem gets fixed. We do not want to maintain four separate configurations for that. Having one policy is enough. MidPoint knows which part of the configuration need to be applied in each specific situation, and it does it automatically. This unifying approach significantly simplifies the configuration of midPoint synchronization mechanisms. That is also a reason why the boundaries of individual synchronization mechanisms are quite fuzzy. In fact this is just a single big mechanism with several facets.
Source Systems, Target Systems And Other Creatures
The tale of idealistic identity management deployment starts with a human resources (HR) system. The HR system is supposed to have records for all the identities, therefore it is authoritative source system. Identity management system pulls in all the data from HR database, recomputes them and creates accounts on target systems. And they lived happily ever after.
Now, let’s get back to reality. The HR database is indeed an authoritative source of data in many real-world cases. However, it is a limited source. It contains only data about employees, and it has only partial information about them. For example there is no username. Username has to be generated by IDM logic. There is no initial password. Organizational structure assignment is often incomplete, missing or unreliable. Therefore, HR database is only a partially-authoritative source. There may be additional authoritative sources for contractors, partners, suppliers, support engineers and other identities that need to access our systems. These are additional source systems. Then there is a directory system, which is often Microsoft Active Directory. This should be a target resource in theory. Yet, there often are pieces of authoritative information in here. For example an algorithm to generate a username may be based on the usernames that are already used in the Active Directory. The data in Active Directory may also be needed to create a unique e-mail address. Directory systems are also used as a semi-authoritative sources for telephone numbers, office numbers and so on. Therefore, such systems are both target and source systems. Then there are "pure" target systems. These are not supposed to be authoritative in any way. Identity management system will only write to these. Or … will it? What happens when a conflicting account already exists on such system, and therefore we cannot create a new account for a new employee? And how do we check if there are no accounts that are not supposed to be there? It turns out that even the "pure" target systems contain valuable sources of information after all.
The reality brings a wild mix of source, target, semi-source, target/source and quasi-target systems that are almost impossible to put into a pre-defined boxes. Therefore, midPoint does not bother to define a concept of "source" or "target" resource. All resources can be both sources and targets, and the authoritativeness of each attribute can be controlled on a very fine level. Almost every real-world situation can easily fit into this model.
Inbound and Outbound Mappings
MidPoint is firmly based on the principle of reuse. Previous chapter explained that behavior of attributes during provisioning is controlled by mappings. Therefore, it is perhaps no big surprise that the behavior of attributes during synchronization is also controlled by mappings. In fact, provisioning is just a special case of synchronization. Following picture explains the combined mechanism.
There are two types of mappings:
Inbound mappings map data flowing into midPoint. These mappings take the data from the source resources, transform them and apply the result to the user object.
Outbound mappings map data flowing out of midPoint. These mappings take user properties, transform them and apply the result to account attributes in target systems.
The mappings themselves are almost the same regardless whether they are inbound or outbound. They have sources, targets, expressions, conditions, etc. Just the sources and targets are reversed:
Inbound mapping | Outbound mapping | |
Direction |
resource → midPoint |
midPoint → resource |
Mapping source |
resource object (e.g. account) |
focal object (e.g. user) |
Mapping target |
focal object (e.g. user) |
resource object (e.g. account) |
That is it. Think about the same mappings that were used in previous chapter, just flip the direction. Now the mapping will take data from the account and the results will be applied to user object. Like this:
This mapping will take the value of lastname
attribute from the resource and store the value in familyName
property of midPoint user.
The rest is the same as outbound mappings. All the expressions and evaluators can be used for inbound mappings in the same way as for outbound mappings. For example a Groovy expression can be used to sanitize the value before it is stored in midPoint:
The same approach can also be taken for activation, and even for password mappings. However, there is one difference for password mappings. Password is usually write-only value. When the password is written, it is usually hashed, and the original value cannot be retrieved any longer. Then there are resources such as HR systems that do not store employee passwords at all, because those are not really accounts that we are reading. Those are just regular database entries that the connector presents as accounts. Inbound password synchronization is almost never easy, and it often requires a lot of planning and ingenuity. However, there is one method that is used quite often. The initial user passwords are usually randomly generated. As this is a very common case midPoint can do this easily:
This mapping generates random password for a user.
Both the mapping and generate
expression evaluators are quite smart.
The mapping knows that the target is user password, without any need to explicitly specify that.
In addition to that, generate
expression evaluator will take user password policy into consideration.
It does not make sense to generate any random password.
If we do not consider password policy, then we can generate password that is too short, too long, too weak to pass the policy or too strong to be useful in any way.
Therefore, generate
expression will look for password policy, and generate a random password that just matches requirements for password length and complexity.
There are more important details to see here. The inbound password mapping is weak. There is good reason for this. We do not want existing midPoint password to be replaced by randomly generated password. We only want to set a random password in case that it is an initial password, the first password ever. That is exactly what a weak mapping does: it sets new value only if the target does not have any existing value. Therefore, this mapping will not overwrite passwords that are already set.
There is no direct account-account synchronization in midPoint. As explained before, midPoint follows a star topology (a.k.a. "hub and spoke"). Therefore, the synchronization is either from account to user (inbound) or from user to account (outbound). The effect of account-account synchronization is achieved by combining inbound and outbound synchronization mechanisms. |
It is all quite easy to import all HR records into an empty midPoint. Set up inbound mappings, start import task, wait a bit and all is done. But practical situations are much more complex. Synchronization algorithm usually do not run on a green field. Live synchronization and reconciliation are supposed to work with pre-existing midPoint users. Import is usually not trivial either, for example in cases when we try to import data from an additional data source into a running midPoint deployment. Some users in the import set are new, but there may be accounts for existing users. We need to tell the difference between brand-new account and an account that belongs to an existing user. We need to handle those situations in a different way. Of course, midPoint has an easy solution for this: correlation mechanism.
Correlation expression is a method to connect newly-discovered accounts and existing users. It works like this: whenever midPoint discovers new account it will try to link that account to an existing user. Correlation expression is used to do this. Correlation expression is in fact a parametric search query. Such search query is constructed for every new account, and it is used to look for users that the account belongs to. The easiest form of the correlation expression is to search users using an identifier:
This correlation query takes the value of empno
attribute of the account.
This value is placed into the search query that midPoint computes in memory.
Given an account with empno
attribute set to 007
, the resulting search filter looks like this:
MidPoint looks for users that match this search filter.
If there is a user with employeeNumber
property set to 007
then such user is considered to be an owner of the account.
MidPoint has its own data representation mechanism and object structure.
Therefore, midPoint also has its own query language that is designed to work with the object structure.
The query language is not difficult to learn as it follows the structure of other common query languages.
The language itself is described later in the book and in midPoint documentation.
But do not worry about this too much now.
Vast majority of correlation expressions is very simple.
In fact, it is usually just a single equal
clause just like that one used in the example above.
Using search queries for correlation may seem a little bit too complex. Yet, it is necessary. The correlation expression must be a search filter because that is the only efficient way how to find single user in a large set of other users. We cannot scan the users one-by-one. We need to utilize the search power of the database for this.
Synchronization Situations and Reactions
Correlation expression can be used to find an owner for a new account. That is a part of the solution, but not entire solution. If the owner is found, then the action is quite obvious: link the account to the user and proceed as usual. But what to do if the owner is not found? This resource may be an authoritative resource, and therefore we want to create a new user based on the account. On the other hand, this may be a reconciliation with a target resource, and we have just found an illegal account. We probably want to disable such account in this case. Moreover, what to do if more than one owner is found? This can all become quite complicated. Therefore, midPoint has a concept of synchronization situations to make all the possible cases understandable and manageable.
Whenever midPoint deals with a change on an account, the situation of that account is determined. The situation reflects whether this account is already linked to the user, whether we know the candidate owner, whether we cannot determine the owner and so on. Individual situations are explained in the following table.
Situation | Description |
The account is properly linked to the owner. This is the normal situation. |
The account is not linked to the owner, but we know who the owner is. Correlation expression told us who the owner is. In this case midPoint thinks that the link should exist, but it is not linked yet. |
The account is not linked, and we do not even know who the owner is. The correlation expression has not returned any candidates. |
The account is not linked, but there are more potential owners. The correlation expression returned more than one candidate. |
The account is linked to more than one owner. This should not happen under normal circumstances. This is usually caused by faulty customizations or software bugs. |
There was an existing account, but it was deleted on the resource. |
After synchronization situation is determined, midPoint continues by figuring out what a proper reaction is.
The reaction may be quite clear for some situations (e.g. unlinked
), but there is a lot of variability for other situations (e.g. unmatched
This variability is a reason that midPoint allows to set a reaction for each situation individually.
There are several pre-defined reactions:
Action | Description |
Add focus |
New midPoint user will be created, and it will be linked to the account. This is usually a reaction configured for authoritative resources, used in situation when a new account is discovered. |
Delete focus |
MidPoint user that owns the account will be deleted. This is usually a reaction configured for authoritative resources, used in situations when midPoint detects that an account was deleted. |
Inactivate focus |
MidPoint user that owns the account will be disabled. This is also used for authoritative resources. This is a milder reaction that deleting the user. |
Link |
The user-account link will be created. |
Unlink |
The user-account link will be removed. The account will no longer be linked to the user. |
Delete shadow |
The account will be deleted. This is the usual reaction when illegal account is detected on non-authoritative resource. |
Inactivate shadow |
The account will be disabled. Usually a milder reaction to an illegal account. |
If no reaction is explicitly configured for a situation, then midPoint does nothing. The situation is recorded in midPoint repository, but no other action is taken. This is part of midPoint philosophy: not to change the data unless an action was explicitly configured.
The reactions can be defined in the synchronization section of resource configuration:
Most of the configuration is perhaps self-explanatory.
This is a typical authoritative resource.
If there is a new account on the resource, and we do not have an owner (situation: unmatched
), then create a new user (action: addFocus
If the account is deleted from the resource (situation: deleted
), then delete the user as well (action: deleteFocus
If we happen to find an account which should be linked but it is not (situation: unlinked), then link it (action: link
The only think that deserves special explanation is the reaction to linked
In this case there is not much to do.
Everything seems to be in order.
However, there may still be attributes that are not set correctly.
Remember the inbound mappings?
The inbound mappings were not even mentioned in this section yet - for a good reason.
The inbound mappings are not evaluated at correlation stage of synchronization process.
Evaluation of inbound mappings happen only after the situations and reactions are evaluated.
We need to properly correlate accounts first, so all the accounts are properly linked (or unlinked), and the inbound mappings have valid sources and targets.
Even when the accounts are correlated, the evaluation of inbound and outbound mappings do not happen automatically.
MidPoint does not change the data unless it is explicitly configured to do so.
There are reactions for unmatched
, deleted
and unlinked
Therefore, in those cases midPoint assumes that it is expected to fully synchronize everything, and therefore all the mappings and policies are evaluated automatically.
However, there is no reaction for linked
In that case midPoint assumes that it should do nothing, as nothing is explicitly configured.
Hence the synchronize
This property can be used to force midPoint to do full synchronization, even if there is no explicit action configured.
It can also be used to avoid full synchronization, even if explicit action is configured.
The figure above illustrates the usual sequence of events during inbound synchronization:
Account is stored in the resource database.
Appropriate identity connector is used to read account data.
Account shadow is created in midPoint.
Correlation expression is evaluated to determine account ownership (unless the account is already linked to a user).
Synchronization situation is determined based on account ownership and state of the account.
Appropriate reaction to the situation is determined based on resource configuration.
Inbound mappings are evaluated to map account values to the user.
Please note that the description of this process is slightly simplified for clarity. There are also obvious deviations from this process. E.g. inbound mappings are skipped in case that the user is about to be deleted, the mappings are also skipped if the reaction does not include "synchronization" and so on. However, generally speaking, the sequence above is what usually happens during inbound synchronization.
MidPoint is an extensible system. There are several prefabricated synchronization reactions described above. Those reactions can handle the vast majority of situations that happen during synchronization. However, there is a possibility to extend the system with completely custom reactions. MidPoint was designed for this. This is the theory. However, currently this part of midPoint is only partially extensible. Full extensibility feature was planned, but it was never implemented. Therefore, extensibility of synchronization reaction is possible, but it might be quite hard to achieve this in practice, and it may require significant development effort. However, there is another way. MidPoint development team would absolutely love to finish this extensibility feature as it was originally planned. However, existing midPoint customers had so far prioritized other features. MidPoint subscribers and sponsors are funding the development therefore midPoint development must follow their priorities. Therefore, if you are interested in full synchronization reaction extensibility (or any other feature) please consider purchasing midPoint subscription or sponsoring the feature. |
Synchronization Tasks
Now we know how the inbound synchronization works: midPoint reads the account, then correlation is applied, situation determined and reaction executed. However, we have not yet discussed the details of the very first step: how does midPoint actually read the account? Nothing happens without a reason, therefore there must be some active component in midPoint that actually looks for the new, changed and deleted accounts. That component is a synchronization task.
MidPoint task is an active process that runs inside midPoint server. This is the first time that we encountered the concept of a task, but it is definitely not the last one. Tasks are used for numerous purposes in midPoint. They are used to track long-running operations, approvals and actions that work on large sets of objects (bulk actions). There are tasks that execute cleanup jobs, compile reports and provide variety of other functions. The concept of a task is a very powerful and flexible one. Tasks can be used to track execution of a short one-off operations. Tasks can be used to execute scheduled actions in regular intervals. Tasks can be used to track long-running processes. We will be using tasks in almost every chapter of this book.
Tasks are used as an active component to "run" almost all synchronization mechanisms:
Reconciliation task is listing all the accounts in a specific resource. The task executes reconciliation process for every account that is found. This means that midPoint computes how that particular account should look like and then the computed values are compared with real account attributes. Reconciliation is quite a heavyweight task. This task is usually scheduled for regular execution using quite a long execution interval (days or weeks).
Live synchronization task is looking (polling) for changes in a specific resource. The task will look for accounts that were created, modified or deleted recently. The task will get a description of the change, and pass that to midPoint synchronization mechanisms. Live synchronization is designed to be fast and efficient, to provide almost real-time reaction to changes. This task is almost always scheduled for regular execution in very short intervals (minutes or seconds).
Import from resource task is listing all the accounts from a specific resource. The task will pretend that the accounts were just created. This usually motivates midPoint to create users based on those accounts or link these accounts to existing users. This task is usually not scheduled, it is almost always executed manually.
Each type of synchronization task is detecting changes using a different mechanism. However, once the task detects the change or reads the account, then the processing is the same for all tasks. All the tasks lead to the same algorithms based on the same configuration and policies. Therefore, it does not matter whether it has all started in reconciliation or live synchronization task. It will all end up in the same correlation-situation-reaction-mapping process.
The tasks are necessary to initiate the synchronization. They are the active part, the spark that starts the synchronization process. Without the tasks the synchronization does not really work. There are ways the synchronization can "happen" even without a task, e.g. as a reaction to user interface operation or if a new account is discovered during an unrelated operation. Desprite that, practical deployments need at least one synchronization task to work properly. This task takes care of the vast majority of synchronization cases.
Strictly speaking a task is quite a strange kind of animal. Tasks have their data and configuration as most other midPoint objects. Unlike other objects, tasks are active, they run. Therefore, there are CPU threads associated with the tasks when the tasks are running. There are mechanisms to monitor task progress. The tasks need to be cluster-aware, they have to fail over to a different midPoint node if one node fails. The tasks are quite rich, and they may be a bit tricky to handle. Fortunately, midPoint is making task handling reasonably simple. Tasks are represented as ordinary midPoint objects. Therefore, tasks can be imported to midPoint in XML/JSON/YAML form as any other object. Tasks can be easily edited in their XML/JSON/YAML form to change the scheduling, modify the parameters and so on. Of course, there are some special functions that only the tasks have (such as suspend and resume). Such functions cannot be directly controlled using the XML/JSON/YAML format. However, the vast majority of task management can be done using the very same methods that are used to control other midPoint objects.
Tasks can be created by taking the XML/JSON/YAML file and importing that to midPoint. That is the way synchronization tasks are often managed. When an XML-formatted resource definition is created, then there is often an associated synchronization task. Which means that both resource and all the necessary synchronization tasks can be imported together. Synchronization tasks can also be created from midPoint user interface. They are usually created by using special-purpose Defined tasks tab in resource detail pages.
Once the synchronization tasks are created, they can be managed in the same way as other tasks are managed: in the Server tasks part of the midPoint user interface.
Synchronization Example: HR Feed
This section describes complete working example that feeds HR data into midPoint. The ExAmPLE company HR system is an old and complex system. Therefore, the easiest integration method is to use structured text exports. The system can export employee data in a form of a comma-separated text file (CSV). The HR system is set up to export fresh data every night. MidPoint takes this export file, crunches the content, and updates the data about users.
This configuration is done in three steps. First, we will use a simple setup to import the data into midPoint. This is an operation that is executed only once. Then the configuration will be updated to run scheduled reconciliation task. Reconciliation compares all the data records every time, and it makes any necessary updates. Even though this method would be perfectly acceptable for the company of this size, we are still goging set up a live synchronization task.
The core of the configuration is contained in a single resource definition file. Following paragraphs explain individual parts of the file. There are few additional configuration files for reconciliation and live synchronization tasks. Simplified XML notation is used for clarity. The complete file in a form that is directly usable in midPoint can be found at the same place as all the other samples in this book (see Additional Information chapter for details).
The resource representing HR system is configured as data source. It will be used to "pull" the data inside midPoint. However, as we have described previously, there is no fundamental difference between source and target resources in midPoint. Therefore, this HR resource starts in entirely ordinary way. There is a reference to the CSV connector and the connector configuration:
<resource oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf">
<name>HR System</name>
The next section is schema handling configuration. That is where it becomes slightly more interesting. The schema handling section contains inbound mappings for HR account attributes:
The account attribute empno
is mapped to midPoint user properties name and employeeNumber
Account attributes firstname
and lastname
are mapped to givenName
and familyName
properties respectively.
This is perhaps self-explanatory.
The next part of the configuration specifies mappings for activation and credentials:
Activation is a very specific concept in midPoint. MidPoint knows activation attributes and their meaning. Therefore, there is no need to specify a lot of details. That makes activation mapping a very simple thing. It simply specifies that the administrative status should be mapped in the inbound direction. And that is it.
However, the mapping for credentials needs a bit of explanation. What midPoint sees as HR accounts are not exactly accounts. They are usually just records in the HR database. Nobody is using these HR records to log into the HR systems. Therefore, there is no password associated with them. Yet, we need a password for the users in midPoint. Therefore we are going to generate the passwords. For that we are going to use the weak mapping with generate expression that was explained above.
The mappings are undoubtedly important. The mappings specify how are the account data reflected to midPoint user. HOwever, the mappings do not specify whether the accounts should be created or deleted. Mappings control the data, but they do not control the lifecycle. It is the next configuration section that makes this resource really authoritative:
Given the information in this chapter, this configuration should be quite easy to read.
This is how a typical authoritative resource works.
If there is a new account on the resource, and we do not have an owner (situation: unmatched
) then we create a new user (action: addFocus
If there is a new account for which we can find existing owner (situation: unlinked
), then simply link it (reaction: link
If the account is linked already (situation: linked
), then we just synchronize the data.
In fact, we will synchronize data for all the other situations as well.
Except the last one.
If the account is deleted in the HR system (situation: deleted
), then we want to delete midPoint user as well (reaction: deleteFocus
As the user gets deleted there is no point in synchronizing the data.
MidPoint knows that and skips application of mappings.
The ownership of the accounts that are not already linked is determined by the correlation expression.
In this case, the expression will be comparing account attribute empno
with user property employeeNumber
If the values match then the user is considered to be an owner of the account.
There is one more detail in this resource that we have skipped:
This is a setting that adjusts the behavior of midPoint assignments.
As was already mentioned, all resources in midPoint are created equal.
The source resources must follow the same rules as target resources.
One of the fundamental rules of midPoint is that there should not be any account without a specific reason to exist.
In midPoint terminology, every account exists because there is an assignment that justifies its existence.
While this approach is exactly what we want for the vast majority of (well behaving) resources, it is not exactly ideal for source resources.
Those resources work the other way around.
The HR account is in fact a cause for midPoint user existence, not its effect.
Therefore, there is really useful assignmentPolicyEnforcement
setting that controls the behavior of assignments.
This setting is used in a variety of scenarios, mostly for data migration, and to tame resources that just won’t behave in a civilized manner.
However, in this case the setting is used to turn off the assignment enforcement for this resource entirely.
As this resource is an authoritative source, the assignment enforcement does not make much sense.
Behavior of this resource is defined by the synchronization
section of resource configuration.
Resource configuration is complete now. This configuration sets up the connector, mappings and synchronization policies. The configuration is the same for all the synchronization flavors: import, reconciliation and live sync - they will all use the same settings. When it comes to configuration, the only difference between those synchronization flavors is the way how the synchronization tasks are set up. If an import task is set up, then import of resource accounts will be executed. If reconciliation task is set up, the reconciliation will be executed. It is all in the tasks. Synchronization tasks can be easily set up using those convenient buttons in the user interface. However, we like to make our lives a bit painful in our part of the world. Therefore, we are going to go hardcore, and we import the tasks in the XML form.
First task is an import task.
This task lists all the accounts in the HR CSV file.
The task pretends that each of the accounts was just created.
If the task is executed for the first time, then resulting situation of the accounts is going to be either unmatched
or unlinked
Therefore, the task creates new midPoint users or links the accounts to existing users.
<task oid="fa25e6dc-a858-11e7-8ebc-eb2b71ecce1d">
<name>HR Import</name>
<!-- Import task archetype -->
<targetRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000503" type="ArchetypeType"/>
<ownerRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"/>
<!-- HR Resource -->
<resourceRef oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf"/>
This is a very basic structure of a task.
Similarly to all midPoint objects, a task has a name.
Then there is an assignment of Import task
We will describe archetypes later.
For now, it is only important to know that this classifies the task as import task, so the user interface can place the task in proper categories.
Task needs definition of an owner.
The owner is a user that is executing the task.
This is important, because authorizations of task owner determine what the task is allowed to do.
This is also the identity that will be recorded in the audit log.
In this case administrator
is owner of this task.
Task execution status tells whether the task is running, it is suspended or finished.
Tasks are often executed periodically, therefore they need a schedule.
In this case, we will start with task that is executed just once, to test the configuration.
Hence the single
recurrence, which specifies that the task runs only once.
Then there is definition of activity.
Activity specifies what the task really does.
In this case the activity specifies that this is a synchronization task which imports accounts from the resource.
The resource is specified by the resourceRef
reference in the activity specification.
This points to our HR resource.
When this XML definition is imported to midPoint, the server tries to execute the task. That means that import of accounts from the HR resource starts immediately. Progress of the task can be monitored in the Server tasks section of midPoint user interface. The import task is not a recurring task, it will run only once. If you need to re-run the task, you can do that from midPoint user interface. However, the task will not get executed again, unless you explicitly tell midPoint to do so. This is how typical import tasks work. They are usually executed when a new resource is connected to the system. Once everything is set up, correlated and linked, then the import task is not needed any more.
A clever reader may ask what happens when the import task is executed more than once. The answer is simple: not much. Even if the task pretends that the accounts were just created, midPoint is not fooled easily. In fact, it is hard to believe that the account was just created if midPoint already has shadow for that account, and it is linked to a user, isn’t it? Therefore, midPoint is going to stay calm and carry on. If there is any change in the account attribute, the change will be reflected to the user. That is it. No big drama here. |
Import task will get the data from the resource into midPoint. As import is not a recurring task, it will not keep the data synchronized. Import tasks are not designed to do so. Fortunatelly, there are other tasks that are designed for continuous synchronization. Reconciliation task is one of these. Reconciliation task lists all the accounts on a resource and compares that with data in midPoint.
<task oid="bbe4ceac-a85c-11e7-a49f-0f5777d22906">
<name>HR Reconciliation</name>
<!-- Reconciliation task archetype -->
<targetRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000501" type="ArchetypeType"/>
<ownerRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"/>
<cronLikePattern>0 0 1 ? * SAT</cronLikePattern>
<resourceRef oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf"/>
Definition of a reconciliation task is almost the same as the definition of import task. However, there are crucial differences. First of all, there is different activity. This is what makes this task a reconciliation task. Then, the task is recurring. This means that midPoint will repeat execution of the task. Therefore, there is also execution schedule, so the server knows when to execute the task. Reconciliation tasks are usually resource-intensive, therefore we usually want to execute them at a very specific off-peak times. For that reason the execution schedule is defined using a cron-like pattern. UNIX-friendly readers will be surely familiar with this. The format is:
seconds minutes hours day-of-month month day-of-week year
The string 0 0 1 ? * SAT
means that this task will be executed every Saturday at 01:00:00am.
There is also definition of misfire action.
Misfire is a situation when the server is down at the time when the task is supposed to run.
In this case, if the server is down in the early hours of Saturday, this task will be executed as soon as the server starts up.
Reconciliation task is a real workhorse of identity management. It can be used for almost any resource. It is very reliable. It is often used to fix data problems, apply new policies, look for missing accounts, illegal accounts and so on. It is indeed a really useful tool. Yet, it has its downside. Reconciliation iterates through all the accounts, it recomputes all the applicable policies for every account, one-by-one. Therefore, it may be quite resource-intensive. It may be even quite brutal if the policies are complex, user population is high and the resources are slow. This can take hours or even days in extreme cases. Even for smaller deployments, reconciliation is not entirely easy. The problem is not in midPoint. MidPoint can be usually scaled up to handle the load. However, listing all the accounts often may put unacceptable load on the resources. Therefore reconciliation is not executed often. Daily, weekly or even monthly reconciliation seems to be a common approach. Reconciliation is reliable, but it is not entirely what we would call "real-time". But of course, midPoint has a faster alternative.
Live synchronization is the way to go for real-time synchronization. Or rather almost real-time synchronization. Practical latencies for live synchronization are in the range of seconds or minutes, which is fast enough for most practical cases. Live synchronization is also quite resource-efficient. Overall, it is much faster and much lighter than reconciliation. Unfortunately, live synchronization is not available for all resources. Live synchronization depends on the ability to get recent changes from the resource in a very efficient way. Therefore, it is only available for resources that record the changes. The specific mechanism to record the changes may vary from resource to resource. It may be as basic as a simple modification timestamp, or it may be a complex real-time change log. The mechanism has to be good enough for the connector to discover recent changes, and it must be efficient enough for the connector to do that every couple of seconds. If such mechanism is available, and the connector knows how to use it, then setting up live synchronization is easy. All that is needed is synchronization task.
<task oid="7c57adc2-a857-11e7-83ac-0f212d965f5b">
<name>HR Live Synchronization</name>
<ownerRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"/>
<resourceRef oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf"/>
This task definition should be easy to understand by now. There is a different activity that makes this a live synchronization task. There is also a different type of scheduling. We do not want to execute this task at a specific time. We rather want to execute it all the time, at regular intervals. In this case the interval is set to 10 seconds. That is all. We have live synchronization running. If the HR CSV file is changed now, the changes will get automatically processed by midPoint.
Setting up synchronization flavors is just a matter of setting up the tasks. The rest of the configuration is the same for all flavors. Therefore, it is very easy to run both live synchronization and reconciliation for the same resource. Just create two tasks. In fact, this is quite a common setup. Live synchronization is used to get the changes quickly and efficiently. Reconciliation is used to make sure all the changes were processed and that the policies are applied consistently.
Now we have the HR feed up and running. However, there are still few issues. A clever reader would surely notice that this is not a very good HR resource. MidPoint users created from this HR feed have given name and family name, but the full name field is empty. But do not worry. We will sort that out in later chapters, with the help of object template. Also, the users have employee number as their username. This may be in fact a very good approach for some deployments as it avoids the need to rename accounts. However, it is not a very user-friendly approach. Therefore, most deployments need to generate more convenient usernames. This is easy to do with midPoint, and we will also address that later. There is still a lot of things to learn before we get to a complete synchronization set up.
HR Feed Recommendations
All resources are created equal in midPoint. However, source resources almost always have a slightly special standing. Even though midPoint mechanisms are the same for all resources, the data coming from the sources often have significant impact on the entire solution. There is this traditional computer engineering wisdom: garbage in, garbage out. An error in data feed may cause a lot of problems everywhere. Therefore, it is important to get the data sources right. This is usually one of the first steps in an IDM project.
Unfortunately, source data feed is usually quite difficult to set up correctly - and it is almost impossible to get it right at the first try. There may be good old configuration problems, which are usually easy to fix. There may be data compatibility problems, such as presence of non-ASCII national characters where they are not expected. Worst of all, source data may be of poor quality, there may be inconsistencies, typos, the data may be out of date, not reflecting the reality very well. These problems are the most difficult to correct, as the right way to correct them is to modify the data at its source. That takes time, meetings, mail messages, management decisions, processes, excuses, delays and a lot of patience. Therefore, setup of a data source is usually an iterative process. The process usually goes like this:
Set up initial source resource definition based on the information you have. Set up connector and test connection. Check that you can see the accounts. Set up mappings and synchronization policy.
Test the import process on a couple of individual accounts. Navigate to the resource details pages, click on Accounts tab to list accounts, choose an account and click on the small btn:Import[] button in the table row. Import of that individual account starts immediately. Just that one account. It is easier to see the errors (see step 6) by using this method.
Fix any errors that you see and repeat step 2.
Create an import task and run import of all accounts.
Examine task errors. You can use task details page to get the summary.
If there are no errors, then examine the users. If everything seems right then it is time to congratulate yourself. You have a good import. However, this is unlikely to happen on the first few attempts.
You will probably need to have a look into system logs to learn the details of individual import failures. MidPoint heavily relies on logs for detailed error analysis. See the Troubleshooting chapter of this book to learn how to adjust log levels and how to get understand the log messages.
Some errors are likely to be caused by the errors in your mappings and policies. These are usually easy to fix. However, there are usually worse errors as well – errors caused by wrong or unexpected input data. The right way would be to fix the data. But that is not always possible (in fact it is almost never a feasible option for a quick fix). Fortunately, most of the input data errors can be fixed (read: "worked around") in midPoint with a bit of ingenuity. Just use the power of the mappings. For example, clean up the unexpected characters, white space or data formats using scripting expressions.
Rinse and repeat. If the errors you get are not severe then you may simply re-run the import task. This often works just fine. But if the problem was in a mapping that completely ruined all the data then it is perhaps best to start with a blank slate. We are all just humans and this situation happens quite often, especially in the beginning while you are still learning. Therefore, there is a special feature to help you out. Navigate to
. There is a small unassuming expand button in the top-right part of the screen. That button opens a context menu. Select Delete all identities item. That is what we lovingly call "laxative button". A brief dialog will pop up asking you to specify which identities exactly are to be deleted (users, shadows, …). This is a very convenient way how to get back to a black slate, but keep all the configuration (resources, templates, tasks). -
Goto step 2. Repeat until done.
If the initial IDM deployment step includes an HR feed, we strongly recommend to start with that HR feed. It is significant benefit to have authoritative HR data in the midPoint to start with. It is usually easier to correlate other resources to midPoint users later on, if the users were created from a reasonably reliable HR data. Also, it will usually take some tweaking to get the HR import right. The possibility to easily clean up midPoint and get to a clean slate is extremely useful. HOwever, this "wipeout" approach is possible only if the HR feed is the first resource that is connected to midPoint.
A clever reader would notice, that we assumed that the source feed will be taken from a CSV file. This is indeed the case in many deployments. The CSV file is usually produced as an automatic scheduled export of HR system data, running every night. If a new employee or contractor is about to join the company, there is usually no hurry. This information is entered into the HR system at least a few days in advance, therefore daily CSV export is perfectly acceptable. However, there may be cases when we want a faster response. Maybe we do not even want additional burden of dealing with CSV exports. Of course, there is a solution. In theory, any connector can be used for source resource. There are specialized connectors that are taking data directly from the HR system. For example, there is a connector for Oracle HCM system. Unfortunately, there is no connector that can take data from SAP HR system yet.
Synchronization and Provisioning
Synchronization and provisioning are intimately related. Everything that we have explained about provisioning in the previous chapter also applies to synchronization. In fact, provisioning and synchronization are just applications of the same basic mechanisms. Provisioning starts with modification of a user. Synchronization starts a bit earlier: inbound mappings are used to map values from source system to the user. The result of inbound mapping evaluation is modification of the user object. According to midPoint principles, it does not matter how the user was modified. The reaction is the same: accounts are provisioned, modified or deleted.
The synchronization (inbound processing) and provisioning (outbound processing) usually happen in one seamless operation. For example, the HR connector detects update in the last name of an employee. That modification is applied to midPoint user, therefore the family name of midPoint user is updated. The operation continues by evaluating all templates, roles and outbound mappings. The outbound mappings usually map the family name change to the resource attributes. Therefore, the resource accounts linked to the user are immediately updated. All of that happens in a single operation. That is how midPoint works. MidPoint is not a human. It will never procrastinate (unless explicitly instructed do to so). MidPoint will not postpone the operation for later if the operation can be executed immediately. MidPoint tries to get the data right on the first try. Therefore, there are no specialized propagation or provisioning tasks that you might know from older IDM systems. MidPoint does not need them.
There are other advantages in doing everything in one operation. It is all one operation, therefore midPoint knows all the details: what was the cause, what is the effect, what exactly has been changed. Such context is extremely important for troubleshooting. Some IDM systems decouple the cause from the effect. Such a divided approach may have its advantages, but it is an absolute nightmare when an engineer needs to figure out why a certain effect happened. For that reason, midPoint has both the cause and the effects bundled together in a single operation. Therefore, it is much easier to figure out what is going on. Having the cause and effect connected in one operation makes it possible to neatly record entire operation in the audit trail. Then there is another huge advantage: midPoint knows exactly what has been changed. This means that midPoint does not only know the new value of a property. MidPoint also knows the old value and values that were added or removed. This is a complete description of the change that we call a delta. This is recorded at the beginning of the operation, and propagated all the way until the operation is done. Therefore the mappings can be smart. This approach enables a lot of interesting behavioral patterns. For example, it is quite easy for midPoint to implement the "last change wins" policy. In this case midPoint will simply overwrite only those attributes that are really changed in operation. MidPoint can leave other values untouched. In fact, this is the default behavior of midPoint. It is a very useful behavior during deployment of a new IDM system.
Careful processing of the operations allows configurations that are not feasible with older IDM systems, e.g. a resource that is both a source and a target. In fact a lot of IDM systems can have resource that is both a source and a target - as long as it is a source for one attribute and a target for another attribute. However, midPoint can live with a resource where the same attribute is both a source and a target. In fact there may be many sources and many targets for the same property at the same time. This is a very useful configuration, indeed. Just think about telephone number property. It is usually something that the user sets up himself. This may be set up by some kind of specialized self-service, it may be updated by a call center call, the user may update that in his Active Directory profile … there are many ways how this information is changed. Yet, we want this property to be consistent. We want telephone number to be the same everywhere. We do not care where it was changed. We just want to propagate the last change from anywhere to all the other systems. MidPoint can easily do this. Just specify both inbound and outbound mappings for the same attribute:
In this case the change in user property telephoneNumber
will be propagated to the account attribute mobile
(outbound change).
But also a change in the account attribute mobile
will be propagated back to user property telephoneNumber
(inbound change).
Last change wins.
A clever reader certainly grumbles something about infinite loops now. No need to not worry here. MidPoint can see complete operation context, both inbound and outbound sides. Therefore, midPoint knows when to stop processing the operation. There are even mechanism how to avoid loops caused by connectors detecting changes caused by the connector itself. MidPoint will break those loops automatically.
Synchronization and provisioning are in fact almost the same mechanism applied in a different direction.
Then why there are two sections in the resource configuration?
Why there is schemaHandling and synchronization ?
Why not just one?
The answer is simple: history.
Rome was not built in a day, and no software is created perfect on day one.
Similarly to other software systems, midPoint went through an evolutionary process of continuous improvement.
MidPoint had a very good design at the beginning.
Looking back at the initial design, now it is quite clear that almost all of midPoint developments were correctly foreseen and accounted for in the design.
However, there are occasional mistakes.
The initial midPoint data model design expected that there will be major differences between synchronization and provisioning mechanisms.
Therefore, there were two sections, one for each mechanism.
As midPoint was developed, evolutionary process improved the initial design, and we have found a way how to unify synchronization and provisioning mechanisms into one.
However, we have not modified the initial data model because we wanted to keep compatibility.
Having two sections instead of one is only a cosmetic imperfection.
It does not cause any major trouble.
On the other hand, incompatible change would certainly affect continuity of midPoint deployments.
We highly value midPoint continuity and upgradeability.
Therefore, the two sections remained to this day.
However, they will not remain there forever.
We are not going to dwell on old mistakes for too long.
These two section will be reunited once there is a proper time to make incompatible changes.
Which will probably happen in the future when the time comes to release midPoint 5.0.
Synchronization Strategies
Synchronization is simple, in theory. However, as usual, the devil is in the details. Similarly to provisioning, there is no one single "synchronization protocol" that would work for all the source systems. Every system type has its own way to synchronize data. Some systems (such as LDAP servers) even have several mechanisms to choose from. Then there are source systems that have no practical way to implement efficient synchronization. We would refer to such methods as synchronization strategies.
Specific details of each synchronization strategy should be an internal matter of connector implementation. The strategy is configured on connector level, and the details should be, theoretically, hidden inside the connector. MidPoint would not know and would not need to know what synchronization strategy is used. That might work in an ideal world. Yet, we live in a practical world, and there are many details that leak through the synchronization abstraction.
Let us use LDAP as an example.
LDAP is, theoretically, a standard.
However, the standard does not specify any synchronization mechanism.
There is experimental RFC 4533, however it is not widely adopted.
Yet, synchronization capabilities are necessary, and every major LDAP server provides some synchronization mechanism.
Some mechanisms are quite good, some are not.
There is an ancient "Retro change log", going back to Netscape/iPlanet LDAP servers, that is still used today.
Active Directory, in a very typical way, has its own "DirSync" synchronization mechanism.
OpenLDAP has yet another mechanism based on the access log.
There is RFC 4533, which is used so rarely, that there was no request to implement it in midPoint LDAP connector.
And then there is a catch-all synchronization mechanism that looks for recent changes based on modifyTimestamp
In theory, all the synchronization strategies above should be equivalent.
But they are not.
For example, some variants of "Retro change log" synchronization cannot reliably detect rename operations.
There may be problems with delete operations as well, especially if coupled with rename operations.
Almost every mechanism has its quirks.
And then there is the modifyTimestamp
, which is the most problematic of all.
Unfortunately, it is quite common to use a synchronization strategy based on last modification timestamp. Not just for LDAP, but also for database tables and other types of source systems. This is perhaps understandable, as this is a very simple mechanism. However, it has a lot of problems. The obvious problems can be caused by de-synchronized time on network, although in the age of Network Time Protocol (NTP) this should not be a problem at all. The other problem is a timestamp granularity. If the timestamp is granular to one second, that can be a big problem. One second is a very long time for a computer. A lot can happen in one second. Therefore, the connector has to include the "boundary" second to both consecutive synchronization runs, which means that the records may be processed twice. Going for millisecond granularity makes the problem less severe, but the problem is still there.
However, the worst problem is that this strategy cannot detect deleted objects. Deleted objects are not there anymore, they do not have last modification timestamp, therefore they will not be included the search. This means that there must be a reconciliation process running together with live synchronization. But wait a minute, it is usually recommended running reconciliation anyway, as a form of "safety net", isn’t it? It is, but the difference is in the timing. It is one thing to run reconciliation once a week to make sure that no records were missed. Yet, it is a completely different thing to run reconciliation every hour to make sure deleted objects are properly handled. This makes a huge difference, especially for deployments with millions of entries. Strategies based on last modification timestamp may look like a good idea at the beginning. However, they usually turn into a major liability in the long run. Avoid them if you can.
The bottom line is, that synchronization strategies are not created equal. In fact, the individual strategies tend to have vastly different characteristics. Our advice is to learn how each synchronization strategy works, what are the limitations and when it fails. Also, avoid the use of strategies based on last modification timestamp if there is any other viable alternative.
Mapping and Expression Tips and Tricks
Mappings and expressions form a very powerful mechanism. In fact, most of midPoint configuration is about setting up correct mappings. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and mappings may look a bit intimidating at a first sight. Fortunately, there are some tips and tricks that make the life with mappings and expressions a bit easier.
Most mappings are aware of the context in which they are used. Therefore, paths of mapping sources and targets can be shortened - or even left out entirely. Activation and credential mappings used in the HR feed example are the obvious cases. Yet, even paths in ordinary mappings may be shortened. For example take the outbound mapping source:
As the mapping knows that its source is a focus (user) the definition may be shortened:
Typical midPoint deployment has tens or hundreds of mappings. Deployments with thousands of mappings are definitely feasible. There are two things that can make maintaining the mappings easier. Optionally, you can specify the mapping name. Mapping name will appear in the log files and some error messages. It may be easier to identify which mapping is causing problems, or it may help locate the trace of mapping execution in the log file. Mapping can also have a description. The description can be used as a general-purpose comment or a documentation explaining what the mapping does.
Mapping that sets value for LDAP mobile attribute based on
user’s telephone number.
Mappings can become quite complex. There may be multi-line scripting expression in the mapping, and it may not entirely obvious what is the input and output. Therefore, each mapping and each expression have an ability to enable tracing:
If tracing is enabled, then the mapping or expression execution will be recorded in the log files. Tracing can be enabled at both mapping level and expression level. Mapping tracing is shorter. It provides overview of the mapping inputs and outputs. Expression-level tracing is much more detailed.
However, even this level of tracing may not be enough to debug expression code. Therefore, there is a special expression function for logging. Arbitrary messages may be logged by script expression code:
..."Value of foo is {}", foo)
Generally speaking, troubleshooting of mappings may be quite difficult as it is often intertwined with midPoint internal algorithms. Still, there are ways how to do it. The Troubleshooting chapter provides much more details on this.
Expression Functions
Expressions in general, and scripting expressions in particular, are the place where most midPoint customization takes place. Scripting expressions are able to execute any code in a general-purpose programming language. Script can transform the data in any way, or it can execute any function. Quite naturally, there are functions that are frequently used in the scripts. Therefore, midPoint provides convenient scripting libraries full of useful methods ready to be used in scripting expressions.
There are two built-in scripting libraries that are used very often:
Basic script library provides very basic functions for string operations, object property retrieval, etc. These are simple, efficient stand-alone functions. These functions can be used in every expression.
MidPoint script library provides access to higher-level midPoint functions contain IDM-specific and midPoint-specific logic. This library can be used to access almost all midPoint functionality. But there are few places where this library may not work reliably (e.g. correlation expression).
The libraries are designed to be very easy to use from the scripting code.
While the specific details how to invoke the library depend on the scripting language, the libraries are usually accessible by the use of basic
and midpoint
Function norm()
from the basic library can be invoked in a Groovy script like this:
basic.norm('Guľôčka v jamôčke!')
Invocation of the libraries from JavaScript and Python is almost the same, and we are sure that a clever reader will have no trouble figuring that out. What is more difficult to figure out is which functions the libraries provide. For that purpose there is a page in midPoint docs that lists all the libraries and this page also has a link to library function documentation. Look for Script Expression Functions page in midPoint docs.
Only two libraries were mentioned in this section so far. However, this is not a whole story. A clever reader has certainly figured out that the logging function described in previous section is also a scripting library. And there may be more libraries in the future.
Resource Capabilities
The systems that midPoint connects to are not created equal. In fact, those systems significantly differ in their capabilities. Most systems can create accounts. However, not all of them can delete accounts. There are systems that keep the accounts forever, the accounts can be only permanently disabled. Yet another systems cannot enable or disable accounts. While most systems support password authentication, other system do not. There is a lot of natural diversity in the provisioning wilderness. The connector may introduce additional limitations as well. Even if target system supports a particular feature, connector may not have appropriate code to use it. MidPoint needs to take all these differences into consideration when executing synchronization and provisioning operations.
MidPoint refers to these features of the systems and connectors as resource capabilities. Although capabilities may look quite complex, they are essentially just a list of things that a connector and resource can do. MidPoint is aware of the resource capabilities, and their limitations. Therefore, midPoint can work with resource data correctly. E.g. midPoint will not try to modify account on a read-only resource.
Capabilities are usually automatically discovered by midPoint, and everything just works out of the box. There is usually no extra work to maintain the capabilities. Yet, sometimes there is a need to tweak the capabilities a bit. Maybe the connector cannot detect resource capabilities well enough. Maybe there is a read-only resource, but the connector has no way of knowing this. In that case, the write capabilities have to be manually disabled in midPoint. For that reason there are two sets of capabilities:
Native capabilities are capabilities detected by the connector. Those are always automatically generated by midPoint. Those capabilities should not be modified by administrator.
Configured capabilities are the capabilities modified by the administrator. Configured capabilities are used to override native capabilities. Configured capabilities are usually empty, which means that only native capabilities are used.
There are many ways how the capabilities can be tweaked by the administrator. Yet, there is one case that is particularly interesting for synchronization and provisioning: simulated activation capability.
MidPoint connectors can be tailored specifically for a particular system. E.g. there are often connectors that are developed specifically for one custom enterprise application. At the other side of the spectrum are generic connectors, that can fit a wide variety of systems and applications. LDAP, CSV and database table connectors are examples of such generic connectors. Such connectors are very useful, they are used in almost every midPoint deployment. However, there is no standardized way to disable an account in database table or a CSV file. Various columns and various values are used to represent account activation status. Quite surprisingly, there is no standardized way to disable an account in LDAP directory either. That is bad news for midPoint. MidPoint takes a significant advantage from knowing whether account is disabled or enabled. We had to do something about this "disable ambiguity". And we did.
There is way to tell midPoint which attribute and what values are used to represent account activation status. Configured activation capability is used for that purpose:
Configured capability above specifies resource attribute active
as the attribute that controls account activation status.
If this attribute is set to value true
then the account is enabled.
If the attribute is set to value false
then the account is disabled.
That is it.
Once this configured capability is part of resource definition, then midPoint will pretend that the resource can enable and disable accounts.
Attempt to disable account will be transparently translated to modification of active
Moreover, it also works the other way around.
If an account has attribute active
set to false
value, midPoint will display that account as disabled.
No extra logic or mapping is needed to achieve that.
The capability does it all.
Synchronization Example: LDAP Account Correlation
Previous example demonstrated the use of synchronization for HR data feed. That is the most obvious use of synchronization mechanisms. However, midPoint synchronization can do more tricks than just feeding data to midPoint. Synchronization can be used even for target resources. In that case the synchronization is usually used for several purposes:
Initial migration: This is a process of connecting new resource to midPoint. There are usually accounts that already exist in the resource at the time when a resource is connected to midPoint. It is likely that at least some accounts correspond to the users that are present in midPoint (e.g. users created from the HR feed). Therefore, the accounts from the resource need to be correlated to the users that already exist in midPoint. Synchronization is the right mechanism for this.
Detection of illegal accounts: Security policies are usually set up in such a way that only those people that need an account on a particular resource should have that account. This is known as the principle of least privilege. However, in typical IDM deployment, there is nothing that would prohibit system administrator to create any accounts at will. This freedom is often even desirable, because there are emergency situations where full control over the system is crucial. Yet, even for emergency cases, we want to make sure that the situation is aligned with policies when the emergency is over. MidPoint can easily do that, by scanning the target systems in regular intervals. Synchronization mechanisms can be used to detect accounts that do not have any legal basis and delete or disable such accounts. Again, synchronization mechanism can do that easily.
Attribute value synchronization: Accounts in target resources are usually created as a result of midPoint provisioning action. However, account attribute values are in fact copies of the data in midPoint. Attribute values can easily be changed by system administrator, may be set to old values during data recovery procedure or they can get out of sync by a variety of other means. MidPoint can make sure that the attributes are synchronized and that they stay synchronized for a long time. Synchronization mechanisms are ideal for this purpose.
Older IDM systems used synchronization mostly to get data from the source resources to IDM system. Synchronization in midPoint is much more powerful than that. It can be applied both to source systems and target systems, it can pull data, push data, detect inconsistencies and fix them. Synchronization is a general purpose mechanism, it is a real work-horse of identity management with midPoint. This is the principle of reuse again. Synchronization mechanism can be reused for variety of purposes.
In this example we will be using synchronization to connect existing LDAP server to midPoint. We assume that our midPoint is already connected to the HR system. We have imported the HR data. Now we have midPoint users created for all our employees. Then there is this LDAP server. It is really important LDAP server. This server is used by company intranet portal and also by a variety of smaller web applications. Those applications are using the LDAP server for user authentication and access authorization. The LDAP server was deployed many years ago. Initially it was populated by the HR data. However, the LDAP server was managed manually by a system administrator during all these years. Therefore, it is expected that there will be some accounts that belong to former employees. Also, it might have happened that some accounts are missing. It is quite likely that a lot of the accounts have wrong data.
First task is to set up the connector for this resource. As LDAP servers are used for identity management purpose all the time, MidPoint comes with a really good LDAP connector. All we need is to set up the resource to use that connector:
<resource oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c">
<connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
What we can see here is a slightly more sophisticated method to reference the connector.
So far we have seen only a direct connector reference by OID.
This works well for almost all the references in midPoint, because OID never changes.
However, connectors are somehow elusive objects.
Objects that represent connectors are dynamically created by midPoint when a connector is discovered.
Therefore, the OID is generated at random when midPoint discovers new connector.
There is no practical way how a system administrator can predict that OID.
Yet, we still want our resource definitions to refer to a particular connector when we import the definition.
Therefore, there is an alternative way to specify object references.
This method is using a search filter instead of direct OID reference.
When this resource definition is imported to midPoint, then midPoint will use that filter and look for LDAP connector.
If that connector is found, then the OID of that connector is placed in the reference (connectorRef
Therefore, the next time midPoint will be using this resource, it can follow the OID directly.
This is a very convenient method.
However, there are few limitations.
Firstly, the filter is resolved only during import.
Which means that it is resolved only once.
If the connector is not present at import time, then the reference needs to be corrected manually.
Secondly, this approach works if there is only one LDAP connector deployed to midPoint.
This is usually the case.
However, the connector framework can contain several connectors of the same type in different versions.
This is a very useful feature for gradual connector upgrades, testing of new connector versions and so on.
Yet, in case that the filter matches more than one object, the import will fail.
In that case the connector reference has to be set up manually.
Once we have proper reference to LDAP connector we need to configure the connection:
This is all very similar to the configuration of the other resource that were already presented in this book. It should be quite self-explanatory – except perhaps for the configuration of result handlers. Result handlers are little helpers that come with the ConnId connector framework. The purpose of the result handlers is to assist simpler connectors in filtering and post-processing search results. However, LDAP connector is no ordinary simple connector. LDAP connector is mature and full-featured connector that can do everything without any help from such annoying little creatures as those result handlers. ConnId result handlers do not add any value here. In fact, they may even be harmful. LDAP protocol has a lot of peculiarities, such as case-insensitivity that applies to almost all the aspects of LDAP data – except for some notable exceptions. The connector is aware of those peculiarities, but the handlers are not. If the handlers are turned on (which is the default) they may get in the way and ruin the data. Therefore, it is always strongly recommended to explicitly turn off the handler when a full-featured connector is used.
The XML example above, as all other examples in this book, is simplified and shortened for clarity. You will not be able to import the example in this form into midPoint. For a full importable examples see the files that are supposed to accompany this book. Please see Additional Information chapter. |
The basic resource configuration above is sufficient to connect to the resource. Therefore, the test connection operation on resource details page should be successful. This configuration may also be used to list the accounts. However, LDAP servers support many object classes and midPoint does not yet know which object class represents account. Therefore, we need to add schema handling section to our resource:
<displayName>Normal Account</displayName>
<displayName>Distinguished Name</displayName>
basic.composeDnWithSuffix('uid', name,
There should be outbound mapping for each mandatory LDAP attribute for the inetOrgPerson
object class.
Such mappings are very typical for a target resource definition.
Once we set up the schema handling, we should be able to conveniently list LDAP accounts in midPoint. However, we need to switch to the Resource view instead of Repository view. The accounts are stored in the LDAP server and midPoint can access them. Therefore, the accounts are listed in the Resource view. HOwever, midPoint have not processed the accounts yet. Therefore, there are no account shadows in midPoint repository yet. That is the reason that the Repository view is empty. Now we are going to do something about it.
We are going to import (or reconcile) the resource accounts. However, if we try to do this now, nothing would really happen. The accounts are not linked to users, therefore midPoint will not synchronize the attributes. MidPoint was not told to do anything with the accounts. Therefore, midPoint will do nothing. That is one of midPoint principles: midPoint will not change the accounts in any way unless it is explicitly told to do so. We would rather do nothing than to destroy the data.
Before we can import the accounts, we need to set up the synchronization configuration for this resource. There are accounts in the LDAP server that should belong to users that already exist in midPoint. We want to link them. However, we do not want to do the linking manually. We would rather set up a correlation expression that does this automatically:
This correlation expression is going to match account attribute employeeNumber
and user property that is also named employeeNumber
Simply speaking: if account and user employee numbers match then we assume that they should be linked.
In that case midPoint decides that synchronization situation is unlinked (they should be linked, but they are not yet linked).
We want midPoint to link the account in this case, therefore we define appropriate reaction:
This will take care of accounts for whose we can find an owner. But what to do with other accounts? We will do nothing about them just yet. Therefore, we do not need to define any other reactions. This may be somehow surprising. We do not want illegal accounts in our LDAP server, do we? Then perhaps we would like to see a reaction to delete unmatched accounts, right? That would be a good approach, but it is just too early for this. We do not want to delete unmatched account just now. There may be accounts that are perfectly legal, just the employeeNumber attribute is missing or mistyped. Data errors like those happen all the time, especially when the data were managed manually. We do not want to over-react and start deleting accounts too early. Therefore, we will go just with this one synchronization reaction for now.
Now it is the right time to start import or reconciliation task. After the task is finished the situation may look like this:
For the curious readers, the LDAP server has data equivalent to the content of ldap-real.ldif file located in book samples.
It looks like we had quite a good data in the LDAP server.
Most of the accounts were successfully correlated and linked to their owners.
Yet, there are few accounts that were not correlated.
Those accounts ended up in unmatched situation.
You can resolve this situation by manually linking the unmatched accounts to their users.
Simply click on the small triangle button next to the unmatched entry and select Change owner from the context menu.
Then select the right user (Isabella Irvine
) in the dialog that appears.
After that the account is linked to the user.
Repeat this process to link all unmatched accounts.
There is one interesting thing in the screenshot above.
Have a look at the LDAP account identified by uid=carol
While most other accounts have their uid value taken from the surname of the user, this account is an exception.
Even though the uid
value is obviously wrong, midPoint have linked the account correctly to the user (Carol Cooper
The reason is that we have set up midPoint to use employeeNumber
for correlation.
Even accounts whose usernames violate the convention can be automatically linked to their owners - as long as there is any reliable piece of information that can be used for correlation.
When all the accounts are linked to their owners, it is the right time to complete the synchronization policy. Now we can tell midPoint to delete any unmatched account. That is the case when an illegal account is created in LDAP server. We can also tell midPoint to unlink any account that was deleted in LDAP server:
There may be some accounts in the LDAP server that have wrong attribute values.
By "wrong" we mean that the attributes have different values than the values that are computed by the outbound mappings.
However, midPoint will not correct those values just yet.
Remember the midPoint principle that it will not change the account unless we have explicitly told to do so?
Those accounts are in the linked
situation, and we have not configured any reaction for this situation.
Therefore midPoint did nothing.
Now we need to tell midPoint to synchronize the values:
A clever readers is now surely wondering whether we have forgotten something.
We have, indeed.
Attribute values are synchronized by running reconciliation process.
However, our outbound mappings will not work in reconciliation.
They do not have any explicit definition of strength, therefore midPoint assumes normal
Those mappings are supposed to implement the last change wins strategy.
Therefore, reconciliation cannot overwrite the account data, as midPoint does not know whether it was account attribute or user property that was the last to change.
If midPoint is not sure about something, then it will assume a conservative position and do nothing.
We do not want to destroy the data.
Therefore, what we need to do now is to let midPoint know that we really mean it, that the mappings are really strong
<displayName>Common Name</displayName>
Clever reader is uneasy once again.
What is this limitations
thing here?
Simply speaking, the limitations specify that the attribute is optional (minOccurs=0
) and that it is single-valued (maxOccurs=1
But, isn’t midPoint supposed to be completely schema-aware and figure that all by itself?
Yes, it is.
In fact, that is the reason why we need to override the information from the schema using this limitations
element here.
The cn
attribute is specified in LDAP schema as a mandatory attribute.
However, we have just specified outbound mapping for that attribute.
Even if midPoint user does not provide any value for attribute cn
, we can still determine that value by using the expression.
Therefore, even though LDAP schema specifies attribute cn
as mandatory, we want to present that attribute as optional in midPoint user interface.
Hence the minOccurs
The maxOccurs
limitation is immediately obvious to anyone who is intimately familiar with LDAP peculiarities.
In the LDAP world, almost everything is multi-valued by default.
Even commonly used attributes for account identifiers and names are multi-valued.
Nobody is really using them as multi-valued attributes, because vast majority of applications will probably explode if they ever encounter two values in the cn
Yet, those attributes are formally defined as multi-valued in LDAP schema, and that is what midPoint gets from LDAP connector.
The maxOccurs
limitation is overriding the schema, and forcing midPoint to handle this attribute as if it was single-value attribute.
That is all. Now you can schedule reconciliation tasks to keep an eye on the LDAP server. The task will correct any attribute values that step out of line and delete any illegal accounts. This is how synchronization tasks can be useful, even in case of pure target resources.
However, there is one last word of warning. Those accounts were synchronized and linked to existing midPoint users. The accounts were not created by midPoint. Therefore, there is nothing in midPoint that would say that those accounts should exist. In midPoint parlance, there are no assignments for those accounts. MidPoint makes clear distinction between policy and reality. Therefore, midPoint is aware that those accounts exist, but there is no policy statement that would justify their existence. By default, midPoint does nothing, and it will let the accounts live. The accounts will be created or deleted only if there is an explicit change in the assignments. There is no such change now, therefore the accounts are not deleted. However, this is quite a fragile situation. Accounts that are linked but not assigned can easily get deleted if midPoint administrator is not careful. Of course, there are methods to handle such situations. One way would be to create the assignments together with the links. Those that are interested in this method should look up keyword "legalize" in midPoint docs. However, there are much better methods how to handle this. Perhaps the best approach would be to utilize the roles (RBAC). This is the topic of the Role-Based Access Control chapter later. Yet, there are still more things to learn about synchronization until we get there.
Peculiarities of Reconciliation
Reconciliation is a process of comparing current state of an account (reality) to a desired state of the account (policy). Reconciliation does not only compare the accounts, it is actively fixing the inconsistencies. Reconciliation can correct wrong data on resources. Yet, it also works the other way. It can correct the data in midPoint. Therefore, reconciliation is one of the most useful tools in the identity management toolbox.
Reconciliation can be used in a variety of ways. Reconciliation can be initiated for one specific user by using midPoint user interface. In that case, midPoint compares the values of all user’s accounts to the values that were computed using the mappings. If there is difference, midPoint corrects account values. This approach is perfect for testing reconciliation setting using just a single user. This feature is also useful for fixing values of one specific user.
Reconciliation of a specific user may be useful, but it is an ad-hoc approach. We usually favor systemic approaches in identity management. Therefore, reconciliation is usually used in a form of a reconciliation task. Reconciliation task lists all the accounts on the resource, and then it reconciles each account, one by one. This is a way how to keep all resource accounts continuously synchronized.
There is a couple of things about reconciliation that can be somehow surprising. Firstly, reconciliation of an account may cause modification of a user. This happens if there are inbound mappings for that account. This is perhaps quite expected. However, the operation does not stop there. If a user is changed, then such change may propagate to other accounts on other resources, usually by the means of outbound mappings. MidPoint does not like procrastination, and therefore it will try to apply all the changes immediately. It means that reconciliation of one account may cause changes to other accounts. Which makes a lot of sense, yet it may be quite surprising. Secondly, reconciliation will skip any normal-strength mappings. We have already explained the reasons for that, but this is something that can surprise even an experienced midPoint engineer from time to time. If we are sure that we want the mapped value to be present in the account all the time then strong mappings are the way to go.
A curious reader that has already explored midPoint user interface has surely noticed recompute function.
To the untrained eye, recompute does looks almost exactly the same as reconciliation.
However, there are subtle differences.
Firstly, recompute will not force the fetch of account data.
When recomputing, the account attributes will be fetched from the resource, unless midPoint inevitably needs them for the computation.
This usually happens if weak
or strong
mappings are used.
However, if there are normal
mappings only, then recompute may skip reading account data.
MidPoint will compare and correct account attribute values only for those accounts that are fetched from resource during this process.
That is how recompute works.
The purpose of recompute is to correct data of midPoint users, which means evaluation of object templates and other internal policies.
Correcting account data is more or less just a side effect of recompute.
On the other hand, reconciliation always tries to read all the accounts regardless whether they are needed for computation or not. Therefore, all the attributes on all the accounts are fixed. That is the purpose of reconciliation: correct the account data.
There is yet another difference between recompute and reconcile tasks. The purpose of recompute task is to correct user data. Therefore, recompute task will iterate over midPoint users. Recompute task will not detect new accounts on the resource, and it may even overlook if an account is deleted. However, reconciliation task is different. In fact reconciliation task has several stages. Main reconciliation stage lists all resource accounts. It determines owner of each account, compare the attributes and corrects them. As this process iterates over real accounts on a resource, it can easily detect new accounts. When the main stage is completed, then the next phase looks at account shadows stored in midPoint. The task looks for shadows that have not been processed in the main phase. Those are accounts that used to be on the resource some time ago, but have disappeared since. That is how reconciliation detects deleted accounts.
Rule of the thumb for the reconciliation versus recompute dilemma is this:
Use recompute if you want to update users. For example, use recompute after change of object templates or role definitions to apply the changes to all users. Recompute is usually initiated manually, on as needed basis.
Use reconciliation to keep accounts synchronized. For example, run periodic reconciliation task to make sure accounts in your LDAP servers are up-to-date.
Reconciliation is really useful mechanism. It is reliable and thorough, but it is also quite slow, and it consumes o lot of computational and network resources. There are good reasons why reconciliation is such a heavyweight beast. Reconciliation works with absolute state of accounts. It means that reconciliation is reading all the accounts with all the values of all the attributes. Then it recomputes everything. Even the attributes and values that were not changed are recomputed. This is a very traditional and reliable way of computation, and that is also the way how the most of older identity management systems work.
Yet, there is also a better way.
If we know that just one attribute was changed, we can recompute that single attribute only.
We do not need to care about other attributes.
Moreover, if we know that attribute foo
has changed in such a way, that there is a new value bar
, then it gets even better.
We just need to recompute the value bar
, and we need not care about any other values.
This is what we like to call a relative change.
We just care about the values that were changed.
That is how midPoint works internally.
We could say that MidPoint is relativistic system.
This is where delta comes in. Delta is a data structure that describes the change of a single midPoint object. Add delta describes a new midPoint object that is about to be created. Modify delta describes existing midPoint object where some properties have changed. Delete delta describes an object that is going to be deleted.
This is a very powerful mechanism. Just remember that everything in midPoint can be represented as an object: user, account, resource, role, security policy … everything. Therefore, delta can represent any change in midPoint. It may be a change of user password, deletion of an account, change of connector configuration or introduction of a new password policy. If all the changes can be represented in a uniform way, then they can also be handled in a uniform way. Therefore, it is easy for midPoint to record all the changes in an audit trail – including configuration changes. It is easy to route any change through an approval process. And so on. MidPoint can create a relatively simple mechanisms to handle changes, and then those mechanisms can be applied to any change of (almost) any object.
Let’s have a closer look at an anatomy of a delta. There are three types of delta: add, modify and delete. Add delta is quite simple. It contains a new object to be created.
Delete delta is even simpler. It contains just object identifier (OID) of an object to be deleted.
Last one is modify delta.
This delta contains a description of modified properties of an existing object.
As the object can change in a variety of ways, modify delta is the most complex of the three.
Modify delta contains a list of item deltas.
Each item delta describes how a particular part of an object changes.
For example following delta describes that a new value pirate
is added to a user property employeeType
The item delta may have three modification types: add, delete and replace. Add modification means that new value or values are added to an item. Delete modification means that value or values are removed from an item.
In both add and delete cases, the values that are not mentioned in the delta are not affected. They remain unchanged as they are. However, replace modification is different. This means that all existing values of the item are going to be discarded, and they are replaced with the value or values from the delta.
The deltas are designed to work with both single-valued and multi-valued items. In fact, add modification and delete modification deltas are specifically designed with multi-value items in mind. Those deltas can work efficiently even in cases that there is a multi-valued attribute that has a very large number of values. There is a good reason for this. Multi-valued properties are quite common in the identity management field. Just think about how roles, groups, privileges and access control lists are usually implemented. Everybody that ever managed a large group in LDAP server will surely remember that experience in vivid colors. Fortunately, midPoint is designed to handle situations like these.
Everything in midPoint is designed to work with deltas: user interface, mappings, authorizations, auditing … all the way down to the low-level data storage components. Mappings are designed in a relativistic ways. That is one of the reasons why we need to explicitly specify sources of the mapping. Mapping source definitions are matched with items in the delta to control execution of the mapping. Deltas permeate entire midPoint computation. Deltas are input to the mappings, and mapping produce other deltas as output. Therefore, we can have a complete chain: deltas that are result of inbound mappings is applied to the user object, but those deltas are also input to outbound mappings. Everything is relativistic in midPoint.
This might seem to be a bit over-complicated at the beginning. But do not worry. You will get used to it. Clearly, this approach has major advantages.
However, a clever reader does not seem to be impressed. How can this relativistic approach conserve any significant portion of computational resources? We usually fetch the entire account from the resource anyway. Therefore, there is no harm to recompute all the attributes. The computation itself is fast, it is the fetch operation that is slow. Isn’t it? The clever reader is, of course, right. Or rather partially right at the very least. Most resources indeed fetch all the account attributes in a single efficient operation. For those cases, there is no big increase in efficiency if we go with the relativistic methods. However, there are exceptions. For example, some resources will not return all the values of big attributes, e.g. all the members of a large group. Additional requests are needed to fetch all the values – and there may be a lot of requests if the group is really large. Relativistic approach has significant benefit in those cases. The benefits will be even more obvious when we get to the live synchronization in the next section. Yet, performance is not the primary motivation for the relativistic approach. There is one extremely strong reason to go relativistic: data consistency. Consistency is something that brings ugly nightmares to many engineers that try to design distributed system. Identity management solution is in fact a distributed system, managing data in many independent applications and databases. It is also a very loosely-coupled distributed system. There is no support for locking or transactions in the connector. Even if there was some support, the vast majority of resource cannot provide those consistency mechanisms on their identity management APIs. This means that midPoint cannot rely on traditional data consistency mechanisms. That is why relativistic approach is so useful. Relativistic computation has a very high probability of achieving correct result even without locking or transactions. This is more than acceptable for typical identity management deployments. For those rare cases where relativistic computation can fluctuate there is always reconciliation as a last resort. Yet, thanks to the relativistic nature of midPoint, the need for reconciliation is significantly reduced.
That was a lot of long words, but clever reader seems to be satisfied now. At least for a while. For the readers that are still scratching their heads there is quite a simple summary: relativistic approach of midPoint can do miracles. For example, midPoint resource can be both sources and targets, even a single attribute can be both source and target of information. It is the relativistic approach that allows features like this. The principle of relativity is relatively simple. Yet, its effect in midPoint is nothing short of being revolutionary.
Live Synchronization
MidPoint has a range of synchronization mechanisms. Slow, brutal but reliable reconciliation is at one end. Live synchronization is on the other. Live synchronization is a lightweight mechanism that can provide almost-real-time synchronization capabilities. Live synchronization is specifically looking for recent changes on a resource. When such changes are detected, live synchronization mechanisms process those changes immediately. The synchronization delay is usually in order of seconds or minutes if live synchronization is used properly.
Unlike reconciliation, live synchronization is not triggered manually. That would make very little sense. Live synchronization works in a long-running task, repeatedly looking for fresh changes in short time intervals. If a resource is configured for synchronization, then all that is needed to run live synchronization is to set up a live synchronization task. MidPoint user interface can be used to do that easily.
An example of live synchronization task was provided in the HR feed section above. Live synchronization task wakes up at regular intervals. Each time the task waves up, it invokes the connector. Connectors capable of live synchronization have special operation that is used to get fresh changes from the resource. The connector can support any reasonable change detection mechanism – in theory. Yet, two mechanisms are commonly used in practice:
Timestamp-based synchronization: Resource keeps track of last modification timestamp for each account. The connector looks for all accounts that have been modified since last scan. This is very simple and relatively efficient method. But it has one major limitation: it cannot detect deleted accounts. If an account is deleted then there is no timestamp for that account and therefore the connector will not find it in the live synchronization scan.
Changelog-based synchronization: Resource keeps a "log" of recent changes. The connector is looking at the log, and it is processing all the changes that were added to the log since the last scan. This is a very efficient and flexible method. Yet, it is not simple. Not many systems support it, and there are often hidden complexities.
All live synchronization methods need to keep the track of what changes are "recent", i.e. which changes were already processed by midPoint and which were not processed yet. There is usually some value that needs to be remembered by midPoint: timestamp of last scan, last sequence number in the change log, serial number of last processed change and so on. Each connector has a different value with a connector-specific meaning. MidPoint refers to those values as "tokens". The most recent token is stored in the live synchronization task. That is how midPoint keeps track of processed changes. There are (hopefuly quite rare) cases when resource and midPoint token get out of alignment. This may happen in cases such as the resource database is restored from a backup, if network time gets out of synchronization and so on. If that happen, then deleting the token from the live synchronization task is usually all it takes to get the synchronization running again.
Live synchronization is fast and very efficient. However, it is not entirely reliable. MidPoint may miss some changes. This is quite a rare situation, but it may happen. Reconciliation will surely remedy the situation in such a case. Just remember, all the synchronization mechanism share the same configuration. It is perfectly acceptable to run live synchronization and reconciliation on the same resource at the same time. But of course, it would be a good idea to run reconciliation less frequently than live synchronization.
Synchronization is one of the most important mechanisms in the entire identity management field. Primary purpose of synchronization is to get the data into midPoint. That is good approach when an identity management deployment begins: feed your midPoint with data first. Get the data from the HR system. Correlate the data with Active Directory. Connect all the major resources to midPoint and correlate the data again. MidPoint does not need to make any changes at this stage. In fact, it is perfectly good approach to make all the resource read-only at this stage. The point is to let midPoint see the data. Why do we need that?
We will see what is the real quality of the data. Most system owners have at least some idea what data sets are there. However, it is almost impossible to estimate data quality until the data are processed and verified. That is exactly what midPoint can do at this stage. This is essential information to plan data cleanup and sanitation.
We will learn how many accounts and account types are there. It is perhaps quite obvious that there are employee accounts. Are there also accounts for contractors, suppliers, support engineers? Are those accounts active? What is the naming convention? Do system administrators use employee accounts for administration, or are they using dedicated high-privilege accounts? This information is crucial to set up provisioning policies.
We will learn distribution of accounts and their entitlements. Do all employees have accounts in Active Directory? Are there any large user groups? How does organizational structure influence the accounts? This information is very useful to design a role-based access control structures and other policies.
We will surely learn some security vulnerabilities. Are there orphaned accounts that should have been deleted long time ago? Are there testing accounts that were left unattended after the last night-time emergency? Indeed, there is no security without identity management.
This is a good start. But even if this is all that you do in the first step of the deployment it is still a major benefit. You will get better visibility, and with that comes better security. You have the data to analyze your environment, and plan next step of the identity management deployment. You won’t be blind any longer. That is extremely important. It is indeed a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
6. Schema
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost, that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
So far we have been discussing the things that influence how midPoint interacts with the outside. Resource definitions, outbound and inbound mappings, even the roles - the primary purpose of those things is to control how data get into midPoint and out of midPoint. But now it is time to discuss how midPoint works internally.
Early IDM systems were little more than smart data transformers. They took data from data sources, modified them in some way, maybe applied a model such as RBAC and then pushed the data out. There was very little crucial information that was stored inside the IDM system itself. But that was a long time ago and the world is a different place now. The focus of IDM field has shifted towards identity governance. It is not enough to transform the data. Policies need to be applied. Compliance needs to be evaluated. There are processes to follow, paperwork to do, reports to compile, notifications, reviews and daily status reports. It is perhaps no big surprise that there is a good deal of management in Identity Management.
Many of the chapters that follow will deal with these management concepts. But we have to start from the basics. And the goal of this chapter is an explanation of the very foundation of midPoint: schema. The goal of midPoint is not just a mere data transformation. The goal is to unify the data. And midPoint schema plays a crucial part in that ambition.
MidPoint Schema
MidPoint is designed as a schema-aware system. For every bit of data that passes through midPoint we have a complete definition. We know whether this is string, integer or timestamp. We know whether it is single-valued or multi-valued. We know whether it is optional or mandatory. We know whether this is a sensitive piece of data that requires extra protection. We know whether it is part of technical meta-data that we usually do not want to show by default. And often we also know what label we should use when we are presenting the data and how that label translates to other languages. We know quite a lot about the data that we work with. All the objects that midPoint works with are completely defined by the schema. There is a schema for user, role, org, resource, system configuration and everything else.
Such awareness of the schema brings significant advantages to midPoint. The most obvious advantage is in data presentation. We know that we need to render a calendar selector because that particular data property is timestamp. We know that we need to render a text field with a plus button to add values because that particular property is a multi-valued string. And we know that some fields should be disabled because those properties are read-only. This behavior is not hard-coded. Vast majority of midPoint user interface is rendered by interpreting midPoint schema.
This approach is absolutely crucial for any serious IDM system. One of the reasons is that the IDM system works with data that are retrieved from other systems (resources). It is just not possible to hard-code midPoint user interface for all the various attributes that all the possible resources could have. A different strategy is needed here, a strategy that is much more dynamic.
When midPoint connects to a new resource for the first time it attempts to retrieve resource schema. The schema specifies what object classes the resource supports, which attributes the object classes have, what types are those and so on. MidPoint transforms this schema to its own native format and stores that in the resource definition. This means that midPoint has the schema available anytime it is needed for dynamic interpretation. That schema is used to display resource data in the most natural and user-friendly way. It is also used by automatic data type conversions, which makes mapping configuration easier.
Data Unification
MidPoint schema is not just a nice way how to create user, role or organizational structure. It has a much deeper meaning. The primary purpose of a schema is integration, data translation and unification. A clever reader would certainly remember that we have already talked about star topology or hub-and-spoke integration pattern. MidPoint is like a hub of the wheel and all the resources connect to midPoint as spokes. MidPoint is actively discouraging direct resource-to-resource communication. Everything in midPoint is built for resource-to-midPoint and midPoint-to-resource communication. MidPoint is always the center – and for a good reason. All resource data need to be translated to and from a midPoint “data language”. Thus, midPoint creates a common language that everybody can understand. And this is exactly the purpose of midPoint schema. The schema of user, role, org and service is designed to contain properties that are often used in identity-related integration scenarios. Therefore, an engineer who is designing a mapping is quite likely to find a suitable property in midPoint schema that is prepared to be used.
MidPoint schema forms a lingua franca, a common language that can be translating to various data dialects used by the resources. But it also provides a basic framework that can be reused for many midPoint deployments. Therefore, an engineer starting a new deployment does not need to start on a completely green field. The basic schema will always be there to provide a starting point.
Ever wondered why midPoint is called midPoint? Clever reader would have figured that out already. |
Basic User Schema
When it comes to identity management field, there is one concept that is at the center of everything: a concept of user. MidPoint is no exception. User is undoubtedly the most important object in the entire midPoint schema. Therefore it is worth to have a closer look at how this object looks like. This is going to be a really educative lesson, as it will explain several fundamental principles of midPoint.
User is represented by schema datatype identified as UserType
Adding the Type
suffix to data types is a common convention in midPoint.
There is UserType
, RoleType
, OrgType
, ResourceType
and so on.
This convention is partially historic, partially given by XML Schema conventions, partially a convenience to developers.
Regardless of the origins, this convention is used for all the data types in midPoint schemas.
You will get used to it eventually.
is what we call an object definition in midPoint parlance.
This means that UserType
data structure specifies a complete midPoint object with all the things that any self-respecting object needs.
There is object identifier (OID), name that can be presented in different forms and languages, free-form description and so on.
All midPoint objects have those things.
The UserType
data structure has many additional properties, containers and references.
Property is a primitive data item such as string, integer or a timestamp.
Container is a complex data structure that contains a bunch of properties or other containers.
Reference is a pointer to another midPoint object.
Properties are primitive. However, there may be properties that have internal structure, even quite a complex internal structure. This is sometimes given by historic reasons. But there are also properties that need to be complex, e.g. properties that require localizable presentation or properties that provide protection of data. Yes, this may be confusing. And even a clever reader is officially puzzled now. However, this distinction is not a big issue for now. |
Definition of UserType
is summarized in the following table:
Name | Type | Description |
property |
Human-readable, mutable name of the object.
It is typically a username or some kind of application-level identifier.
The value must be unique among all the users. |
property |
Free-form textual description of the object.
This is meant to be displayed in the user interface. |
container |
A container for custom schema extensions. We will discuss that later. |
container |
Meta-data about object creation, modification, etc. |
property |
Lifecycle state of the object.
This property defines whether the object represents a draft, proposed definition, whether it is active, deprecated, and so on. |
container |
Set of object’s assignments.
Assignments define the privileges and "features" that this object should have, that this object is entitled to.
Typical assignment will point to a role or define a construction of an account. |
reference |
Set of shadows (projections) linked to this focal object.
E.g. a set of accounts linked to a user.
This is the set of shadows that belongs to the focal object in a sense that these shadows represents the focal object on the resource.
E.g. The set of accounts that represent the same midPoint user (the same physical person, they are "analogous"). |
container |
Type that defines activation properties. Determines whether something is active (and working) or inactive (e.g. disabled). |
property |
Photo of a user (in a binary form). |
property |
The name, identifier or code of the cost center to which the user belongs. |
property |
Primary locality of the user, the place where the user usually works, the country, city or building that he belongs to. The specific meaning and form of this property is deployment-specific. |
property |
Indicates user’s preferred language, usually for the purpose of localizing user interfaces.
The format is IETF language tag defined in BCP 47, where underscore is used as a subtag separator.
This is usually a ISO 639-1 two-letter language code optionally followed by ISO 3166-1 two-letter country code separated by underscore. |
property |
Defines user’s preference in displaying currency, dates and other items related to location and culture.
It has the same format as |
property |
User’s preferred timezone.
It is specified in the "tz database" (a.k.a "Olson") format. |
property |
E-Mail address of the user, org. unit, etc.
This is the address supposed to be used for communication with the user. |
property |
Primary telephone number of the user. |
property |
Full name of the user with all the decorations, middle name initials, honorific title and any other structure that is usual in the cultural environment that the system operates in.
This element is intended to be displayed to a common user of the system.
Example: |
property |
Given name of the user.
It is usually the first name of the user, but the order of names may differ in various cultural environments.
This element will always contain the name that was given to the user at birth or was chosen by the user. |
property |
Family name of the user.
It is usually the last name of the user, but the order of names may differ in various cultural environments.
This element will always contain the name that was inherited from the family or was assigned to a user by some other means.
Example: |
property |
Middle name, patronymic, matronymic or any other name of a person.
It is usually the middle component of the name, however that may be culture-dependent.
Example: |
property |
Familiar or otherwise informal way to address a person.
Example: |
property |
Honorific titles that go before the name.
Example: |
property |
Honorific titles that go after the name.
Example: |
property |
User’s title defining a work position or a primary role in the organization.
Example: |
property |
Unique, business-oriented identifier of the employee. Typically used as a correlation identifier and for auditing purposes. Should be immutable, but the specific properties and usage are deployment-specific. |
property |
Name or (preferably) immutable identifier of organization that the user belongs to. The format is deployment-specific. This property together with organizationalUnit may be used to provide easy-to-use data about organizational membership of the user. |
property |
Name or (preferably) immutable identifier of organizational unit that the user belongs to. The format is deployment-specific. This property together with organization may be used to provide easy-to-use data about organizational membership of the user. |
container |
The set of user’s credentials (such as passwords). |
This is a basic outline of the schema for UserType
This description is slightly simplified.
Not all the items that are defined for UserType
are shown in the table above.
Deprecated items are not shown at all.
Only some operational properties are shown.
Some items are simplified or entirely omitted for clarity.
Following example illustrates the use of midPoint UserType
<targetRef oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067" type="RoleType"/>
<targetRef oid="4e73ed62-aef9-11e9-a7a8-57334ef1f991" type="RoleType"/>
<fullName>Alice Anderson, PhD.</fullName>
<title>Business Analyst</title>
Operational, Experimental and Deprecated Items
Most of the items in midPoint schema are quite ordinary and they behave as expected. Such as the fullName property. The property can be set and changed by using midPoint user interface. But then there are some extraordinary items. Those are automatically determined and controlled by midPoint core. Those items are essential for correct operation of midPoint. Therefore they are called operational items. Operational items are usually not directly displayed in the user interface. They are either completely hidden, displayed indirectly or displayed only when user chooses to display them.
MidPoint schema has grown and evolved over time. And it is still evolving. Therefore, it is quite expected that the schema will slightly change over time. However, we do not affect midPoint deployments by incompatible schema changes. Therefore items are usually not removed from midPoint schema without a warning. An item that we do not want is marked as deprecated first. At that point such item is still working as before. However, it is not displayed in the user interface to discourage use of that item. Deprecated items are removed in one of the subsequent midPoint releases. This gives enough time for midPoint users to adapt to schema changes.
There is also another kind of schema evolution. Development of most midPoint features is quick and straightforward. But then there are features that are quite complex or features that involve some degree of exploration to implement. Those features cannot be implemented in a single midPoint release. There are also features that are provided to the midPoint community as a "preview" to gather feedback for further development. All such features are marked as experimental. Those features are not officially supported, but you are free to use them at your own risk. Most new features require extensions of midPoint schema. This is also true for those experimental features. But when going experimental, there is a fair chance that something will change in the future. Therefore, we are explicitly marking parts of the schema as experimental. This is a warning that those parts are likely to change. We are not promising any kind of compatibility for experimental parts of midPoint schema. They may change any time, they may even completely disappear. And there will be no deprecation or any other warning. Simply speaking: if you are dealing with experimental features, you are completely on your own. Do not come crying when those things stop working. You have been warned.
Time is cruel and everything that we do is in some way temporary. Except perhaps for stupidity, which seems to be utterly endless. But all other things have a beginning and an end. Employees have hiring date, contracts have end dates, users can be disabled, roles may get replaced and so on. We use the term activation to encompass all those things that deal with the questions of digital life and death of the objects.
The activation in itself is multi-dimensional and quite complex. It is composed of several properties that may change in somehow independent and somehow inter-dependent way. Following list provides a quick summary of activation properties:
Activation status defines administrative state of the object, often manually set by system administrator.
Validity properties specify when the object should be active. There is activation date and deactivation date.
Effective status is a computed operational property that shows the current effective status of the user. It is computed from other activation properties.
Lockout status is used for temporary inactivation of user, e.g. in case of numerous failed authentication attempts.
Additional operational properties provide (meta) data about the past changes of administrative status.
The best way to explain how activation works is to describe the meaning and behavior of individual properties.
Administrative status defines the "administrative state" of the object (user),
i.e. the explicit decision of the administrator.
If administrative status is set, this property overrides any other constraints in the activation type.
E.g. if this is set to enabled
and the user is not yet valid (according to validity below), the user should be considered active.
If set to disabled
the user is considered inactive regardless of other settings.
Therefore this property does not necessarily define an actual state of the object.
It is a kind of "manual override".
In fact, the most common setting for this property is to leave it unset and let other properties determine the state.
If this property is not present then the other constraints in the activation type should be considered (namely validity properties, see below).
Administrative Status Value | Description |
no value |
No explicit override. Other activation properties determine the resulting status. |
The entity is active. It is enabled and fully operational. |
The entity is inactive. It has been disabled by an administrative action. This indicates temporary inactivation and there is an intent enable the entity later. It is usually used for an employee on parental leave, sabbatical, temporarily disable account for security reasons, etc. |
The entity is inactive. It has been disabled by an administrative action. This indicates permanent inactivation and there is no intent to enable the entity later. This state is used to keep the user record or account around for archival purposes. E.g. some systems require that the account exists to maintain referential consistency of historical data, audit records, etc. It may also be used to "block" the user or account identifier to avoid their reuse. It is usually used for retired employees and similar cases. |
If the administrative status is not present and there are no other constraints in the activation type or if there is no activation type at all, then the object is assumed to be "enabled", i.e. that the user is active.
Validity refers to state when the object is considered legal or otherwise usable.
In midPoint the validity is currently defined by two dates: the date from which the object is valid (validFrom
) and the date to which an object is valid (validTo
When talking about users these dates usually represent the date when the contract with the user started (hiring date) and the date when the contract ends.
The user is considered valid (active) between these two dates.
The user is considered inactive before the validFrom
date or after the validTo
It is perfectly OK to set just one of the dates or no date at all.
If any date is not set then it is assumed to extend to infinity.
E.g. if validFrom
date is not set the user is considered active from the beginning of the universe to the moment specified by the validTo
The validity is overridden by the administrative status. Therefore, if administrative status is set to any non-empty value then the validity dates are not considered at all.
Activation is also influenced by object lifecycle.
Object lifecycle specifies phases of object’s life, such as draft
, proposed
, active
and deprecated
There are some lifecycle states in which the object is considered to be active.
And there are other states when the object is considered to be inactive.
The later states are important, because object lifecycle can completely override activation.
This makes perfect sense.
E.g. when an object is in draft
state, it is just being prepared for use.
Such object may have validity dates or administrative status that would normally activate it.
But we do not want draft objects to be active yet.
Such object may need a review and approval to transition to active
lifecycle state.
Only then it will really become active.
This is just a rough overview of the lifecycle functionality that only scratches the surface.
We will deal with object lifecycle details later in this book.
Activation is quite a complex matter that is spread out in several dimensions.
Therefore it may not be entirely obvious which objects are active and which are not.
For that reason midPoint provides an operational property effectiveStatus
which shows the computed "effective state" of the object.
Simply speaking it is a read-only property that tells whether the user should be considered active or inactive.
The effective status is the result of combining several activation settings (administrative status, validity dates, etc.).
The effective status holds the result of a computation, therefore it is an operational property that is recomputed every time the status changes. The effective status should not be set directly. The effective status can be changed only indirectly by changing other activation properties.
Effective Status Value | Description |
no value |
Not yet computed. This should not happen under normal circumstances. |
The entity is active. |
The entity is inactive (temporary inactivation). |
The entity is inactive (permanent inactivation). |
The effective status is the property that is used by majority of midPoint code when determining whether a particular object is active or inactive. This property should always have a value in a normal case. If this property is not present then the computation haven’t taken place yet.
Similarly to effective status, there is yet another operational property validityStatus
This property reflects the state of validity constraints with respect to current time.
The values are before
, in
and after
, meaning the states before the validity intervals started, inside the validity interval and after the validity interval ended respectively.
Lockout status defines the state of user or account lock-out. Lock-out means that the account was temporarily disabled due to failed login attempts or a similar abuse attempt. This mechanism is usually used to avoid brute-force or dictionary password attacks and the lock will usually expire by itself in a matter of minutes.
This value is usually set by the resource or by midpoint internal authentication code. This value is mostly used to read the lockout status of a user or an account. This value is semi-writable. If the object is locked then it can be used to set it to the unlocked state. But not the other way around. It cannot be used to lock the account. Locking is always done by the authentication code.
Lockout Status Value | Description |
no value |
No information (generally means unlocked user or account) |
Unlocked and operational user or account. |
The user or account has been locked. Log-in to the account is temporarily disabled. |
Please note that even if user of account are in the normal
(unlocked) state they still be disabled by administrative status or validity which will make them efficiently inactive.
There is also an informational property lockoutExpirationTimestamp
that provides information about the expiration of the lock.
However, not all resources may be able to provide such information.
There are several operational properties in the activation data structure that provide operational data about user activation:
Name | Type | Description |
URL that identifies a reason for disable. This may be indication that that identity was disabled explicitly, that the disable status was computed or other source of the disabled event. |
dateTime |
Timestamp of last modification of the activation status to the disabled state. |
dateTime |
Timestamp of last modification of the activation status to the enabled state. |
dateTime |
Timestamp of last modification of the activation status to the archived state. |
dateTime |
Timestamp of last modification of the effective validity state, i.e. last time the validity state was recomputed with result that was different than the previous recomputation. It is used to avoid repeated validity change deltas. |
Those properties are operational, therefore from the user point of view they are read-only. The values are automatically computed by midPoint and stored in the database.
Let’s see how that works on some examples. The simplest example is perhaps not even worth mentioning. A user without any activation data structure is considered to be active (enabled). When such user is stored in midPoint repository, midPoint will automatically compute effective status:
Administrator can disable such user by using administrative status property:
Once again, when such user object is stored after the modification, midPoint computes the value of effective status:
The use of administrative status is usually quite harsh. MidPoint deployments are often using validity constraints instead. For example, an employee that has employment contract for a year would look like this:
Given that this chapter was written in 2019, such user will be active. It will automatically switch to inactive state after the last day of 2019. However, if there is ever a need to explicitly disable the user, administrative status can still be used:
In this case the user is still in its validity interval.
Hence the in
value of validityStatus
But the administrative status is explicitly set to disabled
Therefore the resulting effective status is also disabled
The concept of activation is not limited to users. Many midPoint objects have activation. Roles can expire, organizational units can be disabled and so on. Activation is a concept that has a very broad application in midPoint. Even assignments have activation, which is a crucial element in some configuration (e.g. multi-affiliation). Assignments are often used to model employment contracts, student affiliations, service contracts and similar concepts that have time boundaries. This is usually achieved by a clever use of assignment activation.
Schema Definition
So far we have talked mostly about the use schema (UserType
data type).
However, the entire midPoint schema is quite complex.
There are many types of objects and there are thousands of data types overall.
It would be almost impossible to manage such a big schema directly in midPoint code.
Therefore the schema is defined in special definition files that are used by midPoint in several ways.
It is used by the user interface to automatically render form fields.
It is used by midPoint expression engine to automatically convert data types.
It is even used by midPoint build process (compilation) to make sure that the schema is properly used in midPoint code.
MidPoint is completely schema-aware system from top to bottom.
Schema obviously plays a crucial role in everything that midPoint does. Therefore it may be interesting to have a look at schema definition. This can be particularly useful for engineers that are deploying midPoint professionally and that often needs to extend and customize the schema.
MidPoint schema is specified in XML Schema Definition (XSD) format.
MidPoint schema is defined in several parts, but the most important is the "core" schema definition.
The schema files reside in midPoint source code in schema component in the infra
Therefore schema files can be found in the resources
part under the infra/schema
subdirectory of midPoint source code.
Schema files are also included in midPoint distribution package for convenience.
Why XSD? Why did we choose to use the XML Schema Definition format for midPoint schema? There are historic reasons and there are pragmatic reasons. Back in early 2010s when midPoint was born XML was perhaps the only sensible choice to build a complex system. Alternatives such as JSON were young, and their schema languages ranged from very limited through useless to non-existent. Therefore, XML and XSD were a natural choice. However, quite early in midPoint development we have discovered limitations of XSD and especially limitations of Java libraries that work with XML and XSD. We had to extend XSD with custom features. Fortunately, XSD allowed that. We also had to rewrite parts of the XML/XSD-processing code. We have also invented a way how to use XSD to describe generic data structures (a.k.a. "Prism objects") that can be represented in XML, JSON and YAML. Therefore, XSD did not really hold us back that much. Despite all the limitations, XSD worked for us quite well during all those years. However, we are getting very close to the very limits of what XSD (or any similar schema language) can do. We are already working on a replacement: Axiom data modeling language. Axiom is a next-generation language, supporting not just a data schema, but also meta-data schema. Axiom is still very young, it needs more work and time to mature. However, it is certainly a future for midPoint. |
Every deployment engineer that takes midPoint deployments seriously should be aware of the schema. Hardcore engineer will surely open the XSD files in their favorite text editor in the terminal and analyze the definitions line-by-line. Developers could open the XSD files in their IDEs and have a nice organized look at the schema. But even an ordinary engineer could benefit from learning the basics of XSD and having a look at a few important data types in midPoint schema.
Schema definition is not just about the properties, containers and data types. Crucial part of the schema definition is in-line documentation. Most of the data types and items are documented by using XSD in-line documentation mechanism. Therefore a huge amount of details about midPoint can be learned by exploring the schema. We have tried to make that process easier by developing schemadoc mechanism. Schemadoc is a process that takes raw midPoint schema and generates HTML documentation out of that. This task is part of midPoint build process and generated documentation is a result of midPoint build. Schemadoc is also available online. Just search for "schemadoc" in midPoint docs.
Schema is not just a description how midPoint works. MidPoint schema is part of midPoint itself. It is used when midPoint is compiled. It is parsed when midPoint starts. It is used by midPoint core and user interface. MidPoint is complex and even the experts can be sometimes wrong. MidPoint documentation is quite extensive, therefore it may be misleading or out of date at places. But not the schema. Schema is always right. Otherwise midPoint won’t work. Schema is the law.
Schema Extensibility
MidPoint schema is quite rich. Many of the properties that are frequently used in IDM deployments are already part of midPoint schema. But reality has always a way to bring unexpected things. Therefore, midPoint deployments won’t get far if midPoint schema cannot be extended.
Vast majority of midPoint schema is available at compile-time. This means that such schema is used during compilation (build) of midPoint. That "static" part of schema is somehow hardcoded into midPoint itself and it would be very difficult to change. Therefore we have developed a mechanism to extend the schema at deployment-time. Small parts of the XSD definition can be provided when midPoint is deployed. MidPoint will read those definitions when it starts up. The static part of the schema is extended with those definitions. From that point on the extensions are part of midPoint schema. The extensions will be used by midPoint user interface, expression-processing code and all other parts of midPoint.
Our ExAmPLE company was quite happy with the progress of IDM deployment so far.
Mappings were used to synchronize values of user names and all other common attributes.
There is plenty of suitable properties for that in midPoint schema such as givenName
and fullName
Even employeeNumber
came very handy.
But now they need to customize midPoint schema to better suit their very specific needs.
The company management decided that the people look really cool in fancy hats.
Therefore they will provide a hat for every employee.
Which means that the IDM system needs to track hat size for all users.
Hat size is not used in the IDM deployments very often, therefore it is not a part of standard midPoint schema.
But fortunately, it is easy to extend the schema.
First step to extend midPoint schema is to prepare a small XSD file:
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
<xsd:complexType name="UserTypeExtensionType">
<a:extension ref="c:UserType"/>
<xsd:element name="hatSize" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
This file defines a new data structure UserTypeExtensionType
The name of this data structure does not really matter.
What matters is that it is bound to an extension of UserType
in the annotation part of the type definition.
When midPoint reads this file, it will extend the definition of UserType
with this data type.
The extension data type specifies just a single property: hatSize
This is an optional single-valued string property.
Every user in midPoint will have this property.
User interface will automatically display text input field for this property.
MidPoint administrator puts this XSD content into example.xsd
Name of the file can be chosen arbitrarily as long as it has .xsd
file extension.
Administrator copies that file to schema
subdirectory of midPoint home directory and restarts midPoint.
From that point on the schema extension is active.
The users can now be extended with custom property:
<user xmlns:exmpl="">
There is a couple of important remarks to be made here.
Firstly, all the extension properties are always placed in a special extension
container in the objects.
Even though the properties are placed inside a container, the user interface will present them in the same way as the static (native) midPoint properties.
Secondly, a clever reader surely noticed that we have used XML namespace here. We have omitted XML namespaces from the majority of other examples as they are not that important when working with midPoint objects. But schema is different. Namespaces are handled quite a strict way when working with the schema. Namespaces must be declared and namespace prefixes must be properly used in all XSD definitions. The most important namespace in this case is the target namespace of the extended schema. The URI for this namespace should be chosen in such a way that it is globally unique. The use of your DNS domain is the recommended technique.
Namespaces also should be used when working with extension
container in users and other midPoint objects.
This requirement is not that strict as midPoint can usually figure out the namespace.
However, this may be a problem in case that several schema extensions are combined.
Such combinations are possible in midPoint.
MidPoint will simply parse all the XSD files in the schema directory and apply all of them as extensions.
The namespace is used to differentiate between them.
Therefore, if there is an expectation that several schema extensions will be used in the same deployment then the use of namespaces in object extension is more than recommended.
Why is there an extension container?
Why are the properties not mixed among other static properties?
This is related to the intricacies of XML and XML schema.
Theoretically, XML is completely extensible.
However, when XML Schema is applied to XML, some extensibility scenarios do not work very well.
That is also the case for mixing of static XML elements and dynamic XML elements.
We are hitting what is called "Unique Particle Resolution" limitation of XML schema.
This was further amplified by limitations of Java XML libraries.
The easiest and perhaps even most correct way to resolve this limitation was to create a dedicated XML element for schema extensions.
That is what we have done in early midPoint versions.
The schema processing code in midPoint has significantly improved since, and now we are almost at the point where we could remove the extension element.
But we are not yet there.
Moreover, there is still an aspect of compatibility to consider.
Therefore, the extension element stays for now.
However, we are trying hard to hide its existence from the end user.
MidPoint schema does not just specify the "core" data model. MidPoint schema goes a bit further, and it can also specify the details of data presentation. This means that the schema can specify a label that should be used for particular data item, help text and so on. The XML Schema (XSD) cannot do this. But fortunately, XSD schema can be extended by annotations. Those annotations can be used to define the presentation properties of the items:
<xsd:element name="hatSize" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
<a:displayName>Hat size</a:displayName>
Your hat size in whatever mysterious units the hatters
are using for measuring hats.
This works fine if your system works for just a single localization environment. But this is not enough in case that you need more than one language. MidPoint was born in Europe and we know quite well all the pain that comes with multi-language environments. MidPoint is designed to be localizable. Therefore you can simply use localization keys instead of actual text:
<xsd:element name="hatSize" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
The actual text to be used for the label can be looked up in the localization catalog. However, using localization catalogs is a matter of its own. It will be covered by later chapters.
PolyString and Protected String
Majority of midPoint schema is pretty standard stuff. When you walk through the jungle of midPoint schema definition you can see all the usual wildlife: strings, integers, booleans, timestamps and binary values. But there are few species that are quite strange. However strange they might look, they are immensely useful. Their names are PolyString and Protected String.
PolyString is the stranger one of those two. Its name came from polymorphic string, which means a string that can take a variety of forms. In its simplest form PolyString is just a simple string that can be normalized. Normalization means that we convert the original string into some standard form, e.g. we are removing leading and trailing whitespace (trimming), we are converting all letters to lower case, simplifying national characters and so on.
Many ordinary midPoint properties are PolyStrings.
Object name
and user’s givenName
, familyName
and fullName
and all PolyStrings.
And yet not even a clever reader haven’t noticed anything suspicious about them so far.
The reason for this is that normalization is almost transparent in midPoint PolyStrings.
But now it is a time to have a peek inside.
Let’s import a user that looks like this:
<fullName>Radovan Semančík, PhD. </fullName>
What is really stored in midPoint repository is this:
<orig>Radovan Semančík, PhD. </orig>
<norm>radovan semancik phd</norm>
This all happens transparently. PolyStrings are displayed as strings in the user interface. They are handled (almost completely) as strings in the mappings. Ordinary midPoint user has no idea that the normalization happens at all. But why we bother to normalize strings at all? PolyString normalization has many practical uses. However, two of them are embedded quite deep in the way how midPoint works.
Firstly, normalization is used to provide reliable uniqueness mechanism.
Usually we do not want a user with username semancik
and another user with username Semancik
or even Semančík
This may lead to confusion.
As midPoint has uniqueness constraints on both the orig
and norm
parts of the name then such situation is completely avoided.
All those usernames have the same normalized form, therefore the uniqueness constraint on norm
part of the name will prohibit the use of all those forms at the same time.
Secondly, normalization is simple and elegant way how to conveniently search for objects.
When PolyStrings are searched, the value from the query is normalized.
Then the norm part of the PolyString is searched.
Therefore, whether the query contains semancik
, Semancik
or semančík
, it will always find the user entry above.
Default normalization algorithm in midPoint should be a good fit for most environments.
But there are always deployments that are different.
For example, characters such as hyphens (-
) are usually not considered to be significant.
But some deployments will consider aliceanderson
and alice-anderson
to be two different usernames.
The default midPoint normalization mechanism will remove hyphens, therefore attempt to have two such users will end up with an error.
But fortunately the normalization algorithm is customizable.
There are several algorithms to choose from and they can even be parameterized.
In the extreme case there is a way to develop a completely custom algorithm.
Therefore the PolyString normalization should fit pretty much every deployment scenario.
But PolyString still has more tricks to do. The normalization is not much of a polymorphism yet. PolyString becomes a real shape-shifter in fully localized environments. PolyString is designed to store values that can have individualized representations in national environments. E.g. in multi-national deployments we may want to provide localized role names. Like this:
<orig>System administrator</orig>
<en>System administrator</en>
<sk>Systémový správca</sk>
<cz>Správce systémú</cz>
This is a mechanism to display midPoint to end users in their own language, complete with localized content of midPoint. This functionality is only partially implemented in midPoint 4.0 and it is considered to be experimental (i.e. unsupported). But this is a glimpse of how the future of midPoint schema may look like.
The other strange animal in the midPoint jungle is protected string (ProtectedStringType
Identity management systems often work with sensitive data such as user passwords.
All the identity-related data usually need protection, but those sensitive data items need even better safeguards.
This usually means that some kind of cryptographic technique needs to be employed. E.g. we do not want to store passwords in the cleartext form.
Want them to be either hashed or encrypted.
And that is what protected string is for.
Protected string is basically just a simple string, but it has extra cryptographic protection.
If you have ever had something to deal with cryptography, you will probably know that cryptography is not simple. Even such a seemingly simple thing as password hash is quite complex when it comes to all the details. E.g. we do not want simple hash as that would not provide sufficient protection. We want salted hash. Which means that the salt value needs to be stored together with the string. Many algorithms are parametric and the parameters used during the hashing also need to be stored. And most importantly, we do not want to hard-wire midPoint to any specific algorithm. Cryptographic algorithms often do not age well and they need to be replaced. Therefore we also need to store algorithm identifiers with the value. If the value is encrypted, we also need to store key identifier, as several keys may be active at the same time. And so on. The cryptographic devil is in the tiny and often counter-intuitive details.
Protected string is a data structure that is designed to handle all those pesky cryptographic details and still pretend that the content of the data structure is just a string.
Similarly to PolyString, the basic usage is quite simple.
Data can be imported into midPoint by using clearValue
The data are automatically protected when the object is imported into midPoint:
Protected string data type supports cleartext representation, encryption using a symmetric algorithm and hashing. However, the data type itself is just a mechanism for storing the data. Whether specific protected string in the schema gets encrypted or hashed and at which point that happens is not controlled by the protected string itself. It is controlled by midPoint configuration and policies. For example, whether user password is encrypted or hashed is determined by midPoint security policy.
Advanced Schema Concepts
This section describes schema concepts that goes deeper into midPoint mechanisms and implementation. Awareness of those concepts will provide insight into how midPoint works. However, we have already talked about the schema quite a lot. And this chapter was quite low on practical examples. Feel free to skip the rest of this chapter if you want to get your hands dirty as soon as possible. But please make sure to come back later. You will have to learn those schema concepts eventually to get the best of midPoint functionality.
Type Hierarchy
So far we have presented midPoint schema as a simple set of data types.
There is UserType
for users, RoleType
for roles and so on.
However, all the midPoint objects have something in common.
For example, all of them have object identifier (OID), name, description and so on.
We could simply copy definitions of those properties to all the data types.
But that is not the best way how to do data modeling.
The proper way is to create a type hierarchy.
Therefore, there is an ObjectType
data type that specifies all the items that all the object types share.
However, midPoint schema is substantial and one common ancestor won’t be enough.
MidPoint type hierarchy was evolving during midPoint development and now it forms quite a rich structure.
Following table is summarizing midPoint data types and their purpose.
Data type | Description |
Common (abstract) data type for all midPoint objects. Specifies basic items that all midPoint objects have: name, description, metadata and so on. |
Abstract supertype for all object types that can have assignments. |
Abstract supertype for all object types that can be focus of full midPoint computation. This basically means objects that have projections. But focal objects also have activation, they may have personas, etc. |
User object represents a physical user of the system. Properties of User object typically describe the user as a physical person. Therefore, the user object defines handful of properties that are commonly used to describe users in the IDM solutions (employees, customers, partners, etc.) |
Abstract data type that contains the "essence" of a role. Roles and other objects that behave like roles are derived from this data type. All abstract roles may "grant" accounts on resources, attributes and entitlements for such accounts. The role can also imply (induce) organizational units, other roles or various IDM objects that can be assigned directly to user. |
A role in the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) sense. The roles specify privileges that the user (or other object) should have. Roles are intended to give privileges to users and other objects. |
Organizational unit, division, section, object group, team, project or any other form of organizing things and/or people. The OrgType objects are designed to form a hierarchical organizational structure (or rather several parallel organizational structures). Orgs are intended to group objects. But as orgs are abstract roles, they can also behave as roles. |
This object type represents any kind of abstract or concrete services or devices such as servers, virtual machines, printers, mobile devices, network nodes, application servers, applications or anything similar. The "service" is a very abstract concept. |
Archetype definition. Archetype defines custom object (sub)type. I.e. it defines specific behavior, look and feel of objects of a particular type, such as "employee", "project", "application", "business role" and so on. |
Resource represents a system or component external to midPoint system which is managed by midPoint. It is sometimes called IT resource, target system, source system, provisioning target or by variety of ther names. MidPoint connects to the resource to create accounts, assign accounts to groups, etc. But it also may be an authoritative source of data, database that contains organizational structure and so on. |
Description of a generic connector. Connector in midPoint is any method of connection to the resource. This usually describes a ConnId connector. |
Host definition for remote connector, remote connector framework or a remote "gateway". This usually specifies the detail of a ConnId remote connector server. |
System configuration object. Holds global system configuration setting. There is just one object of this type in the system. It has a fixed OID. |
Object that contains information about a task. This can represent active running task. It may be a scheduled task waiting for execution. Or the object may contain a results of a finished task. |
An object that contains mappings and other configuration intended to apply to other object types. E.g. it may be used as “user template” to set up basic properties of new user objects. |
An object that represents lookup table. The lookup table can be used for two purposes: value enumerations (e.g. for GUI or validation) and value mapping (translation). Simply speaking it is a set of key-value pairs that can be efficiently stored and used in midPoint user interface, mappings and so on. |
System that contains definitions of overall security policy. It contains configuration of authentication mechanisms, credentials management (such as password resets) and so on. |
Policy for values of properties. This is almost always used to store password policies. |
Object that contains a set of reusable functions. Those functions can be used in mappings and expressions in all parts of midPoint. |
Object that specifies a collection of other objects. It is mostly just a named search filter that can be reused in other parts of midPoint. But there are also some advanced functions that can be used in dashboards, for compliance purposes and so on. |
Specification of midPoint report. This specification defines what the report should contain, how it should look like, output format and so on. This is a report definition. It is a report “template” that can be executed and it produces data. The output data are referred to by report output objects. |
Object that refers to data of the report. This is usually a report of the output, but it may also refer to input data that are to be imported to midPoint. It also contains metadata, e.g. when the report was created, what definition was used, etc. |
Definition of a sequence object that produces unique values. The sequence state is persistently stored in the repository, therefore it can efficiently produce unique identifiers in a controlled and predictable manner. |
Form definition. Forms define how a certain user interface form or dialog is presented in the user interface. It is used for user interface customization. |
Object that specifies a look and a behavior of a dashboard. This is used for user interface customization. But it can also specify some aspects of midPoint reports. |
Generic type for any other object type that do not fit into any other category. However, support for this data type is extremely limited. We generally do not recommend to use it at all. |
Shadow of a resource object. Local copy of any object on the provisioning resource that is related to provisioning. It may be account, group, role (on the target system), privilege, security label, organizational unit or anything else that is worth managing in identity management. |
Node describes a single installation of midPoint. MidPoint installations can work in cluster. The Node objects are the way how the nodes in cluster know about each other. |
Type hierarchy is a principle that is used in many software systems.
This principle will be quite obvious to all software developers, but it may need some time to get used to for other engineers.
However, the basic idea is quite simple. E.g.
has all the items that are needed for an object to behave like a role.
, OrgType
, ServiceType
and ArchetypeType
are subtypes of AbstractRoleType
Therefore RoleType
, OrgType
, ServiceType
and ArchetypeType
can all behave like a role.
This may sound quite strange, why would we want an organizational unit to behave like a role. But the answer is quite obvious. Membership in an organizational unit may imply some privileges. Other IDM systems need complex rules in a form "if user belongs to organizational unit A then he will also have role X". But that is not needed in midPoint. Organizational unit is a role, therefore it can simply include all the roles that are needed. This means that the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) principles can be applied to several object types. And this is a very typical trait of a midPoint philosophy: reuse of generic principles. We reuse existing principles instead of complicating the system by inventing a new single-purpose mechanism. As you will see later, this makes midPoint both elegant and powerful.
Item Path
MidPoint configuration often needs to reference a particular item in a particular object.
For example, mapping sources and target are references to properties and containers.
However, midPoint data structures can be quite complex.
For example, password is stored in property value that is located in container password which is in container credentials
defined in UserType
data type.
It may be difficult to find a way in this little maze.
And there may be even some unambiguous situations.
For example, user status is controlled by property administrativeStatus
that is in the activation
But assignment also has an activation
container and there is an assignment administrativeStatus
Therefore referencing an item by a simple name would not be enough.
We need something more sophisticated here.
MidPoint is using the concept of item path to reference items in the schema. In its simplest form, item path is just a sequence of item names concatenated by slash characters. For example the path of user administrative status is
whereas the path of assignment activation status is
Item path provides an unambiguous reference to a specific item in midPoint schema. The path can be used in all the places where there is a need to reference a particular item. It is often used in mappings to specify sources and target. But it is also used in other places that we will mention in later chapters. The concept of path is deeply embedded in all midPoint operations. For example, modification deltas are using item path to precisely pinpoint the places in the object that are modified.
The path is used to locate a particular item in midPoint schema. But it is also used to reference a specific value in midPoint objects. In that case the path often looks exactly the same. As long as we are dealing only with single-value containers, the path can unambiguously point to a specific item. But we may get into trouble in case that multi-valued containers are used. And those are used in midPoint quite often. Assignment is one of those multi-valued container. User can have many assignments. If we want to disable one particular assignment, how do we do it? If we would use the path above then it is not clear which assignment should be disabled. Therefore, in case of multi-valued containers the path is extended with a container identifier in square brackets:
This path is unambiguously referencing administrativeStatus
property in an activation
container in a very specific assignment - an assignment
container with identifier 123
This form of the path is used mostly in the deltas and user should not need to ever enter those paths manually.
However, this form is often recorded in midPoint log files and other diagnostic output.
Therefore it is very useful to be familiar with it.
You might wonder why there is an identifier for assignment
but there is no identifier for activation
Both are containers, aren’t they?
However, the clever reader already knows the answer.
is a multi-valued container.
Therefore, identifier is needed to pinpoint a specific value of that container.
But activation
is a single-valued container.
There is no danger of ambiguity.
Therefore the identifier is not needed in this case.
This form of item path works fine if need to identity an item in a particular object. But sometimes we have a lot of objects and other data structures to choose from. For example a mapping can have several sources. And then there are expression variables. Therefore using simple paths would be ambiguous. In such case the path can start with an optional variable identifier:
The path above explicitly states that is should be applied to the content of variable focus
Therefore there is no danger that this path could be applied to a shadow object which also has the activation
This form of item path is often used in path expression evaluators.
Clever reader is surely wondering about QNames now. The XML schema defines the elements in a form of QNames, which basically means "names in a namespace". Therefore element names and QNames. And path should use QNames as well. But so far all the names in the path looks like simple strings. Yes, they are simple strings. But they point to elements in the schema. While the path is correct and unambiguous, midPoint does not need the namespaces. Simple string (known as local part of QNames) are enough to navigate through the schema and automatically determine the namespaces. This is the same principle used for parsing XML, JSON or YAML document without namespace definitions. However, there may be ambiguities in case that several custom schema extensions are used. Those extensions may have elements with conflicting local parts. In that case an alternative form of item path can be used:
declare namespace exmpl=""; extension/exmpl:foo
This alternative form is based on XPath specification, that was used in early midPoint versions and it was an inspiration for the concept of item path. |
Clever reader may have also noticed that there are two types of namespaces that are often used in midPoint:
Indeed, the schema is divided into two big parts:
Prism schema is used to express basic concepts that deal with objects, deltas, item paths, queries and similar mechanisms. Those are concepts of our data representation library that we dubbed Prism. Prism concepts are very generic mechanisms that have nothing to do with identity management. While currently Prism is an integral part of midPoint, it is supposed to be a general-purpose data representation library that can be reused to build other applications. The plan is to separate Prism form midPoint at some point in the future.
MidPoint schema is used to express all the objects and data types that midPoint works with. All the concepts specific to identity management are there: user, role, org, assignment and many, many others. This is the data model of identity management as it is implemented in midPoint.
This is all about midPoint schema that you need to know right now. There is still much more to learn, as the entire midPoint schema is big and complex. And understanding of midPoint schema is absolutely crucial, as the schema is a foundation of everything that midPoint does. But the best way to do the learning is to do it on the go. You will learn more about midPoint schema as you will explore midPoint functionality.
7. Role-Based Access Control
Simplicity is the most complex of all concepts.
Dune: House Corrino by Brian Herbert
Basic idea of Role-based access control (RBAC) is very simple: instead of assigning the same privileges to users over and over again, let’s group such privileges into roles. Then assign roles to users. This often aligns with organizational roles such as manager, assistant or analyst. Therefore, roles are quite easy to understand even on an intuitive level. And RBAC should make your life easier - at least in theory.
Role-based access control principles are present in almost all identity management systems. Therefore it is no surprise that RBAC is one of the basic midPoint mechanisms to organize privileges in midPoint. MidPoint supports all the usual RBAC features such as role hierarchies, an automatic assignment of roles, entitlement definition etc. But midPoint goes beyond traditional RBAC. MidPoint roles can be smart. There may be dynamic expression inside midPoint roles, such as attribute mappings. The roles may be conditional, so one role is included in another role, but only in case that a specific condition is satisfied. The roles may be parametric, so the role can determine the specific set of entitlements based on the user data or a parameter of a role assignment.
But midPoint role dynamics goes even one step further. The RBAC system can be applied to the roles themselves, thus creating meta-roles. It is quite common that the roles are divided into several types: application roles, business roles, technical roles and so on. However, all the business roles have common characteristics such as common approval processes, common life-cycle policies etc. Instead of copying the common parts into each and every business role, the business roles may be assigned a common meta-role. The meta-role defines all the common characteristics of all business roles, therefore the RBAC system is much easier to maintain. And this concept is extended even further with archetypes. But more on that later.
The term RBAC is many things to many people.
We use the term RBAC in quite a broad sense.
We do not strictly mean NIST RBAC model.
What me mean by RBAC is a generic mechanism that is based on the concept of roles.
Although the basic principles of midPoint RBAC are very similar to NIST RBAC model, we take the liberty to deviate from NIST model when needed.
As you will see later, such deviation is really necessary.
Reality, Policy and Assignments
Previous chapters were focused on account provisioning and synchronization. Which means that the primary focus was an account (or a similar resource object). This is what we call reality in midPoint way of thinking. Accounts are objects that exist in the databases and files on the resources. In that aspect they are almost tangible things. Existence of an account allows user to access a particular system, to execute operations and so on. Therefore, we consider an account to be something real.
But how do we know whether an account should exist or it should not exist? The situation would be quite clear if midPoint is the only source of truth. In that case if there is a linked shadow then account should exist. If there is no shadow, then account is illegal. But reality is almost never that simple. In real deployments MidPoint is not the only source of truth. It is usually human resource (HR) system that is the source of the truth – but only for some types of users, usually employees. Then there are external users, temporary workers, special personas for user administrators and so on. Some of them may have their own source systems similar to HR database. But for some users it may still be midPoint which is the ultimate source of truth. And that "truth" may be in fact only partial or compiled from several sources. To keep long story short: reality is messy and complicated. And it is often quite difficult to figure out which accounts particular user should have and which he should not have. Yet, for an IDM system this distinction is absolutely crucial. Various IDM systems came with broad range of mechanisms to handle this problem, and sadly, those mechanisms are often not very good. Fortunately, midPoint was designed from the beginning with a full awareness of this problem. Therefore, there is a clean distinction between reality and policy in midPoint.
Accounts, shadows and links are what we refer to as reality. Those describe what exists, what is. And there is a separate mechanism to describe policy. Policy, in midPoint parlance, means definition of what should be. In the ideal world reality and policy should be in accord. They should describe the same state of things. But we do not live in ideal world. Perfectly good accounts may be deleted by mistake, illegal accounts may be created, entitlements may get mixed up, attribute values destroyed – there are many dangers in the big wild world out there. And then there are scenarios when we actually want reality to be different than policy for some period of time. Those may be migration scenarios when a new system is being connected to midPoint and the data needs to be cleaned up. Reality and policy do not match exactly in practice. We all know that only too well. Therefore, midPoint is designed in such a way that it can graciously handle the differences between reality and policy.
When it comes to policy, the most important concept is an assignment. Simply speaking, assignment is a data structure which specifies that a particular user should have something. The simplest case is account assignment. This type of assignment states that the user should have an account on a particular resource. When such assignment is added to a user, there is suddenly a discrepancy between reality and policy. The assignment states that a user should have an account. But there is no such account yet. It is a nature of midPoint to align policy and reality as much as possible (unless it is told otherwise). Therefore midPoint will try to create missing account. Once that account is created reality and policy are aligned once again.
The mechanism that midPoint uses to define that a particular user needs an account, entitlement or other resource object is called construction. The simplest case is a construction that specifies to create an account (a.k.a. account construction):
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c"/>
The term construction means that object on that particular resource should be constructed. In this case the object on OpenLDAP resource should be constructed for this particular user. If no construction parameters are specified then a default account will be constructed. Which means that outbound mappings in the OpenLDAP resource definition will be used to set up the account.
Construction can be quite a complex data structure describing object types, object classes, attributes and so on. However,it is unlikely that they will be placed directly in assignment like this. But more on that later. What is important for now is that assignments specify policy.
After the assignment is added to a user and all the processing and provisioning takes place the situation looks like this:
Assignment is a definition of policy which states that an OpenLDAP account should exist for Alice. However, there is no such account. Therefore, MidPoint aligns reality and policy by creating that account. As for any other account there is a shadow and a link to track account ownership.
This may look like a very complicated method to do something simple. But this kind of thinking is really necessary to handle complex cases. There may be several assignments that mandate the same account. There may be assignments for the same accounts, but each assignment mandates different attributes or values. The account that the assignments mandate may exist already, e.g. it may be linked by previous reconciliation with the resource. There may be several accounts for the same user on the same resource (e.g. "ordinary" account and "testing" account). And so on. We will deal with various cases in this book. But the basic principle is the same: assignments are policy and midPoint is trying to align reality to match the policy.
There is much more in the concept of an assignment than just the very simple account assignment that was introduced above. Assignment is a generic mechanism that is used in midPoint for wide variety of cases, from simple account provisioning to really complex identity governance policies. But one specific assignment type is particularly interesting with respect to the topic of this chapter: role assignment.
The basic idea of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is simple: Instead of assigning account to users directly, let us group all accounts that a particular group of users need into a role. Then assign the role to users. Later on you may add new application to your system, and you probably want all the users to have account there. In that case all that is needed is to add that account to a role and recompute the users. All the users that should have the account will get the account. This principle is reused for many purposes in midPoint: accounts, privileges, authorizations, policies …
Role is a special type of object in midPoint. Yet, as all midPoint objects, role has a very familiar structure:
<role oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067">
<name>Business Analyst</name>
Role object has its OID and name. The rest of the role usually specifies the privileges that the role gives to the users. But how do we give this role to users? That is what role assignment is good for:
<targetRef oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067" type="RoleType"/>
User alice
has role Business Analyst
The assignment is using the familiar style of object references in midPoint, referring to the role by its OID.
This is very useful, as the assignment stays the same in case that the role or the user are renamed - and both of those events are much more frequent that one would think.
Provisioning Roles
Provisioning is the bread and butter of identity management.
Therefore, it is quite understandable that the most natural usage of roles in midPoint is to automate provisioning.
Provisioning roles are usually combining several construction statements.
The idea is that a provisioning role should specify all the privileges that users of that role need.
Therefore a Business Analyst
role may look like this:
<role oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067">
<name>Business Analyst</name>
<!-- OpenLDAP resource -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c"/>
<!-- CRM resource -->
<resourceRef oid="04afeda6-394b-11e6-8cbe-abf7ff430056"/>
The usual case is that every employee need to have basic access to company functionality. In our case that access is granted by an account in central OpenLDAP directory. In addition to the basic LDAP account, business analysts need access to the CRM system. The role combines all the accounts that a business analyst needs. Assign that one role and the user has all that is needed to do the job.
But, what is that mysterious inducement thing? Think of inducement as indirect assignment. Assignments give privileges directly to the object in which they are placed. The assignment in the previous section gave account to the user because it was placed in the user object. However, here we do not want the accounts to be created for a role. We want accounts to be created for all the users that have the role. That is one order of indirection down the line. Therefore, we (usually) do not want to use assignments in roles. We want to use something that reflects this indirect relation. And that is exactly what inducement is. Inducement is very similar to assignment - in fact it has exactly the same structure. But while assignment is direct, inducement is indirect.
MidPoint user interface can show a nice summary of the inducements:
It is perhaps worth explaining what happens if this Business Analyst
role is assigned to a user.
When that role is assigned to a user, midPoint will process all the parts of role definition.
MidPoint will take the inducements from the role and apply them to the user.
In fact, midPoint will behave in almost the same way as if those construction statements were specified directly in user’s assignment.
And then we have the familiar principle: policy mandates that two accounts should exit, but in reality there are no such accounts.
Therefore midPoint creates the accounts.
MidPoint also creates appropriate shadow objects and links them to the user.
Many applications implement at least some aspects of RBAC, as RBAC is a very useful way how to organize the privileges. However, almost all the applications limit the applicability of RBAC to the application itself. I.e. roles in an application can contain only those privileges that apply to that particular application. The roles cannot have privileges from other application. But IDM systems are different. IDM systems such as midPoint are reaching out to many applications (resources). Therefore, a single midPoint role can give access to many applications at once. No other application can do that.
Roles, Accounts and Attributes
We have already seen how outbound mappings can be used to set up account attributes. Roles can also contain outbound mappings, therefore they can be used for a similar purpose:
<role oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067">
<name>Business Analyst</name>
<!-- OpenLDAP resource -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c"/>
<value>Business Analyst</value>
When the above role is assigned to a user, an account on OpenLDAP server will be created.
The account will be provisioned in a usual way.
All the outbound mappings from resource definition will be applied to set up the account.
But there is one difference.
The role specifies one additional outbound mapping for the account.
This mapping will be included in the set of usual account mappings when the account will be provisioned.
Therefore, the account will have attribute title
set to Business Analyst
This is a very typical way how midPoint deployments are set up:
Common and usual attribute values are specified by outbound mappings in the resource definition (in
). Those are usual mappings that take user properties as their source. Many of those mappings do not even modify the value at all (asIs
mappings). -
Attributes that are specific to roles are defined in the roles themselves. Those mappings often do not have any source at all. They just set a static value (literal
At the time when midPoint is about to provision an account, all the mappings are merged and processed together. It is quite common that more than one role has a construction for the same account. All those constructions from all such roles are merged together, and they are added to the mappings specified in resource definition. All those mappings are used to compute final values of account attributes.
Most account attributes are single-valued. Attempt to set more than one value for such an attribute will end up with an error. Therefore, it does not make sense to specify more than one mapping for such an attribute. The mapping can be specified in a resource or in the role, but only one of those should be active at the time. Mapping conditions and strength can be used to selectively deactivate some mappings in more complicated cases. But it still means that only one mapping is active at a time.
However, some attributes are multi-value. In that case midPoint will merge the values from all the mappings. In that case several roles may contribute to the final set of attribute values, as can the mapping in resource definition. This is the usual case of attributes that specify privileges, such as permissions, authorization codes, access control list (ACL) entries and so on.
Merging of multi-value attributes is an easy way how to manage simple privileges in resources. However, midPoint contains a whole sophisticated mechanism for managing entitlements such as groups. There is an entire chapter in this book dedicated to entitlement management.
Additive principle.
MidPoint is built on a principle of merging.
Assigned roles are merged together, that is merged with outbound mappings, entitlements are merged and so on.
MidPoint always adds, it never subtracts. E.g. there is no simple way how one role can "eliminate" a value given by another role.
If a role specifies that an account should have value A, that account will have value A. And that’s it.
It can also have values B and C given by other roles.
But A will always be there, no matter what other roles do (unless those roles are involved in some really dark magic).
This may seem quite limiting.
But it is sufficient for vast majority of cases.
It only needs a change in your way of thinking about privileges.
Do not think about removing a privilege.
Think about not adding a privilege.
There are many ways how that can be achieved.
There is a role hierarchy, mappings can be conditional and whole assignments and inducements can be conditional too.
We are trying really hard to avoid concept of "removing" privileges, because that requires ordered processing.
E.g. if role X adds something and role Y removes it, the final result depends on the order in which such roles are processed.
This creates ambiguities, it limits parallelism and overall it is a huge complication.
Therefore we try to avoid it.
And so far we have been successful.
Role Hierarchy
Ability to group privileges into roles is quite useful. But it is still not good enough unless your access control policy is extremely simple. Most practical policies require placing roles into roles, thus creating role hierarchy.
Let’s consider two work positions: clerk and supervisor. Clerk has some basic set of privileges. Supervisor can do everything that a clerk can do, but supervisor has some additional privileges. A naive way would be to simply copy all the clerk’s privileges in supervisor’s role. However, privileges are seldom static. Access control policies tend to change and evolve as much as the environment changes. It is likely that a clerk’s privileges will change. In that case we will need to update the supervisor’s role as well. This would be a maintenance burden. Now imagine hundreds or thousands of related roles that need constant maintenance. Any person maintaining such a structure will need superhuman precision and patience to do that.
A more natural idea would be to include clerk’s role into a supervisor’s role. If clerk’s privileges change, then also supervisor’s privileges are automatically updated. Maintenance is much easier. And that is the basic idea of role hierarchy. Basic privileges are placed into low-level roles. Low-level roles are combined to create a higher-level roles. Then those roles are combined as well. The process is repeated until there are all the roles that are needed for assignment to users.
Creating role hierarchies in midPoint is quite easy. A clever reader would already expect that this has something to do with inducements. And clever reader would be absolutely right. Role hierarchy is nothing more than a set of inducements between roles:
<role oid="48d4ef98-20e3-46ab-cd78-548d38364a6b">
<!-- Privileges needed to do clerk’s work will be here. -->
<role oid="86e58643-d5e7-36a8-04f6-38dc3754f04e">
<!-- Privileges that are unique to supervisor’s work will be here. -->
<!-- This "includes" all the clerk’s privileges in this role -->
<targetRef oid="48d4ef98-20e3-46ab-cd78-548d38364a6b" type="RoleType"/>
The inducement includes Clerk
role in Supervisor
When midPoint evaluates the Supervisor
role, it will get all the inducements from both the Supervisor
and Clerk
This process is almost transparent, it works almost as if the clerk’s privileges were copied in the supervisor’s role.
All the constructions in all the inducements in both roles are processed.
Therefore, supervisor will get all the accounts that a clerk would get, plus few extra privileges.
Both Clerk
and Supervisor
roles are likely to have construction for the same account.
This is quite natural, as both clerk and supervisor would probably work with the same applications.
However, their privileges will be different.
This is where the merging mechanism becomes very useful.
When a supervisor role is processed then privileges of clerk are merged with privileges of supervisor:
<role oid="48d4ef98-20e3-46ab-cd78-548d38364a6b">
<!-- Record management system -->
<resourceRef oid="84de003e-014f-2040-efbc-482e009ed2bcf"/>
<role oid="86e58643-d5e7-36a8-04f6-38dc3754f04e">
<!-- Record management system -->
<resourceRef oid="84de003e-014f-2040-efbc-482e009ed2bcf"/>
<targetRef oid="48d4ef98-20e3-46ab-cd78-548d38364a6b" type="RoleType"/>
When supervisor’s role is processed, midPoint figures out that those two construction
statements are referring to the same account.
Therefore they will be merged together.
Supervisor will get an account that will have priv
attribute set to values read
, create
, approve
, modify
and delete
Assignments in roles.
So far we have seen only inducement in the roles.
But what about assignment?
Assignment is indeed used in the roles, but it has different meaning.
Inducement means that role A has to be included in role B. But assignment means that role A has to be applied to role B. In that case role A is in fact a meta-role.
But more on that later.
For now it is good to remember a rule of the thumb: role hierarchy is always created by inducements.
Role Universality
MidPoint roles are very useful kind of animal, because they are used for almost everything in midPoint. MidPoint role be used as:
Provisioning role: The role can include constructions that control provisioning and deprovisioning of accounts.
Entitlement management: The constructions can include specification of groups, resource-side roles, privileges and so on.
Internal authorization: The roles give access to data in midPoint itself. E.g. a role can allow reading some user properties. Authorizations in a role can also allow access to particular parts of midPoint user interface, remote network services and so on.
Policy specifications: Roles (and especially meta-roles) are the places where important parts of policy management is specified. Roles include policy rules that can apply segregation of duties (SoD) policies, ownership and approval policies and so on.
All those aspects can be combined into a single role. Therefore, such role can specify everything that is needed for the role holder to live a complete digital life: access to systems (accounts), entitlements, access to midPoint itself (e.g. for self-service), apply policy constraints and so on. Everything in one place.
Role universality may seem mundane and completely natural, but in fact it is quite unique and incredibly powerful idea. As you will see later, roles can be driven through approval process, lifecycle management can be applied to role, roles can be subject to policies, role compliance can be evaluated and so on. All of this applies to provisioning roles. But the same mechanism can be applied also to roles that govern the administration of midPoint itself. And even to meta-roles that specify high-level policies. Which means that in a strange post-modern way midPoint can be applied to itself. MidPoint can be its own manager.
Surprisingly, role universality is quite a unique concept in the IDM field. The common approach of older IDM systems is to separate provisioning roles, authorization roles, governance roles and so on. Each of them was different, and it was managed in a different way. It was quite difficult to create a unified and consistent policy. This is one of many aspects where midPoint provides a seemingly simple mechanism, but that mechanisms simplifies a lot of things and provides an elegant solution to a difficult problem. |
Role Hierarchy Structure
There are many ways how a role hierarchy can be structured. One way is to create all roles as "end user" roles that are supposed to be directly assigned to user. The clerk-supervisor example above is that case. However, there are other approaches that are often used. For example, the low level roles are often modeled as application roles. Those roles deal with access to a single application, but they are not meant to be assigned directly to users. They are supposed to be abstract, to be the base "material" used to create other roles. Those higher-level roles are often called business roles, as they reflect the needs of the business, such as specific job or responsibility in a business process. Those roles are assigned to users. However, those are just two of many conventions and recommendations on designing a role structure. We will not dive deep into role modeling topics in this book. There is a plenty of literature on that topic already. We will rather focus on a technical implementation of role hierarchy in midPoint.
However, there are few cases that are frequent pain points in RBAC deployments. The philosophy of midPoint is to make IDM deployment easier, therefore it is quite natural that midPoint tries to address those particular issues.
One of the big troubles are application roles. There is usually a huge number of them, and they need to be maintained manually. It is usual practice that there is one application role for every privilege in the target system (resource), for every group for every organizational unit and so on. Application roles duplicate the information that is already present on the resource side. And as application roles are maintained manually, it is almost certain that this information will become inconsistent. This approach is sometime even recommended as a best practice. But the reality it is a maintenance nightmare.
This behavior is motivated by several factors. But perhaps the strongest factor is that it was very difficult to set up the privileges in older (first generation) IDM systems. Setup of an application role often required intimate knowledge of the entire IDM configuration as various tricks were used to implement entitlement management. Heavy connector support and customization were often necessary to provide even the very basic entitlement management. However, midPoint is different. There is a clean concept of construction, which is designed in such a way that a system (resource) administrator can understand. E.g. the construction refers to the native (non-mapped) names of resource attributes, it is referring to native object classes that are used on the resource, native identifiers and so on. The construction is built to use the language of the target system (resource), not the language of midPoint. Therefore, there is a good chance that system administrators can set up constructions easily. In addition to that, midPoint has a native support for entitlements such as groups and resource-side roles. Those are designed to be easy to use in constructions. Therefore there is very little need for application roles in midPoint. Higher-level roles can contain the constructions directly.
However, application roles may still be needed and in some cases they may even be useful. For example, there may be a common combination of privileges that is always assigned together. In that case it makes a lot of sense to create an application role. There may still be a need for application roles if strong governance or role lifecycle management is required, often as a means to govern the entitlements such as groups. Application roles might even be a legacy from a previous IDM system. As always, the best recommendation would be to analyze the RBAC policies and to use pragmatic thinking. Be careful about generic RBAC recommendations and be even more careful about recommendations that are meant for older IDM systems. MidPoint is different. Of course, midPoint can implement all those old-fashioned RBAC models. However, it will be a pain to maintain them. MidPoint can do better. Try to understand how midPoint works with the roles first, then apply those mechanisms to your RBAC policies. You might be surprised how midPoint can simplify the implementation of the policies.
In case that application roles are still needed, you may consider automating the management of such roles. MidPoint synchronization mechanism is really powerful. It can synchronize users and accounts, but it is designed to synchronize almost anything with anything. Therefore, it can be used to automatically create application roles from all the LDAP groups. While this approach still have some drawbacks, it automates the most painful parts of application role’s maintenance.
There is yet another practice that is quite common, but mostly wrong. Many IDM deployments create "login roles" or "default roles" for each application (resource). Those roles are supposed to define basic properties of the account. And in some cases they are supposed to keep account in existence when such account is unassigned. While this practice is very common, it is complicated, messy and very difficult to maintain. MidPoint was specifically designed tn such a way that this practice is not necessary in midPoint deployments. Default account attributes are easy to set up by using resource definition. And even the ability to keep unassigned account is directly supported in midPoint by using existence mapping, which will be described later. Therefore, such "login roles" are not needed at all in midPoint deployments, and they are generally considered to be a bad practice.
Assignment Gets Complicated
At the first sight, the concept of assignment may seem quite mundane, maybe even over-complicated. In fact, it is a very powerful concept, and it has been a crucial part of midPoint design from the very beginning. Assignment is so much more that just a simple user-role connection:
Assignments can have validity period. This can be used to assign roles for a temporary period of time. It can also be used to assign roles that will be activated in the future.
Assignment have administrative status that can be used to manually disable or enable a particular assignment. This can be used to manage exceptions from the policies or it can be very useful in emergency situations.
Assignments can contain parameters that are used to support parametric roles (see above).
Assignments are subject to policies, governance and compliance mechanisms. Assignments have their lifecycle, they are subject to re-certification campaigns, there can be policy exception recorded for an assignment and so on. But more on that in later chapters of this book.
For example, assignment validity period can be used to assign a role only for a temporary period:
<!-- Deputy Cheerleader role -->
<targetRef oid="0c87d8f8-c9a4-11e9-81b8-e7d43e9f9a2b" type="RoleType"/>
As assignment and inducement are in fact the same data structure, similar approach can be used to disable parts of role hierarchy:
<name>Marketing Research Undersecretary</name>
Employee access to the lab is disabled because the lab burned down
during an ugly accident. Will be re-enabled when the lab is rebuilt.
<!-- Experimental Research Lab Access role -->
<targetRef oid="e8ef819c-c9a4-11e9-80a8-1bddb446391e" type="RoleType"/>
Many types and variants of assignments can be combined in a single user. Assignment validity periods may overlap, there may be disabled assignments and enabled assignments for the same role at the same time, there may be several assignments to the same role with various parameters and so on. All reasonable combinations are supported, which allows modeling very complicated schemes such as multi-affiliation, multiple employment contracts and so on. Assignment is a crucial data structure, and we will be dealing with it in almost every chapter in the book.
Dynamic Roles
RBAC is a nice and elegant way how to create and maintain access control policies. However, there is a serious danger: roles can be quite explosive. The role structure can easily get out of control and the roles may start to multiply. This is known as role explosion, and it is one of the nastiest drawbacks of access control system based on static roles. It is not uncommon for an organization to have much more roles than it has users. This creates a recurring maintenance nightmare. Fortunately, midPoint has a very powerful support for dynamic roles that can significantly reduce or even completely eliminate the impact of role explosion.
To understand dynamic roles, we first need to understand what is wrong with static roles.
Many organizations have jobs that are very similar, they just differ is some small detail.
For example, all bank tellers are similar, the difference is just their branch office.
Similarly, all the assistant jobs are pretty much the same.
The difference is the department or section that they work for.
Therefore, there is Sales Assistant
, Engineering Assistant
, Logistics Assistant
- and a hundred or so similar roles.
Almost all the privileges in those roles are the same.
Of course, we can create an (abstract) role Assistant
that will have all the common privileges.
But we still need those hundreds of specific assistant roles.
And then it gets even worse, because there may be Senior Sales Assistant
, Trainee Sales Assistant
, Senior Engineering Assistant
, …
The key to the role explosion is a realization that those "exploded" roles are created in an algorithmic way.
Maybe we do not need Sales Assistant
, Engineering Assistant
and Logistics Assistant
roles at all.
Maybe we need just one Assistant
The organizational unit (sales, engineering or logistics) is just a parameter to that role.
Then the number of roles can be significantly reduced.
This is what we call parametric roles.
Parametric roles are not your ordinary garden-variety static roles that just contain a set of privileges. Parametric roles need to be much smarter. E.g. the Assistant role need an algorithm, that takes the organization unit as an input, and it outputs a privileges that are appropriate for that organizational unit. This may be a simple expression that determines correct group name based on organizational unit name. But it may also be quite a complex code that determines most efficient location of home directories and other resources based on office location. There is no free lunch. The algorithm that was used to generate the number of "exploded" roles will not magically disappear. In case of parametric roles that algorithm needs to be placed in the role itself. But it still may be much easier to maintain a couple of expression than to maintain thousands upon thousands of roles.
The usual problem with parametric roles is, quite obviously, the presence of the parameters. The parameters cannot be stored with the role, as they are different for each assignment of the role. The parameters also cannot be stored directly with the user, as the user may have the same role assigned with a different set of parameters. Fortunately, midPoint was designed with this problem in mind and this was one of the big motivations to create a concept of assignment. Assignment is the right place to store the parameters, as it is the data structure that associates user with a specific role.
ExAmPLE is a very progressive company.
Similarly to other corporations they have functional organizational structure.
But their employees are also organized in teams.
Each team can have a manager and ordinary members.
The team membership is represented by custom attributes in LDAP server.
Each user has two custom multi-value attributes: exampleTeamMember
and exampleTeamManager
Both attributes expect team name as their value.
The naïve way to handle this would be to create two roles for each team.
But there are hundreds of team and that would be a maintenance nightmare.
A smarter solution is to use parametric roles.
There will be two roles only: Team Member
and Team Manager
Those roles will take custom property teamName
as parameter.
But where does this property comes from?
It comes from assignment extension.
Each time the team role is assigned there needs to be a parameter in the assignment:
<!-- Team Manager role -->
<targetRef oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067" type="RoleType"/>
This is the first part of the solution.
The second part are the roles.
The roles need to be a bit smarter to use the teamName
<role oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067">
<name>Team Manager</name>
<!-- OpenLDAP resource -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c"/>
Resulting LDAP account looks like this:
dn: uid=alice,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
objectclass: inetOrgPerson
exampleTeamManager: x-force
This setup is illustrated in the following diagram:
This is the basic mechanism of parametric roles.
It is incredibly powerful mechanism.
Unfortunately, current implementation of parametric roles in midPoint is quite limited.
While midPoint was designed with parametric roles in mind, the implementation is not yet finished.
Therefore support for parametric roles is quite limited.
MidPoint core supports parametric roles quite well.
Assignment parameters and mappings should work perfectly.
However, the support for assignment parameters in midPoint user interface is very limited.
In fact, the production-quality support is limited only to the couple of hardcoded parameters (orgRef
and tenantRef
) and even that leaves a lot to be desired.
While we would like to improve support for parametric roles in midPoint, we have to listen to what midPoint subscribers are saying.
Our development priorities are influenced by midPoint platform subscribers.
So far platform subscribers prioritized other features and therefore there was not sufficient funding to completely finish user interface support for parametric roles.
Roles may also explode due to other reasons. Application roles that were mentioned above may significantly contribute to role explosion. Also attempts to "atomize" the low-level roles as an attempt to create enough "material" to compose higher-level roles may lead to explosion. MidPoint has some mechanism that limit those effects. But perhaps the best approach for those cases could be summarized as "do not overdo it". |
MidPoint roles are usually applied to users. But midPoint roles are universal. The roles can be applied to almost any midPoint object. Roles can be applied to users, organizations, services and even to roles themselves.
Simply speaking, meta-roles are roles applied to other roles. Ordinary role applies its characteristics to a user. Meta-role applies its characteristics to another role. This is perfectly possible in midPoint, as role can be applied to almost any midPoint object. Then why not apply a role to another role? This may seem like a pretty useless exercise, but the truth is that meta-roles are tremendously useful.
History is repeating, they say. The fact is that repetition is daily bread in almost all IDM deployments. E.g. many business roles have something in common. For example, the business roles have similar approval process. There may be role classes that have similar exclusion policies that are part of global segregation of duties (SoD) policy. There are roles that are tied to entitlements in a systematic way and so on. Roles, organizational units, services and other role-like objects tend to be quite similar. Therefore, applying meta-roles to them can be very useful.
So far all the roles that we have seen were composed exclusively from inducements. That made perfect sense, as all those things that were in the inducement did not apply to the role itself. Privileges specified in inducements applied to users that the role was assigned to. However, in this case, we want to apply meta-role to a role. The effects of a meta-role should apply to the role, not to the user. Therefore assignment is used instead of inducement:
<role oid="6924fb9c-a184-11e9-840e-2feb476335f4">
<name>Account Manager</name>
This is business role that corresponds to account manager job.
<!-- Metarole assignment -->
<targetRef oid=”a3065910-a183-11e9-835c-0b6edc3d44c3” type=”RoleType”/>
Privileges specific to account manager.
<role oid="a3065910-a183-11e9-835c-0b6edc3d44c3">
<name>Business metarole</name>
Policies and constructions that should be applied to all
business roles.
This may seem similar to a role hierarchy. However, it is a completely different animal. The crucial difference is that the meta-role is applied to the role, and not to the user. The inducements in the meta-role often contain policies such as approval policy, or construction clauses that create groups or organizational units. We usually do not want to create a group for each user. Yet, we often want to create a group for a role. That’s what meta-role can do.
Meta-roles are one of the stranger concepts of midPoint, but it goes well with midPoint philosophy. Meta-roles are roles that are applied to themselves. This is a reuse of an existing mechanism to create something new. This is very typical for midPoint. We always try to reuse an existing mechanism instead of reinventing a new one. The result is quite unexpected and surprising sometimes. When we have designed the RBAC system for midPoint, we haven’t thought about meta-roles at all. The meta-roles just appeared as a consequence of the design, a consequence that was absolutely unexpected. Fortunately, we have quickly realized the potential that meta-roles have, and we have put them to a full use. |
A clever reader would probably notice that meta-roles can be used to set up different types of roles. We could have meta-role for application role, business role and so on. And clever reader, as always, would be right. However, given just the metaroles, there would be few bits still missing here to create a full-featured type system. Those missing bits are implemented in a form of archetypes. Simply speaking, archetypes are meta-roles, with some optimizations and improved user experience. More on that later.
It may be difficult to understand the concept of meta-roles from such a short and very abstract description. But do not worry. As meta-roles are often used in midPoint, we will get back to the meta-roles on several occasions. Meta-roles often allow simplification of complex problems by creating a very elegant solutions. For now, it is enough to remember that roles can be applied to almost anything in midPoint, including themselves.
RBAC, ABAC And The Wildlife
This section is where we will get all thoughtful and philosophical. The people that are bored with philosophical questions should skip the rest of this chapter. We will also throw some dirt on almost every access control model in existence. Therefore, the people that maintain dogmatic beliefs about IAM mechanisms should skip this section as well. On the other hand, open-minded people are quite likely to enjoy it.
Role-based Access Control (RBAC) is just one of many access control models. There many variants of RBAC and there are other access control models that are based on a completely different paradigm. One such popular model is Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC). ABAC is based on an idea that access to the systems can be determined dynamically just based on "attributes". Simply speaking, we can imagine ABAC as a one big algorithm that takes "attributes" as an input and decides whether access should be allowed or denied.
ABAC is very popular in the access management (AM) community because of its simplicity. And it all makes much sense as it is much simpler and faster to evaluate one expression than to sift through a mountain of roles. The problem with ABAC is manageability. ABAC assumes that all access control decisions could be based on algorithms and that they can be made anytime a decision is needed. However, that is almost never the case in larger practical deployments.
Many professionals responsible for identity management dream about complete automation of access control. It would be a marvel if an IDM system could automatically determine the privileges of every person simply based on the organizational unit and work responsibilities of that person. It would be perfect to get that information from an HR system, process it through a set of algorithms and automatically provision correct privileges to everybody. That is a very nice dream. But reality has a different idea. Such automated approach never really works in practice.
First problem is at the very start: HR data are almost never correct. There is very little motivation for the HR data to be completely correct. It is not a big issues if someone has a wrong job code or organizational unit code in the HR system. The business goes on, the salary is paid, everybody is happy. There is no really efficient feedback loop that would force corrections in HR data. Until the IDM system is deployed, that is. But it takes years or decades for a typical company to get to deployment of IDM system. At that point the HR data are beyond repair. The corrections that need to be done in the HR system are substantial. Even in small organizations it is very difficult to correct HR data manually. Bigger deployments absolutely require proper tooling to do that job. But even with good tooling it can take a lot of time. Many IDM deployments were significantly delayed or even canceled because of data quality problems. This method does not work very well.
The fundamental problem here is in the overall approach. IDM system should not fail when the input data are wrong. There should be procedures how to correct those data. And the IDM deployment should not be delayed because of wrong input data. That would be like refusing to use your reading glasses because the text you are reading is wrong. IDM systems are essential tools that help you to clean up the data. The IDM system should be deployed and it should be used to manage data quality on day-to-day basis. It is naive to think that once the data are cleaned up they will stay clean. The processes that lead to data errors will continue, therefore data errors will appear all the time. The crucial insight is to accept that there will be data errors and to design the mechanisms to detect and correct them.
There are many manual and ad-hoc decisions that need to be made in practical IDM deployments. And not just during the deployment. Many ad-hoc decisions must be made during routine operation. Privileges need to be assigned manually to compensate for missing input data. Privileges need to be corrected, input data need to be temporarily overridden, policy exceptions has to be made. There are many things that need to do manually. Such decisions are made almost on day-to-day basis. For ABAC and similar systems this would mean that a policy needs to be updated on a day-to-day basis. And ABAC is not designed for that.
This leads to another big problem of ABAC and similar "flexible" access control models. Even if HR are data are correct, the data usually do not provide all the information needed to completely provision the user with privileges. The HR data are often limited to organizational unit and formal code of the work position. However, this is often miles away from the job that user really does. The usual solution to this problem is that the user requests the privileges that are needed to to a job. Such request is then routed through appropriate approval process. And that request is a big problem for ABAC. What should the user request to get the privileges? Should the user request a change in ABAC policy? That would not be practical. Should the user request a new value for an attribute? Which attribute? And what value that should be? Can be somehow create a catalog of the things that a user can request? Once again, ABAC is not designed for this. But all those problems are very easy to solve in RBAC. User is expected to request a role. And it is quite easy to create a role catalog. But as ABAC does not have roles, there is nothing that a user can get a grip on. There is no "handle" that would allow the user to make sense from the ABAC policies.
This is all a consequence of yet another ABAC problem. While ABAC policy may be easy to set up, it is quite difficult to analyze and maintain. Which users are affected by this particular policy statement? How many users will be affected if I make this change to ABAC policy? ABAC systems would need a complex simulation algorithms to answer those questions. However, it is all quite trivial in RBAC. Policies are encapsulated into roles. Therefore, only the users that have those roles are affected. The roles also divide the policy to a smaller, manageable pieces. Each of the roles can have its own state and lifecycle. Therefore, it is not that difficult to work with two versions of the same role at the same time. Old version is still assigned to some users, but we are deprecating that and slowly migrating to a new version. Such continuous processes are difficult to do in ABAC.
And there is still one crucial problem when ABAC is used in provisioning scenarios. ABAC policies often benefit from the fact that complete data about the user accessing the system are available when the access control decision is made. The crucial part of that data is called context. This includes data such as time of day, network location of the user, recent events related to the user, real-time estimate of the risk and so on. However, such data are simply not available in provisioning scenarios. Accounts are usually provisioned long before the first access to the account is made. Therefore, many of the advantages of ABAC are useless in identity management scenarios that rely on provisioning.
However, ABAC is not a complete failure. ABAC is very useful in customer-oriented identity and access management (CIAM). Customer identities are usually "lightweight" and the policies are simple. But when there is a need to manage employees, teachers, contractors and similar "heavyweight" identities then ABAC almost always fails.
The fact that ABAC fails in complex practical IDM deployments does not mean that RBAC is ideal. Quite the contrary. RBAC has problems of its own and the applicability of pure RBAC in practical IDM deployments is very limited. Many of the problems of RBAC model motivated engineers to develop ABAC and similar models. In fact, the "algorithmic" idea of ABAC is not entirely bad. Only if we had a way how to combine ABAC and RBAC … Oh, but there is a way! We did it already.
MidPoint combines RBAC and ABAC by putting expressions into roles. We have seen that already. When role is assigned, the expressions in the role gets evaluated. And there can be any complex algorithm in the expression, even a complete ABAC policy. At least in theory. MidPoint expressions do not make access control decisions, because it is not the job of an IDM system to make such decisions. IDM system should set up the account. It provides the "material" for an authorization system to make a correct decisions. Therefore, midPoint goes as close to ABAC as a provisioning system can go. In an extreme case the entire ABAC policy can be implemented in outbound expressions in resource definition. But there is a good reason nobody does that.
Dividing the policy into smaller parts brings substantial advantage. Therefore many midPoint deployments are very RBAC-like. There are many roles and rich role hierarchies. Role expressions are used in moderation. But there are also deployments that are using parametric roles and role expressions extensively. In such cases there is a smaller number of roles, almost no role hierarchy, but the roles are smarter. Those are more ABAC-like deployments. But roles are still there. The roles act as "handles" for users to understand the policies, to give names to relevant parts of the policy. This combined approach works surprisingly well.
Of course, this idea is not new. Many RBAC-like systems use some kind of "smart" behavior inside the roles. However, so far we haven’t seen anything as comprehensive as midPoint role-based access control model. Therefore we had to invent an impressive marketing name for our creation. Due to a momentary lapse of imagination we dubbed it Advanced Hybrid RBAC. But whatever you choose to call it, the fact is that this approach is very useful in practice. It can transform apparent chaos into something that can be efficiently managed.
8. Object Templates
Scientists study the world as it is; engineers create the world that has never been.
Identity management systems are often seen as integration engines that move data from one system to another system. This is indeed a very important part of the identity management functionality. However, the things identity management systems do internally are crucial to all identity management deployments - especially those that deal with identity governance and compliance.
MidPoint does quite a lot of things that may not be entirely obvious on the outside. There are rules to apply, processes to drive, policies to enforce and so on. Those things are gaining utter importance at that strange boundary where identity management becomes identity governance. There are complex and very powerful mechanisms allowing midPoint to implement identity governance. But more on that later. We need to start with simple things. The simplest of those internal mechanisms is the functionality of object template.
Object Templates
Data that come to midPoint are seldom complete and clean. Quite the contrary. The data that come from the "feeds" are often incomplete, they are not very precise and sometimes several sources may not even agree on a value for a particular data item. Inbound mappings can be used to sort out some of these problems. However, inbound mappings are designed to work in isolation. They work only for one particular resource. However, it is often needed to gather data from several resources and then look at all of them at once. Inbound mappings cannot do that very well, as they are tied to a particular resource. However, they can be used to gather all the relevant data in the user object. Then we can use some kind of mechanism to have a look at user object when those data are gathered together. That is what object templates do.
Simply speaking, object template is a set of mappings that is applied to a particular midPoint object. For example, user template is applied to all user objects. The mappings in the object template can produce new values for the object. For instance, a very typical use of object template is computation of user’s full name:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
<name>User Template</name>
<code>givenName + ' ' + familyName</code>
The mapping above will compute the value of user’s fullName
property from givenName
and familyName
by using a simple Groovy expression.
It is a weak mapping, therefore it will compute the full name only in case that it is not present already.
Object template can be used to do variety of things to all kinds of midPoint objects. This chapter will cover the most important functionality of object templates.
Importing an object template definition into midPoint will not do much. The template will not be used just by being imported. There can be several object templates for different types of objects, archetypes and even organizations. MidPoint will not know how to use the template. Therefore, the use of the template needs to be specified in a configuration. The simplest and most common way to use an object template is to configure its use in the system configuration.
<objectTemplateRef oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016"/>
This configuration activates the object template for use by all object of UserType
Therefore, this template will be applied to all midPoint users.
Alternatively, user interface can be used to activate an object template.
Navigate to User
in type field and click btn:Save[].
User template is applied every time an object is changed or explicitly recomputed (e.g. on reconciliation). User template is applied after all the inbound mappings are processed. Inbound mappings often copy important data to the focal objects (e.g. user objects). Therefore, the template can work on a data that are summarized from all the resources.
Item Definitions In Object Template
We have already seen how object template can be used to apply mappings on particular items of midPoint objects. But object template can also do other tricks. We will have a look at some of them here.
The processing of an object template is almost always focused on particular items of an object. Therefore, almost all the object template functionality is located in item element that references a particular item by its path:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
<name>User Template</name>
The most common use of object template is to run mappings on items, such as the mapping to determine user’s full name above. Target of the mapping is automatically set to the item for which it is specified. Sources of the mapping need to be defined explicitly. But the basic idea is, that the user template should take properties of user as inputs. In other words, user template works on the same user object both as input and output.
Object template mappings often use static (literal) values or a very simple expressions, but mapping conditions are used to control application of the value. The easiest way to explain this is to use a simple example:
<value>WARNING: Big brain!</value>
<code>hatSize > 60</code>
This mapping works for description
property of the user.
The mapping sets a fixed warning text specified as text literal in the mapping by using value expression evaluator.
However, the mapping is not setting that value for all the objects.
The mapping is applied only for objects that satisfy the condition.
The condition is set to trigger for all the users that have hat size larger than 60.
However, mappings are made to be relativistic. This means that mappings react to changes. The same principle applies to mapping conditions. They are also relativistic. Therefore the mapping reacts to changes in the condition state. When user’s head grows and the hat size changes to a value over 60, then the mapping will add the warning. When the user’s head shrinks, then the warning disappears.
It may look that this mechanism is too complicated, if you look at single-valued properties only. But it all starts to make sense in case of multi-value items. Such as the assignments. But more on that in the next section.
While mappings are the things that object template does almost all the time, the template can also do other interesting things.
First of all, object template can tweak the schema.
MidPoint comes with a rich schema that is prepared to be used.
However, the schema is not a perfect fit for all the deployments.
Previous chapter described a method to extend the schema.
But what we should do if we want to change the built-in schema of midPoint?
Yes, object template is the right answer.
The item
specification can be used to modify the way how midPoint applies the schema:
<displayName>First Name</displayName>
<displayName>Middle Name</displayName>
<displayName>Last Name</displayName>
The "additional name" is a nice and generic term that can fit many cultural environment. However, it is not very usual or intuitive in cultures that are not used to it (which means pretty much all the cultures). Therefore, almost all midPoint deployments that chose to use this property would like to rename it to something that feels more natural. Similarly for "given name" and "family name", which do not fit well in all the cultural environments. We have expected that and object template can be used to modify some aspects of built-in schema.
Object template can also be used to override object multiplicity, especially to change mandatory item into optional. MidPoint insists on having name set for all the users. But we may be able to compute a name from other properties, such as other user names, employee number or other identifiers, if we don’t want to present name item as mandatory in the user interface. We can compute the value of user’s full name from given name and family name. Therefore user may leave full name blank in the user interface. But user interface is driven by the schema. As name is mandatory in the schema, also the user interface will insist that the name field should be filled in. But this can be changed in the object template:
This configuration will make the name optional for the presentation purposes.
This means that the user interface will treat name
as optional.
But core midPoint engine will still require the name
to have a value.
This gives object template a chance to generate the value for name
However, this means that name
will still be present as read-write item in the user interface.
We do not want that as name
is supposed to be immutable identifier.
We want to present name
as read-only item.
This can also be achieved by object template by using access configuration:
Even immutable identifiers may need to change occasionally. There may be a bug in the identifier generator. Or some identifier has to change manually to adjust to the reality. Theoretically, every piece of the solution should play by the rules. But we know that rules have exceptions in the practice. Therefore, privileged users such as system administrator should be able to change the identifiers if really needed. The proper way how to do this would be to use authorizations and not object template. But we do not know how to use authorizations yet. Therefore this solution will have to do for now. |
Object template can be used to adjust how midPoint user interface interprets the schema. But perhaps the most extreme measure is to eliminate certain item entirely. In fact, this happens quite often. MidPoint schema is rich and many deployments do not use all the items in midPoint schema. It makes little sense to present the items that are not used, therefore there is a way to tell midPoint that we want to completely ignore an item:
Object template can be used to do further tricks. It can be used to associate value enumeration with an item, e.g. to apply lookup table to a particular item. Object templates can be used to set up a validation expression for items. And a couple of other things. But more on that later.
Automatic Role Assignment in Object Template
Object templates are very flexible and they can be used for a lot of different things. But there is one particular usage of object template that appears in almost every deployment. It is an ability to automatically assign roles.
The basic idea is quite simple. An assignment is just an ordinary item. If we use object template mapping to populate that item with appropriate value, we will get automatic assignment of roles. Like this:
The trick here is to set up the mapping correctly. The simplest case is a conditional assignment of a role. Let’s suppose that we want to assign a Hatter role to everybody that has provided a hat size in user profile. We already know what to do, don’t we? Let’s use mapping condition:
<role oid="c38a5e6e-b783-11e9-b82f-ebb94fb5b6ec">
<targetRef oid="c38a5e6e-b783-11e9-b82f-ebb94fb5b6ec" type="RoleType">
<code>hatSize as Boolean</code>
Simple, isn’t it?
The value
part in the expression is an inside of a new assignment to create.
And the assignment will be created on a condition that hatSize
has a non-null, non-empty and non-zero value (that is a built-in evaluation of booleans in Groovy).
The real trick here is the relativity of mapping conditions.
Assignments are multi-valued.
Therefore it is important to know when to add a value and when to remove one.
MidPoint evaluates the condition twice.
The condition is evaluated for an object before a change is applied (old object) first.
The the condition is evaluated for an object after the change is applied (new object) once again.
When the condition changes from false
to true
, Hatter
role is assigned.
When the condition changes from true
to false
, Hatter
role is unassigned.
Other assignments values are not changed by this mapping.
Therefore many assignment mappings can happily coexist.
However, this is a very simple case. Typical midPoint deployments will have many roles. It is theoretically possible to create mappings like this for each and every role that has to be assigned automatically. But that would be a lot of repetitive work. And even worse, it is likely to become a major maintenance nightmare in the future. We are creative people and we do not really like repetitive work. And we really hate maintenance nightmares. Therefore it is perhaps no big surprise that there is a better way to do this.
The most common use case for automatic role assignment is to look up the role using some of its properties.
For example, let’s have suppose that our HR system provides job codes for our employees.
Therefore we have extended midPoint schema with a custom property jobCode
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
<xsd:complexType name="UserTypeExtensionType">
<a:extension ref="c:UserType"/>
<xsd:element name="jobCode" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
A user object that is created from an HR record looks like this:
<fullName>Bob Brown</fullName>
Then we do similar extension for roles.
We extend role schema with custom autoassignJobCode
<xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
<xsd:complexType name="RoleTypeExtensionType">
<a:extension ref="c:RoleType"/>
<xsd:element name="autoassignJobCode" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
And then we set up the roles:
<role oid="a1572de4-b9b9-11e9-af3e-5f68b3207f97">
<name>Sales Manager</name>
<role oid="b93af850-b9b9-11e9-8c2c-dfb9a89635a0">
<name>Sales Agent</name>
<role oid="b9d2b604-b9b9-11e9-bbc4-17d8e85623b4">
<name>Sales Assistant</name>
We are almost there.
The final part of this puzzle is an object template mapping that automatically assigns the roles according to job code.
Naive solution would be to create one mapping for each job code.
But we do not want that.
We want something smarter.
We want a single mapping that can work for all these roles.
Such mapping needs to dynamically look up the role when it is evaluated.
It is certainly possible to create such mapping in Groovy script.
But that is not entirely straightforward.
And in fact, this use case is a very common one.
Role autoassignment is a part of almost every IDM solution in one form or another.
Therefore we have created a special expression evaluator to make this job easy.
Enter assignmentTargetSearch
expression evaluator:
Now, is this how "easy job" looks in midPoint?
Yes, in fact, it is.
But do not panic.
Not yet.
It all makes perfect sense once it is explained.
The code above is a part of user template.
It is a mapping that is producing assignments.
This mapping has an ordinary source which is user’s jobCode
This mapping also has an expression.
But that expression is somehow extraordinary.
It is not the usual script
, path
or value
The expression evaluator is assignmentTargetSearch
This is a special evaluator that looks for assignment target, creates a complete assignment from that target and provides that assignment as an output.
The interesting part here is the way how assignmentTargetSearch
looks for assignment target.
First of all, there is a targetType
clause, which tells the expression to look for roles as assignment target.
And then there is a search filter.
We have already seen midPoint search filters a couple of times, for example in a form of correlation expression.
This is yet another use for search filters.
In this case, the filter is used to look up appropriate role in midPoint repository.
The filter looks up the roles by the autoassignJobCode
But what value do we require here?
Static value such as S007
will not really help as that means that we will need one mapping for each role.
We need to make this query dynamic and smarter.
You probably know the answer already as the same approach was used in correlation expressions.
We simply use an expression instead of static value.
In this case, we use path expression that point to jobCode
Job code is a source for this mapping, therefore it will be present as a variable in all the expressions of the mapping.
So when the expression is processed for Bob then the final filter looks like this:
That filter is used to look for a role.
The Sales Agent
role is found.
And this roles is used to construct an assignment with the role as a target:
<targetRef oid="b93af850-b9b9-11e9-8c2c-dfb9a89635a0" type="RoleType"/>
And that is it! That assignment is added to the user object. Which means that Bob has that role assigned now:
<targetRef oid="b93af850-b9b9-11e9-8c2c-dfb9a89635a0" type="RoleType"/>
<fullName>Bob Brown</fullName>
This single mapping will work for all the cases of all the current job codes and future job codes. That is how we like it.
Clever reader is surely amused at this point.
As you can see, we have put an expression into an expression, so now midPoint can evaluate while it evaluates.
There is an assignmentTargetSearch expression, inside that is a search filter and inside the search filter there is a path expression.
This is one of the basic tenets of midPoint philosophy: we reuse and combine the mechanisms that we already have.
The second expression could be any midPoint expression that makes sense here, e.g. it could be a script.
The filter can be much more complex, and it can have several expressions.
Full power of midPoint is at your disposal here.
Of course, this could all have been done with one smart groovy script instead of assignmentTargetSearch
And if you prefer it that way, you are free to do it.
It will work.
But assignment is a complex data structure and assignmentTargetSearch
makes work with that structure easier.
It can set up validity constraints, relation and other assignment details.
It can also create the target on demand in case the target is not found.
It is quite powerful.
But perhaps the most important detail is that assignmentTargetSearch
expression implements the use cases that are common in almost every IDM deployment.
And that functionality is maintained and tested as a native part of midPoint.
Therefore, you can simply reuse it in every midPoint deployment instead of copying, adapting, testing and bugfixing one big groovy script over and over again.
Autoassignment in Roles
Automatic assignment of roles in the object template is not the only option.
This is midPoint, therefore there are usually several ways to do the same thing.
For example, a mapping similar to that assignmentTargetSearch
mapping used above can be used as an inbound mapping.
And there is yet another way.
Strictly speaking, this method has almost nothing to do with object template.
But as we are talking about role autoassignment, this is a good opportunity to cover all the options here.
The statements that control automatic assignment of roles can be placed in the roles themselves:
<role oid="9f6add7c-b9bf-11e9-abf6-2348fcd328f1">
organizationalUnit?.norm == 'kitchen'
The mapping in the autoassign
part of the role will be evaluated approximately at the same time as other object template mappings.
The mapping has no expression.
There is no need to.
MidPoint will prepare complete assignment data structure.
The mapping just has to decide when to apply that assignment to the user and when not to apply it.
That is what the condition is for.
The expression in this mapping is optional.
If an expression is specified, then such expression can be used to further set up the assignment.
For example, it can set assignment activation, relation, parameters and so on.
But wait, why is there this strange norm
thing in the condition?
Remember about Polystrings?
The organizationalUnit
property is a polystring.
Therefore it has orig
part and norm
In this case we want to compare the norm
part, as the organizational unit name may spelled as Kitchen
. But in all those cases the norm
part will be kitchen
If fact, there is little trap for the unwary here. The obvious way to specify the expression would be like this:
organizationalUnit == 'kitchen' // This is wrong!
However, such expression will always return false
The reason is that different data types are being compared.
The organizationalUnit
property is polystring, while ‘kitchen’
is a string literal.
Polystring and string will never be equal regardless for their content.
Therefore this form of the expression is wrong.
Following forms may be used instead:
organizationalUnit?.orig == 'Kitchen'
organizationalUnit?.norm == 'kitchen'
basic.stringify(organizationalUnit) == 'Kitchen'
The later form is using stringify()
method from basic midPoint function library.
This method converts everything to string.
Whatever data type is passed to this method the result is always a string that can be safely compared.
But let’s get back to role autoassignment. When autoassign mappings are specified in the roles, midPoint will process in a way that is very similar to object template mappings. This has benefits, but there are also drawbacks.
The benefit of role autoassignment is manageability. The conditions are stored in roles themselves. Therefore they are bound to the object that they assign. It is there, right in front of administrator’s eyes. It may also be a benefit if delegated administration is used. E.g. a role owner may manage role definition and the autoassignment condition in the same object. However, in that case beware of the expressions. MidPoint expressions are very powerful. In fact, they are way too powerful for secure delegated administration. Unconstrained midPoint expression can do pretty much anything. It can bring down the system, read memory, modify data, it can do whatever it likes to do. There are some safeguards that prohibit against accidental abuse, but a malevolent expression can easily circumvent them. If you allow a user to specify an expression, you are pretty much giving away keys to the kingdom. Therefore do not do it. At least not now. There is a code in midPoint that implements expression profiles. The goal of the profiles is to constraint expression to only allow safe operations. However, that functionality is not finished yet. If you are interested in this functionality, then midPoint platform subscription is the way to get it fully implemented.
Role autoassignment has another drawback and that is performance. All the autoassignment mappings need to be evaluated every time that user is recomputed. This means that all the roles that contain the mappings need to be retrieved from midPoint repository. This may not be a big deal for a small deployment with thousands of users and hundreds of roles. But the performance hit is likely to be significant as the number of users and roles grows. Therefore, roles autoassignment is not enabled by default. It has to be explicitly enabled in system configuration:
But perhaps the most significant drawback of role autoassingment is that the mapping needs to be in every role. There is no way how to use this mechanism to handle autoassignment of many roles with just one mapping. But object template mappings can do that easily. Therefore, many deployments chose to implement automatic assignment of roles by the means of object template or inbound mappings.
There are some use cases that pop out in IDM solutions all the time. One such case is the problem of finding a unique identifier. This is a concern for almost any identifier, but it is particularly painful when it comes to usernames. In midPoint world this means finding a value for name property. This property much be unique for almost all the data types that midPoint supports.
The rational way would be to base usernames on something that is already unique and immutable such as employee numbers or student identifiers.
But those tend to be long numbers and people often hate them.
Therefore, many deployments chose to base usernames on real names of the user.
We can easily generate username for Alice Anderson.
Maybe aanderson
would be a good fit?
And this can indeed work quite well.
Until Albert Anderson is hired.
Then we need to get creative.
Obviously, alanderson
will not work here.
What about alianderson
and albanderson
Oh no, we have this ancient system that allows only ten characters in the username.
And alianderson
is too long.
What is even worse is that we would need to change Alice’s username.
She will get really mad about it.
Not to mention changing usernames for pretty much everybody.
That won’t do.
Let’s go the usual way.
Let’s have aanderson
and aanderson1
. It is not elegant.
But it will do the job.
And Alice will not get mad.
You know, she is really scary when she gets mad.
This use case is so common that even very early midPoint versions supported it.
This feature is called iteration in midPoint terminology.
The name suggests how the mechanism works.
First step is an attempt to create a user object in a perfectly normal way.
This means that username aanderson
is created for Albert Anderson.
The midPoint checks if that username is unique.
In this case the username is not unique as it is already taken by Alice.
That is the point when midPoint starts iterating.
MidPoint creates iteration token.
Iteration token is a short string that changes in every iteration.
In our case, the iteration token will be set to 1
Then midPoint re-evaluates all the object template mappings.
Mappings that are supposed to create a unique values need to use that token.
They should look like this:
givenName?.norm[0] + familyName?.norm + iterationToken
When this mapping is evaluated for the first time, the iteration token is empty.
Therefore it will make no difference for the normal processing.
But when the mappings are re-iterated, the token is set to 1
Result of this mapping will be aanderson1
Which is unique username.
Therefore iteration stops there and normal processing continues.
In case that even aanderson1
is not unique, the iteration continues.
Usernames aanderson2
, aanderson3
and other variants are tried.
The iteration continues until a unique username is found or until iteration limit is reached.
The expression to generate name as provided above is nice and simple.
However, reality is not that simple.
There are going to be users without given names or family names.
Using the script above would produce some ugly null strings in that case.
Real-world script has to account for that, generating more sensible usernames.
Also, there is administrator user, which we usually do not want to rename.
For the curious, a more sophisticated script is provided in object-template-user.xml file in book samples.
Iteration functionality is disabled by default.
Therefore any conflict in username will result in hard error.
This makes sense, as no amount of iterations will make any difference until the iteration token is used in the expressions.
We also want to set maximum number of iterations. E.g. there may be a bug in the mappings that may cause endless iterations.
The iteration functionality can be enabled by specifying iterationSpecification
element and setting iteration limit:
Iteration tokens are strings that are created from iteration number. It is the iteration number that really matters for midPoint. Iteration token can take variety of forms, it can be numeric, it may be alphanumeric, fixed length, variable length or anything else. Some mappings will not use the token at all. E.g. mappings that subsequently add letters from given name to the username. Therefore, both iteration number and iteration token are exposed to the mappings. There are two variables:
variable contains iteration number. It is always numeric, starting with zero (0
). Iteration zero means normal processing. Iteration one happens after the first conflict. -
variable contains a string that is derived from the iteration number.
There is default algorithm that derives iteration tokens from iteration number. The algorithm is illustrated in following table.
Iteration | The value of iteration variable |
The value of iterationToken variable |
Normal processing |
First iteration |
Second iteration |
The algorithm is designed to put empty value in the iterationToken
during normal processing.
The idea is that iterationToken
variable can be safely used for both the normal processing and the iterations.
This is just a default algorithm and it will not fit all the deployments.
Therefore, a custom mechanism to derive iteration token can be specified.
For example, we may not like to have aanderson
and aanderson1
Which one of these is number one and which is number two anyway?
Let’s skip aanderson1
and let’s use aanderson2
for the first iteration.
The iteration number cannot be changed as the iteration sequence is fixed.
But there is no problem for iteration 1 to produce iteration token "2"
This can be achieved by specifying a custom algorithm for the token:
if (iteration == 0) {
return ''
} else {
return iteration + 1
This algorithm will produce sequence of aanderson
, aanderson2
, aanderson3
and so on.
Iteration number and iteration token is the same for the entire object template. All the mappings will see the same value and all the mappings are recomputed when there is a need to re-iterate. This means that iteration token can be used in other mappings. For example, use of the token in e-mail address is a very common case:
givenName?.norm + '.' + familyName?.norm
+ iterationToken + ''
This mapping will produce a sequence of
and so on (assuming that customized token expression is also applied).
Shared value of iterationToken
means that the values of e-mail address are consistent with the values of username.
If username of aanderson2
is generated then the e-mail address will be
The same iteration token is used.
However, it all becomes interesting when it comes to e-mail addresses and other identifiers that are publicly exposed.
It is one thing to have username aanderson2
That username is used to log into the system, but is it not very visible outside the system.
However, an e-mail address is exposed to a lot of people.
It may be strange to have e-mail address of
, while there is no
in the company.
This can be solved by making the mapping for e-mail address smarter.
It can ignore the iteration token and try to create an e-mail address without the token.
But in that case it needs to explicitly check for uniqueness.
There are two ways to do that.
First method is to check for e-mail address uniqueness inside the e-mail mapping.
There is a isUniquePropertyValue(…)
method in midPoint function library that is designed for this purpose:
def plainAddress = givenName?.norm + '.' + familyName?.norm
+ ''
if (midpoint.isUniquePropertyValue(focus, 'emailAddress',
plainAddress)) {
// Bingo! We have unique address
} else {
// Address not unique.
// We have to use iteration token here.
The problem with this approach is that there may be corner cases.
We might need to force another iteration even if the username is unique.
MidPoint checks only for uniqueness of username by default.
But is possible that even if aanderson2
username is available, the
address is already taken.
This may be an error in the data, administrator’s mistake, or it may be a remain of retired Albert Anderson senior that worked in the company years ago, but his e-mail address was never deprovisioned.
The e-mail address mapping can detect this situation.
However, what is the mapping supposed to do when it detects a problem?
It makes no sense to have username aanderson2
, and e-mail address
or anything similar.
What would make sense is to re-iterate and produce username aanderson3
and e-mail address
That would be consistent.
However, the mapping cannot do that by itself.
Therefore, there is another iteration expression for this purpose: post-iteration condition.
It is a condition that will be executed after the iteration is completed.
If the condition returns true
, then the iteration will be accepted as valid, and the generated values will be used.
If the condition returns false
, then midPoint will re-iterate and yet another iteration will be tried.
def email = ... // Code to generate or retrieve e-mail
return midpoint.isUniquePropertyValue(focus,
'emailAddress', email)
The code above does not do much in case the e-mail address is unique.
It returns true
, the iteration is accepted, and everything goes as usual.
In case that the e-mail address is not unique, the code returns false
In that case, midPoint will discard all the results of the iteration, increment iteration counter and re-try the iteration.
There is yet another mechanism that can be used here: pre-iteration condition.
It is a condition that will be executed prior to iteration.
If it returns true
, then the iteration will continue.
If it returns false
, then midPoint will re-iterate.
The difference here is that this condition will be executed before all the other mappings are evaluated.
Therefore, it may be used to avoid evaluation of expensive mappings just to discard the values that they produce.
Finding identifier values and uniqueness checks are messy stuff. They are not entirely reliable. There is a delay between the time when uniqueness is checked and the time when the record is actually written into database. Therefore strange things can happen. Duplicate identifiers may be generated or attempt to create a user may end up with an error, especially under high loads. The delay between check and write cannot be entirely avoided. We could lock the data during that time, but that would have significant impact on system performance. What we can do to improve the situation is to check the uniqueness on database level and gracefully handle the errors. This is currently implemented only for usernames and even for that the implementation is not perfect. Implementation of strict uniqueness constraints for other properties is possible, but it is no easy endeavor. The values need to be normalized, this can influence database schema and so on. Nevertheless, it is still feasible. In case you are interested, midPoint platform subscription is the best approach for you.
When it comes to human-friendly identifiers, there is yet another trouble.
People tend to change their minds.
They also like to have all kinds of crazy ideas, such as the urge to get married.
The result is that the names of people change.
In fact, they change surprisingly often.
When user-friendly identifiers are used, change in user’s name usually means a change in the identifiers.
This is known as the rename problem, and you can observe a glimpse of fear in the eyes of all experienced IDM engineers every time it is mentioned.
Overall, midPoint handles renames very well.
Primary identifier of any midPoint object is an OID, not a name.
OIDs do not change.
Therefore, as long as midPoint is concerned, nothing special happens when user’s name is changed.
The change is picked up by mappings, recomputed and stored.
However, iterations and uniqueness checks may complicate the things here.
MidPoint remembers the iteration number for all objects that went through an iteration process.
This is necessary to get the same results from the mappings every time that they are recomputed.
Otherwise the identifiers may get re-generated on every recompute.
But there is a drawback to this approach.
Let’s suppose that Carol Cooper had username ccooper2
She got married and now her name is Carol Cunningham.
Even though there is no ccunningham
in the system, her generated user name will be ccunningham2
The iteration token is remembered and re-used during the rename process.
The rename scenarios can be very treacherous.
We always recommend to test them thoroughly in any project where user renames are possible.
Another drawback of those iterating algorithms is scalability and performance.
Every time there is a conflict the algorithm need to go through all the iterations.
How many people named John Smith can be in a large user population?
We can easily get to jsmith42
This means that the next John Smith will need to go through 42 iterations before the system figures out that the next available username is jsmith43
And this gets worse with every John Smith added to the system.
Therefore, this iterative approach is not suitable for generating identifiers that are likely to require a lot of iterations.
Generating UNIX user and group numbers is a good example for identifiers that would surely cause a disaster if an iterative approach is used.
Fortunately, there is another mechanism in midPoint that can support generation of such identifiers: sequences.
More on that later.
Overall, the best strategy is to avoid using those generated human-friendly identifiers altogether. The best choice would be something that is already unique, immutable and reasonably short. Something like employee number, student identifier or partner ID are usually suitable. If that is not acceptable, then the second best approach is to keep the algorithms simple. The simpler it is the less likely it is to fail.
There are many ways to apply an object template to an object. The template can be set globally in system configuration, it can be set by an archetype or even by an organizational unit. However, only one object template can be active for any particular object at one time. Yet, there are often mappings that need to apply universally. For example, we may want to generate full name using the same algorithm for all users, regardless of their archetype. Or we may want to automatically assign some roles to all users regardless of their organizational units. For that reason there is mechanism to include one object template in another:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
<name>Default User Template</name>
<objectTemplate oid="60eab6a8-ba87-11e9-b9a3-bbb8418de4d5">
<name>Special User Template</name>
<includeRef oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016"/>
In this case, the special user template includes all the mappings from default user template.
Therefore both mapping for employeeNumber
and mapping for fullName
will be processed.
Combining the Ingredients
It is time to put all the bits and pieces together. So far we have been talking about provisioning, inbound synchronization, schema, RBAC and object templates. Let’s see how all the parts fit together:
Everything starts with a synchronization process, whether it is reconciliation or live synchronization.
Synchronization process invoked the connector for the source resource (Resource A
The connector retrieves the data from the source system.
Shadow objects are created for all the source accounts as soon as the data set foot in midPoint.
Correlation expression is evaluated for all new accounts to find their owners.
Once we have owner of the account, we can execute inbound mappings.
This is the way how account data are reflected to midPoint user object, which is a focus of the computation.
Next couple of steps is all about the focus. This is the part where object templates are executed, assignment and roles are evaluated. Assignments and roles may contain construction statements. Those are just collected at this stage. They are not evaluated yet. This focus policy phase of computation is all about the focus. Which means that user object is both the input and output of this computation.
Outbound phase takes place next. In this phase the focus of the computation (user) is projected to accounts. This is the time when constructions are processed and the mappings inside them are evaluated. Those constructions were collected from the assignments in the previous phase. They are combined with outbound mappings specified in resource schema handling. All of that is mixed together, sorted to resource accounts, all the values are computed. This is also the time when attribute-level reconciliation takes place. We know what attributes the account should have, therefore we can compare that with the values that the attributes have in reality. When all of that is computed and processed, then a connector is used to update the target resource (Resource B).
This picture is still not entirely complete. It does not show policy rules, existence mappings, approval processes, hooks and good deal of other advanced features. Yet, this picture is good enough for now. It is good enough to create a simple solution.
Complete Deployment Example
We have all that we need to create a simple but mostly complete identity management solution. Our environment and solution outline:
HR system is a data input. It exports employee data into a CSV file. Employee number is a primary key, there is employee first and last name and job code. There is no username or password.
We need to feed employee data into midPoint. Which means that we need to configure synchronization.
We need to generate unique and user-friendly username, compute full name and generate a random initial password.
We need to automatically assign roles based on job code from the HR system.
We need to automatically provision account to LDAP server and CRM database table.
We can do that if we put together all that we have learned so far. Even though this is still quite a simple example, the complete configuration is too large to put all of it into this book. It will take too much space. And after all the detailed explanation in the previous chapters it will also get a bit boring. Therefore, we will show only the interesting pieces of the configuration here. Complete configuration can be found in the usual place. Please see Additional Information chapter for details. These files represent the final configuration, the expected state at the end of this chapter. Therefore, if you want to follow instructions in this chapter step-by-step you have to choose appropriate parts of the files to import. Or you can just import everything and use the following text as an explanation of the effects that you see.
Let us start with an HR resource.
This is mostly the same resource definition as we have seen in the Synchronization chapter.
But there are few differences.
First of all, the data feed is a bit different.
We have a new jobcode
column there.
It looks like this:
Of course, the HR resource definition has to reflect those changes.
We have defined a new custom user property jobCode
in our extension schema:
<xsd:schema ...>
<xsd:complexType name="UserExtensionType">
<a:extension ref="c:UserType"/>
<xsd:element name="jobCode" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
The jobcode column is mapped to jobCode extension property in HR resource inbound mapping:
<resource oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf">
<displayName>Job code</displayName>
The rest of the mappings that are defined in the HR resource is a bit boring. The interesting thing is the mapping that is not there at all. The mapping for username (property name of the user object) is missing. We will not generate username in the inbound phase. We just do not have enough data to responsibly generate username just yet. Inbound phase is still running, user object is not fully populate yet. Let’s postpone the decision about username for later.
Synchronization part of the HR resource definition is also a pretty standard one.
This resource is an authoritative source.
Accounts will be correlated by the empno
column matching the employeeNumber
user property.
Linked accounts will be updated and new users will be created for unmatched accounts.
It is all the same routine as we have already described in Synchronization chapter.
Perhaps the most interesting part of this setup is object template. The template has several responsibilities:
Compute full name from first name and last name.
Generate unique username.
Generate e-mail address.
Automatically assign basic employee role.
Automatically assign the roles based on job code.
Let’s start with the simple thing: generating full name. At this point this is probably a no-brainer:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
<code>givenName + ' ' + familyName</code>
This is really simple. But it is much harder for username. We want to generate a user-friendly username. We could simply use user’s last name. But this is very likely to create conflicts. Therefore let’s combine last name with the first letter of first name. We will get nice usernames such as aanderson, bbrown and so on. But there is still a chance of username conflict. So let’s add iteration tokens into the mix. Like this:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
if ( givenName == null && familyName == null ) {
return null
if ( familyName == null ) {
return givenName?.norm + iterationToken
if ( givenName == null ) {
return familyName?.norm + iterationToken
givenName?.norm[0] + familyName?.norm + iterationToken
This looks a bit more complicated that your have expected, doesn’t it? The basic idea is simple, so why won’t equally simple expression work? Maybe something like this?
givenName[0] + familyName + iterationToken
The devil is, as usual, in the details.
Firstly, good part of any programming is error handling.
Hence all the if-then statements.
It may look like those situations cannot happen in our little example.
All the HR records have both first and last name set, anyway.
Therefore, they will never be null
in the expression, will they?
In fact, they will.
This is one small peculiarity of midPoint expressions.
MidPoint works in a relative way.
Therefore, midPoint often evaluates old values of attributes and properties to figure out which values to remove.
The old values for any new user are null
Therefore, it may happen that the expression is evaluated with null
This may seem a bit annoying at the beginning.
But you will be more than grateful that your expressions are properly sanitized and null-safe when you get to work with real data.
Reality always finds a way to bring surprises.
Secondly, midPoint is built with multi-national environment in mind.
It is 21st century already and unicode is everywhere.
Almost everywhere, that is.
It is expected that the HR system stores names with full national characters, such as Radovan Semančík
Yet, it is still not a common practice to use national characters in usernames, e-mail addresses and so on.
Therefore we usually want to normalize the national characters to their ASCII-7 equivalents.
That is what PolyString is for and that is what the norm()
methods are doing.
The result is that the generated username will be rsemancik
instead of RSemančík
But there is still one piece missing.
We want to enable iteration to resolve naming conflicts.
Otherwise poor Arnold Anderson won’t have his accounts created because aanderson
username is already taken by Alice.
We can enable iterations like this:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
if (iteration == 0) {
return ''
} else {
return iteration + 1
The maxIteration
part up there is quite straightforward.
We want to have some limit on the number of iterations as we do not want to iterate forever.
Most iteration sequences are short in practice.
If the iterative approach cannot find a match in several steps, then perhaps the iteration is not a good method anyway.
Therefore the limit is usually not a problem.
But having a limit makes a huge difference for troubleshooting.
Most infinite iteration loops are caused by configuration errors.
And it is much better to get an error after a couple of seconds than to wait forever.
The second part of the iteration configuration is also quite clear for people that read this chapter carefully.
The default iteration token sequence is ""
, "1"
, "2"
, "3"
and so on.
But that would give us aanderson
, aanderson1
, aanderson2
and so on.
We do not want to have aanderson
and aanderson1
as that would be confusing.
Therefore, we chose to skip the "1"
token and start with "2"
The custom iteration token expression does just that.
As soon as we have the mapping for name in place, we can start testing the configuration. Go ahead and import the HR resource, import object template, set the object template in the configuration and do not forget to replace the HR CSV file. If you did any experiments with previous configuration, it can be helpful to clean up midPoint by using the "delete all identities" process (that little dropdown button in Repository objects page). When everything is set up, you can try to manually import a single account from the HR resource by using the "import" button, located on the page where you can list resource accounts. Once the basic configuration works, you can test iterations by adding Arnold Anderson to the HR CSV file and importing the account. Do not forget to switch from repository to resource view by clicking on the btn:Resource[] button on the top-left side of the page. There is no synchronization task running, therefore MidPoint have not seen Arnold’s account yet. You have to instruct midPoint to explicitly look at the resource. Once Arnold’s account is imported a non-conflicting username should be selected for him:
We need to determine e-mail address next. In our case the mapping for e-mail address is quite similar to username mapping:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
if ( givenName == null && familyName == null ) {
return null
if ( familyName == null ) {
return givenName?.norm + iterationToken +
if ( givenName == null ) {
return familyName?.norm + iterationToken +
givenName?.norm + '.' + familyName?.norm +
iterationToken + ''
This mapping should be quite understandable by now.
There are the same checks for special cases.
Then the main expression at the end combines given name and family name in a slightly different way to get an e-mail address.
This is just a simple example for e-mail address that is a good fit for a book.
However, dealing with e-mail address is a bit more difficult in practice.
A clever reader can surely discover a couple of obvious issues.
Firstly, the expression is using the same iteration token than the username mapping is using.
Therefore, the e-mail address for Arnold Anderson will be
This is what we get when we re-import or reconcile both Andersons:
This is not exactly what we want.
Ideally, we would like to use much simpler versions
In this case there is no conflict with
However, midPoint does not consider e-mail address to be an identifier, therefore it does not check for its uniqueness.
Also, there is only one iteration token that is reused for all the expressions in all object template mappings.
There are also primary e-mail accounts and account aliases, dealing with account renames and temporary assignment of e-mail aliases and so on.
Overall, dealing with e-mail addresses is far from easy.
Some of those issues can be solved with pre-iteration or post-iteration conditions.
However, it is quite likely that a completely custom code will be needed for a more complex cases.
That is also one of the reasons to set strength of this mapping to weak. We want to set an e-mail address automatically, but only in case that an address was not already specified manually. Weak mapping will not overwrite existing value. Sometimes it is best not to automate everything, leave the complex cases to system administrators to deal with.
Role autoassignment is the next step. Let’s start with something simple. All the records that come from the HR resource are employee records. Therefore let’s assign Employee role to all of them. The easiest way to do that is to use inbound mapping of HR resource:
<resource oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf">
<!-- Employee role -->
<targetRef oid="86d3b462-2334-11ea-bbac-13d84ce0a1df"
This mapping is quite straightforward.
Its expression produces a static targetRef
value that is placed in user’s assignment.
The strange thing here is the placement of this mapping.
It is placed in the section that corresponds to empno
This is inbound mapping, and it just has to be placed somewhere.
Any reasonable attribute would do.
It does not really matter into which attribute it is placed as it ignores attribute value anyway.
That was a very simple static mapping. It is perhaps too simple for practical use as there not many cases when a role is assigned both automatically and unconditionally. The mapping above can be slightly improved by adding a condition to the mapping. But that still has some limitations. For example, inbound mappings cannot have more than one input. And being an inbound mapping, this can only work with account attributes and therefore its behavior cannot be influenced by user data changed in the user interface.
Autoassignment in inbound mapping is still useful and in fact it is also used quite often. Yet, there is another way that is much more popular: autoassignment in object template mapping. That is what we are going to do next. We are going to handle role autoassignment based on job code.
We want to demonstrate autoassignment in object template.
Our object template works with user object both as input and output.
It cannot (or rather should not) reach out to the HR account to get the value of jobcode
We have to do that the other way around.
We have to map HR account attribute jobcode
to midPoint user property jobCode
by using an inbound mapping:
<resource oid="03c3ceea-78e2-11e6-954d-dfdfa9ace0cf">
We can easily use the job code in object template mapping now:
<objectTemplate oid="22f83022-b76d-11e9-8a30-6ffc11b23016">
This is the same principle as we have used earlier in this chapter.
The mapping is using assignmentTargetSearch
expression to look for roles where user’s jobCode
and role’s autoassignJobCode
This mapping is strong as we want to recompute the mapping and set the value all the times.
If the mapping would be normal-strength, then the values are recomputed only when jobCode
Which actually might be enough during normal operation of the system.
But making this mapping strong makes things much easier during testing.
That is all for the mapping.
Now we need to prepare the roles for this mapping to work.
We need to extend role schema first:
<xsd:schema ...>
<xsd:complexType name="RoleExtensionType">
<a:extension ref="c:RoleType"/>
<xsd:element name="autoassignJobCode" type="xsd:string"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Then we need a couple of roles with job codes in their extension:
<role oid="a1572de4-b9b9-11e9-af3e-5f68b3207f97">
<name>Sales Manager</name>
<role oid="b93af850-b9b9-11e9-8c2c-dfb9a89635a0">
<name>Sales Agent</name>
<role oid="b9d2b604-b9b9-11e9-bbc4-17d8e85623b4">
<name>Sales Assistant</name>
That is all the configuration needed for autoassignment to work.
The roles should be automatically assigned to users when the users are recomputed.
Just make sure that the users have their jobCode
properly set in the user object.
If they do not have it then re-import them or run a reconciliation task.
Then go ahead and create some more roles for the missing job codes.
No change in any of the mappings is needed to support more job codes.
Just create the roles and recompute.
That is the beauty of this solution.
It is easy to maintain.
So far we have tackled the inbound phase and focus policy phase. But we have not talked about the outbound (provisioning) phase much. Now it is the right time to have a look at that.
We are going to reuse the LDAP and CRM resources from previous chapters.
Those resources are used here pretty much unchanged.
There is no need to change them.
Outbound mappings in the resource definitions specify the basic framework of the account.
The key to provisioning flexibility is usually not in the resource definition.
It is in the roles.
But let’s start in the simplest way possible with the Employee
ExAmPLE company policy states that every employee should have a very basic LDAP account.
Therefore, all we need is a very simple LDAP account construction that we place into an inducement in the Employee
<role oid="86d3b462-2334-11ea-bbac-13d84ce0a1df">
<!-- OpenLDAP -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c" />
<!-- just basic account. Nothing special here. -->
All employees get this role by the means of inbound mapping on HR resource. Therefore, all employees will automatically get basic LDAP account. It is as simple as that. Put the construction in the role, reconcile the HR resource or just recompute the users. LDAP accounts will be created.
But we want something that is a bit more fancy. Salespeople tend to be a bit sensitive when it comes to their professional image. Therefore, they insist on having proper titles set up in company directory. Not a problem. We can do that easily in their "job" roles. This is how it looks like for a sales manager:
<role oid="a1572de4-b9b9-11e9-af3e-5f68b3207f97">
<name>Sales Manager</name>
<!-- OpenLDAP -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c" />
<value>Sales Manager</value>
This construction refers to the same account as the Employee role. MidPoint knows that, therefore it does not attempt to create a new account. It just updates existing account with appropriate title. However, we are not done yet. We need to provide access to CRM system for the salespeople. Should we create a new role for that? Absolutely not. We do not want to have too many roles as every role is a maintenance burden. Let’s just add new construction to an existing job role:
<role oid="a1572de4-b9b9-11e9-af3e-5f68b3207f97">
<name>Sales Manager</name>
<!-- OpenLDAP -->
<!-- CRM -->
<resourceRef oid="04afeda6-394b-11e6-8cbe-abf7ff430056" />
This is the only role that gives access to the CRM system for a sales manager. MidPoint knows that, and it automatically creates a new CRM account when the role is assigned. Outbound mappings from the CRM resource definition are used to set basic properties of CRM account, such as account identifiers and password. In addition to that, the Sales Manager role sets appropriate access level to the CRM system.
Our setup is almost complete now. We have inbound synchronization, object template, roles and outbound mappings. This is the right time to test everything. Select few representative HR accounts and try to import them. Check that everything is provisioned correctly. If it works, then it is the time for roll-out. Set up a synchronization task for the HR resource, and we are done. We have running system:
Users are imported from the HR system. Roles are assigned, which can be checked by navigating to user details page and opening the Inducements tab. Accounts are provisioned according to the roles, which is the reason for variations in number of accounts for individual users. The basic stuff works now. Go ahead and try it out, add more roles and mappings, modify the configuration. Have some fun.
Zealous reader has certainly tried both the HR and user recompute task, and stares at the administrator user now.
Administrator has an e-mail address!
Value was generated for administrator by recomputation task.
Oh yes, administrators are people too, and the administrator user is still a user.
Therefore, user template applies to administrator as well, as does user recompute task.
User admnistrator was not updated by the HR import as there is no corresponding HR account.
However, user recompute task iterates over all the users, including administrator .
This has to be kept in mind when designing midPoint policies and configurations.
We have got nice little identity management deployment. The basic functionality is in place, data are synchronized from the HR system, accounts are provisioned to handful of simple resources, access is governed by roles. This is a huge improvement for many organizations already. However, there is still a lot of things to improve here. Maybe we want to set up a formalized organizational structure. Maybe we need delegated administration. Maybe we have several object types to manage, and we want to set up archetypes for them. We almost certainly want to manage groups, privileges and other entitlements. This is still just a beginning.
This chapter concludes one whole part of the book. If you have followed the book so far, you should be able to set up a simple working IDM deployment at this point. We have covered all the basic mechanisms: resources, mappings, roles, schema and object templates. This is a good time to stop reading and get your hands dirty. Take the examples from this book and play a bit with them. Explore the examples that come with midPoint distribution. Now it is time for experiments. You will surely do a lot of things that are suboptimal or even outright wrong. But never mind. This is part of the learning process. If you get to dead end, just scrap everything and start over. Or maybe rework everything from the ground up. MidPoint is designed for this. Evolutionary approach is deeply embedded in midPoint philosophy and design. Just go ahead, have fun, conduct experiments and explore. Such experience will help a lot when you get back and read through following chapters.
9. Organizational Structures
If life is going to exist in a Universe of this size, then the one thing it cannot afford to have is a sense of proportion.
The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe
Organizations come in all shapes and sizes. Unless your organization is extremely unusual, there is always some form of recognizable internal structure. There may be the usual corporate divisions, departments and sections. Or there may be dynamic teams, projects, work groups and task forces. Some kind of organizational structure is always there. And it matters. While many organizational structures are quite far from the ideal, organizational structure is seldom completely useless. Membership in some organizational units is a reason to automatically grant privileges. Managers can usually access quite a wide set of data about employees in organizational units that they are managing. Team leaders and project manager often exercise elevated privileges over their team and projects. And all of that is not limited just to users. Roles are often organized into role catalog. Services and devices may be organized by applications, by geographical location and so on. There are many things that need to be organized and there are many ways to organize them.
Organizational structure affects almost every part of the identity management deployment. We have realized that in very early stages of midPoint development. Therefore, organizational structure is an integral part of midPoint. It permeates almost every part of midPoint functionality. Unlike most other systems, organizational structure in midPoint is a very flexible and almost universal concept. It can be used to build functional organizational structures with divisions, departments and sections. It can also be used to create a flat project-based organizational structure. The same mechanism can be used to sort roles in a role catalog or to manage devices by geographical location. And all of those organizational structures may co-exist at the same time in the same system.
The concept of organizational structure is a very powerful one, but it is implemented by just a handful of simple components. Let us have a look at those building blocks now.
Organizational Units
Basic building blog of all organizational structures is just one simple object type. Due to the lack of poetic talent and because of critical shortage of abstract words in our dictionary, we have decided to call that object simply an org. It is a nice and short name. Org can represent any kind of organizational unit: companies, division, department, section, project, team, role category, geographical location or anything else. Orgs can be used to create hierarchical structures. For example, a top-level org may represent a company. A couple of other orgs can represent divisions. Those orgs can be put "inside" the company org. Yet another orgs can represent departments, these can be put "inside" the division orgs. Repeat the process until complete organizational structure is formed.
Org is quite a basic thing with a very simple anatomy:
<org oid="4d12c1ac-440c-11ea-80af-2b314d06ba95">
<displayName>ExAmPLE, Inc.</displayName>
Strictly speaking, the only things that an org really needs are name and OID.
The example above adds displayName
to make the presentation of the org nicer.
As all regular midPoint objects, a name of an org must be unique.
This often leads to a practice that org names are in fact identifiers or that they are generated automatically.
This is also our case.
We have decided to set F1000
as the name of this org.
The value 1000
is an identifier of the company in our HR system.
As we are building a functional organizational structure of the company, we have prefixed the identifier with F
which stands for functional.
However, names such as F1000
are not very friendly.
Therefore, there is a mechanism to set nicer display name that does not need to be unique.
The display name will be used instead of the ordinary name
whenever this org is displayed to a user.
We have an organizational unit now.
But how do we put users in it?
Clever reader already knows the answer: assignment.
All that is needed is to assign the org to a user.
This is done in almost the same way as you would assign a role, just select the Org
tab in assignment dialog.
Or, in XML form:
<targetRef oid="4d12c1ac-440c-11ea-80af-2b314d06ba95" type="OrgType"/>
The user is a part of our minimalistic organizational unit now:
Organizational Structure Hierarchy
There is very little structure in our tiny organizational structure yet. Orgs would not be very useful unless they can be placed inside each other, creating a hierarchy. It is this hierarchy that makes organizational structures attractive. Therefore let us go corporate and create some hierarchy now. It is a well-known fact that all self-respecting corporations need sales and marketing division:
<org oid="7a1feb50-471f-11ea-8aab-1b2627541f15">
<description>Expensive people that make money.</description>
<displayName>Sales and Marketing Division</displayName>
We have pimped up this organizational unit a little.
We have seen name
and displayName
The description
is no stranger either.
Then there is an identifier
The value of the identifier
is usually an official "code" of the organizational unit assigned by HR people.
But why do we need yet another identifier?
OID is an identifier, name
is an identifier of sorts, why do we need another one?
For now let’s just say that the identifier will be very useful later on, when we will be synchronizing organizational structures.
If we import the org above into midPoint it will become the top org. MidPoint will put it at the same level as the ExAmPLE company org. We do not want that. We want to create a hierarchy. We want to tell midPoint to put the department inside the company. How do we do that? We use an assignment, of course:
<org oid="7a1feb50-471f-11ea-8aab-1b2627541f15"
<description>Expensive people that make money.</description>
<displayName>Sales and Marketing Division</displayName>
<targetRef oid="4d12c1ac-440c-11ea-80af-2b314d06ba95" type="OrgType"/>
Now we have our little hierarchy:
This makes perfect sense, doesn’t it? Users become part of organizational units when the units are assigned to them. Therefore, also organizational units become part of other organizational units when they are assigned to them. This priciple applies to everything: roles, services, tasks, resources and other object types. Every object type that can be assignment holder can be placed in organizational structure, by assigning an organizational unit to it.
Assignment holders
Majority of midPoint object types are assginment holders, and therefore they can be placed into organizational structure.
However, midPoint user interface has some limits.
Convenient management of the assignments is currently possible only for focal types: user, role, org and service.
Other objects can be placed in organizational structure, and they should behave up to the expectations.
But that cannot be done by few convenient clicks in midPoint user interface
Not yet.
You have to use a different approach.
You either add the assignment manually in the XML/JSON/YAML form.
Or you may try to use mappings to create the assignments automatically.
Or perhaps use the REST interface to do that.
Or maybe send some money in the direction of midPoint development team to motivate them to add this functionality to user interface.
We know how to create a simple organizational hierarchy. All we need to do now is to repeat the process ad nauseam to create something that resembles real corporate organizational structure. Let us add marketing department to our division:
<org oid="a0c7d92c-4722-11ea-bc8d-d79a6cefb1bf"
<description>Creative bunch that spends money to get more money.</description>
<displayName>Marketing Department</displayName>
<targetRef oid="7a1feb50-471f-11ea-8aab-1b2627541f15" type="OrgType"/>
It is the same process over and over again. But there so many organizational units, there are so many files to import. We like to be efficient in all the things that we do. Therefore, let’s put the entire organizational structure into a single file:
<!-- Functional organizational structure of ExAmPLE company -->
<org oid="4d12c1ac-440c-11ea-80af-2b314d06ba95">
<displayName>ExAmPLE, Inc.</displayName>
<org oid="7a1feb50-471f-11ea-8aab-1b2627541f15">
<description>Expensive people that make money.</description>
<displayName>Sales and Marketing Division</displayName>
<targetRef oid="4d12c1ac-440c-11ea-80af-2b314d06ba95" type="OrgType"/>
It would be no big surprise to find out that laziness was a driving force behind many improvements in life, would it? Now, let us use this convenient approach to create a nice and rich corporate organizational tree:
Of course, you can create and manage organizational structure in midPoint user interface. In fact, people do that quite often. However, now we are talking about the initial organizational structure. It is the structure that gets created in midPoint at the beginning of the deployment. There is usually a lot of trial and error until you get your midPoint configuration right. It is quite likely you will have to purge all midPoint configuration and start clean. In that case, it is very convenient to have organizational structure in one file that can be easily imported after the clean-up. Also, it is a common practice to have several environments: development, testing and production. You probably want the same organizational structure in all of them. Having organizational structure in a file makes that job easy. Of course, you can also create organizational structure in the user interface and then export it into a file. However, according to our experience, many engineers prefer text editor to graphical user interfaces. |
Orgs in the Database
Organizational structures tend to form hierarchies - data structures that look like trees. However, databases are usually designed to store relational data - data structures that look like tables. If you ever tried to express hierarchical data in a spreadsheet application you know that these paradigms are not entirely easy to align. It is not entirely easy to express tree-like data structure in relational tables. Moreover, hierarchical data tend to have some specific requirements. For example, we usually want to look for people in Operations Division and all the departments and sections that belong to it. This is known as subtree searches, and it is usually not possible to execute them directly on data that are stored in relational form.
This is further complicated by the fact that midPoint assignment is a very flexible data structure. Assignments can be valid from a specific time to a specific time. Assignments can be parametric and conditional. Assignment is just too complex for the database to understand and use efficiently.
MidPoint is solving these problems with parentOrgRef
operational data item.
As the name suggests, parentOrgRef
is an object reference that points to parent org.
Any assignment holder in midPoint can have parentOrgRef, and it points to the org (or orgs) that the object belongs to.
This somehow duplicated the data in the assignment.
Yet, there are several crucial differences.
Firstly, parentOrgRef
points to the orgs that the object is currently member of.
I.e. it only reflects those assignments that are currently active and valid.
Therefore, there will be no parentOrgRef
value for assignment that is expired or not valid yet.
Secondly, parentOrgRef
represents all organizational assignments, both direct and indirect.
Orgs that are directly assigned to users will be present in parentOrgRef
Orgs that are induced in a role that is assigned to the user will also be present in parentOrgRef
Everything will be there.
Thirdly, parentOrgRef
is a very simple data structure.
This simplicity allows efficient indexing of the parentOrgRef
values in the database (repository) layer.
The indexes are designed to allow efficient subtree searches over organizational structure hierarchies.
This is our trick how to fit hierarchical data into flat data tables.
The details may be quite complicated, but it usually works quite well.
The parentOrgRef
is automatically maintained by midPoint under the hood.
Therefore it is usually completely transparent.
The user does not even notice that there is a special mechanism working in the background.
However, there are also downsides to this approach.
The index that is build on parentOrgRef
is designed to work even if organizational structure is re-organized.
The index has to be continually maintained.
Maintenance overhead of the index is usually very low for small or mid-sized structures that do not change often.
However, maintenance of massive organizational structures can be painful.
Similarly, it may be problematic to maintain organizational structures that change very frequently.
Therefore, it is perhaps a good idea to prototype the design of organizational structure before putting the system into production.
Also, the parentOrgRef
is in fact a copy of the primary data (assignment).
As it is a copy, there is a risk that it may get out of synchronization.
MidPoint is designed to keep parentOrgRef
and all the indexes strictly consistent during normal operations.
However, midPoint allows systems administrators to do a lot of non-standard things.
Some of those things may lead to data inconsistencies.
Therefore, it is a good idea to check whether the values of parentOrgRef
make sense in case you notice that organizational structures are behaving strangely.
Overall, organizational structures work very well in midPoint, and you usually do not need to care about the mechanisms under the hood. However, management of organizational structures is much more complex than it seems. Therefore, if you try to do strange and unusual things, you should better be sure you fully understand what you are doing.
Orgs and Roles
Organizations and roles have many things in common. Roles are granting privileges to its members. Usually, people that are members of an organization are granted privileges too. People that have the same role usually have the same set of privileges. People in an organization often have the same privileges too. In fact, organizations behave in almost the same way as roles.
MidPoint has fully embraced this similarity. Orgs are designed to behave in almost the same way as roles. Orgs may have inducements, there may be constructions in them, orgs may contain authorizations and so on. Org can do everything that a role can do.
Therefore, there is no need to set up complicated configurations that assign a particular role to all members of an organization. The organization itself acts as a role. All the privileges that organization members need can be simply added as inducements in the organization itself. This is very simple, elegant and mostly fool-proof solution.
We have Indirect Sales Department in ExAmPLE, Inc. We want to make things simple, and therefore we want to grant access to CRM system to all the members of this department. It is very easy to do:
<org oid="8887e0b0-4726-11ea-96b0-5f5ced221e42">
<description>Suits that talk to other suits that talk to customers.</description>
<displayName>Indirect Sales Department</displayName>
<!-- Assignment of parent organizational unit -->
<targetRef oid="7a1feb50-471f-11ea-8aab-1b2627541f15" type="OrgType"/>
<!-- Inducement that grants CRM privileges to all members of this department -->
<!-- CRM resource -->
<resourceRef oid="04afeda6-394b-11e6-8cbe-abf7ff430056"/>
Clever reader certainly wonders whether the CRM privileges apply also to Agent Management Section, which is located below Indirect Sales Department in our organizational structure. However, clever reader is clever enough to figure out that the privileges are not "inherited" in this case. To follow the thoughts of clever reader, you have to think about orgs in the same way as you would think about roles. There is an assignment from Agent Management Section to Indirect Sales Department. However, there is no inducement. Role hierarchies are built using inducements. Therefore, privileges of Agent Management Section are not included in Indirect Sales Department. This may seem to be counter-intuitive, but in fact it is completely correct. Orgs and roles form separate hierarchies (see note below). However, if you want to "inherit" privileges of a parent org, there is a very simple way how to do it: add explicit inducement. For example, this is how we can "inherit" the CRM privileges in Agent Management Section:
<org oid="f5e619a6-4726-11ea-888c-ab25c098d8b3">
<description>People that deal with agents (no James Bond here).</description>
<displayName>Agent Management Section</displayName>
<!-- Assignment of parent organizational unit. This creates organizational hierarchy. -->
<targetRef oid="8887e0b0-4726-11ea-96b0-5f5ced221e42" type="OrgType"/>
<!-- Inducement to parent organizational unit. This creates "inheritance" of privileges. -->
<targetRef oid="8887e0b0-4726-11ea-96b0-5f5ced221e42" type="OrgType"/>
This has to be done for every org that needs to inherit privileges from parent, which may be quite daunting for large organizational structures. There is a clever way how to avoid placing inducements everywhere. The solution involves the concept of metaroles, as parent org is technically a metarole for child orgs. However, this involves an advanced thinking about application of assignment and inducements. Even a clever reader may not be ready for such abstract thoughts yet. This has to come later when the basic principles have enough time to sink in.
Org and role hierarchies
Both orgs are roles are hierarchical in a way.
However, it is not the same hierarchy.
Org hierarchy is used to model organizational trees.
Role hierarchy is used to build RBAC structures.
Those hierarchies have completely different purpose.
They are also built using different mechanism.
Role hierarchy is used to group privileges, and therefore it is built using inducements.
Org hierarchy is used to group subjects (users), and it is built using assignments.
There are also different internal mechanisms, indexing and data storage properties.
For example, role hierarchy is not using parentOrgRef , therefore there is much lower overhead as compared to org hierarchy.
However, this means that the capabilities to query role hierarchy is limited.
Both hierarchies are their respective place and purpose.
Even though the difference may not be very apparent now, it is quite substantial.
Hopefully, this will get much more clear later when there will be more examples for both org and role structures.
Placing people in organizational structures has a significant value on its own. However, all the people usually do not have the same relation to the organizational unit. Most people will usually be ordinary members of organizational unit. Then there are people that are somehow special: departmental managers, team leaders, project managers, supervisors and similar life forms.
How do we designate a manager of an organizational unit?
You probably guessed it already.
In a typical midPoint fashion, we are re-using assignment, of course.
There is just one small detail.
We are specifying relation
in assignment target reference:
<!-- Direct Sales Department -->
<targetRef oid="832f409a-4726-11ea-b0be-8b8eab99c1ed" type="OrgType" relation="manager"/>
This assignment makes Alice a manager of direct sales department. It is as simple as that. All the power of assignment is at your disposal. Therefore, it is easy to assign a manager for a temporary time period, suspend a manager and so on.
Manager assignment is created in the user interface in almost the same way as normal assignment is created. The only difference is selection of manager relation at the bottom of the assignment target dialog:
MidPoint now knows that Alice is a manager of Direct Sales Department. This is also displayed in the organizational tree:
But, wait a minute! Alice has been promoted to be a manager of direct sales department. But she should be located in sales and marketing division as a direct member of that division. E.i. she is member of one organizational unit and manager of another organizational unit. How do we do that? This is all perfectly clear to a clever reader by now. Alice has two assignments. First assignment is an ordinary assignment that targets sales and marketing division. Second assignment is a manager assignment that targets direct sales department. This is perfectly normal in midPoint. Users may have any number of assignments to any objects (unless it is explicitly constrained by policy rules or archetypes). Which means that users may be members of any number of organizational units at the same time.
Therefore, there is no problem for Alice to be a member of one unit and manager of another. MidPoint can support all kind of bizarre organizational arrangements. MidPoint was deliberately designed in this way, because reality has an annoying habit to bring surprises, especially when organizational structures are involved.
Well, Alice is a manager now. Good for her. But she still has the same access rights as ordinary workers. That is not right! Managers wear suits and ties. Which means that they need to have more privileges than mere mortals. As managers usually control funding of software development, it is perfectly understandable that midPoint has a way to set up privileges that apply to managers:
<org oid="832f409a-4726-11ea-b0be-8b8eab99c1ed">
<displayName>Direct Sales Department</displayName>
... Privileges exclusive to managers are specified here ...
This is a way how a manager of the direct sales department gets special privileges.
The orderConstraint
makes sure that only the users that have manager
relation to this organization units will get the privileges.
But wait s minute! Clever reader does not like that. This approach to manager privileges is not going to be very practical. Managers usually do not have special privileges in each organizational unit. In most organizations, managers have the same privileges regardless of the unit they manage.
One way to implement this approach is to create a Manager
role, put the special privileges there, and assign the role to every manager of every organizational unit.
However, that creates redundancy.
We have to make sure this role is assigned whenever a person becomes manager and that it is unassigned when the person is no longer manager.
This is the way how this problem is solved in many IDM deployments.
Yet, it is quite a fragile mechanism.
This is not a way how we do things in midPoint.
The orderConstraint
data structure in our example looks suspiciously complex.
That impression is correct, as it indeed is quite a complex concept.
What we see here is the first glimpse at high-order "assignment algebra" that is a working horse of complex midPoint deployments.
This mechanism is often employed when working with meta-roles and archetypes.
As organizational units are in fact roles, and organizational structures are just a trees formed by assignments, they technically form meta-role structures.
Therefore, the right way how to set up manager privileges is to move privilege definition to a central place. It may be top-level organizational unit, or it may be an archetype. In such case our inducement can apply to all the managers, regardless of organizational unit. However, the exact configuration is a bit complex, and we still need to learn more about midPoint to be able to use it. Therefore we leave the details for later chapters.
MidPoint assigns managers to organizational units. That is the right way to do it. However, we have often seen a different approach. In these cases the manager is "assigned" to users. I.e. each user has a reference to his or her manager. This approach is wrong. Organizational structures change. People come and go. Everything is changing all the time. It is very easy to change one assignment in organizational structure in case that a manager is replaced. However, it is extremely difficult to replace a manager in the direct user-manager data structure. Maybe the former manager was managing several organizational units, and now we are replacing him with two managers. Maybe there is a re-organization going on at the same time. The result is going to be a mess. Avoid the direct user-manager approach whenever possible. |
In midPoint, we like to design generic re-usable mechanisms. You did not think that we made the concept of manager in a way that would be hardcoded to organizational structure, did you? As you have got so far through this book, you would probably suspect there is more to this relation thing that we have seen so far.
The relation specifies the nature of a relation between two objects. For example a user may be a member of an organizational unit, manager of a project, owner of a role or approver of role assignment requests. In such cases, member, manager, owner and approver are relations that a user can have to an object.
The most common way how to use relation is to specify it in targetRef
in an assignment.
The following example illustrates the usual way how to assign an owner for a role:
<!-- Business Analyst role -->
<targetRef oid="aaa6cde4-0471-11e9-9b50-c743da469067" type="RoleType" relation="owner"/>
There are several built-in relations in midPoint:
Relation | Usually used for | Description |
Everything |
This is the most common, non-specific relation to an object. When used with a role, it simply means that the user has the role. Usually interpreted as member when used with organizational units. It is the usual, normal relation. As the name suggests, this is the default relation. If no other relation is specified, this relation is used. |
Orgs |
Manager of an organizational unit, project manager, teamleader, etc.
Usually entitles a person (or a group) that have leading position in an org.
This usually specifies executive or operational privileges (cf. |
Roles, Orgs |
Person responsible for governance of the object.
Often used to nominate role owners that are responsible for role definition and maintenance.
May be used with organizational units to specify project sponsor or business owner.
Specifies a person responsible for governance and high-level policy decisions rather than day-to-day management (cf. |
Roles, Orgs |
Person responsible for deciding membership in roles and orgs. A gatekeeper or moderator. Approvers usually decide whether someone can have a role, or may be a member of organizational unit. Unlike owners, approvers do not create or modify role definition. They cannot change the role. They can only decide who can have that role and who cannot. |
Metaroles |
Special-purpose relation that is sometimes used with metaroles. Metarole structures can be complex and confusing. However, such structures and especially policies that govern them may sometimes be simplified, if role-metarole relations are marked in a special way. This relation is designed specifically for that purpose. The |
Those are built-in relations. There are some pre-configured policies that work with them. However, you are free to specify and use your own relations. But that is quite an advanced topic and the majority of deployments are perfectly fine using just the built-in relations.
As you can see, the built-in relations do not have overly strict specifications. There is a lot of usually, often and almost in the description of relations. The reason is that the relations do not do anything just by themselves. They just specify how one object relates to another object. There are no strict policies or behavior associated with them.
The policies are specified elsewhere.
Assignment and inducements may behave differently for different relations, as we have seen in previous section.
Similarly, policy rules are often sensitive to relations.
For example the policy that assignment of some roles has to be approved is implemented by a policy rule that is aware of approver
Authorizations are often sensitive to relations.
Archetypes influence how the system behaves based on relations.
User interface may behave differently for some relations.
And so on.
Relations do nothing just by themselves.
However, good part of the system is usually configured to recognize relations and behave accordingly.
It is a matter of that configuration that determines how exactly will the system behave.
This is also the reason for such vague definition of relations, even those built-in relations.
They will do what you make them do.
Multiple Organizational Structures
Tree is a simple and very elegant structure in many ways. However, it is a rare sight to see a lone tree growing in the field. When we think of trees, we usually think about a forrest. It takes a lot of trees to make a forrest.
This is also the case when it comes to organizational structures. It is a very rare sight when an entire organizational structure of an organization can be modeled in a single tree. There is always the usual functional organizational structure with divisions, departments, sections, companies, branches, schools and faculties. Then there is a project organizational structure that is often completely orthogonal to functional organizational structure. This is sometimes spiced up with workgroups, task forces, focus groups, research teams, interest groups, clubs and similar collective life forms. There are the many trees that make a forrest of organizational structures.
Fortunately, midPoint is not very picky when it comes to organizational structures. MidPoint is not limited to a single organizational tree. You can have as many organizational trees as you like. You can have functional organizational tree, as we have seen in previous sections. Then you can have independent project organizational structure. Just create new root org for projects and place the projects under it:
<org oid="832e37e4-edfd-11ea-9f8c-ef736d6646a2">
<org oid="9c1b8464-edfd-11ea-87b8-db467c5ae301">
<description>Make money fast.</description>
<displayName>Big Deal</displayName>
<targetRef oid="832e37e4-edfd-11ea-9f8c-ef736d6646a2" type="OrgType"/>
<org oid="22dc2bd4-edfe-11ea-a904-5be54dda2e46">
<description>Make sure our marketing message gets across.</description>
<targetRef oid="832e37e4-edfd-11ea-9f8c-ef736d6646a2" type="OrgType"/>
<org oid="1954d496-f6ad-11ea-a96a-8bfa569f5fff">
<description>Second generation wonderland. We are all mad here.</description>
<displayName>Wonderland 2.0</displayName>
<targetRef oid="832e37e4-edfd-11ea-9f8c-ef736d6646a2" type="OrgType"/>
We have two organizational trees now. Each neatly stowed under its own tab:
This is a nice project organizational structure. However, our users are members of functional organizational structure already. How can I add my users to the projects? The answer is assignment, of course. User can belong to any number of organizational units at the same time. It makes no difference whether they are in the same organizational tree or in different trees. Simply assign the projects to the users. The same manager relation works for projects as well. In fact, midPoint does not even recognize the difference between functional and project organizational structures. They look all the same to midPoint, and midPoint treats them in the same way. If there is a need for the structures to behave differently, it has to be explicitly configured. Which is usually done by using archetypes. We will talk about archetypes later.
There are two organizational structures now. You can have three organizational structures if you want to, or five of them. Any number you like - as long as all the tabs for organizational structures fit on the screen. The structures can be a deep rees with many branches, or they can be completely flat, with just a single level. The structure may not even be a tree. As long as it is an acyclic directed graph it will work just fine. It can have multiple roots, it may have alternate paths, it can do all the crazy stuff. Just avoid cycles. Cycles break the maths which is the foundation of organizational structure indexing and evaluation. Cycles won’t work, but pretty much all the other arrangements are perfectly fine.
Organizational structure may have almost any form. A user can be a member of many organizational units. Which also means that a user may manage many organizational units. That also applies the other way around: an organizational unit may have many managers. MidPoint fully supports all such cases. By default, MidPoint is very flexible when it deals with organizational structure. However, you may not like all this liberalism in organizational management. Ordnung muss sien! If you want to constraint organizational management to allow only a single manager for each organizational unit, you can do it. But you have to explicitly specify a policy by setting up policy rules and archetypes. Policy rules provide a very generic and very powerful mechanism how to constraint and control midPoint in many ways, and archetypes provide flexible typing mechanism. But that is a topic for its own chapter.
Beyond Users
MidPoint organizational structure can do a lot of crazy stuff. Organizational structures are usually build to contain people. Whereas midPoint organizational structure can contain a broad range of object types. Users, roles and services are the most common object types, but almost any other midPoint object can be placed in organizational structure.
Role catalog is a common use of organizational structure that does not (directly) involve people. Role catalog is used to sort the roles into categories, much like a catalog in electronic shop is used to sort the products. The catalog is used to present roles to users in organized form, so users may easily find the roles when request them in self-service interface.
MidPoint role catalog is simply an organizational structure. It does not have divisions, sections or projects, but it has categories. Categories are (almost) ordinary orgs that form the hierarchy.
Primary use of the catalog is related to request-and-approval process. The catalog makes it easier for a user to find appropriate role when requesting its assignment in self-service part of midPoint user interface. However, the catalog can also be used to apply policies to a whole group of roles. Owner of the category may be considered to be a default approver for all the roles in the category. Category owner may be authorized to modify roles in the category. And so on.
Similar approach can be applied to most objects in midPoint. Organizational structure can be used to organize roles, services, resources, function libraries and other objects. Orgs are also crucial mechanism in supporting midPoint multi-tenancy. Not everything is perfectly supported in user interface yet. Nevertheless, the organizational structure is a powerful mechanism to systematically and consistently apply policies and organize the system.
Organizational Structure Synchronization
MidPoint can manage organizational structure. But where that structure comes from? Back in 20th century there were entire teams dedicated to drawing organizational chart on paper. It is 21st century now, we do not use paper any more. We are using computers to manage organizational charts now. Which means that dedicated teams are drawing organizational charts in Excel and distributing them by e-mail.
Fortunately, there are some organizations that have truly progressed into 21st century. Such organizations store their organizational structures in a structured form, usually in database tables. When exported to a CSV file, the structure may look like this:
"10000","ExAmPLE","ExAmPLE, Inc.",""
"11000","Sales and Marketing Division","Expensive people that make money.","10000"
"11100","Direct Sales Department","Suits that talk to customers directly.","11000"
"11200","Indirect Sales Department","Suits that talk to other suits that talk to customers.","11000"
In this case each organizational unit has a unique identifier, such as 11000
Each organizational unit has a reference to parent organizational unit.
When all the lines are processed, they form a complete organizational tree.
This is a very good information source. Of course, we would like to automatically pull the data from this source instead of managing organization tree manually. How could we do it? Clever reader is smiling, remembering that we like to create generic re-usable mechanisms in midPoint. There is a way how to synchronize user records from the HR system. Of course, the same mechanisms can be reused to synchronize organizational unit records.
MidPoint synchronization mechanism can work with almost any object. It can synchronize HR records to users, organizational unit records to orgs, printer database to services, Active directory groups to roles or pretty much anything to anything. This is what we call generic synchronization.
Similarly to ordinary synchronization, we need to start with a resource. However, this resource will not contain accounts, it will contain organizational units.
<resource oid="81ec779e-13b2-11eb-8e47-dfbfd542db3e">
<name>Organizational Chart</name>
<connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
<displayName>Organizational unit</displayName>
This should all look very familiar by now. It is almost the same resource as we have seen in the synchronization chapter. However, there are few differences. We will describe them in next sections.
Kind and Intent
The definition of "Organizational unit" resource object contains specification of kind and intent:
<displayName>Organizational unit</displayName>
Kind and intent identify the type of resource object for use by midPoint. There are three possible values for kind:
Kind | Description |
Resource object that represents identity of a person, either physical such as computer user or virtual such as |
Resource object that represents groupings or privileges of an account.
Entitlement resource objects represent groups, resource-specific roles or access permissions.
Entitlements are meant to be associated to an account.
For example a |
Any other type of resource object. This is used for resource objects that cannot be classified as account or entitlement. |
You can choose any of these accounts for your resource objects. Values of kind are pre-defined in midPoint, as midPoint will make some assumptions about them. For example, midPoint will expect that accounts can be associated with entitlements, for example accounts may be members of groups. Therefore, it is recommended to properly categorize your resource objects to kinds. This also helps to make the configuration understandable for mere mortals.
Then there is intent.
There are no pre-defined values for intent in midPoint, perhaps except for value default
that will be used in case there is no explicit definition of intent.
You can choose any value that you like.
However, it is recommended to choose a value that describes the intended use of the resource object.
For example:
Kind | Example intent | Description |
Default account. This usually means the usual, very ordinary user account. |
Administration account. Used in situations where administrators get dedicated accounts with administrator privileges. |
Testing account. Used when testers are given special-purpose accounts to use for testing, to avoid interference with their usual accounts. |
The usual, most ordinary, boring group of users. It can have accounts or other groups as its members. |
Resource object that represents system privilege. Can be "given" to an account. |
Resource object that represents physical location in our organization. Such as branch office, campus building or meeting room. It has no formal association to the account. |
Resource object that represents organizational unit. In our case, it represents one record in the organizational chart database. |
These are just examples.
You can choose any kind/intent combination that makes sense for your deployment.
For example, you may choose to use entitlement
kind for organizational units instead of generic
MidPoint would work fine even in that case.
However, our Organizational Chart
resource does not have any accounts, therefore the organizational units cannot be associated to anything in this resource.
Also, membership in an organizational unit does not really look like an entitlement.
Therefore, we have chosen to use generic
kind here.
You are free to make your own choices.
Why is there AccountObjectClass ?AccountObjectClass in the configuration?
We are not working with accounts here, we work with organizational units.
So, why AccountObjectClass ?
The reason is the CSV connector that we are using.
The CSV connector is quite simplistic, it considers everything to be an account.
Object classes are set by the connector, hence we need to use AccountObjectClass here.
However, the kind and intent definition is "overriding" the notion that this is an account, making it more understandable for the users.
Kind and intent behave like coordinates when midPoint has to identify resource object that is assigned to a user.
Given normal circumstances, a user may have at most one default account on a resource (which means kind=account
, intent=default
That same user may also have admin account on the same resource (kind=account
, intent=admin
A role may be represented by at most one LDAP group on a resource (kind=entitlement
, intent=ldapGroup
Such assumptions are heavily used by midPoint logic.
Whenever there are two constructions that have the same combination of kind+intent, midPoint assumes that they are describing the same resource object.
MidPoint automatically merges the constructions.
If the constructions have different combination of kind+intent, midPoint assumes that they are describing different resource objects and the constructions are processed separately.
Correct configuration of kind and intent is crucial for midPoint to work correctly.
Tag (a.k.a. "multiaccounts")
The requirement that there may be at most one resource object for each kind+intent combination works very well in most cases.
However, there are also cases when more than one resource object is needed.
Kind and intent has to be specified in the configuration, therefore this mechanism will not work for resource objects that appear and disappear dynamically.
Therefore, new concept of tag was introduced in midPoint 4.0.
The tag can supplement the kind+intent combination with a dynamic value, thus allowing multiple resource objects to exist for any particular kind+intent combination.
This feature is colloquially known as "multiaccounts".
Names and Identifiers
Synchronization of organizational structure is the same as synchronization of users.
However, there are some subtle differences in practice, mostly caused by the differences of User
and Org
The first difference originates from the fact, that name
of the org has to be unique.
This uniqueness is usually not a problem for users, as username is naturally unique among the entire user base.
However, this is slightly different for orgs, as there may be several parallel organizational structures.
There may be Security
department, Security
project and Security
workgroup at the same time.
This may be partially solved by using identifiers instead of names.
However, this still does not solve the problem of department 123
and project 123
The simple solution is to prefix the identifier with a code of the organizational tree that it belongs to, thus creating department O123
and project P123
However, users looking for project 123
may have difficulty finding it, as the P
prefix in P123
name is usually just a deliberate decision of IDM administrator.
Therefore, we still want to store the original identifier value (123
) into the identifier
property of the org object.
There is no uniqueness constrain on the identifier
property, therefore both department 123
and project 123
can co-exist and both can be easily discovered by searching the identifier.
The result is that we need two inbound mappings for the orgnum
Storing original organizational unit identifier in the identifier
property makes it easier to correlate organizational units.
The idenfier
property can be used in the correlation query.
If the identifier is reasonably persistent, this is a huge benefit.
Changes in organizational structure can be quite nasty. Organizational units are often renamed or moved in organizational trees. Simplistic synchronization configuration may not be able to interpret such events correctly. It may look like new organizational unit was created, and the old unit was deleted. This is likely to wreak havoc to organizational unit assignments, especially if there were special privileges configured for this organizational unit. Even worse, organizational tree data are sometimes acquired from a different source than the user data, which is causing timing problems. If organizational tree is updated first, there will be new empty organizational unit, old unit will be deleted, and user assignments will become invalid. If user data are updated first, the synchronization routines may not be able to update the assignments as the new organizational unit does not exist yet. This is going to cause a whole lot of problems, most of them will need to be fixed by manual intervention of IDM administrator. Additionally, reorganizations usually happen in cycles, each cycle changing a number of units at the same time. Which means that every few months the organizational structure is going to break down, everybody will be complaining, and it will take days to fix all the problems manually.
All of that can be avoided if there are reasonably persistent organizational unit identifiers. Which means that every organizational unit has an identifier that does not change when the unit is renamed or moved. In that case midPoint can reliably detect the rename, change organizational unit name and keep the assignments intact. MidPoint can also detect that the unit was moves, change the parent unit and still keep all the assignments. Organizational unit identifiers make everything so much easier. Therefore, try really hard to use the identifier when setting up synchronization of organizational structure. If there is no such identifier, talk to the business people to add it. This is usually not an easy discussion, as the solution often involves changes in business processes. However, it is absolutely essential to get it right. All the effort will be repaid many times over during the course of IAM program.
Nesting Organizational Units
We can synchronize the organizational units into midPoint. We can set up the properties of organizational units. However, organizational structures are usually hierarchical. How to do we nest organizational units to create organizational tree?
In midPoint, organizational tree is formed by assignments. Therefore, the answer is quite simple: create the right assignments. Clever reader is not paying attention any more, being busy re-reading the sections on automatic role assignments in object template. However, even a clever reader should be paying attention now, as there is an easier way how to do it. The assignments can be set up in the inbound mappings:
This mapping automatically sets up an assignment to parent organizational unit.
We are lucky, we have almost ideal source of organizational data.
Our CSV file contains an identifier of a parent organizational unit in the parentOrgNum
All we need to do is to look for midPoint org that has that particular value in its identifier
This is done by the assignmentTargetSearch
that we have already used for automatic assignment of roles in object template.
The same mechanism is reused here.
All that remains is to set up a synchronization task.
Make sure that you specify kind and intent in the synchronization task.
This is important, otherwise the tasks will not work.
Setting the right kind and intent was not emphasized before when we were synchronizing accounts.
The account
kind is the default and midPoint is usually smart enough to use default intent.
However, the defaults will no longer work when we go beyond the accounts.
Generic synchronization can be confusing and there may be non-obvious configuration complexities.
When mis-configured, the synchronization mechanism often does nothing.
There is no error or any other obvious indication of an error.
Logging is your best friend in that case.
Enable logging of synchronization service (com.evolveum.midpoint.model.impl.sync ) at debug level.
MidPoint will log a reasonable amount of information about the synchronization process.
That information is very likely to lead you to the solution.
The configuration above will work for simple cases, yet there is still a room for improvement.
The search filter in assignmentTargetSearch
expression is quite simplistic.
It will match orgs from several trees if they have the same identifier.
The same problem is in the correlation query.
However, clever reader would surely find a way how to improve it.
Also, this method will work only if the data feed is correctly ordered. Everything will work as long as parent organizational units are synchronized before child organizational units. However, that is not always the case. If ordering is wrong, child organizational units will not be able to find parent units, and the tree will disintegrate. We are living in a networked concurrent world, data ordering is usually difficult to guarantee.
MidPoint has a mechanism to handle unordered data source. There is a way how to create parent organizational units on demand. When a child organizational unit looks for a parent that is not there yet, the parent object can be created at that moment. Of course, this can only create stub parent, a very minimal object that has only the essential data. Yet, even such a stub object is sufficient to create an organizational hierarchy. The stub will be updated later, when the details about parent organizational unit are retrieved from the data feed. The details of this create on demand mechanism is beyond the scope of this chapter. We will get back to it later.
Adding Users To Units
We have a nice hierarchical organizational structure now. Yet, something is still missing. The organizational structure is all about the people, but there are no people in our organizational tree. Let’s fix this.
The people data are coming from HR resource in our ExAmPLE case.
We need to modify the HR resource to automatically assign people to the organizational tree.
To do that, we need to add information about organizational units into our HR feed.
After several phone calls, tens of e-mails and a quick 3-hour meeting, the HR department agreed to add a new orgnum
column to the CSV file:
The 'orgnum' column contains an identifier of the organizational unit the person belongs to. This looks quite familiar, and clever reader is working on the configuration already. Of course, we can use the same approach we have used to build up organizational hierarchy. We just need to apply it to the users instead of organizational units. Therefore we are going to add new inbound mapping to the HR resource:
The assignmentTargetSearch
expression looks for the right organizational unit.
Then the mapping creates an assignment to that unit.
And we are done.
Run the HR synchronization task, and all the users are going to be neatly organized in the tree.
Get your data structures right at the beginning.
That 3-hour meeting with HR was in fact really useful and necessary. The result was that ExAmPLE HR department did the right thing. They put identifier of organizational unit in the HR feed, instead of organizational unit name. Having organizational unit identifier makes everything much more stable. There is a lesson to be learned. Every hour spent designing the data structures will be repaid many times over. Getting it wrong will cost you days or months dealing with data inconsistencies. It is also very difficult to change data formats in the future, as they effectively become data integration interfaces. Take your time and get it right at the beginning. |
Organizational Structure Provisioning
We have seen how we can synchronize organizational structure into midPoint. We are talking midPoint here. What goes in, can also go out. It is very simple to provision organizational structure to an ordinary target system, such as database table. However, we have already learned a thing or two, and doing that would be almost boring. Therefore, let’s do something a bit more challenging. Let us synchronize the organizational structure into an LDAP directory tree.
The basic principles of organizational structure provisioning are the same as for users. We need to set up outbound mappings for organizational units. We already know how to do that. There are just few little differences:
We will use
object class instead ofinetOrgPerson
. -
We will use special kind/intent combination.
We have to be a bit smarter about creating LDAP distinguished names (DNs) for the entries, as we want them to create a hierarchical data structure.
Everything else is essentially the same as for users and accounts. However, let us go over all the details, step by step.
First of all, we need to add new objectType
definition to the LDAP resource:
<displayName>Organizational Unit</displayName>
<displayName>Distinguished Name</displayName>
import javax.naming.ldap.Rdn
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName
// We will collect names of the org units in the orgpath list
// We cannot add them to dn yet as we need their order to be reversed
def orgpath = []
def node = focus
while (true) {
log.debug("processing node {}", node)
if (node.parentOrgRef == null || node.parentOrgRef.isEmpty()) {
} else {
node = midpoint.resolveReference(node.parentOrgRef[0])
log.debug("orgpath={}", orgpath)
def dn = new LdapName('ou=org,dc=example,dc=com')
orgpath.reverse().each { ouname -> dn.add(new Rdn('ou',ouname)) }
return dn.toString()
Except for that big piece of Groovy code, this configuration is relatively simple.
The objectType
definition specifies organizationalUnit
value for object class.
This is a standard LDAP object class for "ou" entries.
There is also specification of kind (generic
) and intent (ou
These are midPoint "coordinates" for this object type.
Then we have two outbound mappings, one for LDAP distinguished name (dn
), the other for naming attribute (ou
The ou
mapping is very simple, using a value of org’s displayName
On the other hand, the dn
mapping looks somehow scary.
There is no need to be afraid.
We are going to explain everything, and there are some really interesting parts here.
The purpose of the dn
mapping is to construct LDAP distinguished name in a hierarchical manner.
We want to put the organizational tree under the ou=org,dc=example,dc=com
entry, with the entry for ExAmPLE company at the top.
Therefore, the dn
of Operations Division need to be ou=Operations Division,ou=ExAmPLE,ou=org,dc=example,dc=com
IT Department goes under the Operations Division, therefore we need its dn
to be ou=IT Department,ou=Operations Division,ou=ExAmPLE,ou=org,dc=example,dc=com
We need to process the tree from the organizational unit all the way through all the parent units to the very top of organizational structure.
That is exactly the thing that the Groovy expression does.
Let’s skip the import
statements for now.
The first thing that the expression has to do is to figure out the "path" from the current organizational unit to the top of the tree.
The expression gets the current organizational unit in the focus
However, the org object does not contain its complete path in the tree.
All it has is a reference to its parent organizational unit (parentOrgRef
Therefore, the expression has to iterate over all the levels in the tree until it gets to the top.
The top organizational unit does not have any parent, that is where the iteration stops.
Display names of each organizational unit at the "path" is collected in the orgpath
As the org contains only a reference to the parent, we need to explicitly read the parent object from midPoint repository.
We will do that with an explicit call to midpoint.resolveReference(…)
This method reads the object from the database and returns it.
When the loop stops, orgpath
contains all the display names that we want in our dn
Now we need to encode the names in LDAP DN format.
This can be done by simple string operations.
However, there are some intricate details about escaping the names as they are encoded.
It would be nice if someone else could do the encoding for us.
Turns out, there is someone else to do it.
Java platform comes with Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), which is supposed to be a generic library to access broad range of directory services.
JNDI is not the best library that the world has ever seen, but it is part of Java platform, and it can do formatting of LDAP DN.
It will be good enough for us.
We will take advantage of LdapName
and Rdn
classes to encode the DN.
The import
statements at the beginning made use of these classes quite convenient.
The last detail is the ordering.
We want our names in the DN to be in a different order, therefore we just reverse orgpath
before processing.
Tracing and logging
Clever reader has noticed a couple of interesting things in that mapping.
Especially the <trace> element looks very useful, which it is.
It turns on detailed tracing of the mapping.
MidPoint will record the details of mapping evaluation in the log file.
Similar <trace> element can also be applied at the expression level.
Then there are the log statements in the Groovy code, such as log.debug("processing node {}", node) .
These are explicit logging statements.
The processing node … message is recorded to the log file at debug level.
This is a very useful tool for diagnosing execution of complex expressions.
Our outbound mappings are ready to go. But nothing happens yet. MidPoint does not know that it is supposed to create LDAP objects for our organizational units. MidPoint does not automatically create accounts for all the users either. We need a construction to do that. The orgs need to have an assignment with a construction, similar to these that we have used to create accounts. However, we will need to use the right kind and intent. We want to archive something like this:
<org oid="7a1feb50-471f-11ea-8aab-1b2627541f15">
<displayName>Sales and Marketing Division</displayName>
<!-- LDAP resource -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c"/>
You can test your configuration by creating this assignment manually in the GUI, or by editing the XML/JSON/YAML version of the org. However, we need to create these assignments automatically. There are several ways to do it.
Perhaps the most obvious way would be to add a mapping to create this assignment in the object template.
As there is an object template for users (UserType
), there may be an object template for any other midPoint object.
Therefore, you can create object template for orgs (OrgType
) and configure the mapping there.
This would be an acceptable solution.
An alternative way would be to add inbound mapping to create this assignment.
That would be in fact quite easy, as it would is very similar to the mapping that we have used to create organizational hierarchy.
However, that would not be an ideal configuration, as we would mix the concerns here.
The mapping will be an inbound mapping in the Organizational Chart
It would not be entirely appropriate for this inbound mapping to control provisioning (i.e. outbound flow) of organizational structure.
It will work, but such configuration will be difficult to understand and maintain.
Clever reader is now thinking about the metaroles that we have already mentioned in the RBAC chapter. As usual, cleaver reader is right, or perhaps very close to the right solution. Creating a metarole that could be applied to all the orgs would be almost an ideal solution:
<role oid="b8c3ccba-1dfb-11eb-9031-27e1d26ca36e">
<name>Functional Organizational Unit Metarole</name>
<!-- LDAP resource -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c"/>
This metarole can be assigned to every org that we want to provision.
In such case, it is perfectly good to have the mapping to assign the meta role even in the inbound part of the Organizational Chart
The metarole specifies type of the organizational unit.
Therefore it is desirable to set the metarole when the org is created for the first time, which happens during organizational structure synchronization.
This would be almost ideal solution. However, there is a better way still. We can use archetype instead of metarole. Archetype will do the same trick as metarole does here.
<archetype oid="475106e4-1dfe-11eb-8429-534869969212">
<name>Functional Organizational Unit</name>
<!-- LDAP resource -->
<resourceRef oid="8a83b1a4-be18-11e6-ae84-7301fdab1d7c"/>
Archetype can do even more tricks than metarole. Archetype can specify an icon and a color for the objects. It can control the assignments to these objects. Archetypes give a structure to midPoint objects. We will get back to archetypes in a dedicated chapter.
For now, just choose any of the methods above to trigger provisioning of organizational structure.
We will go for the archetype, assigning it automatically in inbound mappings of Organizational Chart
<targetRef oid="475106e4-1dfe-11eb-8429-534869969212" type="ArchetypeType"/>
All we need to do now is to re-run the synchronization task. The result is a nice organizational structure in LDAP directory:
This is a nice result. However, there are still several remarks to make.
If you are going to try this scenario with a real LDAP server, you will need to create a root entry for the organizational structure (ou=org,dc=example,dc=com
You will also need to update access control lists (ACLs).
However, be warned that this is not a very ideal way how to maintain organizational structure in LDAP directory.
We are using display names here, which are part of LDAP identifiers (DNs).
Therefore, even a minor correction in organizational unit name will trigger LDAP rename operation.
It will change the identifier of the organizational unit, and also all the organizational units below it.
Perhaps the only thing that can make it worse is to place users in that structure as well.
Which some people actually do.
The only real reason to put organizational structure in this form is to satisfy the needs of legacy applications.
Avoid this approach whenever you can.
The clever reader have surely noticed that the big Groovy expression above is explicitly fetching objects from the database. This may cause a performance problem in case that such expression is evaluated often or if the structure is very deep. This is usually not the case with ordinary organizational structures, therefore this approach is usually not problematic. However, it is always a good thing to keep performance in mind, especially if your user population is bigger than few thousands of users.
Finally, we still depend on ordering of the data feed. We want to create "higher" entries in LDAP first, otherwise an attempt to create "lower" entries would fail. This can be solved by using the "create on demand" approach mentioned above. However, it is going to be problematic and cumbersome when organizational unit display names are used instead of identifiers. However, in that case this little details does not matter that much anyway, as it is likely you will suffer for many different reasons if organizational display names are used instead of identifiers. Always use organizational unit identifiers if you can. We really mean it. You can thank us later.
Focus and Projection
Synchronization of an organizational structure is an application of a generic synchronization principle. Almost any resource object can be synchronized with almost any midPoint object - and vice versa. Principle of the synchronization is essentially the same as in user-account case that we have seen in previous chapters. In that case the accounts were linked to user, midPoint synchronized the data from account to user and from user to accounts. The synchronization follows user-account links.
Synchronization of an organizational structure is based on the same principle. However, there is an org instead of user, and there are various resource objects instead of accounts. It may look like this:
There may be user, org, service, role or almost any midPoint object on the midPoint side. That may be synchronized with account, group, role, privilege, organizational unit or almost any resource object on resource side. As you can see, the terminology becomes quite cumbersome. Saying "almost any midPoint object" and "almost any resource object" is not very natural or precise. Therefore, we have decided to use focus and projection terms:
The object that is "in the middle" is called focus or focal object. It is in the centre of the synchronization, it is its focal point. Every relevant piece of data is reflected onto the focal object by the synchronization mechanisms.
User is a typical focal object. Other midPoint objects can be focal objects as well, most notably org, role and service.
The state of focal object is projected back to the resources. Therefore, the objects that reside on the resources are called projections. An account is a typical projection object, but there is wide variety of other object classes such as groups, organizational units, (resource-side) roles, privileges, access control lists, teams and so on.
Focus and projection
Focus and projection may sound like strange words to use for identity management concepts.
Many identity management systems work with just user and account.
However, midPoint is more flexible, more generic.
When we designed the generic synchronization mechanism, we needed to find good names for the generalization of user and account concepts.
We tried hard, but we could not find anything better than focus and projection.
There are only two hard problems in computer science, after all.
There is always one focus, one focal object in the center. There may be any number of projections linked to the focus. There may be several projections on one resource. However, each projection has to be unique, it needs to have a unique combination of kind and intent. This is the reason that we consider kind and intent to be coordinates, as they uniquely identify a projection on a particular resource.
This is a very flexible concept that can be used for various purposes. We have already seen how it can be used for synchronization of organizational structure. Similar principle can be used to synchronize Active Directory groups, automatically creating application role for each Active Directory group. This principle provides a mechanism to create multiple accounts for one user on one resource. For example, it can be used to create administration accounts for some users. In this case we would use explicit kind and intent in the construction:
<role oid="0e9c448c-1f87-11eb-9703-b3d28c537192">
<name>System Administrator</name>
<!-- Active Directory resource -->
<resourceRef oid="1e1e5a1c-1f87-11eb-8ace-1fbd338f61c5"/>
The System Administrator
role above specifies that a special admin
account should be created for system administrators.
When this role is combined by an ordinary Employee
role, the administrator will get two accounts: the usual employee account (intent=default
) and a special-purpose administration account (intent=admin
MidPoint organizational structure is a versatile and powerful mechanism. It can be used to organize users in units, teams and projects. It can be used to group variety of other midPoint objects. However, organizational structure becomes incredibly powerful when combined with other midPoint mechanisms. Authorizations can take advantage of organizational structures to implement delegated administration schemes. Organizational structures are used in recertification campaigns. MidPoint multi-tenancy mechanism also relies on organizational structures. Organizational structure is a universal mechanism to organize midPoint objects.
There are many universal mechanisms in midPoint, synchronization mechanism being one of the prominent ones. Synchronization was designed to work with many types of midPoint objects, including organizational structure. Expressions and mappings give bring the power to transform organizational structure data during synchronization, supporting diverse set of use cases. Similar mechanisms can be used to synchronize roles and services, granting midPoint enormous flexibility in identity management deployment.
Yet, we are just starting to uncover the full power of midPoint.
10. Troubleshooting
The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem.
MidPoint is one big and comprehensive system. Generally speaking, identity management systems tend to be big and complex. They have a lot of things to do. There is a lot of data mapping, synchronization, policies, access control models, expressions and all such stuff. While each individual mechanism in itself is relatively simple, the combination of those mechanisms often creates something that would put the famous labyrinth of Knossos to shame. Especially junior engineers tend to create configurations that are unnecessarily complex. Those configurations may work for common cases. But then there comes a corner case and the result is a puzzled look at junior engineer’s face and a mysterious smile of his senior colleagues. At that point junior engineers tend to panic and switch to high-energy trial-and-error mode. Which usually does even more harm. What is really needed here is to stand back, to think about the situation and start to troubleshoot the problem in a systematic way.
But even senior engineers often get into trouble. This is no weakness. MidPoint is really flexible and sometimes it is hard to figure out what exactly is going on. In fact, midPoint has surprised even its authors on more than one occasion. When midPoint misbehaves, then the cause is almost always a configuration problem. But there are usually thousands upon thousands of users, roles, policies and expressions. There is a lot of places where a little treacherous problem can hide and live happily ever after.
All of that was perfectly clear to midPoint developers even before midPoint project started. MidPoint developers are more than just programmers. Writing midPoint code takes a good part of developer’s day. But there is also testing, diagnostics of bugs and helping our colleagues and partners to figure out what is going on when the things get really tough. The developers would be lost without an efficient method to diagnose the behavior of midPoint. Therefore diagnostic systems were an integral part of midPoint design.
This chapter will provide an overview of the diagnostics mechanisms in midPoint. But even more importantly, it will describe the method that can help to find the problem in a systematic and reliable way. That is what every engineer should learn and use every day. In fact, troubleshooting is perhaps the most important skill for smooth deployment of any software system.
Designed for Visibility
MidPoint is designed, developed and maintained by a very unique team. What is really unique in midPoint core team is the presence of identity management engineers very early in midPoint design. Several key people that took part in midPoint design were involved in IDM projects since early 2000s. That experience was crucial – especially bad experience from the use of the technologies that were available at the time. One of the most important lessons that can be learned from fist-generation IDM systems is a lesson of visibility. All those systems were closed, their vendors jealously guarding all the secrets of inner workings of those systems. This made troubleshooting a very demanding task. Engineers often had to resort to desperate measures, such as calling vendor’s support help desk. But even such drastic actions usually did not help much. It was a real struggle.
When midPoint project started, the team agreed to take a different approach. MidPoint is radically open. It is an open source project from the day one. There is a reasonable documentation, even including architectural documentation and design notes. All of that is public. And most importantly, the visibility goes deep down in midPoint implementation. Great attention was paid for proper logging as that is the primary troubleshooting mechanism. There are various diagnostic mechanisms in midPoint user interface, performance metrics and so on. And all of that is improved in every midPoint release.
However, the most important thing is to know how to use those mechanisms properly. Even the best diagnostics mechanism will not do any good for you if it shows the data that you do not need at the moment. It is important to know where to start, where to look and what to look for. And that are the questions that this chapter should answer.
Systematic Approach
Where to start? That is a question that troubles most engineers that are new to midPoint. Senior engineers would probably think that this is a silly question and the answer is obvious. But it is not. And it gets even harder to figure out how to follow the trace of the problem deeper into midPoint configuration.
Start with the obvious. Maybe there is an error message right in front of your eyes. MidPoint usually provides a lot of details that come with error message. Then there are log files. MidPoint logs a huge amount of information, it just needs to be enabled.
The usual troubleshooting sequence goes like this:
What exactly is the problem? What are the symptoms? Does the operation fail? Is there an error message? Does it crash? Did it produce wrong results? Or are there no results at all? What was the supposed result? Can this me an error in the input data?
If there is an error message, what is that message saying? Is there any additional information in the message or in the operation result that comes with the message? Where is the error coming from? It is an error from a connector? Or an error from an expression?
Is there any additional information in the log file? Are there any errors or warnings in the log file that may cause the problem?
What was midPoint doing, exactly? Is there any information about the operation progress when log level is set to DEBUG? What are the intermediary results of the processing? Are those correct? At which point in the operation are data getting wrong?
Where exactly is the problem? Which component, configuration, mapping or expression are causing it? What are the details of the operation? Are there any hints if you set logging level of that component to
The first step is perhaps obvious – even though too many people fail to see what is right in front of their eyes. But once you have opened your eyes and checked for the obvious causes, then there is time to go deeper.
Once you have ruled out the obvious cases you will need to have a look at midPoint log files. You will need to follow the trace and examine the operations that midPoint was doing. The best strategy here is one of divide and conquer. In other words, start in the middle. Find a convenient starting point in the middle of the processing. Where exactly that middle is depends on the nature of the problem. If the problem is related to a connector, then the best starting point is probably a connector framework. Does the operation make sense? Are the values correct? If the answer is "yes", then the problem is probably in the connector. If the answer is "no" then the problem is in midPoint configuration. Either way you know where you should focus your investigation. If that problem is in midPoint, then in which part it is? Are data in the user object correct? If they are, then the problem is probably in the outbound mappings. Have a look at those. And so on. Start with a big thing. And then follow the clues and dive into the details.
Error Messages and Operation Results
Error messages are the most obvious troubleshooting mechanisms. MidPoint error messages usually provide enough information to diagnose and fix trivial problems right away.
MidPoint error messages are in fact part of a more complex system of operation results. Operation result is a data structure that accompanies every midPoint operation. The operation records important points during the processing in the operation result. Operation result is hierarchical. There is one big operation at the top. But that usually consists of smaller operations which in turn consist of even smaller operations. Connector operations are somewhere at the bottom. If the top-level message does not provide information about the problem, then dig deeper. Expand the sub-operations until you find the root cause.
Operation result can be used to get a rough idea what midPoint was doing and what are the results. Each of the operations in the result has a status:
Status | Meaning |
Operation completed. The operation has finished successfully. There are no errors. |
Operation completed. But there are warnings. |
Operation completed. Some parts of the operation were successful, other parts of the operations resulted in an error. However, the operation was not stopped and the execution continued despite the errors. Partial error is often indicated in case that user modification is successful but account modification fails. |
Operation was interrupted due to an error. The error prohibited completion of the operation. |
Operation completed. An error was experienced during execution of the operation. However, the error was handled and the system was able to compensate the effects of the error. The results should be equivalent to a successful operation. |
Operation was not even started because the operation is not applicable to the inputs. |
Operation is in progress. The operation was started, but it was not yet finished. This status is seen for operations that execute “in the background”, in running tasks and so on. But it may also be used for operations that are waiting for an external event, such as approval operations or operation retries. |