Creating a Bug Report

Last modified 16 Jul 2024 09:53 +02:00

No software is ever perfect. This is doubly true for flexible, configurable and customizable piece of software such as midPoint. We try really hard but it is almost impossible to predict all the ways how midPoint can be used not to even think about testing them all. Each and every midPoint deployment is slightly different therefore it can be expected that each deployment may uncover a bug because it goes where no man has gone before.

MidPoint team tries to address bugs as quickly as possible. To make this process easier for us we need to get some crucial information and your cooperation. Creating a report simply stating that "Provisioning does not work" does not help anyone and wastes both yours and our time. This page describes how to create a bug report that does not waste anyone’s time and makes our cooperation efficient.


First of all please make sure you go through Usual Troubleshooting Steps to understand what is going on. MidPoint is very flexible and a simple misconfiguration may easily look like a bug. We invest a huge amount of time to make the error messages and log entries understandable. But nothing is perfect and what seems like a perfectly understandable message for us may look like a gibberish to you. In such a case we would appreciate any feedback. But first try to go through midPoint documentation and understand how midPoint works. If the message still makes no sense then it is a time to go on with a bug report.

Even if you succeed, find a problem and fix it yourself we would still appreciate a feedback. You might have spent 4 hours figuring out what’s going on and a single log message could have saved that time. In such a case we will be more than happy to add that message if you let us know. Or even feel free to add it yourself. MidPoint is an open source project and we gladly accept contributions.

Replicating the Problem

The easiest way for us to fix a problem is being able to replicate it. In such case we do not only fix the problem but we can also make sure it is gone. In most cases we create a test case in our automated test suite to make sure the problem will be gone, and it will not appear again. Therefore, your best strategy to make sure that the problem is fixed quickly and does not appear again is to show us how to replicate it in our environment.

We strongly prefer if you could replicate the problem using our sample resources and objects with minimal customization needed to replicate it. This saves you a lot of time describing your environment to us and it also saves us a lot of time to try to re-create your environment in our lab. This approach also helps you to check your configuration and to make sure you are not reporting misconfiguration as a bug.

Non-replicable Problems

If the problem cannot be easily replicated using samples or similar simple setup then we need to work with what we have. Therefore, we either need to know quite a lot about your environment to be able to set it up in our lab. Or we need access to your environment or your cooperation with diagnosing the problem. In such a case please use your common sense in what comes into the bug report. Please keep in mind that midPoint is open source project and the bug reports are public therefore please be careful when providing sensitive information in bug reports.

Submitting a Bug Report

The best way to submit a bug report is to use our Issue Tracking System which is our bug reporting and task tracking system. The registration is open to everybody. Using Issue Tracking System allows you to track the progress of issue resolution, add additional information, etc.

Our Issue Tracking System is based on OpenProject. OpenProject uses the term work package instead of "issue" throughout its UI. Whether we talk about "issue" or "work package", we mean the same thing in the context of our Issue Tracking System.

Please keep in mind that the system is public and open to anyone following the spirit of open source. Therefore, be careful about submitting sensitive information.

DO NOT report security vulnerability in the Support portal! Use this guide to report security vulnerability responsibly.

If the Issue Tracking System cannot be used then use any available channel, e.g. the one agreed in your service contract (if applicable). Although we recommend to use the Issue Tracking System all the time we do not enforce it. We appreciate feedback regardless of the channel that is used to reach us.

Usual Content of Bug Report

Good bug report usually contains:

  • What operation have you tried or what do you want to achieve. Some "bugs" may be caused by trying to achieve something using the wrong mechanism. Having a broader perspective helps us to help you.

  • If there is a form or other input to the operation tell us how it was set up or filled in (e.g. an XML snippet used to import, etc.)

  • What kind of resource definition was used, how it was modified, etc. We need to know only the relevant parts. We prefer if you replicate the problem with one of our samples, see above.

  • Any other special settings that you feel can influence the outcome (custom schema, strange things in expressions, etc.)

  • If the operation produced an error message in GUI include that error message as well.

  • If there is an exception in the log files please make sure that you include full stack trace of the exception. The exception stack trace is usually a very efficient pointer to likely cause of the problem.

  • Relevant part of the log files. You may want to have a look at Useful Loggers to correctly set up your logging to get the most useful data in the logs.

  • Your environment: operating system, Java version, target system version. You do not need to bother with this if the bug is obviously not environment-specific.

  • Indication of midPoint version (release) or subversion revision (trunk) that was used.

You can use the following fields in the Create form:

  • Work package Type: select Bug for bugs only, not for improvements.

  • Subject: short summary of the problem

  • Description: full description of the problem including the steps to reproduce it and error messages, stack trace etc. Please anonymize the content before you submit the form.

  • Assignee/Accountable: these fields are for developers. Please, leave them empty.

  • Priority: please specify the issue priority level. Please keep in mind that developers may update the issue priority.

  • Affects Version/s: specify on which version(s) the problem appears (multi-value option)

  • Backport Version: please indicate the version for backporting the fix, otherwise it will be fixed only in master branch. Example: if you are using LTS version 4.8.1, select 4.8.2.

  • Fix Version/s: this field will be set by developers. Please, leave it empty.

  • Subscription: please indicate if you have a subscription

  • Customer ID: fill in the identification of the customer. This is not the Subscription ID stored in the System Configuration object, never share that one.

  • Component/s: please indicate if you know which component might be responsible for the behaviour. Leave empty if you have no idea.

  • Git Revision: please specify the git revision if using unreleased midPoint version (e.g. builds from one of the supported support branches)

  • Environment: please indicate your environment such as: Java version, operating system name and version, memory, number of nodes in case of cluster, JVM variables etc. Please anonymize the content before you submit the form.

  • Attachments: attach files if needed, e.g. log file(s), screenshots etc. Please anonymize the content before you submit the form.

Not all of the above is required in a bug report. Use your common sense. As a rule of the thumb more information is usually better than little information. But sometimes too much non-relevant information may obscure the tiny problem that would be obvious if just the right amount of information is provided.

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