Relaxed Referential Integrity

Last modified 28 Oct 2021 11:18 +02:00


MidPoint data model contains a lot of object references. Object references are inherently uni-directional. A "holder" object points to "target" object. But the target object has no idea that it is a target of a reference. Therefore is the target is deleted, there may be a "dangling" reference pointing to it. MidPoint allows this situation. While such situations are not entirely normal and they should not normally appear in a well-maintained running system, midPoint is designed to handle such situations gracefully. MidPoint should not end up with an error if there is such a "dangling" reference. Such reference should be ignored, there may be a warning or such a reference is automatically cleaned up by a system when discovered. But there should not be any hard error. This is what we call relaxed referential integrity.


Relaxed referential integrity is a conscious design decision of midPoint (and also underlying "prism") data model. There are many reasons for this decision:

  • Relaxed integrity allows to import objects in any order. Import may process "holder" object before "target" process is present. This is not a problem with relaxed referential integrity. The reference is "dangling" for a brief moment during the import, but everything clicks into place few moments later when target object is imported. As objects are referenced by using OIDs, this mechanism is very reliable. If we chose strict referential integrity instead, then we will need to make sure import batches are properly ordered. And that may be a huge problem - especially in parallel, multi-threaded imports of huge data sets. And such ordering may not even be possible due to circular references. E.g. organizational structures or role hierarchies may be quite complex. And in addition to that there are archetypes, role ownership, approval and other relations between objects. While there must not be a circular reference in any individual part of these, combining all references may form a circular reference. This may completely prohibit ordered import of data with strict referential integrity. Therefore the decision was to go for relaxed referential integrity.

  • Relaxed integrity is more robust in case of administration mistakes. For example if a role is deleted by mistake. All the references to such role remain. Therefore is the role is added again (with the same OID) then almost no harm is done. In case of strict referential integrity we will need to remove all the references to a role when deleting the role. The role may be re-added later, but the references will be gone. This is not what we want. Therefore we have decided to go with relaxed referential integrity.

  • Relaxed integrity makes midPoint more efficient in a common case. The situations when we really need to check for referential integrity are extremely rare. Common case is that it is quite unlikely that a deleted object was a target of a reference - or at least a meaningful reference. But even if it is a target, such reference won’t work after the target is deleted. Therefore there is actually a very little sense to check for references every time an object is deleted. And not checking for references makes midPoint faster. And for the rare case when we really want to check for references the check may be implemented by policy rules (but there are limitations, see below).

  • MidPoint is designed to be self-healing. The very philosophy of midPoint is to fix the data if they are wrong. In the context of IDM this often means to fix the data in target system (provisioning resources). But midPoint takes this philosophy for its internal implementation as well. MidPoint will clean up dangling references at places, where we are sure that cleaning up is the right thing to do. For example midPoint will delete links to shadow objects that are no longer there. The reason is that shadows are often "expendable" objects that can easily be replaced. Links are less "expendable", but link to a missing shadow does not carry any meaningful information anyway as shadow OIDs are generated randomly. Therefore it does not cause any extra harm to delete a dangling link. This is not the case everywhere. E.g. midPoint will not delete a dangling assignment, as assignments are often targeted to objects with fixed OIDs. Therefore there is still a chance that such assignment may be fixed by resurrecting missing target object.

Best Practice

The best approach is to avoid creating "dangling" references in the first place:

  • Do not delete shadows if not needed. And if you delete shadows then run recompute/reconcile to clean up dangling links. Shadows are sometimes discarded, especially when experiment with midPoint configuration. And that is perfectly OK. Recompute or reconciliation should fix the resulting dangling links. However, in a stable system the shadows should not disappear without a good reason. And if shadow disappears as a reaction to a deleted account, proper setup of synchronization mechanisms will make sure that the links are properly removed.

  • Apply proper practices to deal with lifecycle of objects that are target of assignments. Roles and orgs should not disappear without any trace. Roles are usually deprecated before they disappear. Then they are archived, which makes then inactive. And archived roles may even remain assigned to the users for posterity. Similarly orgs are changed, replaced, renamed. But no user should be left in a limbo, with his assigned org just disappeard. Proper organizational management practices should be applied.

  • In case that a big administrative change is made, it is usually better to go through full unassign/assign cycle. I.e. first fix the assignments, then remove the targets. This will ensure that any privileges that were given by the targets are properly deprovisioned. Bulk actions are often a very useful tool in such cases.

  • There are cases when we want to prohibit deletion of a target in case that it has assignees. Policy rules are mechanism that is designed to take care of that. However, there still may be some limitations. Please see the Policy Rules page for the details. In case that required functionality is missing please consider purchasing midPoint platform subscription.

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