Change Summary

Last modified 27 Apr 2023 09:43 +02:00
Since 4.8
This functionality is available since version 4.8.

In midPoint 4.8, we optimized the post-processing of retrieved objects that is executed in the IDM Model subsystem. It was requested, for example, by MID-8479 and MID-8370.

Shortly put, we reduced the scope of post-processing in order to improve the performance. The details are described below.

Reduction of Processing

In midPoint up to 4.7, the post-processing includes the following:

  1. The application of authorizations to the object data: If a user has no rights to see a particular item, the item is removed from the object before it is passed from the IDM Model subsystem to the caller.

  2. The application of information from object template and (sometimes) the archetype to the object definition: If a template overrides, for example, an item’s display name, help text, cardinality (minOccurs, maxOccurs), and so on, the definition of the object and the particular item are updated with this information.

  3. The application of authorizations to the object definition: Besides the removal of the specified data items as mentioned above, the object definition is updated as well. For example, if the logged-in user has no rights to see a particular item, the definition of that item is removed or marked as not readable. If there is no right to add or modify the item, the item is marked as not applicable for add the or modify operation in the definition.

This provides a lot of interesting information for the caller. Unfortunately, the price paid in terms of performance is enormous.

Hence, starting with 4.8, only the absolute minimum is carried out: the application of authorizations to the object data (i.e., the first point).

The updated definition can still be obtained by calling getEditObjectDefinition method in the ModelInteractionService.

Temporarily, at least during the development of midPoint 4.8, we provide a new GetOperationOption: definitionUpdateOption. It drives the behavior related to the application of information from an object template to the object definition. By setting its value to FULL one can restore the original functionality in the post-processing of objects returned. (The authorization information is still not applied to the definition, though.)

This option is meant just for the purpose of experimentation during development. We assume it will disappear before the release of midPoint 4.8.

Read-Only Objects

In 4.7 and before, when an object was requested in read-only mode, it was returned as mutable. It is because the post-processing always created a copy of the object, and there was no point in freezing that unique copy.

Starting with 4.8, however, the post-processing tries to determine if there is any need to modify the object. If not, and if the read-only option is selected, the object may be returned as immutable. (For example, if it was fetched from a repository cache.) This can provide substantial performance improvements, as described below.

Performance Gains

Preliminary measurements indicate that the gains in post-processing performance are in the range of 50x to 5,000x (approximately). Please see below for more details.

The overall effects on performance in a specific deployment may vary from substantial to negligible. It depends on how intensively the post-processing code is invoked. In particular, if midpoint.getObject or midpoint.searchObjects methods are called frequently (for example, in mappings), the effects may be highly visible.

We consider measuring the effects using more real-world testing scenarios.

Evaluation Scenarios Description

We carried out two evaluation scenarios.

Measuring "Get Object" Operation

The first one deals with the whole "get object" operation. This operation has two main components: retrieving the object from the repository and its post-processing. The real-world experiences with midPoint 4.7 and earlier versions indicated that, mainly if the repository cache was used, the post-processing could take 10 to 100 more time than the cached repository access.

Our testing consisted of the repeated reading of two differently sized users via getObject method. The repository cache was set up so that the time spent in the repository is minimized. (This is a typical case when getting, e.g., roles with role caching enabled.) The logged-in user was the administrator having full authorizations.

Measuring Post-Processing in Isolation

The second scenario deals with the post-processing (applySchemasAndSecurity and related methods) in isolation.

There were four variants tested, differing in the authorizations of the logged-in user:

  1. full (superuser) authorizations,

  2. an authorization to see the whole user object,

  3. an authorization to see almost all the items,

  4. an authorization to see only a few items.

What was not explicitly tested are large and complex authorization definitions: if the logged-in user has a lot of roles with many authorization statements. We consider testing it in the future.


Table 1. Average "get object" operation execution time per user object
User object size midPoint 4.7 midPoint 4.8 (in development) Improvement

Simple user object

13,862.0 µs

4,6 µs


More complex user object

14,397.0 µs

4,6 µs


Table 2. Average post-processing execution time per user object
Authorizations midPoint 4.7 midPoint 4.8 (in development) Improvement


12,213.5 µs

2.9 µs


Can read all

12,450.2 µs

3.7 µs


Can read almost all

14,206.8 µs

188.3 µs


Can read few items

15,683.3 µs

183.4 µs



Detailed Description

Here we provide a more detailed explanation of the above measurements.

Measuring "Get Object" Operation

The setup is as follows: TestOperationPerf (in story module) creates two users, alice and bob. They have five common properties each: name, givenName, familyName, credentials/password/value, and activation/administrativeStatus. They have a defined number of single-valued extension properties. Also, they have a defined number of values in organization property, mapped into respective role assignments. Finally, there are standard midPoint-produced items (metadata, roleMembershipRef and so on).

Table 3. Differences between simple and more complex user object
User Extension properties Organizations/assignments







The user logged in is administrator, so in fact, no items are removed because of authorizations. This is the most common case, as usually all tasks and reports are run with full authorization.

There is neither a template nor an archetype to be applied. The costs incurred are solely from the data traversal and definition wrapping and/or cloning.

Each test is run three times and consists of 1,000 calls to model.getObject that include fully cached H2 repository "get" operation followed by post-processing. In 4.8, we increase the number of calls to 5,000,000 in order to measure the execution times with adequate precision. (There are other required small changes that should have no significant effect on the results.)

Measuring Post-Processing in Isolation

In order to measure the post-processing code performance more precisely, a low-level TestPerformance class in model-impl module was created.

The test creates a list of 400 (in 4.7) or 4,000 (in 4.8) user objects, each having:

  • 50 single-valued extension properties,

  • 51 assignments (1 archetype and 50 roles),

  • corresponding values in archetypeRef and roleMembershipRef items.

Each user has an archetype of person that is connected with the object template person. The object template refines the definitions of 14 items. Some of them are present in user objects, some are not. There is a refinement of assignment/description that is present 51 times in each user object.

The user objects are immutable because we plan to prefer this mode of operation in the future.

Now the applySchemasAndSecurityToObjects method is called on the user list.

There are four authorization scenarios:

  1. superuser;

  2. role that can see the whole user object;

  3. role that can see almost all the items (all except one);

  4. role that can see only a few items (one extension and one assignment property).

We hope that scenarios 1 and 2 will be the usual ones for running reports and other read-intensive tasks.

One test execution consists of a heat-up cycle and then a number of measured cycles (10 for slower scenarios, 200 for faster ones). The time for the execution is summed up and averaged per object processed. Each scenario is run 16 times, with two worst and two best times ignored.


For more information, please see the following commits: 1eefcaee, 20302b00, 64b6f210, 5752527e, and 5752527e.

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