Generic Objects

Last modified 09 Feb 2022 16:38 +01:00
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Most IDM systems are limited to manage just users. That was good enough in the early 2000s. But current IDM systems have to manage much more than just users. There are groups, entitlements, organizational hierarchies, jobs, office locations …​ simply speaking there is entire ZOO of IDM-related concepts that the IDM system has to manage. Some IDM systems support this by implementing a support for "generic object". This is an object type that can describe almost anything. And of course, there is a concept of "generic object" in midPoint (see below). But we have found that this is not a good way to support IDM-related concepts. Therefore midPoint provides a much better mechanism for object type extensibility.

The problem with generic types is that they are just too generic. As the type should be able to handle any object type has to be extremely simple. Therefore it is not possible to provide almost any built-in functionality to support generic types. How should they be displayed in the user interface? Should users be able to assign them? What should be the effect it user assigns them? What rules should be applied to govern generic objects? What about authorizations, auditing, lifecycle, governance, …​

There is a better solution in midPoint. MidPoint has several built-in object types such as roles, orgs, and services. Those data types are built to be extensible and in fact, they are quite generic. The role does not mean just "role in strict RBAC sense". In midPoint, the concept of "role" is much broader. MidPoint roles can easily be used to model RBAC roles, but also job categories, job titles/positions, qualifications, competency certifications, achievements - and even data protection consents. Orgs and services can be used in a similar way:

Object Type Can be used to model


RBAC roles
Authorization roles
job category, job titles/position, qualification, competency certification, achievement consentmetarole


Functional organization structure (company, division, section)
project, workgroup, team, ad-hoc group, task force, job responsibility group
Tenant (in multi-tenant configurations)
Location (office, campus, city, country)
Policy category
Role catalog category


Server, virtual machine, network service (e.g. application server), application, cloud service
Mobile device, printer, "thing" (IoT)

Roles, orgs, and services are what we call abstract roles. Which means that all of them behave like roles to some extent. E.g. all of them can be assigned to users, all of them can be subject to policy rules, membership, authorizations and governance policies are evaluated for all of them in a consistent fashion and so on. Therefore there are many benefits:

  • Job categories, titles, qualifications and similar objects can directly include entitlements. Therefore if a user is assigned to a job, such user automatically gets all the entitlements needed for that job.

  • Autoassignment works as expected. As do authorizations. Approval processes can be applied seamlessly. All midPoint concepts applicable to roles can be applied.

  • There is also a big benefit from data protection perspective. As the entitlements are placed directly into job categories and qualifications it is easy to find the reason or "basis" why the user has such an entitlement. E.g. midPoint knows that user’s personal data are provisioned to system X because the user has a job position Y that needs such an account.

  • Membership is managed in the same way as for roles. Therefore midPoint can show which users currently hold particular job position or qualification.

  • Governance principles can also be applied. Job positions may have an owner and they may be subject to certification.

In addition to that org-based types can form hierarchies:

  • There may be task forces with smaller workgroups inside them. Policies that apply to a task force should apply to all workgroups.

  • Locations often form "geospatial" hierarchies: office is in a building, the building is in a campus/city which in turn is in a specific country. This can easily be modeled in midPoint. There may be policies that apply to the whole campus or country. If they properly configured then they can apply to whole hierarchy or subhierarchy.

And of course, all the object types can be synchronized with resource objects.

MidPoint approach to extensibility is not to start from dumb "generic objects". MidPoint starts from much smarter object types: roles, orgs, and services. Those can be extended to fit almost all the needs of IDM deployments.

Schema, Subtypes, Metaroles, and Archetypes

midPoint is a fully schema-based system. This has enormous advantages from the software engineering point of view. To cut the long story short it allows us to develop midPoint faster and to efficiently maintain it in a long run. However, this also means that object types are set during midPoint design and they cannot be easily changed at run-time. Once an object is a role, its type is set to RoleType and this cannot be changed. But the definition of RoleType can be extended, even at run-time, by using custom schema extension mechanism.

There is yet another drawback: RBAC roles, authorization roles, job titles - they all have the same object type. They are all RoleType. How to tell them apart? There is also a mechanism for that: Archetypes. Archetypes can be used to distinguish objects of the same type, customize its presentation and behavior. Archetypes are also metaroles. Metaroles are roles that are applied to other (abstract) roles. Therefore archetypes can be used to assign common behavior for roles, orgs and services. And that is especially desirable when defining a new type of an object. It is quite a common case that all projects will have the same lifecycle: approval of new project creation, establishing project manager, decommissioning of a project and so on. This policy can be defined in "project archetype" that is assigned to all projects. Therefore it is defined just once and applied everywhere it is needed.

All Objects Are Extensible

All midPoint objects are extensible. Users, roles, orgs, services, resources, tasks - and even system configuration object. System configuration object extension is in fact a very useful mechanism. Most expressions have configuration variable available during expression evaluation. Therefore all the data placed into system configuration extension are available to expressions. This is a very elegant way how to set system-wide parameters (constants).


So far midPoint deployers were able to reuse existing midPoint concepts: roles, orgs, and services. However, for the very rare cases when those concepts do not fit there is a GenericObjectType. It looks like this:

<genericObject oid="c0c010c0-d34d-b33f-f00d-999111111111"
    <name>My Sample Generic Object</name>

You will need to define Custom Schema Extension for GenericObjectType to make it work properly. In this case, the customer schema extension will define property foo in namespace

However, as far as we know this type was actually never used in practice. All the deployers sooner or later realized the benefits of midPoint approach with smarter basic object types. Therefore GenericObjectType should work - in theory. But as nobody really needed GenericObjectType in practice there was very little testing, the user interface support is almost non-existent and all in all the use of GenericObjectType somehow discouraged.

Simply speaking, midPoint does not really need the concept of special generic objects, because every object in midPoint is generic to some extent.

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