layout: page
title: IAM Best Practice
nav-title: Best Practice
display-order: 700
These are the things that work in IAM deployments.
... other HTML elements ...
Writing Evolveum Documentation
- Overview
- AsciiDoc
- Creating Pages
- Directory Structure
- Links
- Table Of Contents
- Page Warnings
- Liquid Templating
- Special Files and Directories
- Navigation
- Stubs
- Hiding Subtrees
- Moving Pages
- Page Attributes
- Data Files
- Features
- Layouts
- Stylesheets
- Tables
- Escaping and passthrouhgs
- Tips, Tricks and Gotchas
- Copyright and Licensing
- Legacy
- See Also
This document provides overview of how the docs site works, and how to write and maintain Evolveum documentation.
The "docs" site is built using Jekyll static site generator, spiced up with Asciidoctor and other goodies. The site is generated from the "sources" into static HTML files. There is no dynamic interpretation of HTTP requests, however there is some client-side JavaScript to improve site presentation. Everything has to be generated before the first request comes, including headers, footers, navigation and everything else.
Site sources are maintained in GitHub docs repository. There is an automatic hook in github, that triggers rebuild of the site when the source code is updated.
Bulk of the documentation is maintained in AsciiDoc format. If you are new to AsciiDoc, brief primer follows shortly - but you better also check the official docs. If you are familiar with AsciiDoc, you can start writing your documents right away. Please, use the one sentence per line convention.
Use AsciiDoc whenever possible. Jekyll that runs this site allows also other documentation formats, such as HTML or Markdown. Use HTML only in case AsciiDoc would not do the job, or it would be very complicated. Do not use Markdown at all. We do not like Markdown here.
AsciiDoc Primer
AsciiDoc is similar to Markdown, but some of the markup is different.
Line-breaks are normally treated as any other whitespace. Multiple whitespaces result in a single space. But there are sections where the white space matters, such as code sections, etc.
Paragraphs are easy. Write senteces one after another - remember, one sentence per line. You may split longer sentences to more lines, if you can’t split them into multiple sentences. But always start a new sentence on the new line. And paragraphs? Just separate them with an empty line.
If you really want a line brake finish the line with a space and plus.
It doesn’t create real new paragraph as there is no space between the lines - it merely adds the line break.
As demonstrated here.
Don’t overdo it! -
Headings are made with
characters, one character per level. There should only be one top-level header at the start of the document. Then use==
headings, inside such sections use===
for 3rd level heading, etc. Don’t skip levels, it’s considered an error. -
Inline formatting is easy, wrap italics text within a pair of
characters, bold stuff is demarcated with*
(backticsks). If it doesn’t work, then the beginning or end is not around words - in that case, just double the character on each side like this:li**ke th**is
Sometimes you want to use these chars without their special meanings, just like *this*. Wrap the text with
to be left alone or usepass:[...]
macro. See Inline Passthroughs for more info. -
Create lists with
as the bullets at the start of the line. Numbered lists are created with.
, or you can even write1.
and so on, but the numbers will be renumbered for you anyway.
This should do it for now, things like code sections, links, tables and much more can be found in the following sections.
And after all, there are tons of *.adoc
examples in this repo.
Creating Pages
Site source code has almost exactly the same structure as the generated website.
A picture stored as midpoint/foo/bar.png
in the site source code will be published as https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/foo/bar.png
For text documents, Jekyll automatically converts them and hides file extension.
Therefore midpoint/foo/bar.adoc
becomes https://docs.evolveum.com/midpoint/foo/bar/
AsciiDoc pages can be created in a very straightforward way.
Just place your document in a suitable directory, make sure it has adoc
extension and that’s it.
The document should be well-formatted AsciiDoc document.
In that case Jekyll takes all the data and meta-data from the document itself, properly setting document title, placing it in the navigation and all the other things.
AsciiDoc is strongly recommended method of creating and maintaining documents.
IntelliJ IDEA has a very convenient plugin for AsciiDoc editing.
Developers and engineers would probably like to clone the site sources from gitlab and open them as a project in the IDEA.
While Jekyll does almost all the work transparently for AsciiDoc documents, other document types need a couple of additional things. Especially HTML documents usually need a place to specify document title and other meta-data. This place is called front matter, it is located at the beginning of the document:
In this case, the front matter sets document title, navigation title and display order. It also specifies page layout (see later), and it may also specify almost arbitrary data and meta-data for the page. Front matter is YAML-formatted. However, the most common form of front matter is just a simple attribute-value list as the one shown above.
AsciiDoc documents may also specify front matter, just as shown in the HTML example above.
Additionally, AsciiDoc has its own Document Attributes mechanism.
When you write front matter attributes using AsciiDoc attributes mechanism, add page-
prefix to the attribute name.
The front matter above can be rewritten with AsciiDoc attributes like this:
= IAM Best Practice
:page-nav-title: Best Practice
:page-display-order: 700
These are the things that work in IAM deployments.
... other AsciiDoc things ...
AsciiDoc can have both front matter section and AsciiDoc attributes.
Not all AsciiDoc attributes are necessarily meant for the front matter (which is a Jekyll/Liquid mechanism).
Those that target the front matter section (e.g. Page attributes documented lower) must be prefixed with page- .
However, AsciiDoc documents usually do not need any front matter or attributes at all.
E.g. in this case we did not even need to specify title and layout.
Title was taken from AsciiDoc title, and page
layout was applied by default.
Everything is easier with AsciiDoc.
Directory Structure
Site source code follows closely the resulting site structure, except for some URL translations.
Such translations usually apply to asciidoc documents and index files (index.html
, index.adoc
It is perhaps best to explain the URL translation on examples:
Source file location | URL | Note |
Site home document |
Image files ( |
Which means that there are two ways how to store your document:
: This is suitable for simple documents that do not have any embedded data. It can work well even for long documents. -
: Good method for documents that contain embedded data, such as pictures. The best strategy is to place the pictures into the same directory asindex.adoc
. You will have everything neatly stored in one place.
Both methods will results in the same URL.
URL is all that matters for the web.
You can change foo.adoc
to foo/index.adoc
at any time and Jekyll will generate the same URL.
Therefore you can easily start with foo.adoc
and then switch to foo/index.adoc
later if needed.
We love links.
Please, put a lot of links in your documents.
There are two ways how to do it: link
or xref
Xref and Xrefv Macro
Xref macro (xref
) is intended for cross-referencing in a document and between documents.
We use the xref
macro for links in our site:
Please see xref:/foo/bar.adoc[FooBar page] for more details.
You can also use simple xref:bar.adoc[], document title will be automatically used as link text.
The xref
macro points to the source file, not to the URL.
In this case Evolveum plugins take care of proper translation of file names to URLs.
However, you can also use directory URLs, just make sure they end with slash (/
) character:
This is a link to xref:/midpoint/projects/midprivacy/[MidPrivacy initiative].
The plugin checks that the xref points to an existing site page. There will be an error message during the build if the link is broken.
If you use xref for linking a reference page (anything under /midpoint/reference
is taken from Evolveum/midpoint repository), please do not specify the version.
By default, the xref macro automatically adds the current version to the link.
If you copy the link from the URL bar, remove the segment after reference/
, e.g. support-4.8/
If you want to link a specific version of a page, use our non-standard macro xrefv
Generally, prefer the non-versioned links with xref
wherever possible.
Links inside a document (links to anchors) can be made with the usual hash (#
) character:
Please see xref:#_upgrade[Upgrade] section for more details.
You can use anchors automatically generated by asciidoctor for each section.
E.g. anchor #_see_also
is automatically generated for section See Also
Explicit anchors can be placed at the beginning of line, if needed:
== References
The refs anchor applies to this section.
The ref1 anchor is placed [#ref1]#here#, it can be used to reference to this text.
Implementation details
This is not a default behavior of Asciidoctor or Jekyll.
This functionality was implemented as Asciidoctor extension in evolveum-jekyll-plugin gem.
There is a custom inline macro processor for the xref macro that looks up appropriate Jekyll page, determines the URL and (optionally) a link title.
Link Macro
AsciiDoc has a link
macro to do generic HTML linking.
Maybe you wonder link:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar[what foobar is].
You may also write links without explicit link:
prefix, as asciidoctor defined http
and https
as macros for convenience:
Maybe you wonder https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar[what foobar is].
Neither Jekyll nor Asciidoctor checks that the link is valid. You can link to whatever you want, but you are responsible to make sure that the link is not broken.
Use the link
macro for external links only (links that point outside of docs site).
For most external links it may be skipped to avoid noise, it may be necessary only for complicated URLs.
For internal links use xref
macro instead.
Bug Macro
Link to an issue can be done using the bug
Due to bug:MID-1234[] issue, you are pretty much out of luck.
Also, beware of bug:MID-4321[a particularly nasty issue] in midPoint 1.8.
Maybe it is finally time to upgrade to midPoint 4.3?
Samples Macro
Including code from midpoint samples can be achieved using the sampleRef
block macro.
Currently, we are supporting code and CSV files.
When a code file is included, a code block is created.
In the case of a CSV file, it will create a table from the CSV file.
When you want to include only a specific part of the file, you can specify the lines as in the include
macro: [{startLine}..{endLine}]
The only difference is that with the samples macro, you can omit the name of the attribute - lines
If you want to include a file from a selected line to the end of the file, you can use -1
as the end of the range.
When importing tables from CSV files from not the first line, you can specify if you want to include the header or not using the includeHeader
The default is to include the header.
You can also use startPattern
and endPattern
parameters to include only the part of the file between the specified patterns.
The patterns are regular expressions.
When you want to use only a specific tag from the file, you can specify the tag name using the includeOnlyTag
You must specify the tag name as a string without the <
When your tag does include a namespace, you must include it too.
Example of the tag usage: includeOnlyTag="c:object"
You can also set the order of this tag if there are multiple tags with the same name not inside of each another (e.g., a query tag inside another query tag).
It can be done using the includeOnlyTagOrder
If there was a situation where there would be the same tag inside another tag, you can specify the order of the tag you want to include using the includeOnlyTagOrder
By default we are removing the first xml declaration line and copyright header from the code files.
You can disable this behavior by setting the includeCopyrightNotice
parameter to true
The includeCopyrightNotice parameter causes the plugin to remove also xml declaration if it is the first line of the file.
You can add the <!-- used in docs -→
comment to the file to indicate that the file is used in the documentation and should be handled with caution.
The plugin will remove this comment from the included file.
It must be placed at the beginning of the file, just after the xml declaration and before any copyright notice comment.
If there is no xml declaration, it must be placed at the beginning of the file.
It must be in the exact same form as shown above.
Not all of the parameters are supported at the same time.
If startPattern , endPattern , and includeOnlyTag are specified, the includeOnlyTag parameter is ignored.
Here are all of the supported parameters:
Parameter | Default Value | Example | Description |
Range of lines to include. |
Include header in the table. |
Regular expression to match the start of the included part. |
Regular expression to match the end of the included part. |
Include only the part of the file that is between the specified tag. |
Order of the tag to include. |
Level of the tag to include (relative to the previous occurance of the same tag, inside of it, not outside). |
Include the first xml declaration line and copyright header. |
Here are some examples:
Default behavior—the whole file is included:
Including only specific part of the file:
Including only specific part of the csv file without header:
sampleRef::samples/demo/hogwarts/accounts.csv[2..-1, includeHeader=false]
The includeHeader parameter must be specified after the lines range.
Midpoint Macro
With midpointRef
you can include text from the midpoint repository.
The macro is used in the same way as the Samples Macro.
Only difference is that the first attribute is the branch from which the file should be included.
The default branch is master
Other allowed branches are the ones that are currently used for reference documentation.
Here are some examples:
midpointRef::gui/admin-gui/testng-perf.xml[master, 2..12]
branch attribute must be specified as the first attribute, then the lines range can be specified.
Feature Macro
Link to midPoint feature can be done using the feature
This mechanism is implemented by the arcane magic of feature:meta-role[meta-roles] presented in form of feature:archetype[].
The feature
macro will link to a feature pages.
Feature page contains description of the feature and leads to all kinds of documentation about the feature.
Therefore, feature
link is good for generic links about the feature.
If you want to point out specific aspect of the feature (e.g. specific configuration or example) it is still better to use direct xref
link to the specific page.
Glossary Reference
Link to glossary terms should be done using glossref
MidPoint is the best open source glossref:identity-management[identity management] platform.
Glossary data are in _data/glossary.yml
Macro parameter is identifier of a glossary term (e.g. identity-management
What Linking Macro Should I Use?
The answer is usually xref
The xref
macro works for almost every kind of link within the site.
It can take path to an adoc
file or local URL (both relative and absolute).
Following examples are all valid xref
* xref:/midpoint/projects/midprivacy/[MidPrivacy initiative]
* xref:/midpoint/projects/midprivacy/index.adoc[MidPrivacy initiative]
* xref:../midprivacy/[MidPrivacy initiative]
* xref:../midprivacy/[]
* xref:../foo/bar.adoc[Foo Bar]
* xref:../foo/bar.adoc[]
* xref:../foo/bar/[]
Our plugin for asciidoctor adds "smart" functionality to xref
The macro is able to figure out correct HTML link, whether it points to source adoc
file, or to target URL.
Yet, the most important aspect of xref
is that it xref
checks link integrity.
The xref
macro will complain if the link is broken, e.g. in case it points to non-existent page.
The xref
macro also complains if the link contains a specific version of documentation.
When you want to include a specific version of the reference documentation, please use xrefv
The xref
will also automatically use title of the target page in case the link text is empty.
Use xref
as much as you can.
The link
macro is mostly for links to external sites, or some special cases.
It works, the result is pretty much the same HTML link as with xref
However, link
is not very smart, and there is almost no checking.
Rule of the thumb is:
should be used for internal links in docs site, pretty much all the time. For reference documentation included inEvolveum/midpoint
Git repository, usexref:/midpoint/reference/<reference-link>
where the<reference-link>
is the path aftermidpoint/docs
. By default, the same version is used when linking inside the reference documentation. When linking from outside the reference docs, latest support branch is used as the version. -
should be used when you want to specify the version of reference documentation. These links should have format such asxrefv:/midpoint/reference/<branch>/<reference-link>
part can bebefore-4.8
for older materials, orsupport-x.y
for concrete version after 4.8. Avoid usingmaster
- use plainxref
instead simply skipping the<version>
component. -
is the rest of the path starting inmidpoint/docs
of the specified branch.
may be used to external links, links that go outside docs, or outsideevolveum.com
domain. In most cases (http/https URLs) it can be omitted to avoid unnecessary noise.
Of course, this does not apply to bug
and glossref
macros, which are perhaps self-explanatory.
They should be used whenever you can, as much as you can, all the time.
Table Of Contents
Document table of contents (ToC) can be automatically generated.
This mechanisms if controlled by page-toc
asciidoc variable:
= AsciiDoc Fairy Tale :page-toc: top This is a nice short fairy tale ...
The variable may contain several values, changing the type of ToC:
page-toc value |
description |
ToC at the top of the document, right after the main title. |
ToC floating in a "frame" on the right side. The document text is wrapped on the left side. However, if the introduction is too short, the headings may not fit well. |
ToC floating in a "frame" on the left side. Experimental. |
Implementation details
The page-toc asciidoc variable translates to toc Jekyll variable.
Jekyll is using this variable in the templating engine (_layouts/page.html ) to ivoke special tocify_asciidoc filter on asciidoc document.
The value of this variable is used to set the CSS style.
Page Warnings
Docs pages may easily include common "warnings" at the top of a page.
If you are using midPoint versions, it is recommended to enclose them in double quotes.
Jekyll interprets variables as JSON/YAML, therefore version 1.10
will be interpreted as number.
The it will be considered to be the same as 1.1
Specifying the version quoted as "1.10"
solves the problem.
Warns that the page describes an experimental functionality:
= Foo Feature
:page-experimental: true
Do not confuse the page-experimental attribute with experimental attribute.
The experimental attribute turns on Asciidoctor experimental features (suc as GUI button and menu links),
while page-experimental attribute marks page content as experimental.
Notice that this functionality is available only from a certain version:
= Foo Feature
:page-since: "4.3"
Or in a slightly more complex case:
= Foo Feature
:page-since: "4.0"
:page-since-improved: [ "4.1", "4.2" ]
:page-since-description: This feature is expected to reach its full functionality in version 4.8.
This feature was introduced in 4.0, improved in 4.1 and 4.2, and there is additional description that will be added to the notice.
More than one version can be specified if needed:
= Foo Feature
:page-since: [ "4.1", "4.0.2" ]
The "since" notice can be included inside the page, e.g. under a specific heading.
This comes handy when describing functionality improvements that came later.
In this case it is required to use Liquid include
= Foo Feature
Blah blah blah, same old functionality as always ... blah blah blah.
== New Cool Improvement
{% include since.html since="3.5" %}
This is a very cool improvement that changes everything ....
The ++++
marks are necessary.
Those mark Asciidoc passthrough block.
The Liquid include
produces HTML, not asciidoc.
We need to tell asciidoc that this block should be "passed through" to output without processing.
In case that the version applies to other project than midPoint, it is recommended to specify project explicitly:
{% include since.html since="3.3" project="LDAP Connector" %}
Notice that this functionality is deprecated:
= Foo Feature
:page-deprecated: true
Alternatively, a version may be specified:
= Foo Feature
:page-deprecated-since: "4.3"
Notice that this functionality is obsolete:
= Foo Feature
:page-obsolete: true
Alternatively, a version may be specified:
= Foo Feature
:page-obsolete-since: "4.3"
Replaced By
Deprecated and obsolete pages may specify an optional replacement URL:
= Foo Feature
:page-replaced-by: /features/bar/
Notice that information on the page is outdated:
= Foo Feature
:page-outdated: true
Use this marker in case that the page describes functionality that may still work, yet the description is out of date.
Liquid Templating
Jekyll is using Liquid templating language.
If is very simple templating language that is using "curly bracket" markup: {{
, }}
, {%
, %}
Liquid can be used to add basic logic to the documents, such as this:
<h1>{{ page.title | escape }}</h1>
{% if page.toc %}
<div class="toc-{{page.toc}}">
<title>Table of Contents</title>
{{ page.document | tocify_asciidoc }}
{% endif %}
See Liquid documentation for the details.
There are some custom Liquid tags that are implemented by Evolveum plugin, such as {{ children }}
Liquid is enabled in all AsciiDoc documents by default.
There is a slight chance Liquid may interfere with AsciiDoc formatting.
Therefore, please be careful when using curly brackets in asciidoc documents.
There are rare cases when Liquid interferes with your document, such as this document that needs to include a lot of liquid example code.
In such cases use Liquid tags raw and endraw to avoid Liquid processing.
You can have a look at the source code of this document for an example.
Special Files and Directories
Most of the files in the Jekyll project are documents. But there are some special directories and files:
Directory | Description |
Global configuration of the site. There are global variables such as site name, base URL and so on. There is also Jekyll configuration, such as specification of theme and list of plugins. |
Ruby files that specifies gems that are used by this site. Gems are Ruby components (libraries). In this case, the gems provide additional functionality to the site. |
Jekyll data files. Data files are small databases that contain structured data. The data are used in some of the pages that display them in user-friendly form. |
Jekyll layouts.
Layouts are templates for pages.
If there is a repetitive page, it can be a good idea to set up a template (layout) for it.
The usual layouts are |
Include files.
Small parts of HTML code that are often repeated in pages can be placed here.
This snippets can be included in other pages by using |
Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS) files that set up the site look and feel. SASS files are automatically compiled to CSS files for the website. Most SASS files are present in the template, the site itself will usually need only to set some variables. |
Website assets such as images, fonts, icons and other decorations. |
Generally speaking, the files and directories that start with an underscore (_
) are not directly translated to website content.
Such files influence the way how the site behaves.
However, many files are transformed to website content indirectly.
E.g. the SASS stylesheets in _sass are transformed to CSS and published on the website.
Navigation is an important aspect of a website that is packed with documents. There was no ready-made navigation mechanism for Jekyll, therefore we had to develop our own. It is part of Evolveum Jekyll plugin and supported by Evolveum theme.
The navigation tree generated automatically for all documents on the site. There is nothing special to do when a new document is added. It will be automatically added to the navigation tree. However, you may want to customize the way how the navigation mechanism displays your document.
Navigation Title
Navigation tree will take the title of your document by default.
However, your title may be too long and may want to have shorter title in the navigation tree.
You can set the navigation title by using nav-title
page property, like this:
= IAM Best Practice
:page-nav-title: Best Practice
... page content here ...
layout: page
title: IAM Best Practice
nav-title: Best Practice
... page content here ...
Navigation tree is sorted alphabetically based on document title by default.
However, there may be a need to sort the pages explicitly.
This can be achieved by using display-order
page property.
The display-order
contains a numeric value.
The pages at the same navigation level will be sorted by the value of display-order
Pages that have the same display-order
will be sorted alphabetically.
The default value of display-order
is 100
= Foo Bar
:page-display-order: 800
... page content here ...
layout: page
title: Foo Bar
display-order: 800
... page content here ...
All the pages are publicly visible by default. However, there may be a need to hide a page. Maybe we do not want to complicate the navigation with our page. Maybe the page is just a draft and we do not want to publicly publish it just yet. There may be variety of reasons.
Page visibility can be controlled by visibility
page property (or page-visibility
AsciiDoc attribute).
The property can take several values:
Visibility | Description | Shown in navigation | Shown in sitemap.xml |
Publicly visible page. |
Yes |
Yes |
Document intended for public publication, but it is not ready yet. |
No |
No |
Page that we do not want to advertise to the public audience in any way. Maybe some testing pages. |
No |
No |
Public data file. This is a document, but it is not HTML-presentatble. Maybe used for PDF presentation slides, binary downloads and so on. There needs to be some HTML/AsciiDoc page that points to this file. |
No |
Yes |
Auxiliary or helper page, but still public. Page for special purpose. |
No |
Yes |
System object. Needed for the page to work properly. Not really a "document". |
No |
No |
Set the property like this:
= Foo Bar
:page-visibility: hidden
... page content here ...
layout: page
title: Foo Bar
visibility: hidden
... page content here ...
Hidden pages are still public.
Everything that is present on the site is ultimately public.
Hiding a page will remove it from the navigation and site maps.
The users will not be able to find the page on the site, and we will do what we can do to hide it from search engines.
But the page will still be accessible if the user knows the URL or looks at source code.
The page is just hidden, it is not protected.
Child Pages
There may be a need to list your child pages at your page.
This is usually used on various index pages that you do not want to maintain manually.
You can use {% children %}
Liquid tag for this:
= Project Foo Documents
Blah blah blah ... the pages:
{% children %}
That's it.
layout: page
title: Project Foo Documents
<p>Blah blah blah ... the pages:</p>
{% children %}
<p>That's it.</p>
The default setting of the children
tag creates simple bullet list.
There is an option to create nicer table which includes child page descriptions.
You can use style
parameter, set to table
= Project Foo Documents
Blah blah blah ... for more details please see following table:
{% children style: table %}
<p>That's it</p>
The description in the second column is taken from the description
attribute of indivudual subpages.
The description can be set using the usual method in page front matter:
= Project Foo Subdocument Bar
:page-description: This is page about the bar, whatever the bar is.
Blah blah blah ...
layout: page
title: Project Foo Subdocument Bar
description: This is page about the bar, whatever the bar is.
<p>Blah blah blah ...</p>
Additionally, the heading
parameter can be used to change the heading of first table column produced by the children
= Project Foo Documents
Blah blah blah ... check out individual myths in the following table:
{% children style: table, heading: Myth %}
<p>That's it</p>
There may be a need to show the same page at several places in the navigation tree. Aliases can help with that:
= MidPrivacy Initiative
:page-alias: { "parent" : "/midpoint/" }
layout: page
title: MidPrivacy Initiative
alias: { "parent" : "/midpoint/" }
This specification will make the MidPrivacy Initiative
appear under the /midpoint
page, in addition to the normal location of the MidPrivacy Initiative
The URL link will point to the correct (canonical) page URL.
The alias influences the navigation structure only, it does not influence page URLs.
The alias can specify even more details for the "symlink" in the menu:
= MidPrivacy Initiative
:page-alias: { "parent" : "/midpoint/", "title" : "MidPrivacy", "display-order" : 300 }
Please do not use aliases to show a page from outside of reference documentation inside of it. |
Jekyll (or rather our plugin) will generate "stub" pages for documents that are missing in the tree.
For example, let’s assume that we have foo/bar.adoc
and /foo/baz.adoc
, but we do not have foo.adoc
nor foo/index.adoc
In that case Jekyll will automatically generate "stub" for /foo/
The "stub" is a simple page that just lists the children pages.
The stub will have an ugly title, derived from the URL.
In the above example, the title of the stub will be simply foo
Therefore it is still recommended to explicitly create a simple page:
= Foo Documents
{% children %}
layout: page
title: Foo Documents
{% children %}
Hiding Subtrees
You may want to hide entire subtree. This can also be achieved with a simple index document:
= Foo
:page-visibility: hidden
{% children %}
layout: page
title: Foo
visibility: hidden
{% children %}
This document hides the entire foo/*
subtree, as the navigation algorithm will not dive into a hidden page.
However, page breadcrumbs will still work, even in the hidden subtree.
Therefore other documents in the subtree may be discovered using breadcrumbs.
Top Navigation Bar
Top navigation bar is special.
There is very little space, therefore only selected pages can appear here.
The content of the navigation bar is controlled by _data/navbar.yml
- label: MidPoint
url: /midpoint/
- label: IAM Introduction
url: /iam/
- label: Book
url: /book/
- label: Identity Connectors
url: /connectors/
- label: Talks
url: /talks/
General Tips and Limitations
Avoid using newline characters in inline macro parameters:
Badxref:other/page.adoc[Some other page]
Goodxref:other/page.adoc[Some other page]
Inline macros with newline in parameters do not work. We are not sure why is that, they just don’t work.
Moving Pages
Generally, the pages should not be moved.
Once the page is created on a certain URL, it should stay on that URL.
Of course, it is OK to change foo.adoc
to foo/index.adoc
, as the URL stays the same.
But the pages should not be moved in a way that changes the URL.
When the page really needs to be moved, there is a mechanism how to leave behind a redirect from the old URL to new URL:
= MidPoint Support
:page-moved-from: /midpoint/support/
Bla bla
layout: page
title: MidPoint Support
moved-from: /midpoint/support/
Bla bla
The moved-from
attribute specifies the local part of the old URL.
Jekyll will generate a redirect from the old URL to a new URL of the page.
In this case, Jekyll will redirect /midpoint/support/
to /support/
In a case that an entire subtree needs to be moved, the *
notation can be used to set up a subtree redirect:
= MidPoint Support
:page-moved-from: /midpoint/support/*
Bla bla
layout: page
title: MidPoint Support
moved-from: /midpoint/support/*
Bla bla
Implementation detail
Jekyll generates the redirects as a series of Apache RewriteRule statements in .htaccess file.
The code is in the jekyll-redirect-plugin.rb file in the evolveum-jekyll-plugin project.
Page Attributes
Various page attributes can be set in page front matter. The attributes usually add meta-data to the page, used for better indexing, and search optimization.
= Project Foo
:page-description: This is page about Project Foo, aimed at exploring the mysterious concept of Foo.
:page-keywords: [ 'project', 'Foo', 'exploration', 'mystery' ]
Blah blah blah ...
layout: page
title: Project Foo
description: This is page about Project Foo, aimed at exploring the mysterious concept of Foo.
keywords: [ 'project', 'Foo', 'exploration', 'mystery' ]
<p>Blah blah blah ...</p>
AsciiDoc file can contain both the front-matter section and AsciiDoc attributes.
Remember include page- prefix to all the page attributes from the following table if you use AsciiDoc attribute syntax.
The attributes are summarized in the following table.
Attribute | Description | Use |
Short description of page content. Usually just a couple of short sentences. |
Placed in |
List of few words that describe content of the page. |
Placed in |
Internal marker, specifying how the page is maintained.
Value |
Internal use only. Used to prioritize page updates and documentation maintenance. |
Identifier of midPoint feature that the page describes. The list of features and their identifiers is in midpoint-features.yml data file. Must be explicitly placed in front matter (see below) |
Used to generate feature pages, compliance links and other automatic cross-references. |
Documentation type of the page, describing type of the content.
It may contain values Must be explicitly placed in front matter (see below) |
Used to generate feature pages. May be used in search. |
Phrase or word to help with searching for a given page. If there is an exact match on this attribute, the internal search will put the page in the first place in the results. For example, this attribute is used in a book page because in the page there is practically no occurrence of the word "book," but when a user searches using the query "book," we would like to have the book page as the first result. |
Placed in |
Used in reference documentation, it stores the latest released version of midpoint that the docs version describes. The example value is 4.7.4. |
Generated by the versioning plugin; do not include it in the source. |
Used in reference documentation, it stores the docs version in which the page is located. The example value is docs/before-4.8. |
Generated by the versioning plugin; do not include it in the source. |
Used in reference documentation, it stores the optimized docs version used in the url and file structure. The example value is before-4.8. |
Generated by the versioning plugin; do not include it in the source. |
Used in reference documentation, it stores the display value of docs version used in titles and the version select element. The example value is 4.7 and earlier. |
Generated by the versioning plugin; do not include it in the source. |
See Visibility in this document. |
Controls page visibility. |
Some attributes must be explicitly placed in front-matter. This is necessary due to the order of Jekyll operations when building the page. There is no difference for HTML files, however, asciidoc files need an explicit front matter at the beginning:
midpoint-feature: archetype
doc-type: intro
= Archetypes
:page-description: Introduction to midPoint archetypes
Blah blah blah ...
Data Files
Jekyll data files are small databases that can be used to hold structured data.
The data files are placed in the _data
The files are formatted in YAML, like this:
- id: 2020-09-data-provenance-workshop
title: Data Provenance and Metadata Management in IdM
date: 2020-09
event: Evolveum on-line workshop
author: Slávek Licehammer, Radovan Semančík
slidesFile: 2020-09-data-provenance-workshop.pdf
videoUrl: /media/2020-09-10-data-provenance-workshop.mp4
- id: 2020-05-whats-new-in-midpoint-4-1
title: What's New In MidPoint 4.1
date: 2020-05
event: Evolveum Webinar
author: Radovan Semančík
slidesFile: 2020-05-whats-new-in-midpoint-4-1.pdf
The files are usually used in HTML pages, with a help of Liquid tags:
layout: page
title: Talks
{% for talk in site.data.talks %}
<dt><a href="files/{{ talk.slidesFile }}">{{ talk.title }}</a>
{{ talk.date }}, {{ talk.author }},
{% if talk.eventUrl %}<a href="{{ talk.eventUrl }}">{% endif %}{{talk.event}}{% if talk.eventUrl %}</a>{% endif %}{% if talk.description %}:{% endif %}
{{ talk.description }}</dd>
{% endfor %}
The talks.yml
data file will be present in Liquid variable site.data.talks
As the content of talks.yml
file represents a list, the content of site.data.talks
can be processed by simple for
liquid tag.
Liquid tags {%
and %}
control the flow of the template. The {{
and }}
tags are used for displaying data.
The {{ talk.data }}
and {{ talk.author }}
refer to the date
and author
fields in the talks.yml
Simple, isn’t it?
If you want to create a new database, just create a new _data/foo.yml
file and fill it with data.
Content of the file will be present in the site.data.foo
MidPoint documentation is big and complex, it is often difficult to navigate. Therefore we have introduced concept of "feature", which helps to organize the documentation. It also helps to see what midPoint can do, how it relates to compliance and so on.
List of midPoint features is maintained in midpoint-features.yml data file. The file is used to generate feature pages with subpages describing every feature, linking to documentation, compliance frameworks and other parts of midPoint documentation.
Any page in midPoint documentation can be marked as describing a particular feature or features. The marking can be done in front matter:
midpoint-feature: archetype
doc-type: intro
= Archetypes
:page-description: Introduction to midPoint archetypes
Blah blah blah ...
The midpoint-feature
must reference feature identifier, as it is recorded in midpoint-features.yml.
If the page relates to more than one feature, they all should be mentioned in a form of list:
midpoint-feature: [ 'assignment', 'relation' ]
doc-type: config
= Configuring Assignment Relations
Blah blah blah ...
The doc-type
attribute can be used to denote documentation type:
is used for introductory documents. It is supposed to provide general overview without too much details. -
is used for tutorials and guides, step-by-step instructions to configure specific functionality, create extension, develop a connector, etc. -
is used for configuration reference documentation. It is expected that there will be lots of details. -
is used for examples, demonstrations of specific use cases or configurations. -
description of planned functionality, not yet implemented.
When in doubt, use config
The midpoint-feature and doc-type must be explicitly placed in front matter, as illustrated in the examples above.
Do not use asciidoc variables page-midpoint-feature and page-doc-type , as they will not work properly.
Impelementation note
Content of the feature pages is defined by feature layout (feature.html).
Plugin responsible for generating the pages is jekyll-feature-plugin.
Jekyll layouts are templates to construct particular type of page.
The most common layout is page
, which is used for vast majority of pages in our sites.
The page
layout has a pre-set formatting for page title, breadcrumbs, navigation tree and all other necessities.
However, sometimes there is a need for a different layout.
For example, site home page (landing page) usually does not have a title.
Having empty HTML tags for the title can ruin the design.
Therefore, there is special home
layout that is almost the same as page
layout, but it does not have a title.
Evolveum theme contains following layouts ready to be used:
Layout | Description |
The most common layout. It has title, breadcrumbs, navigation tree and all the other goodies. |
Layout for site home page. It does not have title and breadcrumbs. It still has navigation tree to let users access site content. |
Barebones layout. It contains only the most necessary things that all web pages on our site must have, such as header and footer. |
You can create your own custom layouts if you need to.
Just place them into the _layouts
You can use the exercise
layout on docs as an inspiration.
Site look and feel is given by stylesheets (SASS and CSS) combined with the layouts. Layouts dictate which HTML elements are used in the page, stylesheets specify how the elements look like.
The design is a living thing. The design has to be responsive, it has to adapt to various devices. We want to display rich navigation tree on big notebook displays, but we do not have a place for that on mobile phones. Creating stylesheets for such a design is a difficult work. Therefore we are not starting from scratch. We are basing our design on Bootstrap framework.
The stylesheets are created and maintained in a form of Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (SASS). The SASS files are automatically compiled into ordinary CSS files by Jekyll. Most of the stylesheets are part of Evolveum theme and there is usually no need to change them. Some look and feel of the site can be adapted by changing values of SASS variables.
There is a special Evolveum theme applied to this site. The theme specifies basic site design, such as CSS/SASS styles and HTML page templates. The theme contains stylesheets (SASS), page layouts, fonts, icons, evolveum logo and anything else that is used on all our sites. The theme has file structure that is almost the same as Jekyll site structure.
The theme is supplemented by Evolveum Jekyll plugin, which adds more complex elements, such as the navigation. The plugin is a small piece of Ruby code that add some features to Jekyll.
Both the theme and the plugin are designed to be used as Ruby gems.
There is a build.sh
script that builds and installs the gems.
The use of the theme and the plugin is specified in _config.yml
file in the site.
When the site refers to page
layout, that layout is taken from the theme, from _layouts
Our page
layout file (_layouts/page.html
) specifies the structure of pages on our sites.
This layout contains Liquid tags to render navigational elements ({% breadcrumbs %}
, {% navtree %}
These are custom Liquid tags that are implemented in evolveum-jekyll-plugin
Asiidoc supports formatting of tables, although the actual markup may look scary at first. It looks like this:
| English | Slovak | Latin
| One
| Jeden
| Uno
| Two
| Dva
| Duo
| Three
| Tri
| Tres
Which renders a table:
English | Slovak | Latin |
One |
Jeden |
Uno |
Two |
Dva |
Duo |
Three |
Tri |
Tres |
The |===
delimiters mark table boundaries.
Don’t forget to use it also at the end, otherwise an error will be reported during the build of the site.
You may use more =
characters than three (but at least three!) as long as you use the same number for both opening and closing.
First line specifies table header (English
, Slovak
and Latin
These have to be all on the same line, separated by pipes (|
Having them on the same line means that this is a header, otherwise the asciidoc would render it as a plain content.
The header is styled differently if there is no empty line between |===
and the header, otherwise it’s not highlighted.
Each row of the table is specified by a block of lines, each line starting with a pipe (|
There has to be at last one line for each column.
There must be exact number of the lines starting with pipes to fill all the cells of the table.
The [%autowidth]
at the beginning means that asciidoc will set column widths (and table width) automatically, based on the content of table cells.
It is recommended to use the [%autowidth]
for all ordinary tables.
If you need a more sophisticated table column layout, there are many options to choose from.
To add functionalities like sorting, filtering, and pagination to tables, we use the DataTables library combined with our custom javascript.
To use it with your table, you need to add the [.datatable-config]
block with the JSON config before the table.
To use the defaults you can either omit the JSON or use empty JSON {}
as shown below.
Technically, the specification is stored in a hidden block that is pre-processed by the JavaScript in the browser.
Line [.datatable-config] applies the class (datatable-config ) to the following block - this is a standard AsciiDoc feature.
If you omit the {} , the next block is the table itself and the class applied to it hides it.
However, the JavaScript processing the datatable configuration is smart to handle this situation,
it removes the class from the table and applies the default datatable config to it - as you’d expect.
Here is an example of a table with default configuration (with empty JSON, the empty line can be omitted):
[.datatable-config] {} |=== ... your table here ... |===
If you don’t want to use the default configuration, you can specify your own configuration using json format. Here is an example:
[.datatable-config] { "paging": true, "order-column": 1, "order": "desc" } |=== ... your table here ... |===
If you want to add datatable functionality to a table in HTML, you can add dataTable
class to the table element and the config as data-
Here is an example:
<table class="dataTable" data-paging="true" data-order-column="1" data-order="desc"> ... your table here ... </table>
If you want a narrow table, you must set the auto-width
option in config to false
and in the adoc file, you must define the table as [%autowidth]
[.datatable-config] { "auto-width": false } [%autowidth] |=== ... your table here ... |===
The following table lists the available options.
Option | Description | Default | Possible values |
Enable or disable pagination |
false |
true, false |
Number of rows per page |
10 or if |
integer |
Array of user selectable page lengths |
[10, 25, 50, 100] |
array of integers |
Automatically set the user selectable page lengths based on |
false |
true, false |
Number of page lengths to be displayed |
4 |
integer |
Maximum page length value to be displayed in menu |
100 |
integer |
Minimum page length value to be displayed in menu |
10 |
integer |
Enable or disable searching in the table |
false |
true, false |
Default sorting order |
"asc" - ascending, if both |
"asc", "desc" |
Default sorting column |
1 - first column |
integer |
Enable custom layout of the table elements |
false |
true, false |
Layout of the table elements.
The layout is defined as a JSON object.
For more details, see DataTables library documentation.
Format of this option is identical to the |
This layout object is only available in javascript.
When using the |
JSON object |
Enable or disable automatic column width calculation.
This option is different than |
true |
true, false |
The table is not sorted at initialization only if both order and order-column attributes are not set.
Escaping and passthrouhgs
Sometimes you want to use special characters as if they are not special. What you need is to avoid the processing and substitutions. There is a couple of mechanisms to do that, depending on the scope of your need:
You can escape a single character using a backslash
. To escape double character (like**
) use a double backslash\\
. To escape the macro name use a single backslash. Read the docs for details how to escape more obscure cases. -
Often easier is to use passthroughs. This comes in a block form for longer content. This is not needed that often as the typical content that needs it has other dedicated blocks like code, which already ignore most of the formatting anyway.
More interesting for our technical documentation is inline passthrough. This is done by
pass:[left *alone*]
which protects anything between[
. If you nest another macro which uses]
inside, you can use\
to escape it so it doesn’t end the pass macro. -
Pass macro can be used even in the middle of the word, which can be confusing; it is also quite verbose. Alternatively, you can surround the protected text with
with increasing "strength". Again, see the docs for more details.
Tips, Tricks and Gotchas
Mischievous Comma
Comma can be problematic in link macros, such as xref
This is xref:/about/[xref macro, with comma inside link text].
This macro renders as xref macro
, instead of xref macro, with comma inside link text
The reason is that comma character is used to separate macro parameters, therefore the part of the text after the comma is interpreted as a second parameter of the macro.
The fix is easy, simply quote the text:
This is xref:/about/['xref macro, with comma inside link text'].
Copyright and Licensing
Please note that the content of docs site is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. There are limitations to the use of both the content of the site, and its source code. Please also note, that the license does not cover use of trademarks, which may be used on this site.
Generally speaking, Contributor License Agreement (CLA) is needed to contribute to the content of this site.
Please see General Copyright and Licensing Guidelines for details.
Most of the documentation on this site was migrated from Evolveum Wiki, that was used to maintain the documentation before 2021.
There is some legacy from the old times, such as the pages contain wiki-name
and Wiki metadata variables.
See Also
It is a good idea to add a dedicated See Also section - like this one - at the end of your document. Provide links for the reader to dig deeper, to follow up on related topics.