Linux (RedHat) with Solaris Connector

Last modified 17 May 2024 08:42 +02:00
This functionality is obsolete. It is no longer supported or maintained.


RedhHat-style linux systems, especially RedHat and CentOS distributions.


Works well, but still in testing.


The connector is accessing the system using SSH protocol. This page describes the use of sudo for assuming superuser privileges.

Type Description Comments

OpenICF Solaris Connector

Solaris Connector

Newer versions of Solaris connector has a Linux operation mode that is used to manage linux boxes.

Resource Configuration

  1. Create administration user for use by midPoint:[source]

useradd -c "midPoint" -m -r midpoint
  1. Set password for midPoint user[source]

passwd midpoint
  1. Install sudo using yum.

  2. Create file /etc/sudoers.d/midpoint with the following content./etc/sudoers.d/midpoint

midpoint    ALL = /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/usermod, /usr/sbin/userdel, /usr/sbin/groupadd, /usr/sbin/groupmod, /usr/sbin/groupdel, /usr/bin/passwd, /usr/bin/id, /usr/bin/getent, /usr/bin/which
  1. Fix permissions for /etc/sudoers.d/midpoint file:[source]

chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers.d/midpoint

Connector Configuration

Connector Configuration Example

<c:resource oid="ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02343434">

    	<!-- Resource name. It will be displayed in GUI.  -->
		<c:name>Deimos Linux</c:name>

     	<!-- Reference to the ICF Solaris connector. Using a search query to locate specific connector. -->
		<connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
                <q:text>connectorType = "org.identityconnectors.solaris.SolarisConnector"</q:text>

        <!-- Configuration section contains configuration of the connector,
             such as hostnames and passwords -->

            <!-- Configuration specific for the LDAP connector -->




			<!-- Generic ICF configuration -->




        <!-- Resource Schema Handling definition.
             This part defines how the schema defined above will be used by
             midPoint. It defines expressions and limitations for individual
             schema attributes.

             The expressions that describe both inbound and outbound flow of
             the attributes are defined in this section.

             This is the part where most of the customization takes place.

			<displayName>Default Account</displayName>





Enable Connector Logging


Sudo Permissions

Most of the commands needed in the sudoers are quite obvious. The exception is which command. This one is needed to probe the root’s path which may be different than the user path. Also some commands may not be accessing to non-root user (e.g. on RedHat-like systems).

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