
Last modified 22 Apr 2021 17:31 +02:00

Administration of OpenLDAP is not exactly easy. Therefore we have created an slapdconf utility to simplify some OpenLDAP administration tasks. We find slapdconf to be an essential survival tool in the OpenLDAP world.

Slapdconf can be downloaded from the source code repository: It is a Perl script.

The script needs some common Perl libraries: Net::LDAP, Authen::SASL and perldoc. The libraries can usually be installed from OS packages. For example, this how to install them on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl perl-doc

Slapdconf has a comprehensive help message:

slapdconf --help

In Ubuntu, the default OpenLDAP package (slapd) is pre-configured to tread the root user as LDAP server administrator. Therefore the easiest way to configure OpenLDAP is to run slapdconf as root:

sudo slapdconf list-suffixes

This is using the default slapdconf setting, which is to use ldapi:/// endpoint of OpenLDAP and EXTERNAL SASL authentication. The ldapi endpoint may not be enabled by default. In Ubuntu, it can be enabled by modifying SLAPD_SERVICES line in /etc/default/slapd file.

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