PostgreSQL Configuration

Last modified 19 Apr 2023 09:50 +02:00
Since 4.4
This functionality is available since version 4.4.

This page will contain some tips how to configure PostgreSQL DB (e.g. sizing).

DB server sizing


For orientation:

  • 1M of audit records takes ~5 GB of disk space, depending on the delta and execution result complexity.

  • 1M of user objects takes ~3-10 GB of disk space, depending on the number of assignments, refernces and extension data.

  • 1M of shadows takes ~2-3 GB of disk space, depending on the attribute data complexity.


PostgreSQL, by default, is configured to use up to 100 connections.

It is critical never to exceed the configured number of connections, because midPoint handles unavailable connection as serious error.

One midPoint node with the default configuration is not a problem. The main DB connection pool is set for up to 40 connections and these connections are shared also for SQL Audit and Task Manager duties. Even two such nodes easily fit into the connection limit set on the DB.

If configured differently, it is essential to add up all the pools and their maximum sizes. For instance, if Task manager is set to use a separate connection pool, the maximum size there is 10 and, currently, it cannot be configured.

With the Native repository, it is strongly recommended to let the Task manager use the main repository DB pool.

If we add a dedicated connection pool for audit, which makes sense in case it is stored in a separate DB, then you have to count maxPoolSize set for that connection pool (or its default). Then, depending on the maxPoolSize values, you’re easily over 50 connections per single node.

DB running out of connections

When DB is asked for another connection which goes over maxPoolSize it may result in errors with stacktraces ending like:

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: sorry, too many clients already

This will very likely happen during the start of a node, or when some activity requiring a lot of new connections is executed. It seems though, the connection pool rather waits for another used connection to be freed up first before complaining about this.

midPoint running out of connection pool

The following error indicates, at first glance, that the connection pool for a node is too small:

java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 – Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms.

But from the other perspective, it can also mean:

  • the load/demand is too high,

  • perhaps the load is not evenly distributed if multiple nodes are available,

  • requests are coming faster than are being handled,

  • potentially some requests are taking too long.

This may happen, for example, when midPoint REST inteface is heavily used.

Checking the connections on the database

You can check the current state of connections with the following SQL commands:

-- list of client connections
select pid, datname, usename, application_name, client_addr, backend_start, state
from pg_stat_activity
where client_addr is not null
order by datname, usename, backend_start;

-- list of connections aggregated
select datname, usename, application_name, state, count(*)
from pg_stat_activity
where client_addr is not null
group by datname, usename, application_name, state
order by datname, usename, application_name, state;

Notice, that application_name identifies the midPoint connection pool like main (mp-repo), audit, etc.

Possible fixes

The most intuitive thing to do in this situation is to inflate the connection pools and allow more connections on the database as well. However, leting the DB do things for more than 100 clients at once is not always a good idea. Each PG connection is a process on the database server and requires some resources, especially memory. If the connection is IDLE, it should be, and likely is, returned to the midPoint connection pool. Such connection is available.

If most connections are used and executing some queries, adding more connections doing something may actually hurt the performance. Sure - you’re serving more clients, but at a speed that may result in lower overall throughput. Check this article and/or search for other resources about scaling max_connections on PostgreSQL.

That said, you can try and raise the max_connections to a few hundreds (PG restart required). Ideally, test it before and after on some representative environment. If it works fine for you, then you fixed it easily - just don’t overdo it, it will likely not scale to thousands.

Harder way is to find out why all the default 100 connections are taken. For example, with 4 midPoint nodes, you should tune the connection pool in their config to take ~24 connections maximum (with audit and Task manager sharing the same connection pool). This will take 96 connections from the DB server at most. Always leave a few connections for maintenance.

If you’re solving this kind of problems and at least some load is audit related, you can try to configure separate audit repository.

Multiple midPoint nodes are not used to make the DB faster, it gives more power to midPoint (Java application) to process the results, do its logic, provide the GUI, etc.

If the system is doing something and is slow, you should:

  • Check that it’s not the midPoint nodes causing the bottleneck.

  • Check that nodes are used evenly.

  • Check that most of the DB connections are utilized (especially from the main pool).

If something is limited on the database, you should:

  • Find if there is not too much locking going on.

  • Identify the slow queries and perhaps add special indexes for them.

  • Check the overall load of the DB (CPU, memory, IO).

Check DB maintenance page for various maintenance queries.

Especially the last point is important, because if the DB can’t handle more, setting higher max_connections will only slow it down even further. If there is a headroom, you can go for it. For example, try 200 for max_connections and double the number of main pool connections.

Other configuration


See Also

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