REST Connector Superclass

Last modified 26 Oct 2021 23:50 +02:00

Easy development of REST-based connectors is a very attractive feature. Therefore we have created an alternative way: the REST connector superclass. This is a small component in the polygon project:

The component can be used as a superclass for your connector. It will provide basic configuration parameters (URL, username, …​) and connection management. So you will still need only to write the operation methods. But you will do that in Java, with proper type checking, versioning, dependency management, ConnId version checks and so on. All the things that a proper connector should have.

How To Use The Superclass

There are three basic things: dependency, configuration class and connector class.


The dependency is simple. Just add the following dependency into your connector pom.xml file:


(adjust the polygon version with the version that you use for connector parent)

Configuration Class

Your connector configuration class should be a subclass of AbstractRestConfiguration:

public class ExampleRestConfiguration extends AbstractRestConfiguration {
    // TODO

The AbstractRestConfiguration class defines the basic configuration variables for establishing a connection. Add any configuration variables that are specific to your connector code to this subclass.

Connector Class

Your connector class should be a subclass of AbstractRestConnector and it should be parametrized with the specific type of the configuration class:

@ConnectorClass(displayNameKey = "", configurationClass = ExampleRestConfiguration.class)
public class ExampleRestConnector extends AbstractRestConnector<ExampleRestConfiguration> implements TestOp, SchemaOp {
    // TODO

The AbstractRestConnector class implements the basic initialization and disposal code, connection management and so on.

Implement The Operations

And that’s it. Now go heade and implement the operations. E.g.:

    public void test() {
        URIBuilder uriBuilder = getURIBuilder();
        URI uri;
        try {
            uri =;
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
        HttpGet request = new HttpGet(uri);

        HttpResponse response = execute(request);



Source code Description

Example REST Connector

Dummy REST connector that illustrates basic connector structure. It does not really do much.

Drupal Connector

Fully functional connector for Drupal using its REST API.

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