Initial Logging Setup

Last modified 03 Jul 2024 15:32 +02:00

MidPoint logging is usually configured using the administration GUI. This logging configuration is stored in the midPoint repository (database) so it can only be applied after basic system infrastructure and repository subsystem is initialized. Many events are logged before that happens and these are logged using built-in logging configuration.

This initial logging setup may be insufficient for troubleshooting purposes, but there are ways how to adjust it when the need arises. This way it’s possible to diagnose issues with low-level system initialization, database initialization, etc.

You can use one of these two options to adjust the initial logging:

  • Adding logback.xml file in MidPoint Home Directory. This file will be applied during very early phases of system initialization. The default initial logging configuration will be replaced with the content of this file.

  • Or adding logback-extra inside midPoint home which has the same format, but adds to the default configuration instead of replacing it. This file is only considered when no logback.xml is found.

Both files follow the Logback configuration format. When logback.xml is used, don’t forget to set appenders otherwise logs go nowhere.

MidPoint manages the logging configuration with custom application code. Although midPoint is technically an application based on Spring Boot, it currently does not support logging.config property described here. Neither -Dlogback.configurationFile, described in the Logback documentation has the desired effect. Support for a system property provided by -D JVM argument may appear in the future.

Overriding initial logging

Example of minimalistic logback.xml configuration writing logs to the standard output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
            <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n</pattern>

    <root level="DEBUG">
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>

    <logger name="com.evolveum.midpoint" level="DEBUG"/>
    <logger name="com.evolveum.midpoint.init.StartupConfiguration" level="TRACE"/>

Note that both <appender> and <root> sections are important to get logs visible.

Instead of writing the whole logback.xml from scratch you can also start with the default configuration as a reference (although some <if> sections can likely be omitted).

Amending initial logging

Alternatively a logback-extra.xml file can be used to only change what is necessary without affecting existing appender setup. This is much better for minor changes like setting more detailed logs for startup classes.

Useful logback-extra.xml can look simply like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <logger name="com.evolveum.midpoint" level="DEBUG"/>
    <logger name="com.evolveum.midpoint.init.StartupConfiguration" level="TRACE"/>

This should help to diagnose most of the problems (DEBUG) with the focus to the startup configuration part (TRACE). All the logging goes to the files, or other outputs, where it would go before.

Ignoring system configuration logging setup

The files above are useful but may be insufficient on their own if the problem happens after the normal logging is initialized. This logging is configured in the system configuration object. If you can’t log in or the GUI is otherwise unavailable, the problem may be reported on the level that does not make it to the log - but would with initial logging overridden as shown above! Technically it’s still possible to overwrite the system configuration object in the repository. But this requires access to the database and also relies on readable serialized representation of the object - which is not necessarily true as it’s an implementation detail. What you need then is a mechanism that ignores the logging configuration from the system configuration object.

This mechanism is available via config.xml setting:



Alternatively, JVM argument -Dmidpoint.internals.avoidLoggingChange=true can be used. This uses available mechanism to set/override the config.xml values without changing the file.

Needless to say, this is not the production setup and makes logging setup via GUI impossible. This is intended only for troubleshooting, testing or development needs. The configuration entry (and related JVM argument) can change any time in the future. Hopefully this will be reflected in this place.

Sensitive values (passwords)

Initial setup can log values from config.xml file if com.evolveum.midpoint.init.StartupConfiguration logger is set to level DEBUG or TRACE - which can be a security issue if it’s a value of some password. To avoid this, values are replaced by a placeholder string. In rare troubleshooting situations this may be a problem and actual values must be investigated.

To allow this JVM argument -Dmidpoint.printSensitiveValues must be added to the command line, value is not required and is ignored. This may require modifying JAVA_OPTS environment variable or otherwise changing if starting scripts are used. Be sure to revert this change after the troubleshooting is finished.

Since 4.4
This functionality is available since version 4.4.

Sensitive values in logs are protected in all supported 4.x versions, but the override is possible only in 4.4 and later.

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