Custom Notification Transport

Last modified 02 Jul 2024 14:22 +02:00

Imagine that you want to append all user password values (as soon as they are changed) as individual records to a CSV file.

It is possible to configure a notification to do so:

            <status>alsoSuccess</status>            <!-- avoid processing if there's an overall failure (e.g. password does not meet policy constraints) -->
                        import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.*
                        user = event.requestee?.resolveObjectType()
                        pwd = event.focusPassword
                        if (user != null &amp;&amp; pwd != null) {
                            m = new NotificationMessageType()
                            m.setBody( + ";" + pwd)             // record to be written to the file
                        } else {
     <customTransport name="csv">
                    new File('data.csv').append(message.body+'\n')

The first part i.e. <customNotifier> translates a modelEvent (after filtering out non-user related events and events that ended in a failure) into a notification message containing username;password value pair. This is the line that should be written to CSV file.

The second part i.e. <customTransport> writes the line into data.csv file.


  1. There’s a slight limitation of event.getFocusPassword() method: it cannot distinguish between "no change of password" and "password set to null value". A more elaborate analysis of model context would be needed if such a distinction was required.

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