General notification - role assignment example

Last modified 07 May 2024 17:15 +02:00

This page tries to explain one specific configuration of general notification. The definition here has a potencial to be improved but it is working as it is. The goal is not just to provide simple example but mainly to describe it. And if you can read this example as well as understand it, the goal is met.

Basic information about the notification is available on a dedicated page.

The notification requirements

The notification should be used once the specific roles are assigned to the user. The role may be assigned while creating a user object or additionaly during user object modification. There can be none, one or even more matching roles processed during one user object processing. The content of the notification should be maintained on role object. In case more matching roles are assigned the final notification should be a combination of all the messages related to any of them.

Basic structure of the notification definition

Even the focus object type has been set to user object the general notification has been used. The other option would be to use of the simpleUserNotifier type of notification. Anyway, for the description it may be even better to stay more generic.

There can be much more things configured (e.g. attachment) but we will stay with simple structure:

  • filter

Filter will describe decision rule which will have an impact on the result whether to generate notification or ignore the operation.

  • recipient

Once the process matches the filter, the recipient for the notification have to be set. As there can be missing information about the e-mail address we have to cover this kind of situation.

  • subject

The subject text is supposed to be set for the e-mail communication. It is practical (e.g. rules on filters) and also it is polite to the recipients.

  • body of the message

As we generate the e-mail, it simply makes sense to also set some text to the body.

Based on this presumptions the structure of the notification will be as following:

  • notification sending strategy

By default, midPoint will generate, customize (e.g. with localization settings) and send notification message to each recipient (in case of multiple recipients) separately. This strategy can be changed with notificationSendingStrategy configuration. Possible values are: sameNotificationToAllRecipients (a notification message is generated once, and sent to all the recipients in the same form) and separateNotificationToEachRecipient (the default value, a notification message is generated and sent to every recipient separately, taking into account such individual settings as local).

            <name>some name of notifier rule</name>


For the filter expresssion we have to formulate all the parameters, which make difference in decision making whether to sent the notification or not.

Focus object by the requirements is user. The notification can be thrown with a new user object or when modifying the existing one. There are no requirements related to the removing the role assignments so even deleting whole user object should not generate any notification.

We can ignore:

  • other object type than user

  • Delete type of change

Once this is passed, we have to analyze the delta to check the type of operation. There again can be ADD, MODIFY or DELETE on the content of the object. The content may be assignments or other items. By the requirements we are only interested in ADD operation for assignment in case of RoleType.

We are only interested in:

  • delta of ADD Type

  • RoleType object related to assignments

Next to the "basic" requirements we had to set some mark for the role which should has impact on notification. We have selected one property of role object - Identifier. The value of this property has to be notification or it will not be taken into a account for this handler. his is necessary to differentiate between roles meant to be notified and the other ones.

Additional selector to allow user to mark the role for notification is Identifier. The values to search is notification.

We are iterating over the list of deltas for the operation to ensure the exact combination (ADD role with Identifier="notification" is processing). The summary information is not used to prevent unwanted combination as ADD resource & DELETE Role.

As the content of the deltas a little bit differs between the case of new user object and the case of modifying an existing user object we have to split these cases to separated blocks of code.

Once we will iterate over the first "valid" case the filter will return TRUE and the rest is not parsed at this moment. The goal for the filter is just "say yes" once at least one role pass the criteria.

The role could have its own projections - e.g. group object representation on the resource. Calling getObject would cause additional request even to the resource what may cause unwanted load and the delay in processing.

The value we are interested in (Identifier) is located in Midpoint repository so we are using specific option for raw operation. This will force Midpoint to return what is known in repository without any additional collection of the information.

import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentHolderType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.EventOperationType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.RoleType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.UserType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath
import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismValue

if (
event instanceof ModelEvent
        && event.getFocusContext().getObjectTypeClass().getName().equals(UserType.getName())
        && !event.isOperationType(EventOperationType.DELETE)
) {
    for (ObjectDelta delta : event.getFocusDeltas()) {
        if (delta.isAdd()) {
            for (AssignmentType localObject in delta.getObjectToAdd().asObjectable().assignment) {
                if (localObject.getTargetRef() == null) continue;
                if (localObject.getTargetRef().getType().localPart.equals("RoleType")) {
                    if (midpoint.getObject(RoleType, localObject.getTargetRef().getOid(),midpoint.schemaHelper.operationOptionsBuilder.raw().build()).getIdentifier().equals("notification")) return true;
        } else if (delta.isModify()) {
            for (ItemPath paths : delta.getModifiedItems()) {
                if (AssignmentHolderType.F_ASSIGNMENT.equivalent(paths)) {
                    for (PrismValue values : delta.getNewValuesFor(paths)) {
                        if (values.getRealClass().getName().equals(AssignmentType.getName())) {
                            AssignmentType localObject = values.getRealValue();
                            if (localObject.getTargetRef() == null) continue;
                            if (localObject.getTargetRef().getType().localPart.equals("RoleType")) {
                                if (midpoint.getObject(RoleType, localObject.getTargetRef().getOid(),midpoint.schemaHelper.operationOptionsBuilder.raw().build()).getIdentifier().equals("notification")) return true;


Only purpose of this part of code is to cover situation of missing e-mail address. The field is not mandatory so no values is also a "valid" content. In this case the default iam@localhost will be used. At this point you should update value for something more real.

if (
event.requesteeObject.emailAddress != null
        && event.requesteeObject.emailAddress != ""
) {
    return event.requesteeObject.emailAddress
} else {
    return "iam@localhost"


The subject of the notification will also vary based on the e-mail address. In case of available value for the e-mail the subject "[IDM] New Role assignment notification" will be set. This should be correct for the user recipient.

In case the e-mail value is not valid the notification with some prefix in body (this information will follow) will be sent out to common address. In this situation the subject in principle should be a little bit different as operation of role assignment is not really the reason why the notificaiton has been sent here.

if (
event.requesteeObject.emailAddress != null
        && event.requesteeObject.emailAddress != ""
) {
    return "[IDM] New Role assignment notification"
} else {
    return "[IDM] unknown address for notification"


Once we will reach this point we know there is something why we will construct the notification.
Also the recipient and the subject of the e-mail would be known already.

The result will be a static start of the e-mail:
Dear XXX,

Where XXX will contain one of following options (first valid in order):

  • FullName (username)

  • GivenName FamilyName (username)

  • username

Prefered field to user is FullName followed by the username in brackets. In case the FullName is empty and at least one of GivenName or FamilyName is available it is used with username in brackets. If none of FullName, GivenName and FamilyName is available only username without brackets is used.

The the generated text is added based on the assigned role.

At the end of the e-mail there is added:

Best regards,

 IDM admin team

magic of generated text

The delta objects are iterated for all the ADD operation for roleType object in assignment. Once one is found (the oid of them) the object is requested calling getObject with raw option (only repository information). In case the Identifier has a value "notification" the description of the role is taken and it is added to currently built e-mail’s body.

It is not sorted anyway so the order of the descriptions from the role objects may differ case to case.

begin of the body

Once there is at least one generated body content (last check not to sent out an empty e-mail) the personalized start of the message is created.

There is also a check for existence of e-mail address value. In case of missing address there is added extra prefix for the mail containing additional information for the operator. There is available information about the recipient user object (username, oid, original subject).

import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentHolderType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.EventOperationType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.RoleType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.UserType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.AssignmentType
import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.path.ItemPath
import com.evolveum.midpoint.prism.PrismValue

String body = "";
if (
event instanceof ModelEvent
        && event.getFocusContext().getObjectTypeClass().getName().equals(UserType.getName())
        && !event.isOperationType(EventOperationType.DELETE)
) {
    for (ObjectDelta delta : event.getFocusDeltas()) {
        if (delta.isAdd()) {
            for (AssignmentType localObject in delta.getObjectToAdd().asObjectable().assignment) {
                if (localObject.getTargetRef() == null) continue;
                if (localObject.getTargetRef().getType().localPart.equals("RoleType")) {
                    if (midpoint.getObject(RoleType, localObject.getTargetRef().getOid(),midpoint.schemaHelper.operationOptionsBuilder.raw().build()).getIdentifier().equals("notification")) {
                        body += midpoint.getObject(RoleType, localObject.getTargetRef().getOid(),midpoint.schemaHelper.operationOptionsBuilder.raw().build()).getDescription() + "\n\n";
        } else if (delta.isModify()) {
            for (ItemPath paths : delta.getModifiedItems()) {
                if (AssignmentHolderType.F_ASSIGNMENT.equivalent(paths)) {
                    for (PrismValue values : delta.getNewValuesFor(paths)) {
                        if (values.getRealClass().getName().equals(AssignmentType.getName())) {
                            AssignmentType localObject = values.getRealValue();
                            if (localObject.getTargetRef() == null) continue;
                            if (localObject.getTargetRef().getType().localPart.equals("RoleType")) {
                                if (midpoint.getObject(RoleType, localObject.getTargetRef().getOid(),midpoint.schemaHelper.operationOptionsBuilder.raw().build()).getIdentifier().equals("notification")) {
                                    body += midpoint.getObject(RoleType, localObject.getTargetRef().getOid(),midpoint.schemaHelper.operationOptionsBuilder.raw().build()).getDescription() + "\n\n";
if (!body.isEmpty()) {
    if (event?.requesteeDisplayName == null) {
        boolean nameContructed = false
        String tmpName = ""
        if (event?.requesteeObject.getGivenName() != null) {
            tmpName += event?.requesteeObject.givenName.toString();
            nameContructed = true
        if (event?.requesteeObject.getFamilyName() != null) {
            if (nameContructed) tmpName += " "
            tmpName += event?.requesteeObject.familyName.toString();
            nameContructed = true
        if (nameContructed) {
            body = "Dear " + tmpName +
                    " (" + + ")" +
                    ",\n\n" + body + "\n\n Best regards,\n\n IDM admin team"
        } else {
            body = "Dear " +
                    ",\n\n" + body + "\n\n Best regards,\n\n IDM admin team"
    } else {
        body = "Dear " + event?.requesteeDisplayName.toString() +
                " (" + + ")" +
                ",\n\n" + body + "\nBest regards,\n\n IDM admin team";
    if (
    event.requesteeObject.emailAddress == null
            || event.requesteeObject.emailAddress == ""
    ) {
        body = "Notification for the user : " + + " / " + event.requesteeObject.oid +
                "\nSubject: [IDM] New Role assignment notification\n" +
                "\nThe e-mail address is not know at this moment" +
                "\n - - - - - - -\n" + body
    return body

Relevant role maintenance

If you want to have some role which will be covered by this notification rule, it should have :

  • Identifier = "notification"

  • description is set (as it is added to the notification body)

If you want to cover additional role, those two "requirements" have to be met. To stop using role description for notification generation clear Identifier field is enough. To change the content of the notification, edit the description field on role object.

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