email = emailAddress.replace('@', '_'); return 'yourGmailAccount+' + email + '';
SmartRecruiters Connector
Identity connector for SmartRecruiters cloud service over REST User API.
Functionality | limited |
Development status | dormant (not developed actively, but still somehow maintained) |
Support status | supportable |
Origin | Evolveum |
Support provided by | Evolveum |
Target systems | SmartRecruiters cloud service |
Protocol | REST |
Source code | |
Capabilities and Features
Provisioning |
Live Synchronization |
NO |
Can be done over workaround: read all users and compare token with updatedOn user attribute. |
Password |
Activation |
Activation via the active attribute. |
Paging support |
Version | Origin | Binary | Sources | Build Date | Framework version | Description |
---|---|---|---|---|---|---| |
Polygon |
December 2016 | |
Stable. |
The connector itself is available under the terms of Apache License 2.0. To our best knowledge, there is no extra license needed to use this connector.
To generate Your SmartRecruiters API key please log in, go to Settings / Admin, find in Configuration section API / Integrations.
Smart recruiters use Email globally, so if one e-mail address is registered and active, you can’t create the new user with same e-mail address over API. If you need to have test and also production environment, please use some e-mail address obfuscation like:
At the same time, in SmartRecruiters one user has exactly one role assigned. Connector solve this restriction automatically - find the strongest role from list of all roles what midPoint sent and set only this.