MidPoint Exercises
This is a list of exercises for midPoint configuration. It may be used to improve your configuration skills as a follow-up to midPoint Book. It may also be used to self-evaluate your midPoint configuration skills.
No. | Exercise | Difficulty | Synopsis | Training |
1 | HR Feed | Very easy | Configure a simple automatic data feed from an Human Resource system represented by a CSV file. | MID-101 |
2 | LDAP Provisioning | Very easy | Create a simple midPoint configuration that provisions account to LDAP server. | MID-101 |
3 | Small LDAP-based Company | Easy | Combine HR Feed, LDAP provisioning and RBAC to set up a configuration for a small company. | MID-101 |
4 | Nicer Small Company | Easy-Medium | Small company with a nicer configuration: nicer usernames, database resource, schema, password policy, RBAC. | MID-101 |
5 | Basic Organizational Structure | Easy | Organizational structure (manually-maintained), authorizations, self-service, delegated administration. | MID-101 |
6 | Basic Entitlement Management | Easy-Medium | Entitlements (LDAP groups), intents, notifications, etc. | MID-101 |
7 | Synchronize organizational structure to LDAP | Easy-Medium | Synchronize organization structure from CSV file to LDAP server. | MID-102 |
8 | Advanced Organizational Structure Synchronization | Medium | Synchronize organization structure from incomplete data, set up managers and LDAP groups. | MID-102 |
50 | Governed Identities | Hard | Apply complex governance rules on identity population: policies, multi-stage approvals, SoD, ... | MID-102, Governance (planned) |