midPoint on Ubuntu, Tomcat, PostgreSQL HOWTO

Last modified 26 Oct 2021 23:50 +02:00


This HOWTO describes an installation and configuration of midPoint in Ubuntu Linux environment. MidPoint will run in Apache Tomcat web container. Apache web server will be placed in front of it as a reverse proxy. MidPoint repository will be maintained in PostgreSQL database running on the same host.

Note: all commands specified in this tutorial should be run as root. Therefore either prefix them with sudo or execute sudo -s at the beginning of installation session.

Install Java JDK

We recommend using the OpenJDK 8 that is distributed with Ububtu (16.04 LTS):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

If you prefer Sun JDK or if there is no OpenJDK 8 in your distribution then download Sun JDK from oracle.com and install it. Just make sure it is JDK version 8.

Java 8 only

MidPoint 3.5 is supported only on Java 8 platforms. MidPoint supported both Java 7 and Java 8 for several years. The support for Java 7 was deprecated in midPoint 3.4.1 and it was removed in midPoint 3.5. It is finally the time to abandon obsolete technology and to move on.

Installing JCE Extension

The JCE Unlimited Strength extension provides a full-strength cryptography for Java. It is usually good idea to install it if it is legal under your jurisdiction. The files can be downloaded from oracle.com. Look for Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files. Choose version appropriate for your JDK version.

Unzip the archive and copy the two jar files to /opt/java/jre/lib/security. It may be a good idea to back up the original files before doing this.

Install Apache Tomcat

Download tomcat 8 binary installation package from Apache website.

Unpack the tomcat to /opt. This creates /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.4 or similar directory. Make a symlink for easier management:

ln -s /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.4 /opt/apache-tomcat

Create tomcat user (remember to make sure /usr/sbin/nologin is an allowed shell in /etc/shells file - otherwise the init.d script will fail):

sudo useradd -c "Apache Tomcat" -r -d /opt/apache-tomcat -s /usr/sbin/nologin tomcat

Change ownership of the installed files:

sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/apache-tomcat

Create init.d script for tomcat:

# Startup script for Tomcat Servlet Engine
# chkconfig: 345 86 14
# description: Tomcat Servlet Engine
# Provides:          tomcat
# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog $network
# Default-Start:     3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: Tomcat Servlet Engine
# Description:       Tomcat Servlet Engine

# Directory where tomcat is installed
# User under which tomcat will run

case "$1" in
        su $RUN_AS_USER -c "$INST_PATH/bin/startup.sh" -s /bin/bash
        su $RUN_AS_USER -c "$INST_PATH/bin/shutdown.sh" -s /bin/bash
        su $RUN_AS_USER -c "$INST_PATH/bin/shutdown.sh" -s /bin/bash
        su $RUN_AS_USER -c "$INST_PATH/bin/startup.sh" -s /bin/bash
  echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  exit 1

exit $RETVAL

Add execution permissions to tomcat script:

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/tomcat

We don’t want tomcat to be accessible directly from the network. Therefore let’s configure it to listen only on localhost address. Edit the /opt/apache-tomcat/conf/server.xml file and add address attribute to each <Connector> definition. Like this:

   <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               address="" />
    <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443"

Install and Configure Apache

Install Apache ubuntu package:

sudo apt-get install apache2

Enable rewrite, proxy and proxy_http modules:

cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
ln -s ../mods-available/rewrite.load
ln -s ../mods-available/proxy.load
ln -s ../mods-available/proxy_http.load

Configure the proxy to tomcat in appropriate apache site definition:

        ProxyRequests           Off
        ProxyPreserveHost       On

        ProxyPass               /midpoint       http://localhost:8080/midpoint
        ProxyPassReverse        /midpoint       http://localhost:8080/midpoint

If midPoint is the only (or the main) application on this host then you might also want to configure a redirect:

        RewriteEngine On
        RewriteRule             ^/?$     /midpoint/ [R]

Reload apache configuration:

service apache2 reload

Install PostgreSQL

Install PostgreSQL ubuntu package:

sudo apt-get install postgresql

Create user in the database (remember the password):

sudo -u postgres createuser --pwprompt --no-superuser --no-createdb --no-createrole midpoint

Create a database:

sudo -u postgres createdb --owner=midpoint midpoint

Select appropriate SQL schema script for your midPoint version (Download script from Raw tab):

Version Location

development branch
















other versions

use appropriate tag directory using the example above

Execute the script to create database schema (tables, indexes, etc.):

sudo psql --host=localhost --username=midpoint < postgresql-X.Y-all.sql

(The "WARNING: there is no transaction in progress" is OK)

The database is now ready.

Deploy and Set Up midPoint

Stop tomcat (if it is running):

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat stop

Download or build midpoint.war. Place it into /opt/apache-tomcat/webapps directory.

Create midPoint home directory. This directory contains midpoint startup configuration, keystore, connector code and similar things. According to UNIX conventions the best place is perhaps /var/opt directory but use whatever place suits your installation. Also make sure it can be accessed by tomcat:

sudo mkdir /var/opt/midpoint
sudo chown tomcat:tomcat /var/opt/midpoint

Edit tomcat startup file /opt/apache-tomcat/bin/catalina.sh to tweak its parameters. We need this to let midpoint know where is the location of its home directory and also to modify the default Java memory settings. Place this line somewhere near the beginning of the file:

JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -server -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dmidpoint.home=/var/opt/midpoint/ -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=/var/opt/midpoint/keystore.jceks -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStoreType=jceks"

Start tomcat now:

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat start

Tomcat should pick up the WAR file and deploy the application. This may take a minute or so. The /opt/apache-tomcat/webapps/midpoint directory should appear. You can follow the deployment process by tailing /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/catalina.out. You can watch pre process of midpoint startup and initialization by tailing /opt/apache-tomcat/logs/idm.log (this happens after the deployment). After midpoint starts the directory /var/opt/midpoint should be populated with several files and subdirectories.

Midpoint starts with a default settings. This means that it is using an embedded H2 database for storing files. We want to change this to PostgreSQL. The setting is in the midpoint home directory (/var/opt/midpoint) in config.xml file. This file is read during midpoint start. Therefore let’s first stop tomcat together with deployed midpoint:

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat stop

Edit the config.xml file midpoint home directory (/var/opt/midpoint). Change the <repository> section to refer to the PostgreSQL database created above. Do not forget to substitute the real password for midpoint PostgreSQL user in the <jdbcPassword> element.


Note that JDBC driver for PostgreSQL is already bundled in midPoint, there is no need to install it explicitly.

MidPoint initialized its embedded database repository during the first start. This is no longer needed and it may be deleted to free some space and avoid confusion. The databases are in *.h2.db files:

sudo rm /var/opt/midpoint/midpoint.mv.db
sudo rm /var/opt/midpoint/midpoint-activiti.mv.db

Now it is the time to start tomcat and midPoint:

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat start

Optional Post-Installation Steps

Change Encryption Key

Encryption is used in midPoint to protect sensitive parts of the database such as passwords. The encryption key is not stored in the database (that would be really meaningless). It is stored in standard Java JCE keystore that is located in midPoint home directory by default. First start of midPoint generates and encryption key for you. But it generates a short encryption key that is suitable both for use by export-limited and full-strength cryptography modules. Therefore is full-strength JCE extension was installed it is recommended to change the encryption key to a full-strength key. It can be achieved by keytool utility.

First stop tomcat:

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat stop

Generate new key with a keytool command:

su -s /bin/bash -c "keytool -genseckey -alias strong -keystore /var/opt/midpoint/keystore.jceks -storetype jceks -storepass changeit -keyalg AES -keysize 256 -keypass midpoint" tomcat

That command will create a new 256-bit AES key with alias strong. Now reconfigure midPoint to use the new key. Edit the config.xml file to change encryption key alias. Also make sure a strong algorithm is specified:


Start tomcat again:

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat start

See Encryption and Keys and Keystore Configuration pages for more information.


MidPoint is now up and running. You can access the administration gui at:

Username administrator



For more information how to customize and run midPoint please see:

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