Upgrading PostgreSQL Database with Native PostgreSQL Repository

Last modified 19 Oct 2023 09:50 +02:00

This guide will walk you through migrating your midPoint 4.8 PostgreSQL database to newer version of PostgreSQL for use with midPoint Native repository. It assumes you were using Native PostgreSQL repository with older PostgreSQL database and you just want to upgrade to PostgreSQL 16.

If you were using Generic Repository with PostgreSQL this guide is not for you, please consult Migration to Native PostgreSQL Repository.

Unfortunatelly it is not possible to easily migrate midPoint PostgreSQL database using pg_dump and pg_restore with their basic options. This guide assumes basic knowledge of pg_dump and pg_restore tools.

This guide does not deal with performance optimizing migration process, but to rather show simplest form and principles neccessary to perform it.

Process Overview

  1. Exporting only data from older PostgreSQL version using pg_dump

  2. Creating new database & Initializing database schema

  3. Importing data using into new database using pg_restore

  4. Changing midPoint config.xml to use new database

pg_dump and pg_restore complications

MidPoint Native Repository heavily uses more advanced concepts present in PostgreSQL such as GENERATED and table inheritance. midPoint also uses insert triggers, which may bit complicate reimport.

  • GENERATED - prevents pg_restore from using COPY statements (faster import), INSERT needs to be used. This requires to switching to INSERT statements using --column-inserts statements.

  • PostgreSQL had incompatible change how GENERATED can be used in PostgreSQL 16 and older PostgreSQL. So midPoint database schema used prior to version 16 can not be imported directly into PG 16, so you need to do data only export (using option -ab in pg_dump and pg_restore).

  • Since you need to use INSERT statements, these have triggers - you have two options - let triggers be run, or disable it.

    • Table m_object_oid is normally populated by triggers on inserts into m_object and concrete object tables. You need to have triggers disabled during reimport. Disabling triggers also require access to SUPERUSER role in PostgreSQL 16.

Data Export from older PostgreSQL

First step is to export data from older PostgreSQL database. Based on discussed complications, you need to perform export using pg_dump with following options:


Export data only, export large objects.


Use INSERT SQL statements instead of COPY statements


Use pg_dump custom file format for dump

You also need to specify connections options. Assuming your database is running at localhost port 5432, you have database user midpoint and database used is midpoint_prod . The dump will be stored into database.dump file.

The command is:

pg_dump -h localhost -p 5432 -U midpoint -ab --column-inserts -Fc midpoint_prod > database.dump

After command successfully finishes, you will have dump of old database.

Creating PG16 Dabatase

As mentioned before, you need to create new database and initialize it with database schema (you can not import schema from database older than PG16). This steps are similar as to creating database for the first time.

This could be done using psql. See Native PostgreSQL Repository: Database Preparation for how to prepare blank database.

Do not start any midPoint instance which will connect to new database.

Data Import into new database

Based on discussed complications, you need to perform export using pg_dump with following options:

-S superuser

PostgreSQL superuser account name, which should be used to disable triggers.


Disables triggers during import. Prevents double inserts into m_object_oid.


Data only import.

Now you can import data into new database. Assuming your new database is running at localhost port 5431, and you have database user midpoint and the database used is midpoint_prod. Lets assume midpoint user is also superuser. The dump is stored in database.dump file.

pg_restore -h localhost -p 5431 -S midpoint -U midpoint --disable-triggers -a -d midpoint_prod < database.dump

Once the command successfully completes, You should have all data in new PG 16 database. And it is time to update configuration.

Updating midPoint config.xml

Now, you have all data in new PostgreSQL database it is time to update config.xml to point to new DB.

Appendix: Upgrade / migration using Ninja

This step is not neccessary if you performed upgrade using pg_dump and pg_restore. IT documents only alternative way.

You could treat upgrading PostgreSQL database also as a migration to native Repository, even if you were using Native Repository before. This can be achieved using built-in midPoint tool Ninja (bin/ninja.sh) to perform database migration.

Simulated Objects in Simulatations are not migrated using Ninja. These objects will be lost during upgrade / migration.

The details how to perform migration using Ninja could be found at Migration to Native PostgreSQL Repository.

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