Data Representation Formats

Last modified 28 Oct 2021 11:18 +02:00

midPoint is using objects composed of properties and containers, known as Prism Objects. MidPoint Data Model specifies how the objects look like, what properties and containers they have, what are the types and multiplicities of the data and so on. This is an abstract data structure that is used in all parts of midPoint. This internal data structure are converted to data representation formats such as JSON, YAML or XML when needed.

The same midPoint objects can be represented in all the supported formats:

  <fullName>John Doe</fullName>
  "name" : "jdoe",
  "givenName" : "John",
  "familyName" : "Doe",
  "fullName" : "John Doe",
  "activation" : {
    "administrativeStatus" : "enabled"
name: jdoe
givenName: John
familyName: Doe
fullName: John Doe
  administrativeStatus: enabled

All the supported data representation formats are equivalent. MidPoint user may choose any of them.

Objects Are Not Documents

Although the midPoint objects are represented in XML, JSON and YAML, they must not be considered XML or JSON documents. MidPoint objects are composed of (potentially multi-valued) properties and containers (Prism Objects), not XML elements or JSON hashmaps. There are also some subtle differences. E.g. midPoint does not maintain ordering of values, while XML and JSON do maintain the ordering. Ordering of elements is significant in XML, but it is not significant for midPoint.

XML, JSON and YAML are just ways to represent midPoint objects in a readable and "serializable" form. All midPoint objects can be represented as XML, JSON and YAML documents. However, it does not work the other way around. Not every XML or JSON document is a valid midPoint object.


MidPoint data model is designed to be extensible. Practically all midPoint objects have an extension section that can hold any custom items. Therefore, it is easy to extend existing object types such as User or Role. The extensions are identified by namespace URI, therefore there is a natural namespace allocation and minimized chance of naming conflicts even if several extensions are used at the same time.

Existing objects types are easy to extends, however new object types are quite difficult to create. Luckily, there is usually no need to. MidPoint provides very good set of basic data types (User, Role, Org, Service). These types can be further specified by using archetypes.

Multiple Formats

Why do we need to support many data presentation formats? Why is JSON not enough?

JSON has lots of problems. For example:

  • JSON has no namespace support. Without namespacing mechanism it is extremely difficult to have extensibility and interoperability at the same time.

  • JSON Schema has most of the problems and limitations of XML Schema Definitions (XSD). We had to extend XSD to make it useful for midPoint, we would probably need the same to do with JSON schema. In fact, the limitations of both XSD and JSON Schema lead us to Axiom.

  • JSON ecosystem is still not mature enough. It is actually re-inventing XML and repeating some of the most severe XML mistakes.

  • JSON positions itself as a "pure data" format. E.g. there is no support for comments in JSON, and there is no plan to support that. That makes sense for such a "pure" format. However, that makes JSON unsuitable for configurations samples and similar data that needs to be human-readable and understandable.

Other representation formats have their own advantages and disadvantages. They are also influenced by current technology and fashion trends. XML was really popular in 2000s, JSON is the king now, and who knows what will come in next couple of years. Making midPoint data model independent of the data representation gives us ability to adapt when we need to.

Why Is There So Much XML?

The short answer is that XML was mature and popular when midPoint project was started. Originally, MidPoint was built on top of XML ecosystem. Even though we knew that this was not ideal, it was still the best choice at the time.

MidPoint gained independence from data representation formats since then. However, project culture is difficult to chance, as is the volume of configuration samples and documentation. Besides, XML is still a very good choice for midPoint configuration. Most notably:

  • Unlike JSON, XML can include comments in the files. This is very useful for development of midPoint configurations in the team.

  • XML has native support for namespaces. Which may still be quite useful in complex configuration scenarios.

  • Albeit we are slowly moving to Axiom, majority of midPoint schema is still maintained in XSD. Therefore common XML tooling can still be used when working with XML, e.g. XML code completion in the development environment (IDE).

However, we are slowly going towards full independence of representation format. Not only in code, but also in documentation, samples and tests. There will certainly be more JSON and YAML in the documentation, samples and tests.

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