MidPoint Administration User Interface
MidPoint has a sophisticated web-based user interface that can be used for self service, identity administration and midPoint configuration. This is one unified user interface by purpose. It is not artificially divided into end-user and administration part because of delegated administration possibility. Some users may have administrative authorizations over a portion of a system and they can do both self-service and administration tasks from the same user interface. Despite that the midPoint user interface is a single application it is visually divided into two parts:
Self Services part has a simple look & feel and it has functionality targeted at common users.
Administration part has comprehensive functionality targeted at identity administrators, delegated administrators and deployment engineers.
Following pages describe MidPoint web-based administration user interface, its usage, configuration and customization.
- Admin GUI Configuration
- Area Categories
- Custom forms
- Dashboards
- Delta visualization
- Deployment Information
- Feature Customization
- GUI User Profile
- Localization
- Look & Feel Customization HOWTO
- MidPoint JAR Signature Status
- Object Collections and Views
- Request access
- Resource wizard
- Role wizard
- Sections (virtual containers) in object details
- Self-Service
- Simulations
- Summary Panel Customization
- Tasks
- User Interface Form Fields
- User-Friendly Policy Selection
This is part of MidPoint Configuration Reference. Being a reference documentation, these documents focus on breadth and depth of information rather than seamless readability. New midPoint users may find this information hard to follow and confusing.
It is recommended that new midPoint users start with MidPoint Book or video tutorials on Evolveum YouTube channel.