Resource wizard: Association type provisioning from resource for subject

Last modified 21 Jan 2025 15:47 +01:00
Since 4.9
This functionality is available since version 4.9.

On this page we create provisioning rule(s) to specify how midPoint should read the association information and transform it to midPoint data, typically assignments.

table new
Figure 1. Provisioning from resource

Click btn:[Add provisioning rule] to create a new provisioning rule.

step 1 basic configuration
Figure 2. Main configuration of association inbound mapping

We can configure basic attributes of the provisioning rule:

  • Name is used to uniquely name this rule

  • Strength allows the association mapping strength to be set

  • Lifecycle state allows defining the lifecycle state, e.g. Proposed for simulation of the provisioning rule.

Click btn:[Save settings].

Further configuration is required.

choice part
Figure 3. Provisioning from resource wizard

Basic Attributes tile allows returning back to the basic provisioning rule attributes definition. Other tiles are described below.


In this step, you can configure the mapping for reading the associations (inbound).

step 2 mapping
Figure 4. Provisioning from resource mappings

Create a new mapping using btn:[Add inbound] that defines the transformation of association data from resource to midPoint data (inbound):

  • Name is needed to uniquely identify this mapping

  • From resource attribute should be kept as it is

  • Expression: we can use the expression Shadow owner which means assigning the role that owns the entitlement

  • Target property should be set to targetRef (of the assignment corresponding to the association)

  • Lifecycle state allows you to define the lifecycle state. This can be used during Simulations.

The detailed steps for mapping include the same steps as editing the mapping of the object type.

Click btn:[Save mappings] when done to return to the previous page from which you started the mapping editor.


In this step, you can configure synchronization rules for provisioning. This section specifies how midPoint reacts when a new synchronization event is detected.

step 3 synchronization table
Figure 5. Synchronization

Click btn:[Add reaction] to add a new row in the table.

For the situations, you can select an appropriate situation:

  • Unmatched refers to situation when there is no assignment corresponding to the association

  • Matched refers to situation when there is a direct assignment corresponding to the association already

  • Matched indirectly refers to situation when there is an indirect assignment corresponding to the association already

For the reactions, you can select:

  • Add focus value to allow creation of assignment corresponding to the association

  • Synchronize to synchronize data between association and assignment for existing assignments

  • Undefined to not do anything

For each table entry:

  • Lifecycle state allows you to define the lifecycle state of the situation/reaction configuration. This can be used during Simulations, e.g. specifying lifecycle state as Proposed will be used only to simulate the synchronization/reaction configuration, Draft disables the synchronization/reaction configuration etc.

The detailed steps for synchronization rule include the same steps as editing the synchronization rule of the object type.

Click btn:[Save synchronization settings] when done to return to the previous page from which you started the synchronization editor.


In this step, you can configure correlation rules for provisioning. Define a new correlation rule to specify how midPoint should correlate the associations to assignments.

step 4 correlation rule table
Figure 6. Correlation rules

When you click on btn:[Edit] in item menu you will see table for items of correlation rule. If associations correspond to assignments, you typically want to use (inbound mapping for) targetRef property (of the assignment) as correlation item.

step 4 correlation items
Figure 7. Configuration of correlation items

Click btn:[Confirm settings] when finished to return to the previous page for correlation rules, but you must save your changes.

Click btn:[Save correlation settings] when done to return to the previous page from which you started the correlation editor.

Now we can go back to configure Provisioning to resource.

Configuration of resource wizard panels

Some wizard panels are configurable, for more information see Wizard panels.

How to use Lifecycle state

Resource, object type, attribute, mapping, synchronization situation and other aspects of resource configuration can be configured in different lifecycle states. As it was mentioned earlier, the Lifecycle state property can be used with Simulations. The resource is created in Proposed lifecycle state by default, it won’t work for normal deployment without switching to Active state.

By using the lifecycle state Proposed, you can test (simulate) the configuration without causing any damage to your target system data. When the simulation results are satisfactory, you can switch the lifecycle state to Active.

As the lifecycle state can be set on various configuration items, midPoint gives you a way of turning on specific parts of configuration incrementally. For example, after you switch your resource to Active lifecycle state, we recommend to add any new mappings first in Proposed lifecycle state. The new mapping can be simulated without causing any harm and switched to Active lifecycle state when ready.

See also:


Resource wizard has several limitations as of midPoint 4.8, such as:

midPoint resource wizard won’t be able to show or allow editing of these features but should tolerate them and keep them in the configuration.

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