Manual Marking using GUI
Shadow Policy Marks
Marking Shadows in Resource Details
MidPoint GUI allows modifying manual marks of shadows in resource details view using Modify Marks action in Accounts and Entitlements.
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Removing Shadow Marks in Resource Details
MidPoint GUI allows removing manually mark of shadows in resource details view using Modify Marks action (as shown previously) in Accounts and Entitlements.
Marking Shadows in Simulation Results
MidPoint GUI allows manually marking shadows in Simulations results → Processed Object views. This is done by clicking menu icon and selecting Modify Marks. Note that mark is applied to real shadow (not simulated result). This allows for use-cases such as running simulations and excluding particular shadows from real run.
In Simulations GUI mark is applied to actual underlying object |
Workflow screenshots

Listing marked shadows across resources
In order to view all shadows marked by specific mark, you can navigate in midPoint GUI, to Marks, open specific object mark details and click on Marked Shadows.
Object Marks
Marking Object in Object Details
Objects can be marked in midPoint GUI in object details view on Marks panel.
Workflow Screenshots