Last modified 13 Sep 2024 14:35 +02:00
Since 4.4
This functionality is available since version 4.4. The functionality was further improved in versions 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8.

Midpoint provides multiple mechanisms to query the data and search for information. This document provides basic information and examples of advanced search using midPoint query language in midPoint GUI.

The document is intended for users who understand midPoint concepts and architecture (IDM operators, administrators, engineers,…​). They can use the midPoint query language in deeper analysis and searching for the objects and their relations in GUI.

The new query language is undergoing rename from 'Axiom' to 'midPoint Query Language' since midPoint version 4.8. As the Axiom name is well known, it can be still for some time referenced also with this name. Please consider Axiom Query Language and midPoint Query Language as synonyms.

Basic Information

MidPoint Query Language is designed to query objects in midPoint repository. It is a universal language used to search for objects in the repository, filter objects, set up object references and so on. The language closely follows midPoint data model. Names of the properties, attributes and all the data items are directly taken from midPoint data model (e.g. fullName, activation/effectiveStatus).

MidPoint Query Language provides following comparison operators: "=", "!=", "<", "⇐", ">", ">=" with their usual meaning. Strings may be compared also with "startsWith", "endsWith", "contains" and "fullText" operators (note: fullText operator requires configuration of fulltext index).

It provides also logical operators "and", "or" and "not". Execution of complex queries may be ordered using brackets "(" and ")".

Objects in midPoint are bound by relations (assignments, inducements, ..). MidPoint Query Language provides dereferencing mechanism with operator "@" which allows searching objects using attributes and values in the references. See examples below for usage.

You can create complex queries also using "matches" operator and "exists" operator. See examples below for their usage.

More detail information and description of the operators can be found at midPoint Query Language documentation.

How to start

Basic search query is shown above each view by default. User can switch to advanced query by clicking the query button and selecting the Advanced option.

Select Advanced query

Each query is searching objects within currently opened view in GUI. If user needs to search all objects of specific type, he has to select the relevant view (All users, All roles, All services).

Knowledge of internal structure of midPoint objects is necessary - at least basic names of attributes and basic understanding of assignment/targetRef attribute and roleMembershipRef attribute. If the user needs to find name of specific attribute, he can use Edit raw button on the object details page.

Search queries are case-sensitive. Query givenName = "John" is different from givenName = "john"

Saved searches

User can save predefined useful filters for future use - by using Save filter button.

Save filter

Advanced Query Examples

Examples of queries using midPoint Query Language.

Search by attributes in objects and references

Request Advanced query Details

Find users with specific given name

givenName = "John"

Find users with last name starting with specific string

familyName startsWith "Wo"

Find roles with name ending with specific string

name endsWith "LAST"

Searching in All roles view

Find service where Application URL extension attribute contains specific string.

extension/appUrl contains "mycompanyname.com"

Attributes specific for the deployment are in objects stored as extension attributes in <extension> XML element.

To search these attributes you need to include "extension/" in the attribute name.

Find disabled users in All users view

activation/administrativeStatus = "disabled"

Search by attributes in referenced objects

Find User with specific assignment

assignment/targetRef/@/name = "End user"

The dereferencing operator "@" states that everything behind relates to the referenced object.

Find User with service object indirectly assigned

roleMembershipRef/@/name = "SAP application"

The indirect assignment of service object represents "access to application"

Find users of specific archetype

archetypeRef/@/name = "External Users"

Logical operators in search

Find all external users with specific given name.

archetypeRef/@/name = "External Users" and givenName = "John"

Search by dates and times

Find all users created after particular date

metadata/createTimestamp > "2022-09-21"

Find all users created on particular date (e.g. 19/10/2022)

metadata/createTimestamp >= "2022-10-22" and metadata/createTimestamp < "2022-10-23"

createTimestamp is datetime value. The value with time is larger just the date. 2022-10-22T01:05:13 that is larger than "2022-10-22"

Find users modified in specific second

metadata/modifyTimestamp >= "2022-10-02T12:53:32"and metadata/modifyTimestamp < "2022-10-02T12:53:33"

Search by object OID

Find 1 object specified by its OID

. inOid ("eb21455d-17cc-4390-a736-f1d6afa82057")

The list of OIDs may contain one or more OIDs.

Search through assignments or inducements

These searches are valid in views listing objects - users, roles, services. For searches in the object panels see below.

Request Advanced query Details

Find users with specific roles directly assigned

assignment/targetRef/@/name = "End user"

Find users with specific role assigned (directly or indirectly)

roleMembershipRef/@/name = "End user"

roleMembershipRef contains both direct and indirect assignments.

Note: roleMembershipRef may not be up-to-date if the role definition was updated and it’s members were not recomputed.

Find users without any service assigned (directly or indirectly)

roleMembershipRef not matches (targetType = ServiceType)

roleMembershipRef contains both direct and indirect assignments.

Find users without any role or service assigned (directly or indirectly)

roleMembershipRef not matches (targetType = RoleType) AND roleMembershipRef not matches (targetType = ServiceType)

Roles without any inducement

inducement not exists

exists operator with not operator together.
This can’t be used with assignments if roles have assigned archetypes.

Find users without any role or service directly assigned

assignment/targetRef not matches ( targetType = RoleType) AND assignment/targetRef not matches ( targetType = ServiceType)

Assignment attribute contains direct assignments only.

Query is rather complex, because each user has at least one assignment assigned - archetype assignment.

Owners of roles (users with any role assigned as owner)

assignment/targetRef matches (targetType=RoleType and relation=owner)

Relation value is of QName type and therefore no quotation marks are used. The namespace (org:owner) is optional.
See matches filter in references.

Users with account on specific resource

linkRef/@ matches (
. type ShadowType
and resourceRef matches (oid = "093ba5b5-7b15-470a-a147-889d09c2850f")
and intent = "default" )

Resource is identified by OID

Note: For detail explanation of the query please check additional introduction to midPoint Query Language page.

Users with account on specific resource

linkRef/@ matches (
. type ShadowType
and resourceRef/@/name = "LDAP"
and intent = "default" )

Like previous query, just the resource is identified by resource name.

Users having with role with specific extension attribute assigned

assignment/targetRef/@ matches (
. type RoleType and extension/sapType="SAP555")

This is a complex query: Searching for all assignments of a role identified by value of specific extension attribute.
In this case the . type RoleType type filter clause is necessary as midPoint need to know which type of objects to search for the extension attribute.

Referencing (supported since version 4.6)

In roles view, find all roles that are assigned to specific user

. referencedBy (@type = UserType AND name = "adam" AND @path = assignment/targetRef)

Dot is important in the query.

Searching in All accesses panel

View in "All accesses" panel displays content of "roleMembershipRef" attribute. So name of this attribute must be excluded from the queries.

Since 4.7
This functionality is available since version 4.7.
Request Advanced query Details

All assigned roles

. matches (targetType = RoleType)

You can also use ServiceType for services or OrgType for organizational units.

All accesses starting with gallery in the display name

@/displayName startsWith "gallery"

The view shows display names of the objects. So search for name element could bring confusing results if name and displayName are different.

All applications where the user has access


This searches for all references with archetype named "Application". The same way you can search for "Application role" or "Business role".

Searching in Assignments panels

Views in assignments panels display content of the "assignment" attribute. So name of this attribute must be excluded from the queries.

Since 4.7
This functionality is available since version 4.7.
Request Advanced query Details

All roles assigned directly

targetRef matches (targetType = RoleType)

All assignments (roles or other) with name starting with "C"

targetRef/@/name startsWith "C"

Dereferencing (search with @) is working in the assignment panel only when repository search is enabled.

Searching in Tasks

Standard structure of the task object was not prepared for searching. Therefore, additional element affectedObjects allowing convenient searching of the tasks by affected objects and their execution mode was induced in 4.8.

Since 4.8
This functionality is available since version 4.8.
Request Advanced query Details

All tasks acting on users

affectedObjects/activity/objects/type = "c:UserType"

All tasks performing reconciliation

affectedObjects/activity/activityType = "c:reconciliation"

Include namespace specification "c:" in the activity type.
Technically, the reconciliation tasks may be searched also via archetype.

All tasks performing any operation with the resource XYZ

affectedObjects/activity/resourceObjects/resourceRef/@/name = "XYZ"

All tasks performing reconciliation on the resource XYZ

affectedObjects/activity/activityType = "c:reconciliation" and affectedObjects/activity/resourceObjects/resourceRef/@/name = "XYZ"

You can use archetype and resource OIDs as well, just using dereferenced names is easier to read.

All simulation tasks

affectedObjects/activity/executionMode = "preview"

Simulation tasks are in the "preview" mode. Standard tasks that also execute changes have execution mode "full".

Searching in Audit Events

You can utilize midPoint Query Language as well in Audit Log Viewer. It will allow you to review for failed events, select specific objects and operations.

Instead of basic search, there is no specific timeframe defined for each search. Please use timestamp specification while searching in audit. It will increase search speed significantly. Especially in large audit searches.

The search in deltas is available since version 4.8.

Since 4.8
This functionality is available since version 4.8.
Request Advanced query Details

All events initiated by specific user

initiatorRef/@/name = "administrator"

All events related to specific user


This is also possible via object OID, without dereferencing: targetRef matches (oid = "a560613e-ce4c-4020-a7c7-3de1af706234")

All events in specific day

timestamp >= "2023-09-18" and timestamp < "2023-09-19"

All events within specific time range

timestamp >= "2023-09-19T11:00:00" and timestamp < "2023-09-19T13:10:00"

All events of specific type

eventStage = "request"

All events where specific attribute was updated.

changedItem = c:fullName

Include "c:" prefix to the name of the attribute.
This query finds all events where the "fullName" attribute was modified.

All failed events since specific date

outcome != "success" and timestamp > "2023-09-18"

You can’t use scripting in GUI search. Therefore, the dates must be defined explicitly and updated if necessary.

All events related to resource "XYZ"

delta matches (resourceName = "XYZ")

This is also possible via resource OID, without dereferencing: delta matches (resourceOid = "71dcd12f-dba3-437e-bc0d-b021d937832d" )

All events related to account "john" on the resource "XYZ"

delta matches (resourceName = "Target2-with-roles" and shadowKind = "account" and objectName = "john")

Delta components - "resourceName" and "objectName" contain values relevant during the event creation. These may be modified afterwards.

All events related to user "JohnDoe" on the resource "XYZ"

targetRef/@/name="JohnDoe" and delta matches (resourceName = "XYZ")

The previous select was searching of the modification of the defined account on the defined resource. This search is providing audit events on the specified resource related to specific user (not only accounts, but may be also entitlements or accounts with different names)

All events generated by specific task (any run)


All events generated by specific task (single run)

taskIdentifier = "1695198082065-43516-1"

The task identifier is individual for each run of the task.

All object modifications that didn’t went well

eventType = "modifyObject" and eventStage = "execution" and outcome != "success"

All events where accounts on the resource "XYZ" were created or modified

delta matches (resourceName = "XYZ" and shadowKind = "account")

See Also

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