This functionality is deprecated since version 4.4.
The functionality is still supported and maintained, but it will no longer be extended.
The plan is to remove this functionality sooner or later.
Users of this functionality are strongly encouraged to stop using this functionality and migrate to a newer equivalent.
Supported MySQL version is 5.6.4 and higher.
MySQL in previous versions didn’t support dates/timestamps with second fraction precision. DO NOT FORGET TO RESTART TOMCAT AFTER CONFIGURATION CHANGE!!! |
Character sets and collation
MySQL 5.6 until version 8 has quite messy utf8 charset support.
For MySQL 5.6 we can use utf8 charset (alias pointing to utf8mb3 - not full utf8) with collations like utf8_general_ci (case insensitive) or utf8_bin (case sensitive), but these collations will break order by - they compare only character code points, so upper case characters will be before lower case characters.
From Mysql 8, mysql team recomends charset |
Having MariaDB and MySQL Drivers in the Same Classpath
Since MariaDB driver is bundled within |
${midpoint-home}/config.xml repository configuration change
Note that any & in URL must be escaped (replaced by &) as is customary in XML.
Driver is not bundled due to licencing issues.
Download MySQL JDBC Driver and insert driver (for instance mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar) on classpath either in deployed midpoint */webapps/midPoint/WEB-INF/lib
or in */apache-tomcat/lib
You can also download the driver JAR from Maven repository: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/8.0.21/mysql-connector-java-8.0.21.jar
Database create
CREATE USER 'midpoint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL on midpoint.* TO 'midpoint'@'localhost';
use midpoint;
Use proper sql script based on the distribution you are using either stable or snapshot:
For stable release check:
the latest midpoint http://www.evolveum.com/downloads/midpoint/3.4/
and download midpoint-3.4-dist.zip
Execute MySQL database script located in:
For snapshot check:
the latest commit number on https://bamboo.evolveum.com/browse/MID-TRUNK/latestSuccessful
and download it via http://athena.evolveum.com/builds/master/ where .zip file should be selected (midpoint-3.5-SNAPSHOT-dist.zip).
Execute MySQL database script located in:
(or mysql-3.5-all, whatever will be present)
After starting tomcat in Windows via apache-tomcat\bin\startup.bat or Linux via apache-tomcat\bin\startup.sh open midpoint in browser http://localhost:8080/midpoint/admin/ Login:administrator Pass:5ecr3t and create new user.
Check in MySQL table m_user where new user should be created: select * from m_user
Common issues
VARCHAR columns length
As we’re using VARCHAR(255) for string columns there are situations when your object properties can exceed this limit. For example shadow name exceeds 255 characters (it’s possible for long DNs in LDAP or Active Directory). If you try to save such object you’ll get an error "Data truncation: Data too long for column 'name_orig' at row 1" and object is not saved to database.
If you try just to alter column to bigger size, you’ll end up with “#1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes” error (if there is an index or unique constraint on that column). Reason for that is that by default VARCHAR(255) is maximum size for an indexes (also unique constraints) using utf8 and InnoDB storage (see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/innodb-restrictions.html).
There are two solutions for this situation:
Update column definition and index definitions[WARNING] .Notice
This way you can store names with length up to 300 characters (in this sample code), but only first 255 chars from each value will be indexed. In case unique constraint index was used, uniqueness will be checked only against first 255 chars.
ALTER TABLE `m_shadow`
CHANGE COLUMN `name_norm` `name_norm` VARCHAR(300) CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin' NULL DEFAULT NULL,
CHANGE COLUMN `name_orig` `name_orig` VARCHAR(300) CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_bin' NULL DEFAULT NULL,
DROP INDEX `iShadowNameOrig`,
ADD INDEX `iShadowNameOrig` (`name_orig`(255) ASC),
DROP INDEX `iShadowNameNorm`,
ADD INDEX `iShadowNameNorm` (`name_norm`(255) ASC);
Updating only column definitions and turning on innodb_large_prefix feature (Not tested with MidPoint)
Note that innodb_large_prefix is "ON" by default since MySQL 5.7.7 (and is deprecated as well), so this problem should not appear with the default settings of MySQL 5.7.7 and later. But make sure you have also set the correct innodb_file_format as well (please see here).
Packet for query is too large
When we’re using new LDAP Connector, usually generated resource schema in XML representation is bigger then default max_allowed_packet size in MySQL. To increase this value, see documentation for your MySQL version. In some cases this error is indicated as consequence for "No schema for resource" exception.
. . .
max_allowed_packet = 256M
. . .
You need to restart MySQL after changing this configuration. Reload will not work.