Simulation Result Definition

Last modified 14 Mar 2023 18:48 +01:00
Since 4.7
This functionality is available since version 4.7.

There is a possibility to configure the way of how simulation result is computed and stored. MidPoint maintains a global configuration for simulation results, but - if needed - it is possible to configure the simulation result creation for each simulation activity independently.

Global Configuration

The global configuration is stored in simulation container in the system configuration. There are currently two sub-items there:

Table 1. Items in the global configuration of simulations
Container Description


Explicitly defined metrics.


Library of global simulation result definitions.

Please follow the links above to learn more about the respective topics. Now let us have a look at how individual simulation result can be configured.

Simulation Result Definition

Individual simulation result creation is configured using the following configuration items:

Table 2. Configuration items for simulation result creation



Default value


Identifier of the definition. Useful when extending this definition using super property, when determining the name of the simulation result, and for diagnostics. If used in the global library of simulation result definitions, it must be unique.



Identifier of the "super-definition", i.e. the definition the current one is extending.



Is this the default definition?

see Library of Global Simulation Result Definitions below


How should be the (globally-defined) metrics used in this particular simulation type?

"as they are", without any changes


Should this simulation use its own database partition for processed objects?


Database Partitions for Processed Objects

As described in the overview, a simulation result consists of metrics and other overview data, plus detailed information about individual processed objects. The latter can occupy substantial place in the repository. Moreover, there can be use cases when we want to keep historic records of the metrics and overview data, but we are not so interested in the details.

Hence, midPoint allows to quickly delete processed objects from a simulation by placing them into separate PostgreSQL database table partition - one partition per one simulation result with this feature enabled.

Whether a partition should be created for given simulation result, is driven by useOwnPartitionForProcessedObjects property in the definition for that simulation result.

An Example of Definition Reuse

Let us have the following two global simulation result definitions:

Listing 1. Sample global simulation result definitions
    <metric><!-- some metrics are defined here --></metric>
        <description>Simulation result definition suitable for simulations with small number of processed objects.</description>
        <description>Simulation result definition suitable for simulations with large number of processed objects.</description>
        <metrics><!-- some metrics are disabled or enabled here --></metrics>

The small one is the default. The large is suitable in special cases when large numbers of objects are processed, so it uses a different configuration. Now let us assume you want to create a simulation activity that would use the large definition but with some minor adjustments. We can do that like this:

Listing 2. A simulation activity extending the large simulation result definition
    <!-- ... -->

This activity will use the large definition, with all of its metrics tailoring, but setting useOwnPartitionForProcessedObjects value to false.

Library of Global Simulation Result Definitions

The library of global simulation result definitions can be used when configuring individual activities. An activity can use or extend any of these global definitions, or - if nothing is explicitly specified for that activity - it can use the default definition. The default definition is determined like this:

  1. If there is no global definition, the default definition is the empty one (i.e. with all properties having their default values).

  2. If there is a single global definition, it is used as the default one.

  3. If there are more definitions, and exactly one of them is marked as default, it is used as such.

  4. Otherwise, a configuration exception is signalled.

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