LDAP Connector Migration

Last modified 30 Nov 2021 14:50 +01:00
This functionality is obsolete. It is no longer supported or maintained.


In 2014 the "state of the art" for connectors in open source provisioning was the legacy of Identity Connector Framework (ICF) created by Sun Microsystems. This is still perhaps the best option for supporting identity connectors that is available to the open world. However, the Sun ICF framework is flawed. It was poorly designed and the framework issues are also reflected to the connectors. Projects such as ConnId are working towards the improvement of the Sun ICF. And there is a reasonable success. However one thing is the improvement of the framework and a slightly different thing is improvement of the connectors. The connectors often significantly lack behind the framework capabilities.

Old LDAP Connector

Legacy+JNDI+LDAP+Connector[Original Sun LDAP connector] is one of the connectors that is falling behind.There have been efforts from Evolveum and also from the OpenICF project to improve this connector - and some were quite successful. But now it is clear that the original Sun LDAP connector is a development dead end. It can be maintained, but there is very little potential of future development. The old LDAP connector has many fundamental problems:

  • The connector is based on Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). JNDI is a generic API for all directory-like systems. It is generic which makes it a poor API for LDAP servers. LDAP-specific functions are difficult to use. And there are some things that JNDI cannot do by design (e.g. search that returns partial results). JNDI was a poor choice and it makes no sense to continue development of JNDI-based connector.

  • We have no practical influence over the evolution of JNDI. JNDI will most likely remain a major obstacle in any foreseeable future.

  • There is no practical option to support standard LDAP replication protocol (RFC4533). This makes synchronization support for modern LDAP servers (OpenLDAP, ApacheDS) quite problematic.

  • The connector code is old. The code is obviously based on the adapter code for Sun Identity Manager which dates back to early 2000s. There are abstractions on top of abstractions that are obviously inherited from the legacy adapter structure. The code would require a lot of effort to refactor it. There are also many special cases to support AD and legacy LDAP servers that have accumulated over time. This makes the code difficult to maintain and evolve.

  • Connector source code is maintained as part of the OpenICF project by ForgeRock. It is maintained in Subversion and it includes a very cumbersome contribution process, making the cooperation very inefficient.

  • The connector is CDDL-licensed. CDDL license was created by Sun Microsystem and it is not widely used by the open source community. It is a copyleft license which is problematic for commercial projects. CDDL is not compatible with GPL which is problematic for some open source projects. Overall, CDDL is not ideal. It makes no sense to make a significant investment into CDDL-licensed code.

New LDAP Connector

Therefore the Evolveum team has decided to write a completely new connector from scratch. The new LDAP connector is inherently better:

  • It is based on Apache Directory API. This is a modern LDAP API developed in an open fashion in the Apache Software Foundation. This is a full featured LDAP API with support for most of the features that we need. And we can easily add support for the missing features as the Apache Directory API is an well-governed open source project. In fact, this has already happened. We have contributed VLV support to the Apache Directory API project.

  • The new connector is designed and built to natively support new features of ConnId. Therefore the connector has natural support for paging, partial searches, auxiliary object classes, native attribute names, etc. This is a significant improvement over original Sun ICF.

  • The new connector is completely open. It is licensed under the terms of Apache License 2.0. The source code is maintained on GitHub. The development is coordinated with the development of ConnId framework.

  • One of the major advantage of the new connector is support for native attribute names. Therefore the schema will not be polluted by the unfortunate ICF concepts of ACCOUNT, NAME and UID. The connector will present real attribute names such as "entryUUID" and "dn" and real object class names such as "inetOrgPerson".

LDAP Connectors in midPoint

All midPoint versions up to Release 3.1.1 used the Legacy+JNDI+LDAP+Connector[legacy SunICF/OpenICF LDAP connector]. This connector was bundled inside midPoint.

All midPoint versions starting from Release 3.2 are using the new LDAP Connector. This connector is bundled inside midPoint.

Starting from Release 3.2 the legacy connector is no longer included inside midPoint. But it still can be used if the connector JAR file is downloaded and deployed. See Legacy+JNDI+LDAP+Connector[Legacy LDAP Connector] page for supported versions and download locations. The legacy LDAP connector will not be extended or developed any more. But it will be maintained in a working state during a reasonable migration period.

Therefore the change from Release 3.1.1 (or earlier) to Release 3.2 (or later) is an incompatible change when it comes to an LDAP connector. The migration steps are described below.

Migration: New LDAP Connector

The new LDAP connector is not backwards compatible with the old connector. It is a completely new connector in code, behavior and also in philosophy. There are three major differences:

  • connector name and bundle

  • connector configuration

  • object class and attribute names

Connector Name and Bundle

The new LDAP connector is using bundle and connector name from com.evolveum.polygon namespace. The configuration XML namespace also reflects that:

Bundle name (connectorBundle) com.evolveum.polygon.connector-ldap

Connector name (connectorType)


Configuration namespace


Connector Configuration

LDAP Connector has a completely new configuration schema. The new connector is using similar configuration properties than the old connector when that was appropriate. But due to the major changes in connector philosophy it was almost not possible at all. The new configuration properties are summarized below:

Property name Label Description



The name or IP address of the LDAP server host.


Port number

LDAP server port number.


Connection security

Method to use to secure connection to the LDAP server. Values: "ssl", "starttls"


Authentication type

The authentication mechanism to use. Values: "simple", "SASL-GSSAPI"


Bind DN

The DN to use when binding to the LDAP server


Bind password

Password to use when binding to the LDAP server


Connect timeout

Timeout for LDAP server connection (in milliseconds)


Base context

The base DN used when no explicit base DN is specified


Referral strategy

Strategy of referral resolution. Values: "follow", "ignore", "throw"


Password attribute

Name of the LDAP attribute that is used to store account password


Password hash algorithm

Hash the passwords with a specified algorithm before they are sent to the server.


Paging strategy

Strategy used to send search requests that require paging. Usually specified preference over mechanisms such as VLV or simple paged results. Values: "none", "auto", "spr", "vlv"


Paging block size

Number of entries in one paging block. Used as a default value when page size is not explicitly specified in the request.


VLV sort attribute

Name of LDAP attribute used to sort the results if VLV is used for paging and no explicit sorting attribute is specified in the request.


VLV ordering rule

LDAP ordering rule to use in VLV requests. Some LDAP servers require explicit specification of ordering rule.


Primary identifier attribute

Name of LDAP attribute to use as a primary identifier. This will be used as ConnId __UID__ attribute. The default is entryUUID which is the best choice for modern LDAP servers. Value of "dn" can be used here to use entry DN as a primary identifier.


Operational attributes

Names of significant LDAP operational attributes. Connector will try to return these attributes in each entry.


Read schema

If set to true (which is the default) then the connector will try to read LDAP schema.


Schema quirks mode

Some LDAP servers use strange or non-standard variations of schema definition. The quirks mode is used to tolerate these variations and use as much of the schema definition as possible.


Synchronization strategy

Strategy to use for almost-real-time synchronization. Values: "none", "auto", "sunChangeLog", "modifyTimestamp"


Changelog block size

Number of change log entries to fetch in a single request.


Change number attribute

"Change number" attribute - unique indentifier of the change in the change log.

Configuration samples for all LDAP resources were updated to the new LDAP connector. The Configuration Samples are located at the usual places.


The shadows in the old connector looked like this:

Shadow: Legacy LDAP connector
    <ri:cn>Foo Bar</ri:cn>

Shadow for new connector looks like this:

Shadow: New LDAP connector
    <ri:cn>Foo Bar</ri:cn>

The new LDAP connector is using native names of attributes and object classes and therefore it has obviously cleaner and better data structure. But this data structure is different and currently there is no way how to automatically transform the shadows.

Migration steps

We recommend the following migration procedure:

  1. Add resource that will use the new LDAP connector. Configure it as a completely new resource using the same hostname/port/credentials as the old one.

  2. Change assignment enforcement level to a permissive value (none or positive).

  3. Set up a correlation expression to correlate users with the LDAP accounts. Reconcile the new LDAP resource. The result should be that the LDAP accounts on the new resource are linked.

  4. Modify definitions of role and/or direct assignments to point to the new LDAP resource instead of the old one. Resource reference (resourceRef) needs to be changed, but also any mappings for identifier attributes (icfs:name and icfs:uid in the old connector).

  5. Delete old LDAP resource and all shadows that belong to that resource (there is now an option to do this efficiently in the Repository Objects GUI page).

  6. Recompute the users. This should remove the orphaned linkRefs in user objects.

  7. Double-ckeck that every thing is switched to the new resource (roles, assignments, shadows exist and are linked to users).

  8. Change assignment enforcement level to the original.

Migration: Legacy LDAP Connector

The legacy LDAP connector is still available and it still can be used. This avoids the need for data (shadow) migration. There is only a change in legacy LDAP connector bundle name (from com.evolveum.polygon.connector-ldap to com.evolveum.polygon.connector-ldap-legacy).

To use the legacy LDAP connector in midPoint 3.2 or later please follow these steps:

  1. Download JAR of the legacy LDAP connector and deploy it into midPoint

  2. In all the resource definitions change connectorRef to point to the newly discovered legacy LDAP connector.

  3. In all the resource definitions change connector configuration namespace from http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/bundle/com.evolveum.polygon.connector-ldap/org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector to http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/connector/icf-1/bundle/com.evolveum.polygon.connector-ldap-legacy/org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector.

  4. No change in configuration, shadows or roles is needed.

The legacy LDAP connector will be maintained for a reasonable migration period which mostly depends on the requirements of midPoint subscribers. After that period the legacy connector will no longer be supported. Therefore please plan the migration to the new connector accordingly.

See Also

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