
Last modified 14 Apr 2023 13:39 +02:00
Since 4.7
This functionality is available since version 4.7.

This is the most high-level report on simulation results. It shows individual results, along with metric values, decomposed into individual partitions (per object type, archetype, resource, kind, and intent).

Report Columns

Table 1. Individual columns
Column Description


OID of the simulation result object.


Name of the simulation result object. Usually contains information about the task that produced the report (if any), identifier of the simulation result configuration used (if any), and the timestamp of the simulation report creation.

Definition identifier

Identifier of the simulation result definition used (if any).

Start timestamp

When this simulation started.

End timestamp

When this simulation ended.


Task under which this simulation executes or executed. (Empty for foreground simulations.)

Predefined configuration

What predefined configuration is used: development or production?

The following part of the report is instantiated once per each simulation metric (event mark-based, built-in, or explicit one).

Built-in metric

Built-in metric identifier corresponding to the metric row. (If applicable.)

Event mark

Event mark corresponding to the metric row. (If applicable.)

Explicit metric

Explicit metric identifier corresponding to the metric row. (If applicable.)

Aggregation function

Aggregation function used for given metric. See Metrics.

The following part of the report is instantiated once per each metric partition.

Scope: type

Type of objects (user, role, org, shadow, …​).

Scope: archetype

Structural archetype of the objects. Applicable only to focal objects.

Scope: resource

Resource on which the projection (shadow) resides. Applicable only to projections.

Scope: kind

Kind of the projection (shadow). Applicable only to projections.

Scope: intent

Intent of the projection (shadow). Applicable only to projections.


Aggregated value of the metric for given partition.

Selection size

Number of objects selected by given metric. (The meaning of this field is metric-dependent. The default meaning is "all objects that have metric value greater than zero".)

Selection total value

Sum of metric values for all objects selected by the metric.

Domain size

Number of objects on which given metric was evaluated.

Domain total value

Sum of metric values for all objects.


Currently, there are none. Parameters like "result", "name", "task", "start time" are planned but not yet implemented.

An Example

Example report
Figure 1. An example report


The definition can be found on GitHub.

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