Resource wizard

Last modified 17 Oct 2024 16:57 +02:00
Since 4.6
This functionality is available since version 4.6. The functionality was further improved in version 4.8.


Resource wizard allows to easily create and update resource configuration. No midPoint XML language is needed, the configuration is entirely UI-based.

The new UI takes form of panels with choices for specific parts of resource configuration. Specific parts of configuration are represented as steps in wizard.

Screenshots below corresponding with midPoint version 4.8.

If you would like to see the resource wizard in action, please watch our Resource Wizard webinar video:

Resource Wizard Webinar Video

If you would like to see the resource wizard used as a part of First Steps Methodology webinar video, please watch our First Steps Methodology video:

First Steps Methodology Webinar Video

We recommend you to read about MidPoint Synchronization as resource wizard allows configuration which belongs to synchronization concepts.

Resource creation

To create resource, navigate to Resources  New resource.

There are the following possibilities:

  1. Inherit Template - the new resource will be based on a pre-existing resource template. The new resource will inherit the configuration.

  2. From Scratch - you will need to configure all aspects of the resource

  3. Copy From Template - the new resource will be based on a pre-existing resource template. The new resource will be created as a copy of that template.

step 1 type of resource
Figure 1. Type of resource

Selecting From Scratch option leads to a Resource catalog page:

step 1 resource catalog
Figure 2. Resource catalog

Click the connector tile you want to use to start the resource creation wizard.

See also the following pages for more information:

Basic configuration

Enter basic configuration such as resource Name and Description here.

Lifecycle state is a new property since midPoint 4.8. It allows you to create preliminary resource configuration that will not be active, but can be used for Simulations. The default value is Proposed.

step 1 basic conf
Figure 3. Basic configuration

Click Next to continue the resource configuration.

If the connector supports discovery operation, resource wizard will ask you for mandatory configuration parameters to be able to detect the others, e.g. path to a CSV file for CSV file connector.

step 1 connector conf discovery
Figure 4. Partial configuration for discovery
See also the following pages for more information:

Click Next to start discovery process and continue the resource configuration.

All other resource configuration properties can be configured now, e.g. CSV file field delimiter or a CSV file unique identifier column. Some of the properties are already preconfigured by the connector. Some of them allow suggestions of appropriate values using an autocompletion, e.g. when selecting which column should be used as a unique identifier of the row, the wizard suggests the CSV file columns as detected by the connector in the discovery step.

step 1 discovered config
Figure 5. Discovered configuration

Click Next to continue the resource configuration.

If you are using CSV connector and wizard fails in this step with error "Connector initialization failed. Configuration error: Configuration error: Header in csv file doesn’t contain unique attribute name as defined in configuration.", it may be caused by presence of UTF-8 BOM characters in the file. See more here.
To resolve the issue, remove the leading UTF-8 BOM characters from the csv file and start the wizard again. This can be done e.g. by copying the file content to a new file in text editor.

Connector will return possible object types and their attributes (schema and its object classes). Confirm the detected configuration.

step 1 schema
Figure 6. Schema

Click Create resource to create the resource and store it in midPoint repository. Further configuration is required. You can choose your next step:

  • Preview Resource Data

  • Configure Object Types

  • Configure Association Types

  • Go To Resource

choice part
Figure 7. Resource created - next steps

Clicking Preview Resource Data tile will display the data (e.g. accounts) in the source/target system configured as resource. You can display the data even before providing configuration for its processing.

data preview
Figure 8. Resource Data preview

Clicking Configure Object Types allows you to configure the Object type(s).

Clicking Configure Association Types allows you to configure the Association type(s).

Clicking Go To Resource leads to the resource details page.

Object type configuration

In this part of resource configuration, you can configure the object types for Schema handling, essentially defining the behavior of midPoint with respect to the resource. One or multiple object types can be defined, based on the source/target system characteristics. For example, CSV resource contains typically a single object type (e.g. accounts) while LDAP resource can contain more than one object type (e.g. accounts and groups).

object type table
Figure 9. Table of object types

Click Add object type to create a new object type definition using Object type configuration wizard.

Basic attributes

Define the basic information about the object type:

  • Display name will be displayed in midPoint as a reference to this object type configuration

  • Kind is either Account, Entitlement or Generic. For accounts, please select Account.

    You first object type definition will be almost always for accounts (kind=account). Typical source of user data is HR system. Later you might want to use also Entitlements and Generic.
  • Intent is used when you would like to use more than one different object types, e.g. standard and administrative accounts. Keep the default (empty) value if you want to work with just one type of accounts.

  • Default specifies if the intent provided in the previous value should be used as the default value in case you define multiple intents. Select True if you are using only a single intent / one type of accounts.

step 1 object type basic config
Figure 10. Basic configuration of object type
See also the following pages for more information:

Click Next: Resource data to continue the object type configuration.

Define the resource-specific configuration for this object type:

  • Object class is one of the object classes (types) supported by the connector for the source/target system represented as this resource. For resources supporting only a single object class (e.g. CSV) this will be displayed as AccountObjectClass and set as default by the wizard.

  • Filter allows to define a classification via midPoint query language

  • Classification condition allows to define a classification condition (midPoint expression, not query)

Classification allows to limit which resource data (e.g. accounts) are considered part of this object type definition. An example of Filter usage: CSV file entries matching query attributes/contractType != "Incognito" should be considered as accounts, all other should be ignored.
You do not need to use the classification at all. If unsure, do not use it.
See also the following pages for more information:
step 1 object type resource data
Figure 11. Resource data

Click Next: MidPoint Data to continue the object type configuration.

Define the midPoint-specific configuration for this object type:

  • Type defines type of midPoint object that will correspond to the resource object (e.g. User). midPoint will respect this setting when creating a new midPoint object from this object type data on the resource.

  • Archetype allows selection of archetype that will be automatically assigned for all midPoint objects created from this object type data on the resource. The same archetype will be also used as a part of correlation, i.e. enforced.

    If unsure, keep Archetype empty.

    Panel for Archetype contains three possibilities:

    • No archetype,

    • Use existing archetype - Use existing archetype means that you can choose from already created archetypes.

    • Create new archetype - Create new archetype, with basic configuration. Created archetype will be added to configuration as reference.

See also the following pages for more information:
step 1 object type midpoint data
Figure 12. Midpoint data

Click Save settings to save the object type configuration. Further configuration is required. You can choose your next step to configure other parts of your object type configuration:

  • Basic attributes allows getting back to the basic configuration of your object type

  • Mappings allow to configure resource attribute mappings

  • Synchronization allows to configure synchronization situations and reactions

  • Correlation allows to configure correlation rules for resource objects

  • Capabilities allows you to disable/override some functionality of the resource and/or connector without changing the connector implementation

  • Activation allows to configure rules (mappings) for activation

  • Credentials allows to configure mappings for credentials (e.g. passwords)

  • [Associations] allow to configure the resource for associations, e.g. account to group relations

choice part
Figure 13. Parts of object type configuration

Or you can click Preview data to display resource data according to the configuration of this particular object type you are configuring (considering Kind, Intent, Object class etc.):

data preview
Figure 14. Data preview of object type


This part of object type wizard allows you to define attribute mappings. This way you can define midPoint behavior for resource attributes: how the resource attributes values should be fetched to midPoint (inbound mappings) or how the resource attribute values should be populated in resource (outbound mappings).

Click either Inbound mappings or Outbound mappings header in the table of mappings.

Inbound mappings

Use inbound mappings to store resource attribute values in midPoint properties.

Click Add inbound to add a new inbound mapping.

To define a mapping, you need to configure:

  • Name of the mapping. This is technically not mandatory, but helps a lot during troubleshooting and when using resource template inheritance.

  • From resource attribute allows you to type (with autocompletion) the resource attribute that should be used as a source of the mapping.

  • Expression specifies how the source attribute(s) should be used. Resource wizard support the following expression types:

    • As is (default) simply copies the value from resource attribute to midPoint target property

    • Literal allows to specify a constant value

    • Script allows to write a more complex behavior using a midPoint expression (by default in Groovy language)

    • Generate allows to generate a random string using a value policy (useful for generating passwords)

  • Target allows you to type (with autocompletion) the midPoint property that should be used to store the value generated by the inbound mapping

  • Lifecycle state allows you to define the lifecycle state of the mapping. This can be used during Simulations, e.g. specifying lifecycle state as Proposed will be used only to simulate the mapping, Draft disables the mapping etc.

step 2 mappings inbound
Figure 15. Table of inbound mappings
Adding new mappings to existing configuration can utilize simulations if you use Proposed as the new mappings' lifecycle state. Such mappings can be simulated without influencing the real data.

More complex configuration is possible by clicking Edit button:

step 2 mappings inbound detail main
Figure 16. Main configuration of inbound mapping (complex view)
step 2 mappings inbound detail optional
Figure 17. Optional configuration of inbound mapping (complex view)

You can define the inbound mapping as ordinary (default), or you can specify Use for parameter with value Correlation in the Optional configuration of the mapping to use the mapping only during the correlation. This is how you can define inbound mappings to be used in Correlation when item correlator is used, even for target resources where you normally have no inbound mappings at all. For more information, please refer to this example for correlation-only inbound mapping.

Mapping can be deleted by clicking Delete button.

Mappings can be saved by clicking Save mappings and wizard will return to the previous page from which you started mapping editor.

Click Attribute overrides if you need to override attribute(s) visibility or other behavior.

Outbound Mappings

Use outbound mappings to populate resource attribute values from midPoint properties.

Click Add outbound to add a new outbound mapping.

To define a mapping, you need to configure:

  • Name of the mapping. This is technically not mandatory, but helps a lot during troubleshooting and when using resource template inheritance.

  • Source allows you to type (with autocompletion) the midPoint property that should be used as a source for this outbound mapping

    Even multiple source attributes can be defined for an outbound mapping.
  • Expression specifies how the source attribute(s) should be used. Resource wizard support the following expression types:

    • As is (default) simply copies the value from resource attribute to midPoint target property

    • Literal allows to specify a constant value

    • Script allows to write a more complex behavior using a midPoint expression (by default in Groovy language)

    • Generate allows to generate a random string using a value policy (useful for generating passwords)

  • To resource attribute allows you to type (with autocompletion) the resource attribute that should be used as a target of the mapping.

  • Lifecycle state allows you to define the lifecycle state of the mapping. This can be used during Simulations, e.g. specifying lifecycle state as Proposed will be used only to simulate the mapping, Draft disables the mapping etc.

step 2 mappings outbound
Figure 18. Table of outbound mappings
Adding new mappings to existing configuration can utilize simulations if you use Proposed as the new mappings' lifecycle state. Such mappings can be simulated without influencing the real data.

More complex configuration is possible by clicking Edit button:

step 2 mappings outbound detail main
Figure 19. Main configuration of outbound mapping (complex view)
step 2 mappings outbound detail optional
Figure 20. Optional configuration of outbound mapping (complex view)

Mapping can be deleted by clicking Delete button.

Mappings can be saved by clicking Save mappings and wizard will return to the previous page from which you started mapping editor.

Click Attribute overrides if you need to override attribute(s) visibility or other behavior.

Attribute override

Attribute configuration can be overridden beyond the context of the mappings. This is useful to override attribute visibility, its display name, tolerance etc.

step 2 mappings override
Figure 21. Table of attribute overrides
step 2 mappings override detail basic
Figure 22. Detailed configuration of attribute override configuration
step 2 mappings override detail limitations
Figure 23. Detailed configuration of attribute override - limitations configuration


This part of object type wizard allows you to define synchronization situations and reactions. These situations represent state of the resource object (e.g. account) in relation to midPoint and appropriate action that should be executed by midPoint.

For the situations you need to configure:

  • Name of the situation/reaction configuration. This is technically not mandatory, but helps a lot during troubleshooting and when using resource template inheritance.

  • Situation allows you to select an appropriate situation:

    • Linked refers to situation when the resource object is linked to its midPoint owner

    • Unlinked refers to situation when a new resource object has been found and its owner can be determined, but there is no link between the midPoint owner and resource object

    • Deleted refers to situation when the resource object was references by midPoint owner but the resource object has been deleted

    • Unmatched refers to situation when a new resource object has been found but midPoint cannot determine any owner for the account

    • Disputed refers to situation when the midPoint has determined more potential midPoint owners for a single resource account or if the correlation of the resource object is not definitive (not fully trusted)

  • Action allows you to select midPoint behavior if the resource object is in the defined Situation

    • Add focus allows to create a new object in midPoint based on the resource data

    • Synchronize allows to synchronize data between midPoint object and resource data based on the mappings. This action is typical for linked situation.

    • Link allows to link previously not linked resource object to midPoint object

    • Delete resource object allows to delete resource object

    • Inactivate resource object allows to inactivate (disable) resource object

    • Inactivate focus allows to inactivate (disable) midPoint object

    • Delete focus allows to delete midPoint object

    • Create correlation case allows to resolve the situation interactively (useful for Disputed situation)

  • Lifecycle state allows you to define the lifecycle state of the situation/reaction configuration. This can be used during Simulations, e.g. specifying lifecycle state as Proposed will be used only to simulate the synchronization/reaction configuration, Draft disables the synchronization/reaction configuration etc.

The logic of situation and action is up to you. E.g. it is perfectly OK to have reaction Add focus for Unmatched situation for an authoritative source system such as HR. For target system, however, probably more appropriate reaction for Unmatched situation would be Inactivate resource object.
Please refer to Focus and Projections for explanation of the term Focus. In the most basic scenarios when synchronizing users and their accounts, focus corresponds to User object in midPoint.
step 3 synch
Figure 24. Table of synchronization actions

More complex configuration is possible by clicking Edit button:

step 3 synch detail basic
Figure 25. Basic configuration of synchronizatio rule
step 3 synch detail action
Figure 26. Action for synchronization rule
step 3 synch detail optional
Figure 27. Optional attributes for synchronization rule

Situation/reaction configuration can be deleted by clicking Delete button.

Click Save synchronization settings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the synchronization editor.


Correlation allows you to define how midPoint should recognize relations between resource objects and midPoint objects. In short, this is about searching the resource object owners in midPoint.

You can create one or several correlation rules.

Click Add rule to add a new correlation rule.

For the correlation, you can configure the following:

  • Rule name for documentation and troubleshooting purposes

  • Description

  • Weight, Tier, Ignore if matched by for more complex scenarios

  • Enabled to enable or disable the correlation rule

step 4 correlator rule
Figure 28. Table of correlation rules

Click Edit button to edit details of the correlation rule.

Specify the item configuration:

  • Item refers to a midPoint property for which an inbound mapping exists. This will be used for correlation. E.g. if there is an inbound mapping from AD’s sAMAccountName attribute to midPoint user’s name property, you would use name item

    For target resources where inbound mappings are normally not used, the inbound mapping can be in a special "Use for correlation only" mode.
  • Search method allows to specify either exact match or one of the fuzzy search methods supported by midPoint

step 4 correlator item
Figure 29. Table of correlation items for one correlation rule
See also the following pages for more information:

Click Save correlation settings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the correlation editor.


Capabilities panel informs you about the supported capabilities for the resource with selected connector and allows to override them. Capabilities can be simply disabled, e.g. disable operation can be disabled for this resource object type. This does not require any change in the connector.

Capabilities can be also configured, e.g. for LDAP resources, you can define which account attribute is used to set/indicate the status of the account.

Capabilities can be configured also on the resource level, not just for specific object types by navigating to resource’s Details panel.
step 5 capabilities
Figure 30. Capabilities configuration

Click Save capabilities when done to return to the previous page from which you started the capabilities editor.


This part of object type wizard allows you to define behavior for Activation. This extends far beyond a simple definition of account being enabled or disabled.

Starting with version 4.8, midPoint contains GUI support for activation mappings. We can use predefined mappings (rules) for many interesting situations.

See also the following pages for more information:

Inbound activation mappings

The table contains the list of inbound activation mappings.

step 6 activation inbounds
Figure 31. Empty inbound table for activation

Click Add inbound to add a new inbound activation mapping.

In the popup, specify the activation rule (predefine behavior), e.g. "Administrative status". Then configure details for mapping as appropriate for the activation scenario.

step 6 activation inbound add
Figure 32. Popup for adding of new inbound activation mapping
step 6 activation inbound full
Figure 33. Activation table with inbound mapping for administrative status

Each mapping also allows setting Lifecycle state. This can be used during Simulations, e.g. specifying lifecycle state as Proposed will be used only to simulate the activation mapping, Draft disables the activation mapping etc.

Click Save mappings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the activation editor.

Outbound activation mappings

The table contains the list of outbound activation mappings.

step 6 activation outbounds
Figure 34. Empty outbound table for activation

Click Add outbound to add a new outbound activation mapping.

In the popup, specify the activation rule (predefine behavior), e.g. "Administrative status" or "Disable instead of delete". Then configure details for mapping as appropriate for the activation scenario.

step 6 activation outbound add
Figure 35. Popup for adding of new outbound activation mapping
step 6 activation outbound full
Figure 36. Activation table with outbound mapping for administrative status and predefined mappings for 'Disable instead of delete' and 'Delayed delete' configuration

Predefined mapping configurations contain only one configuration step.

step 6 predefined details
Figure 37. Predefined details configuration for 'Delayed delete'

Each mapping also allows setting Lifecycle state. This can be used during Simulations, e.g. specifying lifecycle state as Proposed will be used only to simulate the activation mapping, Draft disables the activation mapping etc.

Click Save settings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the activation editor.


Credentials allows you to define mappings for credentials, e.g. passwords.

Configuration for credentials contains similar panels as for activation, but contains only one kind of mapping and doesn’t contain any predefined mappings. Use the credentials mappings to either pass or generate the password.

The as is mappings are very simple as midPoint implies that the password will be passed from midPoint user password to resource object password (if supported by the resource and connector) or vice versa.
step 7 credentials
Figure 38. Configuration of credentials

Each mapping also allows setting Lifecycle state. This can be used during Simulations, e.g. specifying lifecycle state as Proposed will be used only to simulate the credentials mapping, Draft disables the credentials mapping etc.

Click Save settings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the credentials editor.

You don’t need any credentials mappings if you are not managing the passwords in the resource (e.g. if you are using SSO with another system).


Object type policies define default behavior of midPoint based on the concept of object marks. Automatic marking rules and default operation policy can be defined.

step 8 policies
Figure 39. Object type policies

Default operation policy for those operations that do not have their behavior specified explicitly via object marks.

step 8 default operation policies
Figure 40. Configuration of default operation policies

Click Save policies when done to return to the previous page from which you started the default operation policies editor.

Marking configuration allows to define automatic rules for object marking. Specify mark and its application time and optionally filter to denote objects which should be marked. Objects will be marked either always - whenever they are processed or at the classification time.

step 8 marking
Figure 41. Configuration of marking

Click Save marking rules when done to return to the previous page from which you started the marking editor.

Association type configuration

Associations allow you to configure resource for object type relations. Typically, this is used to configure how account/group membership is defined and processed.

See also the following pages for more information:

After clicking on Configure association type, you will see a table of association types.

association type table
Figure 42. Table of association types

The first step in creating a new association is to select the type of association, which is predefined by capabilities or connector.

choice association type
Figure 43. Select association

After selecting the association, you will see a four-step wizard. The first step allows you to configure the basic settings.

step 1 association type basic config
Figure 44. Basic configuration

In the second step you have to select the subject of the association. If there is only one option, it will be selected and you can proceed to the next step.

step 1 select subject
Figure 45. Select subject

The next step is very similar to the previous one, but you select the object of association.

step 1 select object
Figure 46. Select object

On the last one, fill in the necessary fields to specify the reference attribute to specify the data corresponding to the association.

step 1 specify data for association
Figure 47. Specify the data for association

After creating a new association type, you will see a page with three options. The first one represents the two-step wizard that you already see during the creation of the association type, concretising the first and last steps without parts for selecting subjects and objects. The third option is to select objects only.

choice part
Figure 48. Association wizard

Now we click on the second option and we will see the second possibilities for configuring the subject of the association type.


choice part
Figure 49. Subject wizard

The first option is to select the subject step that you already see. Second and third options are configuration parts for provisioning from/to resource. As first we can see on provisioning from resource.

Provisioning from resource

On this page we create provisioning rule(s) to specify how midPoint should read the association information and transform it to midPoint data, typically assignments.

table new
Figure 50. Provisioning from resource

We can see that table is empty so come to create new provisioning rule.

step 1 basic configuration
Figure 51. Main configuration of association inbound mapping

We set basic attributes and save new rule. After saving we will see options that we can configure for provisioning rule.

choice part
Figure 52. Provisioning from resource wizard

First option represent basic configuration that we already see.


Second option represent mapping for provisioning.

step 2 mapping
Figure 53. Provisioning from resource mappings

In this step we create a map that defines the transformation of association data from resource to midPoint data (inbound). We can use the expression Shadow owner which means assigning the role that owns the entitlement.

The detailed steps for mapping include the same steps as editing the mapping of the object type.

Click Save mappings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the mapping editor.


Third option represent synchronization rules for provisioning. This section specifies how midPoint reacts when a new synchronization event is detected.

step 3 synchronization table
Figure 54. Synchronization

The detailed steps for synchronization rule include the same steps as editing the synchronization rule of the object type.

Click Save synchronization settings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the synchronization editor.


Last option represent correlation rules for provisioning. Define a new correlation rule to specify how midPoint should correlate the associations to assignments.

step 4 correlation rule table
Figure 55. Correlation rules

When you click on Edit in item menu you will see table for items of correlation rule.

step 4 correlation items
Figure 56. Configuration of correlation items

Click Confirm settings when finished to return to the previous page for correlation rules, but you must save your changes. Click Save correlation settings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the correlation editor.

Now we can go back to configure Provisioning to resource.

Provisioning to resource

On this page we can create provisioning rule(s) to specify how midPoint should create the association information and transform it to resource data, typically from assignments.

table new
Figure 57. Provisioning to resource

The first steps are the same as for provisioning from resources, we need to create a new rule.

step 1 basic configuration
Figure 58. Main configuration of association outbound mapping

We set basic attributes and save new rule. After saving we will see options that we can configure for provisioning rule.

choice part
Figure 59. Provisioning to resource wizard

First option represent basic configuration that we already see.


Second option represent mapping for provisioning.

step 2 mapping
Figure 60. Provisioning to resource mappings

In this step we create a map which defines the transformation of midPoint data to association data (outbound). We can use the expression Association from link which means associate with the entitlement owned by the assigned role.

The detailed steps for mapping include the same steps as editing the mapping of the object type.

Click Save mappings when done to return to the previous page from which you started the mapping editor.

Wizard for existing resource

The resource object type wizard can be used also for editing existing resource settings.

Navigate to one of the resource object panels (Accounts, Entitlements or Generic), select the object type by its display name and click Configure, then select button for particular part of object type wizard.

resource details
Figure 61. Resource detail

Wizard for task creation

The resource wizard allows creation of resource-related tasks without going to "Server tasks" menu. It allows even more: wizard-like creation of these tasks.

You can create the following types of tasks for your resource objects:

  • Import from resource

  • Reconciliation

  • Live synchronization

All these tasks can be created as standard tasks or simulated tasks.

Standard (non-simulated) tasks

To create a new non-simulated task within the resource wizard, navigate to one of the resource object panels (Accounts, Entitlements or Generics) and click Tasks, then click Create task.

task wizard menu
Figure 62. Task creation wizard menu

Keep the Simulate task switch set to OFF.

Select the task to be created (Import, Reconciliation, Live synchronization) by clicking one of the tiles:

step 1 select task type
Figure 63. Step 1: Select task type

Click Create task to start task creation wizard.

Define basic information for the task:

  • Name will be used as the task name. If you do not define the task name, it will be generated automatically based on the task type, resource and object type display name, e.g. Import task: HR System: HR Person.

step 2 basic
Figure 64. Step 2: Enter basic task information

Click Next: Resource objects to continue with the task creation.

Define resource-related information for the task. Normally you don’t need to define anything as the task creation wizard will use the information from the resource and object type, where you have started it and Resource, Kind, Intent and/or Object class will be already predefined.

step 3 resource
Figure 65. Step 3: Enter resource-related task information

Click Next: Distribution to continue with the task creation.

Define distribution information for the task, currently only Worker threads you want to use for the task run. The default value is a single worker.

step 4 distribution
Figure 66. (Optional) Step 4: Enter distribution details

Click Save & Run to save and start task immediately or click Save settings to create but not start the task.

You can get to the task details either using Server tasks  All tasks or clicking Defined tasks menu item in the resource details.

task wizard defined tasks
Figure 67. List of tasks defined for the resource

Simulated tasks

To create a new simulated task within the resource wizard, navigate to one of the resource object panels (Accounts, Entitlements or Generics) and click Tasks, then click Create task.

task wizard menu
Figure 68. Task creation wizard menu

Switch the Simulate task to ON.

Select the task to be created (Import, Reconciliation, Live synchronization) by clicking one of the tiles:

step 1 select task type simulated
Figure 69. Step 1: Select task type (with simulation)j

Click Create task to start task creation wizard.

Define basic information for the task:

  • Name will be used as the task name. If you do not define the task name, it will be generated automatically based on the task type, resource and object type display name, e.g. Import task: HR System: HR Person. In the following image we are using a custom task name Reconciliation with AD - development simulation.

step 2 basic simulated
Figure 70. Step 2: Enter basic task information

Click Next: Resource objects to continue with the task creation.

Define resource-related information for the task. Normally you don’t need to define anything as the task creation wizard will use the information from the resource and object type, where you have started it and Resource, Kind, Intent and/or Object class will be already predefined.

step 3 resource simulated
Figure 71. Step 3: Enter resource-related task information

Click Next: Execution to continue with the task creation. The "Execution" parameters can be edited only for simulated tasks.

Define execution-related information for the task. This allows to configure the task simulation parameters:

  • Mode allows to specify either Full or Preview execution modes. For simulation, select Preview (which is automatically set as default when creating a simulated task)

Configuration to use
  • Predefined allows to specify the configuration that will be used for the simulation.

    • Development allows evaluating all configuration which is in lifecycle state Active or Proposed

    • Production allows evaluating all configuration which is in lifecycle state Active or Deprecated

step 4 execution simulated
Figure 72. Step 4: Enter execution-related task information

Click Next: Schedule to continue with the task creation. The "Schedule" parameters can be edited only for reconciliation and/or live synchronization tasks.

Define scheduling-related information for the task.

Scheduling usually does not make much sense when creating a simulated task.
  • Interval allows defining scheduling interval in seconds

  • Cron-like pattern allows defining scheduling intervals via cron-like pattern

step 5 schedule simulated
Figure 73. (Optional) Step 5: Enter scheduling-related task information

Click Next: Distribution to continue with the task creation.

Define distribution information for the task, currently only Worker threads you want to use for the task run. The default value is a single worker.

step 4 distribution
Figure 74. (Optional) Step 6: Enter distribution details

Click Save & Run to save and start task immediately or click Save settings to create but not start the task.

You can get to the task details either using Server tasks  All tasks or clicking Defined tasks menu item in the resource details.

task wizard defined tasks
Figure 75. List of tasks defined for the resource

Configuration of resource wizard panels

Some wizard panels are configurable, for more information see Wizard panels.

How to use Lifecycle state

Resource, object type, attribute, mapping, synchronization situation and other aspects of resource configuration can be configured in different lifecycle states. As it was mentioned earlier, the Lifecycle state property can be used with Simulations. The resource is created in Proposed lifecycle state by default, it won’t work for normal deployment without switching to Active state.

By using the lifecycle state Proposed, you can test (simulate) the configuration without causing any damage to your target system data. When the simulation results are satisfactory, you can switch the lifecycle state to Active.

As the lifecycle state can be set on various configuration items, midPoint gives you a way of turning on specific parts of configuration incrementally. For example, after you switch your resource to Active lifecycle state, we recommend to add any new mappings first in Proposed lifecycle state. The new mapping can be simulated without causing any harm and switched to Active lifecycle state when ready.

See also:


Resource wizard has several limitations as of midPoint 4.8, such as:

midPoint resource wizard won’t be able to show or allow editing of these features but should tolerate them and keep them in the configuration.

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