Initial objects

Last modified 04 Dec 2024 08:35 +01:00
Experimental feature. This command is experimental and might not work properly in all cases. It will fail when used against generic repository implementation when unsupported objects are handled.

This is the last step of upgrade procedure while midPoint is still down. It is necessary to update initial objects to make sure that they are compatible with new version of midPoint and midPoint can start and work properly.

When upgrading LTS (from 4.4 → 4.8) it is necessary to upgrade at least securityPolicy object. Reason for this is that there were changes in authentication/authorization processing for different channels and configuration related to it, hence securityPolicy. See Important updates for more details.

Ninja contains command initial-objects to help you update set of initial objects (see help initial-objects for more details). Initial objects command will help add, update or replace existing objects in repository.

All necessary objects are bundled in directly in ninja, however, it is possible to use custom set of new initial objects using --file option. --file options can be used multiple times or have multiple values separated by comma to specify multiple directories/files.

Ninja also supports filtered processing using --type, --oid and --reverse-oid-filter/--reverse-type-filter. Such options give you possibility to process only subset of objects using this command. E.g. replace objects without custom changes without any merge, reports or dry-run while reviewing merged objects with custom changes.

This command also supports dry-run mode and reporting. Dry-run mode can be used to see what changes will be done in repository without actually doing them (option --dry-run). Reporting can be turned on using -r, --report options. Report option can be coupled with --report-style [DELTA|FULL_OBJECT] to specify whether XML output should contain only deltas or full objects after update. There’s also standard set of options to send output to file (-o, --output) and overwrite (-O, --overwrite).

Initial objects that are new in upgraded version of midPoint are not added to repository by ninja automatically. By default, these objects will be properly imported during first start of upgraded midPoint. If one wants to import them before first start, it is possible to use --force-add option.
Merging algorithm used in this ninja command is experimental and might not work properly in all cases. Please review all changes proposed by ninja using --dry-run before applying them to repository.

There are two main scenarios that can be followed:

No changes in initial objects

This one is the simplest case. If there are no custom changes in initial objects made by users, then ninja can update initial objects automatically. Update can be done by overwriting existing ones without merge. Following command can be used (please use --dry-run if you want to see what will be done without actually doing it):

./bin/ initial-objects --no-merge

Custom changes in initial objects

If there are custom changes in initial objects made by users, then ninja can help you merge them. First, dry run is recommended to see what needs to be done, optionally with report of changes:

./bin/ initial-objects --dry-run --report --report-style FULL_OBJECT -o report-initial-objects.xml

If you’re satisfied with changes proposed by ninja, you can execute command without --dry-run and report related options. If there are objects (filtered by types or oids) that can be handled without merge, you can run:

./bin/ initial-objects --no-merge [--type securityPolicy,valuePolicy,...] [--oid 93ae3cd3-b34d-4093-ad49-adba573a95ba]

Important updates

There is at least one object - securityPolicy that needs to be updated when upgrading LTS from 4.4 to 4.8. If there are no custom changes in securityPolicy, following command can be used:

./bin/ initial-objects --no-merge --type securityPolicy
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