Upgrade with ninja

Last modified 18 Sep 2024 22:22 +02:00


This document describe how to upgrade midPoint installation using tool called ninja. More overall information about ninja can be found here. Ninja supports two different upgrade paths:

  • Feature release upgrade - from previous version to next one (e.g. 4.7 → 4.8)

  • LTS upgrade - from previous LTS to next one (e.g. 4.4 → 4.8)

Deployment has to be upgraded to latest maintenance release before it can be upgraded to next version using ninja.

For concrete examples of upgrade scenarios, please see Upgrade procedure examples.

Upgrade procedure overview

Upgrade procedure consists of two main phases with several steps. First phase (preparation) can be executed while midPoint is still running, without any interruption of service. Second phase (upgrade) requires downtime of midPoint instance. This phase should be quick to minimize required downtime. All steps mentioned above are described in following sections, ninja will guide you through them. For concrete examples of upgrade scenarios, please see Upgrade procedure examples.

  1. Preparation phase

    1. Read release notes for the new midPoint version / for all intermediate midPoint versions between your current and the new midPoint version (this is especially important for LTS to LTS upgrade)

    2. Upgrade tasks to use activities

    3. Pre-upgrade check

    4. Verification & upgrade objects

    5. Download distribution

  2. Upgrade phase

Upgrade procedure examples

Following chapter contains few examples on how to upgrade midPoint using ninja. First part describes how to set up midPoint instance for upgrade scenarios.

There are three examples:

Variables used in examples:

  • $MP_INSTALLATION - MidPoint installation directory

Automatic upgrade

This is the simplest way to upgrade midPoint distribution.

  1. (Update your tasks to use activities before continuing.)

  2. Shutdown midPoint

  3. Run distribution upgrade

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v upgrade-distribution \
      --temp-directory $MP_INSTALLATION/tmp \
      --backup-midpoint-directory \
    You can also point ninja to already downloaded zip file using --distribution-archive option.
    You could use --distribution-version latest option to upgrade to an unreleased midPoint version (latest SNAPSHOT)
  4. Check your start-up script for midPoint: if you are using systemd or a custom script referring to midpoint.war, you need to replace the reference with midpoint.jar. See also Running midPoint with systemd.

  5. Start midPoint

Manual (sequential) upgrade

Manual upgrade allows for customization of each step done during upgrade procedure via custom options. Following example is almost equivalent to simple upgrade-distribution command described above, but split into multiple separate commands.

  1. (Update your tasks to use activities before continuing.)

  2. Run pre-upgrade check (refer to Pre-upgrade check for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v pre-upgrade-check
    Currently, this step only informs that there are X critical and other errors, but doesn’t return error code and fail whole script. User has to make sure there are no critical errors and only then continue with next step.
    Click here to display example output of the pre-upgrade-check command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v pre-upgrade-check
    [INFO] Starting pre-upgrade checks
    [INFO] Initializing using midpoint home (FULL_REPOSITORY)
    [INFO] Checking node versions in midPoint cluster
    [INFO] Nodes version in cluster: 4.4.6
    [WARNING] Skipping nodes version check
    [INFO] Checking database schema version
    [INFO] Database schema change number matches supported one (1) for label schemaChangeNumber.
    [INFO] Database schema change number matches supported one (1) for label schemaAuditChangeNumber.
    [WARNING] Skipping database schema version check
    [INFO] Pre-upgrade checks finished successfully
  3. Run verify (refer to Verification & upgrade objects for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v verify
    Click here to display example output of the verify command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v verify
    [INFO] Starting verify
    [WARNING] Consider using  '-o verify-output.csv' option for CSV output with upgradeability status of deprecated items.
    [WARNING] It is recommended to review this report and actions for proper upgrade procedure.
    [INFO] Initializing using midpoint home (FULL_REPOSITORY)
    [DEBUG] Operation: started
    [INFO] Processed: 19, error: 0, skipped: 0, avg.: 3.76obj/s
    WARNING NECESSARY Cleanup (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000005, TaskType) category deprecated
    WARNING NECESSARY Validity Scanner (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000006, TaskType) category deprecated
    WARNING NECESSARY Trigger Scanner (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000007, TaskType) category deprecated
    [INFO] Processed: 195, error: 0, skipped: 0, avg.: 35.13obj/s
    [DEBUG] Operation: producer finished
    [DEBUG] Operation: finished
    [INFO] Finished verify in 5.97s. Processed: 262, error: 0, skipped: 0, avg.: 43.85obj/s
    [INFO] Verification finished. 0 critical, 4 necessary, 0 optional and 0 unknown issues found.
    You need to fix the errors related to deprecated and to-be-removed content before upgrade.
  4. Download (new) distribution (refer to Download distribution for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v download-distribution \
      --temp-dir $MP_INSTALLATION/.upgrade \
      --distribution-directory $MP_INSTALLATION/.upgrade/new-distribution
    Click here to display example output of the download-distribution command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v download-distribution --distribution-directory /opt/midpoint/midpoint-upgrade-to-4.8
    [INFO] Starting download distribution
    [INFO] Downloading version: 4.8
    [INFO] Download size: 219 MB
    [INFO] Download complete
    [INFO] Distribution zip: /tmp/.upgrade/1704884636253-midpoint-4.8-dist.zip
    [INFO] Distribution directory: /opt/midpoint/midpoint-upgrade-to-4.8
    Next LTS version will be downloaded for 4.4.
  5. Shut down midPoint

  6. Upgrade DB schema for repository and audit (refer to Upgrade DB schema for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v run-sql \
      --upgrade \
      --mode repository \
      --scripts $MP_INSTALLATION/.upgrade/new-distribution/doc/config/sql/native/postgres-upgrade.sql
    Click here to display example output of the run-sql command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v run-sql --upgrade --mode repository --scripts /opt/midpoint/midpoint-upgrade-to-4.8/doc/config/sql/native/postgres-upgrade.sql
    [INFO] Starting run sql scripts
    [INFO] Running scripts against midpoint repository.
    [INFO] Initializing using midpoint home (STARTUP_CONFIGURATION)
    [INFO] Creating connection for ninja-repository
    [INFO] Executing script /opt/midpoint/midpoint-upgrade-to-4.8/doc/config/sql/native/postgres-upgrade.sql
    [INFO] Scripts executed successfully.
  7. Upgrade DB schema for audit (refer to Upgrade DB schema for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v run-sql \
      --upgrade \
      --mode audit \
      --scripts $MP_INSTALLATION/.upgrade/new-distribution/doc/config/sql/native/postgres-audit-upgrade.sql
    Click here to display example output of the run-sql command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v run-sql --upgrade --mode audit --scripts /opt/midpoint/midpoint-upgrade-to-4.8/doc/config/sql/native/postgres-audit-upgrade.sql
    [INFO] Starting run sql scripts
    [INFO] Running scripts against midpoint audit.
    [INFO] Initializing using midpoint home (STARTUP_CONFIGURATION)
    [INFO] Creating connection for ninja-repository
    [INFO] Executing script /opt/midpoint/midpoint-upgrade-to-4.8/doc/config/sql/native/postgres-audit-upgrade.sql
  8. Upgrade midPoint installation (files) (refer to Upgrade installation for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v upgrade-installation \
      --distribution-directory $MP_INSTALLATION/.upgrade/new-distribution \
      --installation-directory $MP_INSTALLATION
    Click here to display example output of the upgrade-installation command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v upgrade-installation --distribution-directory  /opt/midpoint/midpoint-upgrade-to-4.8/ --installation-directory /opt/midpoint/
    [INFO] Starting upgrade installation
    [INFO] Midpoint installation directory: /opt/midpoint
    [INFO] Installation upgraded successfully
    [INFO] Next step should be to update initial objects. You can use 'ninja initial-objects --dry-run' to review changes.
    [INFO] Please see documentation and initial-objects command options for more information.
    The same MP_INSTALLATION directory is used for new midPoint.
  9. Simulate how initial objects would be updated (refer to Initial objects for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v initial-objects --dry-run
    Click here to display example output of the initial-objects --dry-run command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v initial-objects --dry-run
    [INFO] Starting initial objects
    [INFO] Initializing using midpoint home (FULL_REPOSITORY)
    [DEBUG] File: 000-system-configuration.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object SystemConfiguration (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, systemConfiguration)
    [INFO] Updating object SystemConfiguration (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, systemConfiguration) in repository (dry run)
    [DEBUG] File: 010-value-policy.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object Default Password Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, valuePolicy)
    [INFO] Skipping object update, object Default Password Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, valuePolicy) merged, no differences found.
    [DEBUG] File: 015-security-policy.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object Default Security Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000120, securityPolicy)
    [INFO] Updating object Default Security Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000120, securityPolicy) in repository (dry run)
    . . .
    [DEBUG] File: 026-archetype-trace.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object Trace (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000343, archetype)
    [INFO] Skipping object update, object Trace (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000343, archetype) merged, no differences found.
    [DEBUG] File: 027-archetype-correlation-case.xml
    [INFO] Skipping object add (force-add options is not set), object Correlation case (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000345, archetype) will be correctly added during midpoint startup.
    . . .
    [INFO] Recompute task not created, no objects were changed in repository.
    [INFO] Initial objects update finished. 0 added, 57 merged, 19 unchanged and 0 errors, total: 115 files processed.
  10. Update initial objects (refer to Initial objects for more details and options)

    $MP_INSTALLATION/bin/ninja.sh -v initial-objects
    Click here to display example output of the initial-objects command
    /opt/midpoint/bin/ninja.sh -v initial-objects
    [INFO] Starting initial objects
    [INFO] Initializing using midpoint home (FULL_REPOSITORY)
    [DEBUG] File: 000-system-configuration.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object SystemConfiguration (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, systemConfiguration)
    [INFO] Updating object SystemConfiguration (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001, systemConfiguration) in repository (dry run)
    [DEBUG] File: 010-value-policy.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object Default Password Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, valuePolicy)
    [INFO] Skipping object update, object Default Password Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003, valuePolicy) merged, no differences found.
    [DEBUG] File: 015-security-policy.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object Default Security Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000120, securityPolicy)
    [INFO] Updating object Default Security Policy (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000120, securityPolicy) in repository (dry run)
    . . .
    [DEBUG] File: 026-archetype-trace.xml
    [DEBUG] Merging object Trace (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000343, archetype)
    [INFO] Skipping object update, object Trace (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000343, archetype) merged, no differences found.
    [DEBUG] File: 027-archetype-correlation-case.xml
    [INFO] Skipping object add (force-add options is not set), object Correlation case (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000345, archetype) will be correctly added during midpoint startup.
    . . .
    [INFO] Recompute task task:8300470d-4c6b-4aaf-a46c-755b41e9c1a1(Initial objects recompute after upgrade to 4.8) created, it will be started after midpoint starts and will recompute 57 objects.
    [INFO] Initial objects update finished. 0 added, 57 merged, 19 unchanged and 0 errors, total: 115 files processed.
    The initial objects that are new in midPoint 4.8 will be created upon first midPoint start. Also, a recompute task has been created and will be started upon first midPoint start.
  11. Check your start-up script for midPoint: if you are using systemd or a custom script referring to midpoint.war, you need to replace the reference with midpoint.jar. See also Running midPoint with systemd.

  12. Start midPoint

Container environment upgrade

This chapter describes how to upgrade midPoint using ninja in container environments, e.g. deployments in Kubernetes, Docker.

Ninja in container environment can be accessed by using midPoint container started in interactive mode. $CURRENT_VERSION in following command is version of midPoint that is currently running.

Container used to run ninja has to be started with same parameters as midPoint containers in deployment. Environment variables or config maps or other configuration has to be passed to container the same way as to midPoint containers. This is necessary to make sure that ninja uses same resources. Another case when this is necessary is if database connection configuration is not present in $MIDPOINT_HOME/config.xml, but passed via parameters.

docker run -ti --rm [-env VARIABLE=VALUE] -w=/opt/midpoint evolveum/midpoint:$CURRENT_VERSION /bin/bash

After container starts we’re presented with bash prompt. Now we can run ninja as in non-container environment, e.g.:

  1. Example printout of ninja version

f41fde86786d:/opt/midpoint# ./bin/ninja.sh -V
Processing variable (MAP) ... midpoint.repository.database .:. oracle
Processing variable (MAP) ... midpoint.repository.missingSchemaAction .:. create
Processing variable (MAP) ... midpoint.logging.alt.enabled .:. true
Processing variable (MAP) ... midpoint.repository.initializationFailTimeout .:. 60000
Processing variable (MAP) ... file.encoding .:. UTF8
Processing variable (MAP) ... midpoint.repository.hibernateHbm2ddl .:. none
Processing variable (MAP) ... midpoint.repository.upgradeableSchemaAction .:. stop
Processing variable (MAP) ... midpoint.repository.jdbcUrl .:. jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521/xe
Version: 4.8-SNAPSHOT, rev. v4.8devel-1509-g8abd865, built by , 2023-09-27T07:05:44+0000

Upgrade procedure for container environment

Upgrade procedure is very similar to non-container environment, differences will be described in following sections.

Preparation phase is the same as for non-container environment:

Upgrade phase can’t be executed using simple upgrade-distribution command due to differences in handling of installation directory. Following steps has to be executed instead:

Setup ninja using new midPoint image

New midPoint image has to be pulled from Docker Hub before upgrade procedure can be started. $NEXT_VERSION in following command is version of midPoint that is going to be used after upgrade. At the time of writing it’s 4.8.

As previously mentioned here, container used to run ninja has to be started with same parameters as midPoint containers in deployment.

docker pull evolveum/midpoint:$NEXT_VERSION

docker run -ti --rm [-env VARIABLE=VALUE] -w=/opt/midpoint evolveum/midpoint:$NEXT_VERSION /bin/bash

Now we’re presented with bash prompt, new version of ninja can be used to upgrade midPoint.

Upgrade DB schema (container environment)

Database schema has to be upgraded by starting new midPoint image in interactive mode and running run-sql command.

# upgrade DB schema of midPoint repository
./bin/ninja.sh run-sql \
  --mode repository \

# upgrade DB schema of midPoint audit repository
./bin/ninja.sh run-sql \
  --mode audit \

Initial objects (container environment)

Initial objects can be updated using ninja started withing new midPoint image in interactive mode. As for the update itself, Initial objects chapter describes how to review and update initial objects.

Upgrade midPoint containers

Now is the time to update definition of midPoint containers in deployment. This means we should update configuration in docker-compose.yml when using Docker compose command, or stateful set in Kubernetes or any other related container configuration for midPoint cluster. $NEXT_VERSION version of evolveum/midpoint image must be used.

Containers can be started. MidPoint in new version should start.

Please review logs of midPoint containers to make sure there are no errors.

Upgrade procedure details

Upgrade tasks to use activities

Task objects in midPoint before 4.4 were using configuration mostly through handlerUri and arbitrary extension elements. With release 4.4 this has changed, better configuration schema was introduced with new task concept called activity. Most of the tasks without activities will not work in 4.8 (or newer) and have to be updated to use activities. Few internal types of tasks (e.g. related to certifications will still work with old configuration). Migration of tasks should be therefore done before upgrade procedure is started.

Ninja currently doesn’t support task migration out of the box. MidPoint Studio plugin with Intellij Idea will be able to help with migration of tasks.

More information about task migration can be found in Migration of Tasks from 4.0/4.3 to 4.4 section of midPoint documentation.

Pre-upgrade check

Pre-upgrade check is a simple check that verifies that current midPoint version matches version of distribution that is going to be upgraded. There are two items being checked:

  • database schema version

  • midPoint cluster nodes version

For more information see Pre-upgrade check command documentation.

Verification & upgrade objects

Verification is a process that reads objects from midPoint repository and checks whether they are compatible with new version of midPoint. Verification checks for deprecated, removed elements or other issues that can cause problems during or after upgrade.

Command upgrade-objects can be used to upgrade objects to get rid of deprecated or obsolete data and configuration found by verification.

See more information about verification in Verify and Upgrade objects command documentation.

Download distribution

Download distribution is simple step that helps you download specific version of distribution of midPoint. Midpoint distribution is downloaded from download.evolveum.com.

For more information see Download distribution command documentation.

Upgrade DB schema

Database schema changes are handled by SQL scripts that are bundled with distribution in folder doc/config/sql/native/*.sql. These changes can be applied using ninja command run-sql. For more information see run-sql command documentation.

Upgrade installation

Upgrade installation command will copy and replace files in midPoint installation directory using files from distribution. By default, installation directory is computed as a parent of midpoint-home directory.

This command is useful only in non-container environments.

To learn more about this command see Upgrade installation.

Initial objects

This is the last step of upgrade procedure while midPoint is still down. It is necessary to update initial objects to make sure that they are compatible with new version of midPoint and midPoint can start and work properly.

For more information see Initial objects command documentation.

Verify connector references in resources

After midPoint upgrade, built-in connector versions might have been changed. Your existing resources in midPoint might stop work. Please review your resources using built-in midPoint connectors and update connectorRef references to point to the new connector versions.

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