Collection report: Reference Search Based Report

Last modified 04 Oct 2024 09:58 +02:00
Since 4.7
This functionality is available since version 4.7.

Please note that this example requires reference search functionality that is available only with the Native repository with midPoint 4.7 or newer.

This report demonstrates the following features:

The key points are marked with numbers and explained below the example.

Reference Based Report XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  ~ Copyright (c) 2024 Evolveum
  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  ~ limitations under the License.
<report xmlns=""
    <name>Indirect assignment report</name>
    <description>Shows information stored in roleMembershipRef value metadata.</description>
            <!-- Type (ObjectReferenceType) is declared in the view element. -->
            <filter> (1)
        <parameter> (3)

        <subreport> (4)
            This subreport generates additional lines per each metadata value,
            in case there are multiple distinct assignment paths.
                    <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
            <type>c:ObjectReferenceType</type> (2)
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <code>data?.owner?.name?.orig ?: 'Unknown owner'</code>  (6)
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <code> (7)
                                return data?.segmentTargets?.collect(o -> o?.name?.orig)?.join(' -> ') ?: '?'
                <!-- This is probably not important column, everything is in the path column anyway. -->
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <code> (8)
                                if (!data?.segmentTargets) {
                                return "?"

                                def segLen = data.segmentTargets.size()
                                if (segLen == 1) {
                                return 'Direct'
                                } else {
                                return data.segmentTargets[segLen - 2]?.name?.orig
                <!-- We don't store refs/metadata for disabled assignments, so this is always Enabled. -->
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                    <label>Valid to</label>
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <objectVariableMode>prismReference</objectVariableMode> (5)
                            <code> (9)
                                // Explicit String to use the right split() and not random Groovy default method.
                                String channel = data?.assignment?.metadata?.createChannel
                                return channel?.split('#')?.last()?.with(s -> midpoint.translate('Channel.' + s))
1 The report is based on a Reference query with the mandatory owned-by filter inside the collection element pointing to the roleMembershipRef. There are some parameter values used inside the filter.
2 The result type of the search is specified with type inside the view element. (The view element is a bit lower under the parameters and subreport.)
3 The paramaters are specified after the collection as in any other report. Poly-string name is represented by the string type.
4 Subreport data with splitParentRow behavior to ensure that each value metadata value has its own row. Report function generateAssignmentPathRows returns collection of plain objects with various fields extracted from the value metadata which will be used in the column expressions. The object is named data and can be null if no value metadata are found on the reference.
5 Crucially, every single subreport and column of this report processes the input object (which is a reference value) as-is - it does not try to resolve the reference. This is what objectVariableMode set to prismReference does. The default behavior is to resolve the reference which is convenient in most cases. But here we do not want that and the reasons for it are:
  • We need to access the value metadata in the subreport - hence we need the actual reference. There is no way to get to the reference from the target object as the object has no idea from where it is pointed to by a reference - or possibly many references. We need the actual reference value here.

  • If the target of the reference is missing (e.g. it was deleted, or does not exist yet), the resolution of the reference fails, and we end up with partial error and an error in the log. Even worse, the variable value of the to-be-resolved reference will be null. That is useless for our use case, we know nothing, not even the OID of the target.

6 Now some Groovy expressions examples. Here we use the data variable prepared by the subreport and the function generateAssignmentPathRows. This example shows how easy and nice it is to write a one-liner to return some data - or default, if the data is null. There is no need to write return, because there is just one expression and it will be the return value. We use null-safe dereferencing with ?. operator instead of ., obtaining the name (polystring) and its "orig" value. If it is not available, we use ?: operator which you can read "and if null then…​"
7 Another expression, this time with return (can be omitted) if you prefer it. There is an assignment path leading to each effective assignment. This is the chain of assignments and inducements leading to the effective assignment. The length of the path is one for direct assignments, and more than one for indirect ones. Field segmentTargets contains list of the objects from each assignment/inducement’s targetRef - already dereferenced. The collect method will turn these into the names of these objects and, finally, they are joined into a single string, separated by .
8 This is an example of an expression that didn’t fit into a one line, because sometimes it is better to be explicit about various cases - and there are three cases here. The segments may not be available (although unlikely), there can be one segment, or more of them. Each of these cases provide different output into the report.
9 Finally, the createChannel column could be an ugly one-liner, but here we have to help Groovy to understand that intermediate channel variable is a String - so it’s nicer to split it into two lines. Without this help, it would call a wrong version of the split method - not the one on the Java String class. It also shows with construct which is here used to use the result of the last() method call as an argument to the midpoint.translate(). If you feel uneasy about it, you can split it into more line as well. Just don’t forget that the result of the last() call may be null and stick with the ?. operator.

Again, keep in mind that we’re working with reference values on the input - which is the object variable for sub-report and column expressions. Even if you don’t use this variable, it would be resolved if the objectVariableMode is not set to prismReference (the default value is object and forces the resolution). If this is forgotten you will end up with an error in the log similar to this( is an example for a subreport, but the wording for column is similar):

ERROR (c.e.m.m.c.expression.script.ScriptExpression): Expression error:
 Object not found during variable object resolution in subreport 'data':
 Object of type 'RoleType' with OID '20fc8ca3-2184-43e9-a596-4cd833ee90c8' was not found.
com.evolveum.midpoint.util.exception.ObjectNotFoundException: ...
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