Repository Database Support

Last modified 18 Sep 2024 22:22 +02:00
Identity repository feature
This page is an introduction to Identity repository midPoint feature. Please see the feature page for more details.

You should choose PostgreSQL database, using native PostgreSQL repository implementation. Do not think much about it, just do it.

MidPoint has to store its own data in a database, which we call repository. MidPoint stores all the data there: users, roles, shadow objects representing accounts, configuration, everything. MidPoint needs PostgreSQL database engine to do that. PostgreSQL is leading open source relational database engine. Since midPoint 4.4, midPoint can use features specific to PostgreSQL to its advantage (using native PostgreSQL repository implementation).

MidPoint also has support for other database engines. However, since midPoint 4.4, such support is deprecated. Do not use other database engines unless there are historic reasons, and you have a sound plan for migration to PostgreSQL.

Relational Database

MidPoint was designed with a flexible implementation of its repository subsystem. Such design allows support for several types of storage technologies, ranging from relational databases, NoSQL databases, directory servers - as long as the database servers can provide sufficient features. However, the only storage technology that midPoint currently supports is relational database. No other technologies provide the feature that midPoint needs in sufficient completeness, quality and usability. Relational database always was, and it still is, the reliable workhorse of many identity management solutions, including midPoint. Since midPoint 4.0 it is PostgreSQL, open source relational database engine that should play the role of midPoint repository.

Generic vs Native Repository Implementation

Since its very beginning, midPoint was using a very generic approach to relational databases. This approach enabled support for several databases using the same code base. This worked quite well for many years. However, there is also a drawback. Generic database code must strictly adhere to standardized SQL, therefore it cannot take advantage of any database-specific features. This means limitations in performance and scalability. Also, supporting and testing several database engines is not an easy task.

As midPoint deployments grow in complexity and size, we were reaching the boundaries of generic database support approach. Therefore, we had to specialize our implementation, and choose our champion among the database engine. We have chosen PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL is undoubtedly one of the best open source database engines. As midPoint is open source project, it was crucial to support an open source database. As we have doubts about the open source character of MySQL and the capabilities and community strength of MariaDB, PostgreSQL was a clear choice. That is also the reason that we have decided to focus on PostgreSQL, and PostgreSQL was a recommended database engine since midPoint 4.0 release.

Since midPoint 4.4, there is a native repository implementation, an implementation that takes full advantage of underlying database, an implementation that avoids the complications and overhead of generic database data mapping. It was developed in midScale project, an implementation which brings a native, efficient, high-performance, scalable repository implementation for PostgreSQL database.

Therefore, as of midPoint 4.4 there are two repository implementations:

  • Native PostgreSQL repository implementation, efficient and scalable repository implementation. This should be the default choice for all midPoint deployments. It is available since midPoint 4.4.

  • Generic repository implementation, supporting PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle databases. This is the implementation that was used since midPoint 3.x. As of midPoint 4.4, this is considered to be a "legacy" implementation. It is still supported, however it is formally deprecated. We do not plan any new development or improvement of this implementation. Therefore, it is likely to have performance and scalability limitations. Moreover, some advanced features of midPoint will not work on this repository implementation. Deployments using generic repository will need to work with limited functionality.

The Future Of Database Engine Support

Few important facts for the future of database engine support in midPoint:

  • PostgreSQL is strongly recommended for all new midPoint deployments. The plan is to support PostgreSQL database for all foreseeable future. Newest PostgreSQL releases will be supported by new midPoint releases as they are released, given enough time to test new PostgreSQL releases.

  • Support for MySQL and MariaDB was dropped in midPoint 4.3. Need for MySQL/MariaDB in midPoint community seems to be negligible (see the survey), which contributed to a decision to drop MySQL/MariaDB support quickly. These database engines will not be supported any longer.

  • Other commercial database engines (Oracle, Microsoft SQL) remain in the gray zone for the time being. Support for them is formally deprecated since midPoint 4.4. They are currently supported. However, midPoint functionality may be limited while using such databases. Also, it is quite likely that these databases will not be included in standard midPoint support service. There may be a need to purchase support services for these databases separately - to compensate for extra effort supporting them. It is quite clear, that these database engines are not our priority. We currently do not plan to support any newer database versions for these commercial databases. Quite the contrary, we plan to drop the support entirely, probably at some point after midPoint 4.8 LTS release. Users that require clear database support plans should choose PostgreSQL database instead.

  • H2 support was dropped in midPoint 4.9. Demo, proof of concept or evaluation deployments should use either docker compose with native PostgreSQL repository or generic repository together with Oracle/MS SQL Server. For more information see Docker Compose.

The bottom line is, that if you start a new midPoint deployment, the best choice is to go with PostgreSQL. If you have existing midPoint deployment then you are probably OK to continue operation with current setup for a short while, but plan to migrate to PostgreSQL soon.

These decisions may seem radical. However, they are necessary to maintain quality of midPoint deployments in the future. We would rather invest the effort to improve midPoint, rather than spending time on testing many database engines in various versions for every midPoint release. We have confirmed our plans in a survey, the re-confirmed it once again in midScale survey. The community agrees, PostgreSQL it is.

New Deployments

Choose native PostgreSQL repository implementation. Just do it. Given our plans for the future, it is not worth considering any other options.

Existing Deployments: Migration to Native PostgreSQL Repository

Firstly and most importantly, there is no need for panic or any other quick action right now. PostgreSQL is the recommended database, but other databases are still supported (except for MariaDB/MySQL, which were deprecated some time ago). The other databases will be supported for some time, to give all users proper chance to migrate to PostgreSQL. It would be nice of you migrate your existing deployment right now, however doing it a bit later is still OK. If you have exiting deployment in production, migration may require some planning and careful execution. Take your time preparing for the migration. However, do not delay for too long. Create migration plan right now.

Migration of existing deployments should be done is several steps:

  1. Upgrade to midPoint 4.4.x, using your existing database. Your database engine is still supported in midPoint 4.4 (unless you are running MySQL/MariaDB, in which case you should have migrated already). Upgrade to midPoint 4.4.x may pose challenges of its own, especially if you are migrating from midPoint 4.0. The challenges will be easier if you do not need to worry about big changes in the database engine.

  2. Run and test midPoint 4.4 with your existing database for some time (few weeks or months). Make sure that everything is operating normally, check that all the usual upgrade problems were addressed. No need to hurry here. The implementation of Oracle or Microsoft SQL support in midPoint 4.4 is no worse than it was in previous versions. Even if the support is deprecated, the code is still maintained. It should work well, albeit there may be limitations. Make sure everything works smoothly before taking the next step.

  3. Migrate the database to PostgreSQL. Native PostgreSQL repository is using a PostgreSQL-specific database schema that is not compatible with previous versions of midPoint. Therefore the data need to be exported and re-imported. Please see Migration to Native PostgreSQL Repository for details, yet the outline of the process is as follows:

  1. Disable access of all users to midPoint.

  2. Export all the data to XML (or other supported format).

  3. Stop midPoint.

  4. Create new PostgreSQL database, apply database schema, reconfigure midPoint to access the database.

  5. Import data from the XML export (e.g. using ninja).

  6. Start midPoint, test it.

The native PostgreSQL repository has a completely new database schema, designed to take full advantage of PostgreSQL capabilities. This database schema is not compatible with the database schema for the old generic repository. Therefore, full data migration is needed for any conversion from (old) generic repository implementation to (new) native repository implementation. This migration is needed even for migrating data from existing (generic) PostgreSQL deployments to the new (native) PostgreSQL repository, as the database schemas are not compatible.

Support Services For Database Engines

MidPoint is using database for its data store. MidPoint needs database engine, but it does not include database engine. Database is installed, configured and managed separately from midPoint. The database engine is not considered to be part of midPoint. Therefore the database engine itself is not included in Evolveum support for midPoint.

Evolveum will make reasonable effort to make sure that midPoint works well with the databases. We are testing midPoint with all supported databases, using various versions and configurations. We are trying to make sure that midPoint works with the common database engines in common configurations. We will fix the bugs in midPoint database-related code as part of our support problems. In some cases we will also make work-arounds for some frequent and annoying database issues, although such decisions are made on case-by-case basis. Our responsibility is to make sure that midPoint side of midPoint-database interface works well.

However, deployment, configuration and maintenance of the database engine itself is not our responsibility. You have to install the database engine yourself. You have to configure it. We may have some recommendations for you, but database configuration is your responsibility. There are lots of variables here, single-node databases, clustered databases, many performance and availability trade-offs. Those depend on your environment, your requirements and workloads. We cannot possibly make such decisions for you. We provide database schema that midPoint needs. But fine-tuning of the database engine is up to you. There are small deployments and big deployments, each of them may have different database tuning requirements. For example, audit table may work with default setting in a small deployment that cleans up audit records after few months. But a large deployments that keeps audit records for years will need a very specific solution for storing audit data. Such solution is your responsibility.

Also, we will not fix the bugs in database engine. We will recommend specific version of database engine, but we are not distributing or maintaining the database engine itself. If midPoint does not work and the problem is a bug in the database, the solution will be to fix the bug in the database. Making sure that the bug is fixed is your responsibility. You should have a means to do it. This is usually a support contract with the database vendor or in-house capability.

From a practical perspective, midPoint works well with recent versions of PostgreSQL in usual configurations. Most of our testing is based on this configuration. Small midPoint deployment that are not performance-sensitive can probably operate without any problems even without any special support coverage for the database engine, just making sure that the database engine is properly maintained. Larger midPoint deployments will surely benefit from a dedicated PostgreSQL support. Such support contract can surely be consolidated with other applications in your organizations that are using PostgreSQL, and it is also a great way how to support PostgreSQL project. Therefore, we always recommend purchasing a support for PostgreSQL database if you can afford it.

As for commercial and semi-commercial database (Oracle, MS SQL) we always strongly recommend purchasing a support contract for database engine if you insist on using such database. However, perhaps the best strategy would be to migrate to PostgreSQL as soon as possible.

Clusters and Cloud

Generally speaking, midPoint is supported in clustered database environments. Simply speaking: if midPoint works for you with a single-node database, then it will be most likely work for you also in when deployed with database cluster. However, there are limitations:

  • Only environments that support full consistency guarantees are supported. Which means, that midPoint can only work for clustered configurations that can provide full ACID consistency and that are also configured to provide such guarantees. MidPoint will not work in environments with read-only replicas, environments that provide eventual consistency or any weaker consistency guarantees.

  • Proper configuration of database clusters is a complex task that often involves trade-offs. For example clusters built for high availability and robustness may increase data maintenance overhead, and it may result in lower overall performance. Analysis, design, proper configuration and maintenance of database clusters is your responsibility. Evolveum support will not resolve issues that are caused by inappropriate design or configuration of database clusters. It is unrealistic to expect that midPoint will be highly available or more performant just because it runs on a database cluster. The cluster has to be properly designed and configured to satisfy specific needs of each deployment.

  • Database clusters may be configured in a variety of ways. Even a small configuration or tuning changes may cause issues. Even though midPoint is tested in a variety of database configurations during development, it is unrealistic to expect that it can be tested for every combination of database engine, versions, configurations and clustering topologies. If you happen to experience an issue with midPoint operation, we have to reproduce the issue in order to have any realistic chance to fix it. Some issues can be reproduced in our testing environment. However, presence of database clustering makes reproduction of issues much harder. Therefore, please be prepared that Evolveum team may request access to your testing environment where the issue can be reproduced in order to diagnose and fix an issue.

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