Kind, Intent and ObjectClass

Last modified 14 Oct 2024 21:20 +02:00

Kind, intent and ObjectClass are three terms that are very frequently used in midPoint. These terms define a type of resource object (or shadow). The kind and intent are midPoint terms. They define how midPoint is using the object, how midPoint understands its role in the system. The objectClass is a native type by which the resource recognizes the object.

Kind, Intent and Tag

MidPoint identifies useful types of resource objects by using a (kind, intent) tuple. I.e. each useful resource object has a kind and an intent. Kind defines what the object is, intent specified how the object behaves.


MidPoint supports several kinds of resource objects:

  • Account resource objects represent identity of a person, either physical such as computer user or virtual such as administrator, root, daemon or similar special-purpose identities. Accounts can be linked to the User objects.

  • Entitlement resource objects represent groupings or privileges of an account. Entitlement resource objects represent groups, resource-specific roles, access permissions or even organizational unit membership. Entitlements are associated to an account.

  • Other kinds of resource objects may be introduced later (e.g. organizational unit).

Kind of a resource object is mostly fixed and it is quite difficult to change. However the kind is usually determined by the fixed type of the object (object class) and does not need to be changed. The list of resource object kinds is not extensible as their meaning is used in the midPoint IDM logic.


Intent of a resource object describes its intended usage. E.g. users may want to have one default account for normal work, they might have another quite different admin account for system administration and yet another testing account. The "default", "admin" and "testing" are account intents. Other IDM systems use the term account types for this, but intent is more generic term and may apply to other resource objects kinds not just accounts (e.g. to entitlements).

Intents are almost entirely custom. It is expected that intents will be defined specifically for each deployment. There is only a single standard intent defined: default. As the name suggests this is the default intent and it is used if no intent is specified.


Since 4.0
This functionality is available since version 4.0.

Tag is a differentiator for resource object (e.g. accounts) that have the same value of kind and intent. Tag is used in situations when multiple equivalent accounts are enabled. Tag is the value that discriminates between such accounts.

Tag is optional. Accounts that are not used in the "multi" mode do not have any value for tag.

Shadow Objects

Kind, intent and tag are stored in shadow objects. Those are midPoint internal concepts. They are not passed to the connector. They are translated to the object class which is then passed to the connector.

Resource Object Discriminator

Tuple (resource, kind, intent, tag) is called resource object discriminator or resource shadow discriminator. While this term is almost never seen in midPoint user interface, it can be seen in log files and it is quite an important concept to understand. The purpose of this discriminator is to distinguish projections. Each projection linked to a particular focus must have unique value of the discriminator. MidPoint will generally avoid duplicating the projections. For example, in case that two constructions use the same combination of (resource, kind, intent, tag) then midPoint assumes that they are referring to the same resource object and such definitions are merged.

It is very important that the discriminator uniqueness is maintained for every focal object. MidPoint should never create a situation when there is a discriminator duplication. However, in case that midPoint data are corrupted and there is such a duplication, midPoint will stop the operations with a hard error.

Object Class

Object Class is a type of the object how the resource understands it. It is therefore a "technical" type of the resource object. Object classes are defined by the Resource Schema and are presented to midPoint by the connector. MidPoint has a very little control over object classes. The object classes define a reality, what types of objects the resource can handle. Object classes can reflect the real object class defined by the resource such as inetOrgPerson LDAP object class. Or the object classes can be "virtual" and introduced by the connector such as ConnId __ACCOUNT__ object class (which is presented in midPoint as ri:AccountObjectClass).

Object class is a term used by midPoint connectors. Therefore object class definition is passed to the connector.

Kind, Intent and Object Class in MidPoint

Object class is what resource understands. When midPoint reads an object it will know its object class. If midPoint creates an object it has to define a specific object class. Therefore object class defines how the object looks like. However midPoint usually does not know what to do with a specific object class, e.g. an LDAP objectclass inetOrgPerson. This object class usually defines an account but the details can vary from deployment to deployment. Therefore midPoint cannot provide any fixed association between object class and its usage. Therefore midPoint sorts out the object class to kind and intent as specified above. While midPoint does not know how to handle objects of object class inetOrgPerson, midPoint knows quite well what to do with default account objects. Default account objects are presented as (kind=account, intent=default) in midPoint.

Therefore midPoint maps object classes to (kind, intent) tuples. The mapping is defined in Delineation section in the schema handling. This maps (kind, intent) to object class and vice versa. The mapping from object class to kind and intent may sometimes be not a very reliable and straightforward because all the midPoint really knows about the object is its object class and attributes. Therefore this configuration needs to be much more flexible and allow some kind of "guesswork" to correctly sort out the object.


kind intent objectClass Description

Usual LDAP account




The LDAP account that is used for most of the accounts. The account types that are by default assigned to users. "Normal" account. E.g. the mappings can place such accounts into ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, use uid as naming attribute and so on. Simply speaking normal account.

Testing LDAP account




The LDAP account used for testing purposes. As this has a different intent then a different set of mappings can be defined for this account type. E.g. the mappings may place it in a different ou, prefix it with a TEST prefix or do any other variation on the definition.

Legacy LDAP account




The LDAP account using person LDAP object class. This may be used for some legacy applications. It may (and usually should) have a very different outbound mappings when compared with the default account.

Usual CSV account




Just a simple CSV file account. The CSV connector does not have a concept of object classes therefore the connector defines only a single virtual "__ACCOUNT__" ConnId object class.

LDAP group




LDAP group that is normally used for grouping LDAP accounts. It is using groupOfNames LDAP object class. The outbound mappings may place it in ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com subtree.

LDAP group (unique)




Alternative LDAP group that is used by some applications. It is using groupOfUniqueNames LDAP object class. This may have a different outbound mappings and an entirely different definition. Therefore midPoint allows the two grouping mechanisms to coexist (and may keep them somehow consistent).

Custom privilege




Some custom privilege defined in the resource and supported by the connector.

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