Access Certification Authorization

Last modified 22 Aug 2024 14:46 +02:00

Model level

For certification module there is a set of specific authorization action URIs available. They are listed in the following table. Note that <prefix> is the standard prefix denoting authorization actions at the model level, i.e. "".

Operation Action URI Comment

Create a certification definition


This is a standard action URI used to create an object.

Create a campaign


The certification definition object is evaluated with regards to this authorization (not the campaign object itself). So, it is possible to specify e.g. that a user can "instantiate" definitions with a specific owner. Or definitions with a specific tenantRef, or some extension attribute.Note that the newly created campaign has ownerRef set to the currently logged-in user.

Open a campaign review stage


The object being evaluated is the certification campaign object.

Close a campaign review stage


The object being evaluated is the certification campaign object. (Note: If a campaign closure is scheduled automatically on campaign start, it runs under administrator user.)

Start remediation


The object being evaluated is the certification campaign object. (Note: In case of automated remediation, the task runs under administrator user.)

Close a campaign


The object being evaluated is the certification campaign object.

Read user’s own certification decisions (done along with those that are to be done)


Evaluated without relation to any object.

Record own certification decision.


Evaluated without relation to any object.

GUI level

At the GUI level, there are the following action URIs available. <prefix> is the standard prefix for GUI authorization actions, i.e. "".

GUI page Action URI Comment

Certification definitions


Add/edit certification definition


Currently there is no way how to distinguish between "add" and "edit" at the GUI level.

Certification campaigns


View specific campaign


My cases to decide


All cases to decide


My active campaigns


All active campaigns


All certification-related pages


Note that unlike editing user, role and org, GUI does not currently adapt itself to specific security settings for the model level. This means that, for example, if a user has an authorization to read but not modify a particular definition, the GUI is the same as if he had an authorization to read as well as to modify it - i.e., all fields are shown and editable. Only after "Save" button is pushed, an "access denied" exception occurs in the former case. Also, if a user has an authorization to view some of the items but not the others, the form does not adapt to this: it shows all the fields; and those that are not authorized are simply not filled in. This is to be fixed in later versions of midPoint.

Example 1: Reviewer role

This role allows a user to:

  1. read requests he has to certify (including his own decisions) as well as record the decisions - the first authorization,

  2. display "my cases to decide" page - the second one.

<role xmlns="">

Example 2: Certification campaign owner

This role allows a user to:

  1. create campaigns for a given certification definition (in this case, specified by OID, although the any other filter can be used) - the first authorization,

  2. read and manage campaigns that were derived from this particular definition - the second one,

  3. use respective GUI pages.

By "manage" we mean opening and closing their stages, starting remediation, but not closing the campaigns prematurely. The last privilege could be added by adding action URI #closeCertificationCampaign in the list of URIs in second authorization.

<role xmlns=""
   <name>Campaigns of XYZ owner</name>
   <authorization id="1">
            <q:text>. inOid "092c35f1-5bcd-477e-a95e-912f73314b02"</q:text>     <!-- OID of the definition of XYZ campaigns -->
   <authorization id="2">
            <q:text>definitionRef matches (oid = "092c35f1-5bcd-477e-a95e-912f73314b02")</q:text>
   <authorization id="3">

Alternatively, we might want to specify the second authorization in a way of "all campaigns whose owner is currently logged-in user". But the implementation of owner = self is not quite finished yet (see MID-2789).

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