Error Reporting in GUI

Last modified 09 Oct 2024 16:07 +02:00

One of the current security concerns is leaking technical and implementation details via verbose error reporting. In midPoint error reporting with technical details is necessary for some roles, such as integrators or administrators, but it may pose security risk for less-privileged roles.

MidPoint allows you to customize which technical details are show to particular role by editing adminGuiConfiguration/feedbackMessagesHook.

Configuration Options

The available customization properties of adminGuiConfiguration/feedbackMessagesHook are:


Sets the visibility of java stack trace in error messages. This does not affect stack traces in logs, only in error messages.

  • visible (default) - stack traces are visible in error messages and on error pages.

  • hidden - stack trace are hidden in error messages and on error pages.


If only user friendly messages should be shown to user.

  • true - Shows only user friendly error messages (or generic error message if there is no user friendly message available in code)

  • false (default) - Shows user friendly message first, otherwise show technical message.


If only top-level result should be displayed and available to user.

  • true - Only top-level result is displayed. Detailed subresults are hidden.

  • false (default) - Full result tree is explorable in GUI. Subresults may contain more detailed technical information.


Enables / Disables operation result for error inspection. This result is not affected by previous options and always contains technical details.

  • true - Disable download of operation result.

  • false (default) - Download of operation result is available. Note that this may leak implementation and technical details.

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