What is New For Tasks starting 4.4

Last modified 21 Aug 2024 02:41 +02:00


Activities are a new way of structuring the work executed within tasks. Please see here for in-depth description.

Cluster Auto-Scaling Capability

Distributed - a.k.a. multi-node - activities can be scaled up or down by starting or stopping worker tasks. This scaling is appropriate when the distribution definition changes, e.g. number of worker tasks is increased or decreased. It should be done also when the cluster configuration changes, e.g. nodes are added or deleted.

This up/down-scaling was present in midPoint since 3.8 (as an experimental feature) in the form of workers reconciliation process. In 4.4 the following changes were done:

  1. New auto-scaling activity was created. It periodically scans for tasks that are autoscaling-enabled and invokes workers reconciliation process on them, if the cluster state has changed in the meanwhile. (Note that we currently do not support auto-scaling triggered by changes in activity distribution definition. The user is responsible for reconciling the workers manually in that cases.)

  2. The workers reconciliation process itself was improved and fixed:

    • It no longer closes superfluous workers - it suspends them instead, allowing resuming them when needed.

    • When suspending the workers, any unprocessed buckets are returned to the coordinator to process them immediately by other workers. The same is true when the task stops for any other reason. This eliminates lengthy "scavenging" process at the end of the processing.

    • When in scavenging phase, non-scavenger workers are not created. Only the scavengers are.

    • The whole reconciliation is now driven by node.operationalState (i.e. from repo) instead of node.executionState (determined dynamically). So in case of unstable clusters or transition situations the results should be more predictable.

Cluster-wide Thresholds

The threshold mechanism before 4.4 was limited to a single node. Moreover, the related policy rules counters were transient, so they did not survive midPoint node restarts. There were other limitations as well.

Starting with 4.4, counters for policy rules are stored persistently in the respective task objects, providing support for cluster-wide watching of policy rules thresholds, across task and node restarts.

Progress and Statistics Reporting Improvements

Progress reporting was rewritten from scratch, so it is much more reliable now. It correctly deals with tasks being structured into activities, their suspension and resuming, buckets processing, error handling, and so on.

Activity tree overview structure was introduced in the root tasks, providing key information about the execution (e.g. progress, error counts, number of running tasks on individual cluster nodes, and so on), without the need to fetch the whole task tree.

In addition to that, flexible activity reports were introduced:

  • buckets processed,

  • items processed,

  • ConnId operations executed,

  • internal operations executed.

Also, bucket size analysis mode is now available. It allows determining size of buckets before real processing starts: either all buckets, or a (random or regular) sample of specified size.

The following information is now collected per individual activities (not per tasks):

  • synchronization statistics,

  • actions executed,

  • work bucket management statistics.

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