Linked Objects Scenario 5: Deletion-Safe Organizations

Last modified 16 Mar 2023 18:35 +01:00
Since 4.2
This functionality is available since version 4.2.


Is it possible to delete an organization in such a way that all its members (users, child orgs, and other objects) will not end up in an inconsistent state? I.e. that their assignments to the particular org will be deleted, instead of becoming hanging?

Yes, using a simple policy rule this can be easily implemented.

This solution has limitations that may prevent it from being usable in some environments. Please see Limitations section at the end.

An Implementation On Foreground

Implementation of this scenario consists of a single global policy rule.

Listing 1. Global policy rule that ensures unassigning of org being deleted (on foreground)
        <!-- finer selection (e.g. based on archetype) can be used here if needed -->
        Unassigns members when an org is deleted.
                <linkSource/> <!-- all objects linked to the current focus -->
                            <!-- all assignments targeting the current focus -->
                                        import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.ObjectTypeUtil

An Implementation On Background

Since 4.7
This functionality is available since version 4.7.

If we expect more than a couple of members, we can use the following rule to execute the unassignment operation on the background.

Listing 2. Global policy rule that ensures unassigning of org being deleted (on background)
        <!-- finer selection (e.g. based on archetype) can be used here if needed -->
        Unassigns members (asynchronously) when an org is deleted.
                                    <code> (1)
                                        import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.ObjectReferenceType

                                        new ObjectReferenceType()
                                                .oid(orgBeingDeleted as String)
                        <code> (2)
                            import com.evolveum.midpoint.schema.util.expression.ExpressionUtil
                            import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.TaskType
                            import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.scripting_3.ScriptingVariableDefinitionType
                            import com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.model.scripting_3.ScriptingVariablesDefinitionType

                            def req = (preparedTask as TaskType)
                            req.setVariables(new ScriptingVariablesDefinitionType()
                                    .variable(new ScriptingVariableDefinitionType()
1 We don’t have the focus variable available here (as in Listing 1). We must obtain its value through scripting variable orgBeingDeleted that is filled in the task customizer below.
2 This prepares the orgBeingDeleted variable.

In the future we consider making the data passing between policy rule and the background task easier.

Complete configuration for this scenario is in directory (and associated system configuration file).


Unassignment After Deletion

The main issue is that when the policy rule is triggered, it is simply too late for any un-assignments to take place: the role object no longer exists. This has some negative consequences:

  1. Errors are reported in GUI, in audit records (as handled errors in both cases), and in the log[1].

  2. In some cases, the results of such "forced unassignment" can be different from the unassignment done while before role deletion.[2]

What we’d need is to unassign the members before the role is deleted. This would most probably involve implementing some kind of lifecycle state transition for the role, e.g. switching the state to retired, then unassigning members, and then (probably automatically) deleting the role object.

Other Limitations

The simple policy rules presented assume that "assigned" is the same as "linked", i.e. that:

  1. All assignments are effective (valid and conditions evaluated to true), so they are reflected in links.

  2. All links are backed by assignments, i.e. there are no links created by inducements or created manually (editing parentOrgRef).

But the scenario can be extended and made more robust, by:

  1. Replacing linkSource specification by custom query looking after assignment/targetRef filters.

  2. Creating additional global policy rule that will clean up the inducements for organization being deleted.

1. Since 4.7, we suppressed the message in the log file, see MID-8366.
2. The reason is that when unassigning the role in the regular way, midPoint has complete information about what the role is adding, so it can correctly remove that. When first deleting the role and then unassigning it, the deployment must assume that "what is not computed should not exist" (using e.g. non-tolerant attributes and associations, mapping ranges, and so on) in order to ensure that what was provisioned via the role will be de-provisioned. This is somewhat similar to the known limitation of Focus Validity Scan activity.
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