Live Synchronization

Last modified 26 Nov 2021 15:40 +01:00

The live synchronization task (or activity) processes a stream of so-called change events coming from a resource. These events represent changes related to resource objects: their creation, modification, or deletion. The task ensures that these events are processed, so that changes on the resource objects are reflected on midPoint objects (and propagated to other resources, if needed).

The event stream is requested by midPoint: after a live synchronization activity starts, it asks the resource for recent changes. Please see a discussion on change token below.

Basic Configuration

The heart of the configuration is the specification of what resource objects we want to synchronize. The resourceRef is obligatory, all the other properties are optional. However, usually the object class is specified as well - either directly, or indirectly via the kind-intent pair. The query property of the object set specification is not applicable for Live synchronization tasks.

An example

Live synchronization task
    <name>Live synchronization: Example Resource</name>
    <ownerRef oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" type="UserType"/>
                    <resourceRef oid="ef2bc95b-76e0-48e2-86d6-3d4f02d3e1a2"/>

Advanced Configuration

Before describing the details, we need to understand what a change token is.

Each change has a token that identifies its position in the stream of events. The token of the last processed event is then stored in the live synchronization task. It is used when the task is run, in order to obtain a continuation of the change event stream starting after the last processed event.

Not all resources are capable of providing unique tokens to individual change events. Some of them can e.g. provide common token value to all changes returned from given sync() call. This limits the ability to continue at exactly the position (in the change event stream) where the processing stopped in case of an error or a task suspension. The ability or inability of a resource to provide precise token values is described by the preciseTokenValue property of the liveSync capability. (See Resource Capabilities).

Currently, e.g. LDAP connector does not generally support precise token values (it does so only in specific cases). DB Table or SQL Scripting connectors may be able to do that. That way or another, it is the responsibility of the connector user (i.e. the engineer that configures the resource) to know the behavior of the connector, and to correctly specify this capability in the resource definition.

Token Handling in Dry Run Mode

If the Live synchronization task is run in a dry run mode, the token is not updated by default. This means that after the task is run again (either in dry run or in full processing mode), the stream of change events is re-processed. This is the expected behavior: we usually use the dry run mode to check that everything works well, and only after we start the task in "full" mode.

There may be situations, however, where we need the task to mark events processed in dry run mode as "done" (by setting the token value appropriately). And this is configured by setting updateLiveSyncTokenInDryRun to true.

Batch Size

The batchSize configuration parameter tells midPoint to process only a limited amount of change events in a single synchronization task run. It can be used e.g. if we want to check the processing of a few events just to see if everything is OK; or if there is a lot of events waiting, and we want to process them in defined chunks.

So, if a positive value of N is specified here, live synchronization fetches at most N records during each run[1]. The unprocessed changes are left for the next task run. (This may change in the future.)

USE WITH CARE. This feature assumes that the connector provides LiveSync capability with preciseTokenValue = true, i.e. that it assigns sync tokens to individual changes "incrementally", so it can resume live sync operation on each individual change.

Error Handling

The default behavior of Live synchronization activity is to stop when an error is encountered. This is to ensure that no information is lost in such cases. This behavior can be changed via custom error handling specification.

1. Technically speaking, during a single provisioning.synchronize() method execution.
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