<documentation>This is a multi-line documentation.
It starts on a new line and all lines are indented with the same
indentation as the first line.
midScribe Documentation Guide
Integral documentation feature
This page describes configuration of Integral documentation midPoint feature.
Please see the feature page for more details.
This document provides a guide on how to prepare and maintain documentation inside XML files with midPoint objects to be able to generate documentation using midScribe.
Documentation structure
Documentation is generated using velocity templates located template directory in midscribe-core
Basic structure of the documentation is defined in documentation.vm
Main template contains sections for introduction, documentation of different types of objects and conclusion.
Each section is defined in a separate velocity template file.
For each object type that is being documented there is a summary table in the beginning following by detailed description of the objects.
Currently supported objects that can be documented are: template
, resources
, libraries
, orgs
, roles
, tasks
, users
Each velocity template can be overridden using -t
option and passing ZIP
file containing custom template files.
Documentation header
Documentation header si defined directly in documentation.vm
Properties are used to define project name, author, version and date:
Introduction renders a project description loaded from property project.description
For each object description
and documentation
elements are used.
element can contain asciidoc markup.
Object templates
Object template details are defined in template.vm
Description contains:
Include references
Iterator specification
Resource details are defined in resource.vm
Description contains:
Referenced connector details
Connector configuration
Results handlers configuration
Capabilities (native, configured)
Object types
Synchronization sorter
Library details are defined in library.vm
Description contains:
Functions (parameters, types, return type)
Currently only description
and documentation
elements are used.
Currently only description
and documentation
elements are used.
Currently only description
and documentation
elements are used.
Currently only description
and documentation
elements are used.
Empty section as a placeholder.
Rules for writing documentation
Documentation elements
Documentation should be generally written in <documentation>
element is used to provide additional description for embedding object, mostly used in midPoint GUI.
Documentation can contain Asciidoc markup, which will be processed and rendered in the final documentation. If documentation is multi-line, it should start on a new line, all lines should be indented with same indentation as the first line.
This is a multi-line documentation.
It starts on a new line and all lines are indented with the same indentation as the first line.
[cols=2, options="header"]
| Command-line options
| Description
| `-h, --help`
| Print this help
While midPoint objects have mandatory names, it is also necessary to provide names for smaller parts of the configuration. For example, when documenting a resource, it is necessary to provide names objectTypes and mappings.
Naming elements for different parts of configuration are often also marked as natural keys in schema.
MidPoint Studio plugin will warn about missing natural keys in the configuration.
Most often these names are provided in <name>
or identifier
Usage options
Xml files can be sourced using the -s, --source
This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple source directories or files.
Second set of xml files can be specified using the -as, --additional-source
These objects won’t be directly used to create documentation, but they can be used to read additional data like reference names or descriptions.
For example when documenting resource, description of connector configuration properties can be read from the connector schema.
Command also supports include -i, --include
and exclude -e, --exclude
patterns to filter files.
If files contains parameters that should be expanded before documentation is generated, then -p, --properties
option can be used to specify properties file with parameters for expansion.
Currently supported formats are Asciidoc, PDF and HTML.
Usage: java [-Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml] -jar midscribe.jar [options] [command] [command options]
-h, --help
Print this help
-s, --silent
No output at all
Default: false
-v, --verbose
Verbose output
Default: false
-V, --version
Version and build description
Default: false
generate Generate documentation
Usage: generate [options]
-as, --additional-source
Additional source directories/files, not directly used to create documentation. E.g. objects referenced in source files.
-e, --exclude
Exclude pattern to be used on source directories/files.
-i, --include
Include pattern to be used on source directories/files
-o, --output
Output file name (path).
-of, --output-format
Output format.
Default: ADOC
Possible Values: [ADOC, PDF, HTML]
-p, --properties
Properties file with parameters for report.
* -s, --source
Source directories/files.
-t, --template
Template file. File should be ZIP archive containing "template" directory with Velocity templates. Main template is "documentation.vm".
This feature is related to the following compliance frameworks: