ISO/IEC 27001 Control 8.27: Secure system architecture and engineering principles


Principles for engineering secure systems should be established, documented, maintained and applied to any information system development activities.

Necessity of MidPoint

MidPoint is necessary to implement this control properly.

MidPoint features and capabilities are essential for efficient implementation of this control. While it is theoretically possible to implement this control without a comprehensive IGA platform in place, the implementation is likely to be inefficient, costly, slow and unreliable in the long run. MidPoint can make implementation of this control efficient and reliable.

Implementation Overview

Identity governance and administration (IGA) platform such as midPoint is an essential component of secure system architecture.

Implementation Details

Identity governance and administration (IGA) platform such as midPoint is a key cybersecurity integration point. It integrates identity data, managing identity attributes in heterogeneous systems, mapping them to common data model, ensuring that the data are correct and up-to-date. It is also an essential integration point for access control policies, applying access control policy consistently across all the systems using policy-driven role-based access control mechanism (PD-RBAC). MidPoint is instrumental in establishing "least privilege" approach, employing PD-RBAC for automated management of privileges, supplemented by access certifications for management of manually-assigned privileges. Even more importantly, midPoint is enforcing high-level identity governance policies, such as policies related to information classification, segregation of duties (SoD) policies, policies applied to security roles and responsibilities, policies for secure organizational and project management and numerous deployment-specific policies. MidPoint integrates users, roles, applications (assets), services, devices and any other identity types into unified, consistent and enforceable organization-wide identity governance policy. Moreover, automated identity management is absolutely essential for implementation and efficient maintenance of "zero trust" approach. MidPoint can automatically manage non-human identities such as application and service accounts, which are essential for establishing trusted computer-to-computer communication.

Implementation Notes

  • The control description explicitly mentions identity and access management (IAM) as part of technical security infrastructure.


Identity governance and administration (IGA) is a key component of secure system architecture for any medium or large organization. MidPoint, being a comprehensive IGA platform, provides numerous essential capabilities that form a solid cybersecurity foundation. In such organizations, secure system architecture cannot be built and maintained without IGA component in place.

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