Installing midPoint as a Windows Service

Last modified 07 Feb 2024 08:52 +01:00

This page describes the method how to setup midPoint server to run as Windows service. This is the usual setup to start midPoint automatically after system boot on Windows. The service will be started as MidPoint and will listen on default TCP 8080 port.


Download the midPoint binary release according to the following table:

MidPoint 4.9.2 Binary Distribution

Unpack the archive file to a convenient location. Following instructions will refer to the relative paths inside this archive.


  1. Install MidPoint as service by executing service.bat script from bin directory with install argument:

    .\Downloads\midpoint\bin\service.bat install
  2. Service can be controlled by common tools for Windows Services. Alternatively midpointw.exe application with GUI is provided in the bin directory to start, stop or configure the service.

  3. Uninstall MidPoint service executing service.bat script from bin directory with uninstall. Stop the service first, then run:

    .\Downloads\midpoint\bin\service.bat uninstall

You can also start/stop service with windows Services application.

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