Design Principles

Last modified 27 Oct 2021 12:21 +02:00
This is a snapshot of the specification that was created during midPrivacy: provenance prototype project. For the latest development version of the document please look in Axiom workspace.

Axiom design is based on several principles, requirements and early design decisions.

The goal of Axiom is modeling of data in extensible, web-friendly applications. Axiom can be used to create a data model of a particular application, usually a reusable software product. Axiom is designed for reuse of existing data model components inside an application. Axiom data models can be made extensible by third parties, allowing customization of the data model by application users. Axiom is designed for use in applications that are completely schema-aware, applications that can iterate over the data, interpret them dynamically while being aware of data types and definition of all the items. Axiom is designed quite specifically for application developers. It is not meant to be yet another universal "schema language" for the web.

Axiom is used to model (abstract) data structures. Axiom is format-independent. Data modeled by Axiom can be represented in several data languages, such as JSON or XML. But Axiom is not bound to any such language.

Data modeled in Axiom can be expressed in several representation languages. But this does not work both ways. There is no ambition to be able to model any arbitrary JSON data in Axiom. There is no ambition to parse any arbitrary XML file. Only "Axiom-compliant" data structures can be processed.

Axiom is web-friendly, it is designed with World Wide Web in mind. That means, Axiom should be easy to use for data on the web such as RESTful interfaces, semantic web and linked data. Axiom is using namespaces identified by URIs. Axiom is using qualified names (QName) for data types and items, providing mapping of QNames to URIs. Overall, Axiom is trying to reuse existing web concepts as much as possible to fit into the WWW environment.

Axiom is built to be human-friendly - to a reasonable degree. Axiom should be easy to read, write and understand by humans, at least those humans that have spent some time learning Axiom. Axiom tries to limit the boilerplate and ceremony to necessary minimum. Of course, the primary goal for Axiom is to be machine-processable. Therefore it must be unambiguous, as close to minimalism as possible and so on. But humans are going to read and write Axiom models and data. Therefore the language should also be pleasant, readable and elegant. Axiom should consider human aspects of data modeling, e.g. support for integrated documentation. We have no ambition to make Axiom super efficient for binary processing, we do not optimize the language for parsing speed and so on. We create Axiom for human users.

Axiom natively support concepts of data model evolution. Data models are not static. They evolve, change in time. Some changes are compatible, other are not. Axiom is built to allow for such evolution.

Axiom is designed to create cross-domain schemas. Which means that Axiom schemas can be composed of models that originated in different domains, authored by different organizations. Axiom supports reuse and extension of schemas that are created by others.

However, Axiom is not designed for applications that adopt an open world paradigm. I.e. applications that work with data models that can be extended in any way, at any time, without requiring human intervention. Semantic web applications are a prime example of such approach. Axiom design trade-offs are made in favor of extensible applications, e.g. the ability to generate code from data model is much more important than smooth support for open world. We hope that Axiom could still be used in open world systems or at least for interaction with such systems. But such use may not be entirely easy or comfortable.

Axiom is a data language. However, it is designed to support generation of type-safe code. For example, it should be possible to express Axiom data types using Java classes. The generated code should look reasonably natural in wide range of programming languages, but the primary focus are statically-typed object-oriented languages.

Axiom is designed to support metadata and other cross-cutting concerns in data modeling. For example Axiom supports annotations for incomplete or unknown data.

Axiom is designed to be extensible language. Frameworks can extend the language capabilities to introduce their own data modeling concepts, add annotations and so on.

Axiom assumes that all models for all data will be available eventually. But that does not mean that all the models are available at the time when data are parsed. Some parts of the data are dynamic, they may be parsed without knowledge of the model. The model may be determined at runtime using complex algorithms based on parsed data and environment. The models may also be retrieved on demand. Therefore Axiom processors should be able to parse data partially (or as raw data as we call it) and apply model definitions later. However, Axiom assumes that such raw data will not be used until appropriate model is applied. All that Axiom can do with raw data is parsing them and storing them in their original form (without any modification). Full model is needed to use the data, interpret them and modify them.

Axiom is developed in an incremental fashion. The focus is on practical use and overall usefulness of Axiom. We are paying a lot of attention to make sure that the basic principles of Axiom are correct and consistent and that Axiom can evolve in the future. However, first versions of Axiom are not going to be perfect. It will be limited and there may be mistakes that need to be corrected in the future. However, Axiom can be validated only by practical use of the language in prototypes and real-world implementations. Therefore the primary goal of Axiom effort is to allow for such implementations to allow Axiom to continually improve.

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