Axiom Design Notes

Last modified 27 Oct 2021 12:21 +02:00

Axiom is a new data modeling language for Prism and midPoint. It is developed as part of midPrivacy project.

Design Principles

Axiom is used to model (abstract) data structures. Axiom is format-independent. It is not used to model data in any specific representation format such as XML or JSON.

Axiom can be used to model data in several data representation languages, such as JSON or XML. This means that data modeled in Axiom can be expressed in such representation languages. But this does not work both ways. We have no ambition to be able to model any arbitrary JSON data. We have no ambition to parse any XML file. Only "Axiom-compliant" data structures can be processed.

Axiom should be web-friendly, it should be designed with web in mind. That means, Axiom should be easy to use for data on the web such as RESTful interfaces, semantic web and linked data. E.g. objects can be identified with UUID, but how do we identify them in RESTful interfaces where we need URIs? Axiom is using namespaces and qualified names (QName) for data types and items. But namespaces should work well with web. We should think about resolvability of namespaces, mapping of QNames to URIs and so on.

Axiom should be human-friendly. Which means that Axiom should be easy to read, write and understand by humans. We try to limit the boilerplate and ceremony to necessary minimum. Of course, Axiom should be machine-processable, it must be unambiguous, as close to minimalism as possible and so on. But the primary audience of Axiom are humans. Therefore the language should also be pleasant, readable and elegant. We have no ambition to make Axiom super efficient for binary processing, we do not optimize the language for parsing speed and so on. We create Axiom for human users.

Note: Axiom could be expressed in Axiom. Which means that we should be able to express Axiom schemas in JSON or any other format. We may later create a supereficient binary format for Axiom data and we can use that to store Axiom schemas. That should give us sufficient performance for almost any need.


  • Similar basic capabilities than existing schema languages:

    • Primitive data types (approx. the level of support of XSD primitive types used by midPoint)

    • Complex data types (including support for data types, equivalent to complex types in XSD)

  • Insensitive to element ordering

  • Extensibility points: ability to extend the data model in runtime.

  • Human-readable and preferable human-friendly.

  • Optional complex data "keys" instead of current container identifiers.

  • ItemPath concept should remain almost the same.

  • Support for objects (identified by OID) and object references.

    • Tip: think about "RESTifying" the model. What happens if the data are exposed in REST? Would it make sense to replace OIDs with URIs/URLs? Think about semantic web concepts.

  • Support for semantic versioning of the model

  • Built-in support for lifecycle properties: since, deprecated, plannedRemoval, etc.

  • Support for meta-data (e.g. provenance meta-data). Meta-data schema extensible in runtime.

  • Support for "rich" primitive types such as polystring and protected string.

  • Built-in documentation support (similar to xsd:documentation, but maybe we would prefer asciidoc?)

  • Ability to add custom annotations (similar to XSD annotations)

  • Idea: consider data lifecycle/retention. E.g. we have operational data that are computed. We have meta data that are transient (not stored) and persistent (stored). Maybe we can somehow merge and generalize those concepts?

  • Question: what about data presentation? E.g. do we want support for human-readable labels for data model items?

  • Tip: think about how new query/filter language can be aligned.

  • Tip: think about how midPoint bulk action language can be aligned.

  • Tip: think about "natural" representation of objects (non-XML/JSON/YAML).

  • Nice to have: ability to define itself (such as XSD syntax can be specified in XSD).

Data Completeness

We have to distinguish several cases for completeness of data:

  • We know that item has values X, Y and Z. It has no other values. This is the common case.

  • We know that item has no value. E.g. we are sure that there are no criminal records for this person.

  • We know nothing about an item.

  • We know that item used to have values X, Y, Z recently. E.g. values that were removed by a particular mapping.

  • We know that the item has some value, but we do not know the value (the value is "unknowable"). E.g. there is a hashed password, we do not even want to disclose the hash, but we want to indicate that the password is already set.

  • We know that the item has some, we do not know the value now, but we can easily find out when needed. E.g. values that are not returned in the query because they are big or expensive. But we can easily construct a query that requests them explicitly. Or values, for which we have an expression that can be used to determine them. But we do not want to execute that expression if the value is not needed.

  • We know that the item has value X, but the item may also have other values that we do not know.

Note: we may still want to keep metadata for such values. E.g. "We are sure that there are no criminal records for this person, we know that with high LOA, and this information is 2 days old".

Solution: we need item completeness and value significance:

  • Item completeness. Item can be:

    • Complete (default): we have all the values of the item. We are sure that are no more values that we have.

    • Incomplete: we do not have all the values of the item. There may be more values of the item and we do not know anything about such values.

  • Value significance. Value can be:

    • Positive (default): We know the value and it is the normal, usual value of the item.

    • Negative: We know that the item used to have the value, but it may no longer have that value. E.g. the value was removed by a mapping.

    • Unknown: We know that the item has a value, but we we do not know what the value is. E.g. the value may be hashed or encrypted by an unknown key, the value may be determined by an expression that was not evaluated yet and so on.
      Question: do we need shades of meaning here? E.g. unknowable, expensive, dynamic

Item complete Item incomplete

Value positive

Normal data

We know that item has some values, but it may also have other values that we do not know.

Value negative

Value was removed by the delta. We know all the remaining values (if any).

Value was removed, but we have no information about other values.

Value unknown

We know that the item has a value, but we do not know the value (the value is "unknowable"). E.g. hashed password ("unknowable" value), value that is not returned (expensive value), expression (dynamic value)

We know that the item has (unknown) value, but it may also have other values.

No value or null value

We are sure that item has no value. E.g. "no criminal records"

We do not know anything about the item.


Considered Option: Metadata Definition using Augmentation

Not a good option. Metadata may be too complex to be handled by simple augmentation. This is also not very readable.

model midpoint {
    augmentation ValueMetadata {
        target axiom:ValueMetadata;  // Magic type
        item storage {
            type StorageMetadata;

    type StorageMetadata {
        item creation { ... }
        item modification { ... }

Design Decisions

Metadata and Completeness Belong To Axiom?

Question: Do metadata and completeness belong to Axiom? Or would they rather belong to Prism?

Answer: They probably belong to Axiom, because:

  • Representation formats may have native way how to express metadata. In that case Axiom has to know about it to use it.

  • Data may often be serialized without metadata, e.g. for readable presentation. Axiom has to understand what metadata are to be able to serialize data without them.

  • Using metadata at this level of abstraction is relatively new. We are not sure about implementation details, performance and all the other unforeseen circumstances. Having metadata concept natively in Axiom allows us to hard-code things, make adjustments in the future, etc. This lowers the risk that Axiom specs are inconsistent.

Same arguments apply to completeness concepts.

Problem: We do not want to apply metadata to metadata. How do we distinguish data and metadata?

Question: Do we want to apply completeness to metadata?

Answer: Yes, we want to. Metadata may also be incomplete. Or missing entirely. We may want to indicate that there are metadata, but we have not returned them. Therefore support completeness concepts for all Axiom items, including metadata.

Why We Do Not Just Use XSD?

There are many reasons why we do not want to continue using XSD:

  • Element ordering: It is not very convenient to create schema in which element ordering does not matter. Prism/midPoint ignored element ordering almost since the beginning because that feature is needed for reliable application of deltas. It is also much better from ease-of-use point of view. However, XSD definition required correct ordering. Which was a problem for validation.

  • XSD is verbose. XSD may have nice structure for machine processing. But it is quite difficult to read and maintain for a human.

  • XSD is built especially for XML. It has concepts that do not easily map to other languages, su as attributes. Overall, XSD is burdened by complexity of the XML world. It may be OK to simply not use those features. But then we will need to create dialect of XSD which will not be real XSD any more.

  • Over the existence of midPoint we introduced large number of XSD annotations, which are used for modeling data and system behaviour. These annotations are not first-level citizens of XSD, but are necessary for midPoint to work. Introducing language where most of them would be first-level citizens would simplify model lifecycle and readability. Which means we have create an XSD dialect already.

  • XSD-processing libraries are aging, falling into disrepair and many becoming quite obsolete. We would gladly contribute and improve the libraries. However, many of those libraries are based on development project of big corporations that are not very active any more (e.g. Sun Microsystems). They are open source by name only. There is no real community around them. Therefore it looks like there is little perspective in XSD development.

Why We Do not Just use YANG, JSON Schema or SCIM?

We considered several existing languages for schema modeling in the context of midPrivacy. Based on our existing experience with using custom XSD annotations in midPoint and implementation of YANG language in OpenDaylight project. The result was that none of XSD, YANG, JSON Schema or SCIM meets our requirements, without significant hit on readability, or lot of extensions to extend schema language.


Miscellaneous ideas for the future.

Namespace Resolvability

We can make namespaces resolvable. HTTP GET on namespace could return the definition (we need to figure out how to pass a version). That would be a very simple way how to get a model definitions.

Extension Criticality

Let’s have this:

    name: foo
    "": bar

We have no model for and we are not able to retrieve it. What do we do? Do we continue working with the data ignoring the unknown item? Or do we end up with an error, stopping all processing?

Maybe we can explicitly specify how critical an extension is:

    name: foo
      @value: bar
      @criticality: critical

Now we know that we have to stop processing with an error.

Efficient Binary Models

The fact that axiom could be expressed in Axiom also means that we should be able to express Axiom models in JSON or any other format. We may later create an efficient binary format for Axiom data and we can use that to store Axiom schemas. That should give us sufficient performance for almost any need.

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