Relation Configuration

Last modified 02 Jul 2024 14:22 +02:00

Relation is an important mechanism that is used at many places in midPoint. But perhaps the most important usage is to enable advanced features of RBAC and organizational structure management. Older midPoint versions had hardcoded set of relations that could not be customized. MidPoint provides partial configuration of relations. Now it is possible to add new relation that will be used by midPoint in addition to hardcoded relations.

The relations are configured in system configuration object:

<systemConfiguration oid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
                <description>This is completely new relation</description>
                <description>This is redefined default relation. EXPERIMENTAL</description>

The configuration above is adding one new relation to the system: captain. This relation will work in the same way as hardcoded relations, but it will not have any special functionality that is associated with special relations such as deputy.

It is recommended to use your own custom namespace for custom relations. Such as the piracy namespace in the example above. End user will not see the namespace at all, it is just an internal mechanism. It is likely that new built-in relations will be introduced in future midPoint versions. Using separate namespaces is a mechanism to avoid identifier conflict in future midPoint versions.

Relation can be sorted into categories categories. Each category determines is which parts of the user interface will be particular relation used. See User Interface Area Categories page for more details.

Currently, relation configuration is supposed to be used only to add completely new relations. Changing existing (hardcoded) relations is experimental functionality.

Relation Behavior

MidPoint allows to completely redefine object relations. Instead of specific relation names midPoint defines behavior depending on relation kinds. The following kinds are available (see RelationKindType).

Relation kind Meaning Default relations that are of this kind


Membership relation, usually meaning "has" or "is member of". Specifies that the subject is a member of organization, or that the subject has been assigned a role in a way that he gets authorizations and other contentprovided by that role.Default relation of member kind is also considered to be the overall default relation (i.e. used when reference relation is null).

org:default, org:manager


Relations of "is manager of" kind. Specifies that the subject is a manager of organizational unit. Relations of this kind are usually also of member kind.



Relations used for metarole assignments. Sometimes it is important to distinguish metarole and member assignments. This kind of relation is used for that purpose.



Relation of "is deputy of" kind. Specifies that the subject is a deputy of another user.



Relation "is approver of" kind.Specifies that the subject is a (general) approver of specified (abstract) role. The approver will be asked for decision if the role is assigned, if there is a rule conflict during assignment (e.g. SoD conflict) or if there is any similar situation.This approver is responsible for the use of the role, which mostly means that he decides about role assignment. It is NOT meant to approve role changes. Role owner is meant for that purpose.



Relation of "is owner of" kind.Specifies that the subject is a (business) owner of specified (abstract) role. The owner will be asked for decision if the role is modified, when the associated policy changes and so on.This owner is responsible for maintaining role definition and policies. It is NOT necessarily concerned with role use (e.g. assignment). The approver relation kind is meant for that purpose.



Relation "is consent for" kind. Specifies that the subject gave a consent for using personnel information related to this role.


Note that a relation can be of more than one kind. For example, org:default is of member and manager kinds.

Hardcoded Relations

There is a handful of relations that are hardcoded in midPoint:

Relation Meaning Is a default for Is also of kind


Default relation, usually meaning "has" or "is member of". Specifies that the subject is a member of organization, or that the subject has been assigned a role in a way that he gets authorizations and other content provided by that role.




Relation "is manager of". Specifies that the subject is a manager of organizational unit.




Relation used for metarole assignments. Sometimes it is important to distinguish metarole and member assignments. This relation is used for that purpose.




Relation "is deputy of". Specifies that the subject is a deputy of another user.




Relation "is approver of". Specifies that the subject is a (general) approver of specified (abstract) role. The approver will be asked for decision if the role is assigned, if there is a rule conflict during assignment (e.g. SoD conflict) or if there is any similar situation.This is a generic approver used for all the situation. The system may be customized with more specific approver roles, e.g. technicalApprover, securityApprover, etc.This approver is responsible for the use of the role, which mostly means that he decides about role assignment. It is NOT meant to approve role changes. Role owner is meant for that purpose.




Relation "is owner of". Specifies that the subject is a (business) owner of specified (abstract) role. The owner will be asked for decision if the role is modified, when the associated policy changes and so on.This owner is responsible for maintaining role definition and policies. It is NOT necessarily concerned with role use (e.g. assignment). The approver relation is meant for that purpose.




Relation "is consent for". Specifies that the subject gave a consent for using personnel information related to this role.



Meaning of these statically defined relation are defined directly within midPoint code. Before midPoint 3.9 this set of relations was effectively fixed. Since midPoint 3.9 this can be extended and even changed. Just please note that currently relation configuration is supposed to be used only to add completely new relations. Changing existing (hardcoded) relations is experimental functionality.

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