Overriding config.xml parameters
It is possible to override parameters specified in config.xml
using Java system properties specified on the command line.
For example if profiling is to be temporarily enabled, one can use the following command line option:
Or, for example, when customizing repository connection information one can use the following (this is in the context of a Dockerfile):
CMD java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -Dfile.encoding=UTF8 \
-Dmidpoint.home=$MP_DIR/var \
-Dmidpoint.repository.database=mariadb \
-Dmidpoint.repository.jdbcUsername=$REPO_USER \
-Dmidpoint.repository.jdbcPasswordFile=$REPO_PASSWORD_FILE \
-Dmidpoint.repository.jdbcUrl=jdbc:mariadb://$REPO_HOST:$REPO_PORT/registry?characterEncoding=utf8 \
-Dmidpoint.repository.hibernateHbm2ddl=none \
-Dmidpoint.repository.missingSchemaAction=create \
-Dmidpoint.repository.initializationFailTimeout=60000 \
-jar $MP_DIR/lib/midpoint.war
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