How To Use The REST API Examples

Last modified 14 Mar 2024 10:54 +01:00


The REST API documentation pages contain a large number of examples. If you are trying to use them for the first time, and you are not familiar with the tools used than you might face some issues, or maybe have some questions. This page is dedicated to help you with this.


In the examples used through the REST api documentation pages we use the tool CURL as a web client for issuing the REST requests. We use curl because it is a well known, free and open source software. It’s well documented, and it’s supported on many platforms.

Usually you will see something similar to the following format of a curl command in out documentation. The example contains both Windows shell and bash usage, in our examples we will use bash as the differences are only in the "new line" escape characters.

curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \  (1) (2)
-H "Accept: application/json" \ (3)
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ (4)
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/users/search \ (5)
-v \ (6)
--data-binary @./samples/rest/query-all.json (7)
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d ^  (1) (2)
-H "Accept: application/json" ^ (3)
-H "Content-Type: application/json" ^ (4)
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/users/search ^ (5)
-v ^ (6)
--data-binary @./samples/rest/query-all.json (7)
1 Invocation of curl
2 Authentication with username and password <username:password>
3 Reply content type header format
4 Response content type header format
5 Request with the request method and REST endpoint URI
6 Output is more verbose (includes request and response header data and more)
7 Data which should be attached to the API request


The midPoint api currently uses only basic username and password authentication. For some more information regarding this please see the following documentation link: Authentication methods

In our REST examples you will quite often see the following:

--user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d

This part of the curl command means that we authorize the request as done by the user administrator with the password "y0uR_P455woR*d".

Payload Data

Some operations also are required to contain a data payload. The content differs based on the operation or endpoint of the request.

In our examples we use the --data-binary parameter to mark the beginning of the payload data. We often reference a file on the file system, for this you need to use the '@' character.

The ./samples/rest/ directory structure reference is used because we call the sample data from the base directory of our midPoint samples project. The project can be found on github.

--data-binary @./samples/rest/query-all.json

Request Content Type

In case we are using a REST request which contains additional data in its body, we might want to specify the content type which we use.

This can be done by declaring a specific "Content-Type" header.

-H "Content-Type: application/json"

If no header is declared a default "application/xml" is assumed.

Here is a list of the supported Media Types.

Reply Content Type

The default reply type is "application/xml". If you would like some other type returned byt the request invocation you will have to use another type of header:

The "Accept" header.

-H "Accept: application/json"

Similar to the request header, the "Accept" header has the same set of media types provided as the content header.

Here is a list of the supported Media Types.


There are two types of authorizations which you need to have configured and assigned to the account executing the request.

The actual interface access authorizations (e.g. to access the search objects operation). And a model authorization.

The model authorization permit or deny specific actions executed in the interface.

Access Authorizations

The examples which we use imply the usage of the administrator user. The administrator user has the "superuser" authorization role assigned by default this permits the user complete access to the interface and also model.

Additionally, by accessing each operation page, the documentation contains a more "fine-grained" authorization which can be used. For a list of operations please see the following link

Model Authorizations

As mentioned above the examples which we use imply the usage of the administrator user. The administrator user has the "superuser" authorization role assigned by default this permits the user complete access to the interface and also model.

It is good practice to limit the access of users to only specific parts of the interface and permit only specific actions, please have a look at this link for model authorizations.


Errors happen, here we list some frequent issues and also how to debug even those less frequent ones.

Client Error

When the client sends a request which cannot be processed, midPoint often responds with a structure called OperationResult. OperationResult contains more information, quite often a large amount of detail on the situation.

In the following example we have an operation result object returned in the case when midPoint was provided a task which should execute some action on a non-existing object. The example is in the JSON format:

Example of OperationResult Returned in Case of Client Error.
  "@ns" : "",
  "object" : {
    "@type" : "c:OperationResultType",
    "operation" : "addObject",
    "status" : "handled_error",
    "importance" : "normal",
    "start" : "2024-03-08T15:42:05.727+01:00",
    "end" : "2024-03-08T15:42:05.762+01:00",
    "microseconds" : 35816,
    "invocationId" : 5374,
    "token" : 1000000000000001288,
    "message" : "Reference reportRef refers to a non-existing object dad5370f-6132-496d-8faa-6c1d3daac2b1: Object of type 'ReportType' with OID 'dad5370f-6132-496d-8faa-6c1d3daac2b1' was not found.: Reference reportRef refers to a non-existing object dad5370f-6132-496d-8faa-6c1d3daac2b1: Object of type 'ReportType' with OID 'dad5370f-6132-496d-8faa-6c1d3daac2b1' was not found.",
    "partialResults" : [ ]

Frequent Issues

Frequent issues on which we stumbled upon related to the usage of the REST api examples.

Missing '@' Character In Data Content File Path

A request was issued via CURL with the "--data-binary" property set to a filepath pointing to a file. The issue is that the '@' character was not appended to the request before the filepath string.

If '@' is appended before a string in the "--data-binary" property value, CURL knows that it should look for a file rather than use the string as a paiload.

--data-binary @./samples/rest/query-all.json

Troubleshooting Tips

  • An error reply quite often has data in the body.

  • Check midPoint log for further information.

  • A reply of "Unauthorized", points to lacking authorizations of the user invoking the request, these can be either model or access authorizations.

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