Archetype Type REST Endpoint

Last modified 19 Sep 2024 18:55 +02:00


Here we are describing the Archetype object type in relation to midPoints REST API. The Archetype objects are a part of the REST API web resources.


Operations And Examples

The Archetype Type endpoint operations and examples.

In our examples we are authenticating with the credentials, name "administrator" and password "y0uR_P455woR*d" on a localhost instance running on port 8080.

For some help regarding the REST examples please see this link:

Create Archetype Type Object

Get Archetype Type Objects

Get operation for fetching a single specific object.

Search for Archetype Type Objects

Search operation usable for fetching the full list of objects or a list based on filter.

Show data source example for "Search for all" | GitHub
  "query" : ""

The response is an HTTP 200 code in case of success with a response body containing the queried items.

Example Output is a list of objects.
  "@ns" : "",
  "object" : {
    "@type" : "",
    "object" : [ {
      "@type" : "",
      "oid" : "",
      "version" : "",
      "name" : "",
      "metadata" : {},
      "operationExecution": {},
      "indestructible": ,
      "iteration" : ,
      "iterationToken" : "",
      "archetypeRef": {},
      "roleMembershipRef": {},
      "activation": {}
    }, {
      "@type" : "",
      "oid" : "",
      "version" : "",
      "name" : "",
      "metadata" : {},
      "operationExecution": {},
      "indestructible": ,
      "iteration" : ,
      "iterationToken" : "",
      "archetypeRef": {},
      "roleMembershipRef": {},
      "activation": {}
    } ]

Modify Archetype Type Objects

Delete Archetype Type Objects

Generate and Validate Operations for Archetype Type Objects

Operations to generate or validate values.

JSON Example

Example output of information regarding a specific Archetype object. Metadata is usually a part of the output, yet it was removed for the purpose of the example.

Show JSON Example
	"archetype": {
		"oid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000329",
		"version": "1",
		"name": "Application",
		"description": "\n        Applications are basic building blocks for defining access.\n        These objects contain business information.\n        Application is an administrative object describing application\n        as a business target that the access relates to.\n    ",
		"metadata": {},
		"operationExecution": {},
		"assignment": {},
		"iteration": 0,
		"iterationToken": "",
		"activation": {},
		"archetypePolicy": {
			"display": {
				"label": "Application",
				"pluralLabel": {
					"orig": "Applications",
					"norm": "applications",
					"translation": {
						"key": "Applications.title"
				"icon": {
					"cssClass": "fa fa-cloud",
					"color": "blue"
			"adminGuiConfiguration": {
				"objectDetails": {
					"panel": [
							"@id": 3,
							"identifier": "projections",
							"display": {
								"label": "Application.panel.projections"
							"panelType": "projections"
							"@id": 4,
							"identifier": "assignments",
							"visibility": "hidden"
							"@id": 5,
							"identifier": "password",
							"visibility": "hidden"
							"@id": 6,
							"identifier": "applicablePolicies",
							"visibility": "hidden"
							"@id": 7,
							"identifier": "serviceMembers",
							"listView": {
								"searchBoxConfiguration": {
									"objectTypeConfiguration": {
										"visibility": "hidden",
										"defaultValue": "#UserType",
										"supportedTypes": "#UserType"
									"indirectConfiguration": {
										"indirect": true
							"@id": 8,
							"identifier": "serviceGovernance",
							"visibility": "hidden"
							"@id": 9,
							"identifier": "governance",
							"display": {
								"label": "GovernanceCardsPanel.label",
								"icon": {
									"cssClass": "fa fa-users"
							"displayOrder": 91,
							"panelType": "governanceCards"
							"@id": 10,
							"identifier": "inducements",
							"visibility": "hidden"
							"@id": 11,
							"identifier": "resourceEntitlementsTopLevel",
							"display": {
								"label": "Application.panel.constructionInducements"
							"displayOrder": 115,
							"panelType": "constructionInducements"
							"@id": 13,
							"identifier": "applicationRoles",
							"display": {
								"label": "Application.panel.inducedBy"
							"displayOrder": 117,
							"panelType": "inducedBy",
							"listView": {
								"identifier": "applicationRoles",
								"searchBoxConfiguration": {
									"objectTypeConfiguration": {
										"visibility": "hidden",
										"defaultValue": "#RoleType",
										"supportedTypes": "#RoleType"
								"type": "c:RoleType",
								"collection": {
									"collectionRef": {
										"oid": "00000000-0000-0000-0001-000000000016",
										"relation": "org:default",
										"type": "c:ObjectCollectionType"
							"@id": 14,
							"identifier": "inducedBy",
							"displayOrder": 118,
							"panelType": "inducedBy"
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