Case Type REST Endpoint

Last modified 22 Aug 2024 16:30 +02:00


Here we are describing the Case object type in relation to midPoints REST API. The Case objects are a part of the REST API web resources.


Operations And Examples

The Cases endpoint operations and examples.

In our examples we are authenticating with the credentials, name "administrator" and password "y0uR_P455woR*d" on a localhost instance running on port 8080.

For some help regarding the REST examples please see this link:

Get Case Objects

Get operation for fetching a single specific object.

Get Case for Employee assignment
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-X GET 'http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/3091ccc5-f3f6-4a06-92b5-803afce1ce57?options=raw&options=resolveNames' \

The response is an HTTP 200 code in case of success with a response body containing the queried item.

Example Output of "Get Case for Employee assignment" example

The example is simplified, some properties were removed to keep the example output "short". This example does not contain all possible properties of this object type.

  "case" : {
    "oid" : "3091ccc5-f3f6-4a06-92b5-803afce1ce57",
    "version" : "1",
    "name" : {
      "orig" : "Assigning role \"Basic Employee\" to user \"Jack\"",
      "norm" : "assigning role basic employee to user jack",
      "translation" : {
        "key" : "DefaultPolicyConstraint.Short.assignmentModification.toBeAdded",
        "argument" : [ {
          "translation" : {
            "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
            "argument" : [ {
              "translation" : {
                "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.RoleType",
                "fallback" : "RoleType"
            }, {
              "value" : "Basic Employee"
            } ]
        }, {
          "translation" : {
            "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
            "argument" : [ {
              "translation" : {
                "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.UserType",
                "fallback" : "UserType"
            }, {
              "value" : "Jack"
            } ]
        } ]
    "metadata" : {},
    "assignment" : {
      "@id" : 1,
      "targetRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000342",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
        "targetName" : "Approval case"
    "archetypeRef" : {
      "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000342",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
      "targetName" : "Approval case"
    "parentRef" : {
      "oid" : "dae84d15-ba06-44f2-81ec-45a35bd7bc8e",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:CaseType",
      "targetName" : "Approving and executing change of user \"Jack\" (started Feb 22, 2024, 11:41:53 AM)"
    "objectRef" : {
      "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:UserType",
      "targetName" : "Jack"
    "targetRef" : {
      "oid" : "96262f4f-053a-4b0b-8901-b3ec01e3509c",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:RoleType",
      "targetName" : "employee"
    "requestorRef" : {
      "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:UserType",
      "targetName" : "administrator"
    "state" : "open",
    "event" : {
      "@type" : "c:CaseCreationEventType",
      "@id" : 3,
      "timestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.515+01:00",
      "initiatorRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "administrator"
    "workItem" : {
      "@id" : 4,
      "name" : {
        "orig" : "Assigning role \"Basic Employee\" to user \"Jack\"",
        "norm" : "assigning role basic employee to user jack",
        "translation" : {
          "key" : "DefaultPolicyConstraint.Short.assignmentModification.toBeAdded",
          "argument" : [ {
            "translation" : {
              "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
              "argument" : [ {
                "translation" : {
                  "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.RoleType",
                  "fallback" : "RoleType"
              }, {
                "value" : "Basic Employee"
              } ]
          }, {
            "translation" : {
              "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
              "argument" : [ {
                "translation" : {
                  "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.UserType",
                  "fallback" : "UserType"
              }, {
                "value" : "Jack"
              } ]
          } ]
      "stageNumber" : 1,
      "createTimestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.527+01:00",
      "originalAssigneeRef" : {
        "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "JohnM"
      "assigneeRef" : {
        "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "JohnM"
    "approvalContext" : {
      "changeAspect" : "",
      "deltasToApprove" : {
        "focusPrimaryDelta" : {
          "changeType" : "modify",
          "objectType" : "c:UserType",
          "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
          "itemDelta" : [ {
            "modificationType" : "add",
            "path" : "c:assignment",
            "value" : [ {
              "@type" : "c:AssignmentType",
              "targetRef" : {
                "oid" : "96262f4f-053a-4b0b-8901-b3ec01e3509c",
                "relation" : "org:default",
                "type" : "c:RoleType"
            } ]
          } ]
      "immediateExecution" : false,
      "approvalSchema" : {
        "stage" : {
          "@id" : 2,
          "number" : 1,
          "approverRef" : {
            "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
            "relation" : "org:default",
            "type" : "c:UserType",
            "targetName" : "JohnM"
          "outcomeIfNoApprovers" : "reject",
          "groupExpansion" : "byClaimingWorkItem"
      "policyRules" : { }
    "stageNumber" : 1

Search for Case Objects

Search operation usable for fetching the full list of objects or a list based on filter.

Search for All Cases With Name That Starts With Upper Case 'A'
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/search?options=resolveNames \
-v \
--data-binary @./samples/rest/query-gen-cap-name.json
Show data source example for "Search for all Cases with name that starts with upper case 'A'" | GitHub
  "query": {
    "filter": {
      "text": "name startsWith \"A\""

The response is an HTTP 200 code in case of success with a response body containing the queried items.

Example Output is a list of objects.
  "@ns" : "",
  "object" : {
    "@type" : "",
    "object" : [ {
      "@type" : "c:CaseType",
      "oid" : "3091ccc5-f3f6-4a06-92b5-803afce1ce57",
      "version" : "1",
      "name" : {
        "orig" : "Assigning role \"Basic Employee\" to user \"Jack\"",
        "norm" : "assigning role basic employee to user jack",
        "translation" : {
          "key" : "DefaultPolicyConstraint.Short.assignmentModification.toBeAdded",
          "argument" : [ {
            "translation" : {
              "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
              "argument" : [ {
                "translation" : {
                  "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.RoleType",
                  "fallback" : "RoleType"
              }, {
                "value" : "Basic Employee"
              } ]
          }, {
            "translation" : {
              "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
              "argument" : [ {
                "translation" : {
                  "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.UserType",
                  "fallback" : "UserType"
              }, {
                "value" : "Jack"
              } ]
          } ]
      "metadata" : {
        "createTimestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.515+01:00"
      "assignment" : {
        "@id" : 1,
        "targetRef" : {
          "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000342",
          "relation" : "org:default",
          "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
          "targetName" : "Approval case"
      "archetypeRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000342",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
        "targetName" : "Approval case"
      "parentRef" : {
        "oid" : "dae84d15-ba06-44f2-81ec-45a35bd7bc8e",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:CaseType",
        "targetName" : "Approving and executing change of user \"Jack\" (started Feb 22, 2024, 11:41:53 AM)"
      "objectRef" : {
        "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "Jack"
      "targetRef" : {
        "oid" : "96262f4f-053a-4b0b-8901-b3ec01e3509c",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:RoleType",
        "targetName" : "employee"
      "requestorRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "administrator"
      "state" : "open",
      "event" : {
        "@type" : "c:CaseCreationEventType",
        "@id" : 3,
        "timestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.515+01:00",
        "initiatorRef" : {
          "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
          "relation" : "org:default",
          "type" : "c:UserType",
          "targetName" : "administrator"
      "workItem" : {
        "@id" : 4,
        "name" : {
          "orig" : "Assigning role \"Basic Employee\" to user \"Jack\"",
          "norm" : "assigning role basic employee to user jack",
          "translation" : {
            "key" : "DefaultPolicyConstraint.Short.assignmentModification.toBeAdded",
            "argument" : [ {
              "translation" : {
                "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
                "argument" : [ {
                  "translation" : {
                    "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.RoleType",
                    "fallback" : "RoleType"
                }, {
                  "value" : "Basic Employee"
                } ]
            }, {
              "translation" : {
                "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
                "argument" : [ {
                  "translation" : {
                    "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.UserType",
                    "fallback" : "UserType"
                }, {
                  "value" : "Jack"
                } ]
            } ]
        "stageNumber" : 1,
        "createTimestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.527+01:00",
        "originalAssigneeRef" : {
          "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
          "relation" : "org:default",
          "type" : "c:UserType",
          "targetName" : "JohnM"
        "assigneeRef" : {
          "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
          "relation" : "org:default",
          "type" : "c:UserType",
          "targetName" : "JohnM"
      "approvalContext" : {
        "changeAspect" : "",
        "deltasToApprove" : {
          "focusPrimaryDelta" : {
            "changeType" : "modify",
            "objectType" : "c:UserType",
            "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
            "itemDelta" : [ {
              "modificationType" : "add",
              "path" : "c:assignment",
              "value" : [ {
                "@type" : "c:AssignmentType",
                "targetRef" : {
                  "oid" : "96262f4f-053a-4b0b-8901-b3ec01e3509c",
                  "relation" : "org:default",
                  "type" : "c:RoleType"
              } ]
            } ]
        "immediateExecution" : false,
        "approvalSchema" : {
          "stage" : {
            "@id" : 2,
            "number" : 1,
            "approverRef" : {
              "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
              "relation" : "org:default",
              "type" : "c:UserType",
              "targetName" : "JohnM"
            "outcomeIfNoApprovers" : "reject",
            "groupExpansion" : "byClaimingWorkItem"
        "policyRules" : { }
      "stageNumber" : 1
    }, {
      "@type" : "c:CaseType",
      "oid" : "dae84d15-ba06-44f2-81ec-45a35bd7bc8e",
      "version" : "0",
      "name" : {
        "orig" : "Approving and executing change of user \"Jack\" (started Feb 22, 2024, 11:41:53 AM)",
        "norm" : "approving and executing change of user jack started feb 22 2024 114153 am",
        "translation" : {
          "key" : "ApprovingAndExecuting.ChangeOf",
          "argument" : [ {
            "translation" : {
              "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
              "argument" : [ {
                "translation" : {
                  "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.UserType",
                  "fallback" : "UserType"
              }, {
                "value" : "Jack"
              } ]
          }, {
            "value" : "Feb 22, 2024, 11:41:53 AM"
          } ]
      "metadata" : {
        "createTimestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.516+01:00"
      "assignment" : {
        "@id" : 1,
        "targetRef" : {
          "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000341",
          "relation" : "org:default",
          "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
          "targetName" : "Operation request"
      "archetypeRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000341",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
        "targetName" : "Operation request"
      "objectRef" : {
        "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "Jack"
      "requestorRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "administrator"
      "state" : "open",
      "modelContext" : {
        "state" : "primary",
        "channel" : "",
        "focusContext" : {
          "objectOldRef" : {
            "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
            "relation" : "org:default",
            "type" : "c:UserType",
            "targetName" : "Jack"
          "objectNewRef" : {
            "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
            "relation" : "org:default",
            "type" : "c:UserType",
            "targetName" : "Jack"
          "objectTypeClass" : "com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.UserType",
          "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
          "iteration" : 0,
          "iterationToken" : "",
          "fresh" : true,
          "secondaryDeltas" : { }
        "focusClass" : "com.evolveum.midpoint.xml.ns._public.common.common_3.UserType",
        "doReconciliationForAllProjections" : false,
        "executionPhaseOnly" : false,
        "projectionWave" : 1,
        "executionWave" : 0,
        "options" : {
          "force" : false,
          "reconcile" : false,
          "executeImmediatelyAfterApproval" : false,
          "initialPartialProcessing" : {
            "inbound" : "skip",
            "projection" : "skip"
        "lazyAuditRequest" : false,
        "requestAudited" : false,
        "executionAudited" : false,
        "requestAuthorized" : true,
        "stats" : { },
        "requestMetadata" : {
          "requestTimestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.496+01:00",
          "requestorRef" : {
            "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
            "relation" : "org:default",
            "type" : "c:UserType",
            "targetName" : "administrator"
    } ]

Modify Case Objects

curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PATCH http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/3091ccc5-f3f6-4a06-92b5-803afce1ce57 \
-v \
--data-binary @./samples/rest/modify-attribute-gen.json
Show data source example for "Modify attribute value" | GitHub
	"objectModification": {
		"itemDelta": {
			"modificationType": "add",
			"path": "description",
			"value": "Description parameter modified via REST"

The response is an HTTP 204 code in case of success without a response body.

Delete Case Objects

Delete a Case type object
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-v \
-X DELETE http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/3091ccc5-f3f6-4a06-92b5-803afce1ce57

The response is an HTTP 204 code in case of success without a response body.

Complete Work Item

Work item can be completed by sending a POST request to the specific work item URL. Body contains object of type AbstractWorkItemOutputType. User can fill in outcome and other fields. Outcome is mandatory:

Complete work item
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/<CASE_OID>/workItems/<WORK_ITEM_IDENTIFIER>/complete \
-v \
--data-binary @./samples/rest/approve-work-item.json
Show data source example | GitHub
    "output" : {
        "@type" : "c:AbstractWorkItemOutputType",
        "comment" : "sample comment",
        "outcome" : ""

The response is an HTTP 204 code in case of success without a response body.

Delegate Work Item

Work item can be delegated by sending a POST request to the specific work item URL. Body contains object of type WorkItemDelegationRequestType.

Delegate work item
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/<CASE_OID>/workItems/<WORK_ITEM_IDENTIFIER>/delegate \
-v \
--data-binary @./samples/rest/delegate-work-item.json
Show data source example | GitHub
    "delegate" : {
        "@type" : "c:WorkItemDelegationRequestType",
        "comment" : "Delegating this item to you",
        "delegate" : {
            "@ns" : "",
            "oid" : "229487cb-59b6-490b-879d-7a6d925dd08c",
            "type" : "c:UserType"
        "method" : "addAssignees"

The response is an HTTP 204 code in case of success without a response body.

Claim Work Item

Work item can be claimed by sending a POST request to the specific work item URL.

Claim work item
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/<CASE_OID>/workItems/<WORK_ITEM_IDENTIFIER>/claim \

The response is an HTTP 204 code in case of success without a response body.

Release Work Item

Work item can be released by sending a POST request to the specific work item URL.

Release work item
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/<CASE_OID>/workItems/<WORK_ITEM_IDENTIFIER>/release \

The response is an HTTP 204 code in case of success without a response body.

Cancel Case

Case can be canceled by sending a POST request to the specific case URL.

Cancel case
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/cases/<CASE_OID>/cancel \

The response is an HTTP 204 code in case of success without a response body.

Generate and Validate Operations for Case Objects

Common Use-case Examples

JSON Example

Example output of information regarding a specific Case object. Some parts of the example might have been removed or simplified for the purpose of the example.

Show JSON Example
  "case" : {
    "oid" : "3091ccc5-f3f6-4a06-92b5-803afce1ce57",
    "version" : "1",
    "name" : {
      "orig" : "Assigning role \"Basic Employee\" to user \"Jack\"",
      "norm" : "assigning role basic employee to user jack",
      "translation" : {
        "key" : "DefaultPolicyConstraint.Short.assignmentModification.toBeAdded",
        "argument" : [ {
          "translation" : {
            "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
            "argument" : [ {
              "translation" : {
                "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.RoleType",
                "fallback" : "RoleType"
            }, {
              "value" : "Basic Employee"
            } ]
        }, {
          "translation" : {
            "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
            "argument" : [ {
              "translation" : {
                "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.UserType",
                "fallback" : "UserType"
            }, {
              "value" : "Jack"
            } ]
        } ]
    "metadata" : {},
    "assignment" : {
      "@id" : 1,
      "targetRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000342",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
        "targetName" : "Approval case"
    "archetypeRef" : {
      "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000342",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:ArchetypeType",
      "targetName" : "Approval case"
    "parentRef" : {
      "oid" : "dae84d15-ba06-44f2-81ec-45a35bd7bc8e",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:CaseType",
      "targetName" : "Approving and executing change of user \"Jack\" (started Feb 22, 2024, 11:41:53 AM)"
    "objectRef" : {
      "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:UserType",
      "targetName" : "Jack"
    "targetRef" : {
      "oid" : "96262f4f-053a-4b0b-8901-b3ec01e3509c",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:RoleType",
      "targetName" : "employee"
    "requestorRef" : {
      "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
      "relation" : "org:default",
      "type" : "c:UserType",
      "targetName" : "administrator"
    "state" : "open",
    "event" : {
      "@type" : "c:CaseCreationEventType",
      "@id" : 3,
      "timestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.515+01:00",
      "initiatorRef" : {
        "oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "administrator"
    "workItem" : {
      "@id" : 4,
      "name" : {
        "orig" : "Assigning role \"Basic Employee\" to user \"Jack\"",
        "norm" : "assigning role basic employee to user jack",
        "translation" : {
          "key" : "DefaultPolicyConstraint.Short.assignmentModification.toBeAdded",
          "argument" : [ {
            "translation" : {
              "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
              "argument" : [ {
                "translation" : {
                  "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.RoleType",
                  "fallback" : "RoleType"
              }, {
                "value" : "Basic Employee"
              } ]
          }, {
            "translation" : {
              "key" : "ObjectSpecification",
              "argument" : [ {
                "translation" : {
                  "key" : "ObjectTypeLowercase.UserType",
                  "fallback" : "UserType"
              }, {
                "value" : "Jack"
              } ]
          } ]
      "stageNumber" : 1,
      "createTimestamp" : "2024-02-22T11:41:53.527+01:00",
      "originalAssigneeRef" : {
        "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "JohnM"
      "assigneeRef" : {
        "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
        "relation" : "org:default",
        "type" : "c:UserType",
        "targetName" : "JohnM"
    "approvalContext" : {
      "changeAspect" : "",
      "deltasToApprove" : {
        "focusPrimaryDelta" : {
          "changeType" : "modify",
          "objectType" : "c:UserType",
          "oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
          "itemDelta" : [ {
            "modificationType" : "add",
            "path" : "c:assignment",
            "value" : [ {
              "@type" : "c:AssignmentType",
              "targetRef" : {
                "oid" : "96262f4f-053a-4b0b-8901-b3ec01e3509c",
                "relation" : "org:default",
                "type" : "c:RoleType"
            } ]
          } ]
      "immediateExecution" : false,
      "approvalSchema" : {
        "stage" : {
          "@id" : 2,
          "number" : 1,
          "approverRef" : {
            "oid" : "472001d8-839f-4a28-acdf-d8d1c81583b0",
            "relation" : "org:default",
            "type" : "c:UserType",
            "targetName" : "JohnM"
          "outcomeIfNoApprovers" : "reject",
          "groupExpansion" : "byClaimingWorkItem"
      "policyRules" : { }
    "stageNumber" : 1
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