curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-X GET http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/users/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002?options=resolveNames \
Get Users Data with Direct and Indirect assignments
Example of retrieving identity data from a web resource object representing a user.
In this case the User is a member of multiple roles by having them either directly or indirectly (inducement) assigned.
In our example we want to fetch the data with an emphasis on the active assignments (or inducement).
The motivation is to have as much information about the assigned objects from this single API call as possible. For this we augment the request URI with a special parameter
For the purpose of the sample we are using the CURL tool as it is a well maintained, well tested, and it’s widely accessible.
Notice the usage of the options parameter set to "resolveNames". It lets midPoint return an output which additionally to the traditional OID also contains the name of an assigned object.
Look for the "targetName" parameter in the output of the request.
Example Output for "Get user with direct and indirect assignments"
This is only an example output, some parts of which were either removed or shortened to emphasize the parts related to the use-case.
Please also notice the sections labeled as "provenance". The "segmentOrder" parameter represents the order of the assignment in the assignment path (in case of induced assignments).
"user" : {
"oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
"version" : "",
"name" : "Jack",
"metadata" : {},
"operationExecution" : [ {}, {} ],
"assignment" : [ {}, {} ],
"iteration" : 0,
"iterationToken" : "",
"roleMembershipRef" : [ {
"@metadata" : {
"storage" : {},
"provenance" : {
"assignmentPath" : {
"sourceRef" : {
"oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:UserType"
"segment" : {
"segmentOrder" : 1,
"assignmentId" : 2,
"targetRef" : {
"oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:RoleType"
"matchingOrder" : true
"oid" : "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000008",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:RoleType",
"targetName" : "End user"
}, {
"@metadata" : {
"storage" : {},
"provenance" : {
"assignmentPath" : {
"sourceRef" : {
"oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:UserType"
"segment" : {
"segmentOrder" : 1,
"assignmentId" : 7,
"targetRef" : {
"oid" : "c32093b9-a400-42d4-ab7d-5fdd78f96e58",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:RoleType"
"matchingOrder" : true
"oid" : "c32093b9-a400-42d4-ab7d-5fdd78f96e58",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:RoleType",
"targetName" : "Java Developer"
}, {
"@metadata" : {
"storage" : {},
"provenance" : {
"assignmentPath" : {
"sourceRef" : {
"oid" : "a9885c61-c442-42d8-af34-8182a8653e3c",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:UserType"
"segment" : [ {
"segmentOrder" : 1,
"assignmentId" : 7,
"targetRef" : {
"oid" : "c32093b9-a400-42d4-ab7d-5fdd78f96e58",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:RoleType"
"matchingOrder" : true
}, {
"segmentOrder" : 2,
"inducementId" : 2,
"targetRef" : {
"oid" : "06e34591-a2cd-4b13-a023-74d9db91352c",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:RoleType"
"matchingOrder" : true
} ]
"oid" : "06e34591-a2cd-4b13-a023-74d9db91352c",
"relation" : "org:default",
"type" : "c:RoleType",
"targetName" : "Developer"
} ],
"activation" : {},
"credentials" : {}
curl --user administrator:y0uR_P455woR*d -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/midpoint/ws/rest/users/search?options=resolveNames --data-binary @pathToMidpointGit\samples\rest\query-all.json -v