LDAP Hierarchy Story Tests

Last modified 28 Oct 2021 11:18 +02:00
Story tests

MidPoint contains a set of "story tests". Such tests implement almost complete midPoint deployment scenarios with all the configuration, resources and policies. These tests have a configuration that is almost real-world but the individual resources and data are simplified so we are able to automatically execute them as integration tests. This helps to make sure that midPoint works in situations that are very close to reality.

As the story tests contain almost complete sophisticated scenarios they are not only interesting to developers but also to system engineers. The configuration used in story tests can be used as an inspiration for midPoint configuration in similar real-world scenarios. Therefore pages like this one document the story tests. Each page describes the basic idea of the test and the most important part of the configuration that is used in the test.

Basic Idea

LDAP Hierarchy tests are a set of tests that simulate several LDAP hierarchical setups. Each test is creating the same organizational structure in midPoint. The tests differ how the organizational structure is reflected into LDAP structure:

  • TestLdapFlat: Flat LDAP structure. All accounts in ou=people. The organizational structure is reflected to (non-nested) LDAP groups. Users are members of the groups to reflect the orgstruct.

  • TestLdapNested: Semi-flat LDAP structure. All accounts in ou=people. The organizational structure is reflected to nested LDAP groups. Users are members of the groups to reflect their direct membership in orgstruct. Group are member of other groups to reflect the org tree. Not there is no structure of OUs.

  • TestLdapHierarchical: Hierarchical LDAP structure. All accounts are in ou=people. The organizational structure is reflected to hierachical OUs (OUs inside OUs). Each OU contains groups. Users are members of the groups to reflect their direct membership in orgstruct. Groups are members of parent OU groups.

  • TestLdapDeeplyHierarchical: Deeply hierarchical LDAP structure. The accounts are distributed around the tree in OUs. The organizational structure is reflected to hierachical OUs (OUs inside OUs). Each OU contains groups. Users are members of the groups to reflect their direct membership in orgstruct. Groups are members of parent OU groups.

All the tests use similar files:

  • resource-opendj.xml: LDAP resource definition. Please note especially the objectType definitions in the schemaHandling section.

  • org-top.xml: top-level (root) organization. The tests creates sub-organizations below this organization.

  • role-meta-org.xml: Meta-role for organizational unit. Each organizational unit created by the test has this meta-role assigned.

The interesting part is that most of the test code and good part of the configuration is the same. Small details (especially in the meta-role) can make a big difference when to comes to "rendering" the midPoint organizational structure into LDAP structure.

Test Files

Following source code directories contains configuration files for the tests:

Test Path Github link (master)













The source code for all tests is located in testing/story/src/test/java/com/evolveum/midpoint/testing/story.

Running the Tests

The tests can be executed from the testing/story directory using Maven and the test name. E.g.

cd testing/story
mvn clean test -Dtest=TestLdapFlat

Test output is recorded in the testing/story/target/surefire-reports/*-output.txt files. The test output contains dumps of midPoint org tree and LDAP structure created by the test. This illustrates how the test works.

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