Org Relation Clause

Last modified 02 Jul 2024 14:22 +02:00

Selects objects that are members of any org, for which the subject has a specific relation.

For example, an authorization using this clause can give access to any objects that are part of any organizational unit that the subject is managing. This is illustrated in the following snippet.

Listing 1. Authorization that gives managers the ability to control any object that they are "managing".

This is good for dynamic delegated administration. But please note that this authorization may degrade performance if the subject has relation to many organizational units.


Table 1. Configuration items
Item Description


Specifies the relation that the subject needs to have to the org for this condition to trigger. This is usually null (org:default, i.e., member) relation or org:manager relation.


Scope of application that will be used to select objects relative to the reference org. It determines which objects will be selected (those above or below the reference node, shallow or deep, etc.) Values: allDescendants (the default), directDescendants, allAncestors, none.


If set to true then the reference org (the one which the subject belongs to) is included in the scope. If set to false (the default) then the reference org is excluded from the scope.

Just as in Org Reference Clause, only effective membership is considered.
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